MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1355 Thunder King

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To give a simple example, the space law of the gods is like a desert, and the strong ones trapped in it are fish, and the fish are placed in the desert from the water environment, naturally unable to swim. But this purple-haired man is very unique - the fish, he is completely free from the restrictions of the desert, can turn the sand of the desert into a stream of water, and no matter where you go, the sand will turn into water, which makes Jason How not to be surprised.

This is the ancient swordsmanship set by the ancient sword **** Mosin, and has been controlled by Jason to the extreme, the six-product Dacheng array, even if the invincible power of the invincible **** is also impossible to break through.

Unless this strong man has surpassed the invincible realm of the Japanese gods, it is possible to break the power of the gods like Mosin.

"Master of the Six Arrays?" Powell was also surprised, and stared at Jason.

"It turned out that this kid has hidden strength on Thunder Island, but fortunately, there is no hands-on, otherwise we were a few dangerous." Powell's three hearts could not help - afraid after the battle, but the face is calm, obviously it is purple The man is full of confidence.

"You don't have to work hard. I don't have a few chains that you can break." The purple-haired man slowly walked forward in the swords of the gods, and was trying to save the three saints. The Akasaka trio smirked out.

"Adult?" Akasaka looked at Jason with surprise in their eyes.

Jason’s face is extremely dignified: “Come back.”

The Akasaka trio returned to Jason.

The purple-haired man went straight to the place where Jason was about a few hundred meters away.

"I am very interested in you now. I was prepared to let you and Powell form a soul agreement, but now I have changed my mind~~"

The purple-haired man is evil--laugh: "The master of the six-character tactics, this identity is enough to be my slave."

When the voice fell, the purple-haired man slammed out of his gaze - the group of fine mans, "calling" his body suddenly moved, like a lightning bolt, instantly rushed to Jason, while the right hand forward - Refers to.


- The strange rune suddenly appeared in the void, this is the purple rune burning in the road, there is a path of electric light, flying from the purple hair man's fingertips, the purple rune is like a meteor, blinking It was when he came to Jason that he was about to enter his eyebrows.

The speed of this purple-haired man is too fast, far beyond Jason's pre-university, they did not think that - personal speed can be so fast.

"Adults are careful!" In the midst of this millennium--the joke in front of Jason, the Emperor did not know when it was suddenly appearing in front of Jason.


That strange rune directly fell into the body of the Black Emperor.

"Hey!" - The purple light flashes, and the power of the stocks comes directly to the soul of the mind of the Emperor, trying to blend in with his soul.

"Ah!" There was a painful roar in the mouth of the Emperor, but suddenly the purple electro-light on the Emperor of the Emperor--the whole person was restored to calm.

"Mei Ping, how are you?" Jason hurriedly screamed.

The Emperor looked at Jason stunnedly, and the gods said: "Adult, I seem to be fine. The power just rushed to my soul, but it was blocked by the birth and death that you planted."

Not far from the purple hair man's face is shocked.

"How have you been planted a servant imprint on your body? Are you the **** of the king of God or the messenger of the king? No, impossible, you are the peak of the sun and the gods, how can you be accepted as a messenger by other gods? ?"

The purple-haired man widened his eyes and surprised.

In this day, there are indeed many angelic messengers in the realm of the gods, but each of the messengers of the gods is at least the invincible strength of the gods of the sun, and no king of the gods will be willing to accept the characters of the peaks of the gods and gods to become messengers.

"Other gods?" And the purple-haired man's words, but Jason can not help but roll up an uproar, listening to the purple-haired man's words, is he still - the **** of the king?

This moment, Jason's pupil slammed.

Indeed, according to the previous performance of this purple-haired man, whether it is easy to break through the swords of the gods, or to directly exert the seal of the soul to enslave oneself, it is indeed a matter that only the king of God can do, from the strength, this The purple hair man is not like it.

Jason, although they have never really seen the king of God, but the king of the gods can be unmatched, even if the invincible strong man of the sundial is only in front of the king of God, it is just a matter of smashing the fingers, a true king of God wants to enslave himself. It may be so easy to fail.

"The gods swords, kill!"

Jason’s eyes are sharp, and these thoughts are just a matter of moments. Now he can’t manage so much. The gods’ swords are directly activated. With the fall of Jason’s voice, the seven-handed sword trembles. Every sword in the sword is bursting out - the unbeatable scary sword, directly cut to the purple hair man.

At the same time, the five people of Akasaka turned into lightning, and the power of the body was unscrupulously exerted, attacking the purple hair.


The power of Haotian is like a flood that breaks the **** and directly annihilates to the other side.

Jason was also moved when the Akasaka five shots. His eyebrows were blue-light, and the three bottles of Yashen and two top-quality drugs were prepared in the hand.

"Hey!" Under Jason's big hand, the three bottles of Yashen medicinal and the two top-grade medicinal herbs were directly integrated, and the sacred scent of the stocks was dissipated.

Jason’s move was seen in the eyes of the three saints—all with a shocked expression on his face.

At the time of Jason's preparation, the attack of the Akasaka five people had already reached the front of the purple-haired man.

"Hey! Give me away!" The purple-haired man is cold-sounding-sounding, facing the attack of the Akasaka five people directly.

"Hey!" Like an iron bar and a wooden stick, the five people are under the wave of the other party - all of them squirting blood and flying out, the whole body is smashed, and the blood of the blood is from all over the body. The wound shot in the wound.

The team of the five players of Akasaka was defeated by the other side, and they were seriously injured in the blink of an eye.


Colorful swords and swords, the gods swords rumbled, the scorpion sword annihilated the purple hair man, able to kill the swords of the invincible strong of the sundial gods like a huge grinding disc, is about to cut the purple hair directly Open.

"Abominable, broken!" In the boundless sword, the purple-haired man’s cold snoring sounded, in the light of the colorful sword light, the purple light of the road suddenly surged out, and the gods would be in the sword The colorful swords were torn apart, and the purple figure slowly came out of the sword and his face was cold.

"Hey, don't do unnecessary rebellion, you will become my slave!" The purple-haired man's eyes sparkled and the majesty sounded.

"Adult!" The Redskins stopped the spurting blood and bite their teeth and rushed forward again. However, Jason waved and stopped them all.


With this time of preparation, Jason’s three bottles of Yashen and two top-grade gods were finally completely integrated. As soon as it came down, Jason’s spiritual remedy exuded a breath of life, and the lingering liquid slowly rose and fell like a life-breathing-growth...this spoon...the **** medicine, you turned out to be the name "Pharmaceutical God?" The purple-haired man first looked at the magical potion in Jason's hand, but his face turned sharply and suddenly, and then revealed - silk ecstasy.

"Unbelievable, it's unbelievable, you are not only - a master of the six-figure method, even a drug god, haha, really help me!" Purple hair man can not help but laugh, down - engraved, he The eyes of the electric slam flashed, looking at Jason seriously.

"I, this is the thunder of the Thunder God, become my slave, I will let you lead this sea of ​​thunder, how?!" Purple hair man speaks the temperature and the sound.

"What? You are the king of Thunder?!" The words of the purple-haired man - out, the five people were completely shocked, and Jason's heart could not help - suddenly.

"Hey, if you want to enslave me, you can see if you have the ability to bear it." Jason's eyes linger in the cold, pouring the spiritual agent into his mouth.


- The indescribable sword of the stock has suddenly rushed from the body of Jason. This moment, all the swordsmanship of the ancient sword **** Mosin absorbed by Jason has been thoroughly inspired, and Jason’s own breath is from the sun. The middle of the gods immediately climbed to the invincible of the Japanese gods, and even continued to climb.

The ancient sword **** Mo Xin is a half-step **** king strong, what is the horror of the sword meaning, although Jason absorbed all the lake swords, most of them are stored in their own bodies, and there is no Really transformed into one's own strength, now in the mobilization of Jason's preparation of the magical medicine, it finally completely inspired.

As if the ancient swordsman was born again, the seven swords in the swords of the gods were shaking.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The seven-handed sword suddenly flashed fifteen swordsmanship, and instantly squatted on the chain of purple electric chains on the three saints who were bound, the purple electric chain snorted and was directly smashed. Broken, the three saints were not bound, and the body fell softly.

"Call!" Five people came forward and helped them up.

"Yes, there are two things. I am more and more appreciative of you now." The purple-haired man grinned. He smiled and looked at Jason Lang. "If that is the case, then I will personally surrender you."

The voice fell, and the purple-haired man directly hit the boxing.


The thunder of the thunder rang, and a huge purple electric dragon formed in the void, as if it had formed a thunderstorm in the sacred swords, and the entire six-sword array was transformed into a six-piece array. It was impossible to stop this purple electric dragon.

The purple electric dragon screamed wildly, roaring, and instantly came to Jason.

There will be a third today, probably after - hours. ! ~!

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