MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1358 God king essence

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:. "There are some sources of the Thunder King and the ancestors. Was it also hurt by the Dark God King, the Western King of God and the North God King?" Jason was slightly shocked, and he was getting the ancestors. Tern hadn't heard it when he passed down, but Jason couldn't help but believe it.

After all, the king of Thunder is the king of God, and there is no need to lie to him. As he said before, even if he detonated the heart of the king, it is almost impossible to kill him.

However, Jason’s vigilance was never put down.

"Unfortunately, although the life of the saints has certain benefits for my body, it is not a cure for the symptoms. It just makes me feel better. You want to save the saints, probably because of Stern and the saints. Relationship, if this is the case, I will be a good person and give the three saints to you." Thunder God smiled.

From the Thunder King, Jason couldn’t feel the slightest kill at the moment.

"That would thank God King." Jason nodded, and the development of the matter was far beyond his expectations. He did not expect to survive in such a desperate situation.

"Well, I don't know what plans you have next? Your identity must not be revealed. Otherwise, once they are discovered by the Dark King, you are in danger. I am afraid that even I may not be able to keep you." Serious.

"I am going to go to the mainland for a trip." Jason said, the news is no need to conceal the Thunder King who controls the sea of ​​Thunder.

"Go to the mainland of China?" Thunder King smiled: "From Thunder Island to the Cangwu mainland, the gods of the gods need at least 20 years, so you can follow me to Thunder Island, where I am There is a transmission array that can send you directly to the Thunder Sea on an island close to the vast mainland."

"That's a big thank you." Jason couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy. It would save him twenty years and it would be great for him.

"Oh, actually, I still have a ruthless request." Suddenly, the face of Thunder God showed a smile: "I let Powell bring you over. It is because of your identity as a pharmacist. I didn't expect you to be a drug god. It really is a successor to Stern. I hope that you can help me see the injury and see how to treat it."

"Seeing the king of the king?" Jason snorted and nodded and smiled. "I tried my best."

The next moment, Jason's knowledge was directly dissipated, trying to enter the body of the Thunder King. However, it was blocked outside the body of the Thunder King. Although Jason is a drug god, he can't directly break through the power of the king and explore their bodies.

"You wait." Thunder King feels Jason's investigation. Directly opening, immediately the momentum of his body slowly disappeared, the whole person really seems to become an ordinary person.

Jason’s knowledge directly entered the body of the Thunder King. This is also the first time he has explored the body of the king.

The body of the Thunder King seems to be the same as the average person, but in fact there are no organs inside, but it is a complete form of energy. The energy particles are linked together. Although the atmosphere is hidden, Jason can feel any of them. A grain of energy particles contains extremely terrible energy, even powerful enough to easily kill the strongest of the Japanese gods.

What surprised Jason even more. In addition to the form of energy, these energy particles also have the breath and characteristics of life. It is like a particle is a single life, and the tens of millions of life particles finally condense into a **** king, but in the head of the Thunder God The heart of a purple **** is slowly floating. Among them, the vast energy is born.

"Is this the essence of the king of God, the combination of energy and life?" Jason knows that if the Thunder King deliberately removed the power, let go of it and let himself investigate, I am afraid that I can't see the deepest things at all. .

"Well? Is this the avenue rule?" Jason continued to go deeper. It is also felt that these energy particles seem to be arranged together in a normal way. In fact, each has a fascinating avenue of law, which seems to be integrated with the heavens.

At this moment, Jason's understanding of the king of God is no longer the same as that known from the ancestors Stern and the ancient sword **** Mosin, but presented in his mind with a clear and unambiguous whole.

"How?" At this moment, the voice of the Thunder God asked.

"Wait a minute." Jason converges on his mind, and his knowledge continues to be explored. He suddenly discovers that the breath of life in a small part of the energy particles in the Thunder King seems to have been traumatized, seemingly weak, and other places. There are some differences in the breath of life.

This life is only a slight faintness compared to normal. If the ordinary gods only need one or two life sciences, they can be treated, but because the injured is the Thunder King, everything is completely different.

Even an energy particle in the king of the gods belongs to the power of the gods. It is not the ordinary divine power that can be compensated. Similarly, the life in the particles of the **** king is also the source of the king of life. The ordinary **** medicine has no effect at all, unless With some special life sciences, or a special life force like the holy people, there is a way to treat and make up.

Thinking of this Jason's brow can not help but wrinkle, this second method is obviously not available, then there is only the first method.

"I don't know if the king of God has the top-grade medicine of life?" Jason looked up at the king of Thunder.

"The top quality medicine of the life department?" Thunder God, a meditation, immediately waved his hand, and in the void, there were nearly ten kinds of medicines that exude a strong sense of life. As soon as this magical medicine appeared, even the void seemed to exude. The breath of life.

"I have only nine top-grade life medicines here. I was looking for a life medicine after I was injured. However, after taking a few strains, there was no effect at all. All of them did not continue to search, so there was a little less, if not enough. If you want to, I will go find it again." The voice of King Thunder rang.

Feeling the nine top-quality life medicines that exude a strong sense of life, Jason is speechless.

In order to maintain the vitality of Blue Moon Gussen, I was looking for the best medicine. It was so hard that I finally found three sword grasses. Although Jiancao is a top-grade medicine, it is not a lifeline. The effect is probably not as strong as the weakest one in the nine top-grade life medicines. But now, the Thunder King is taking out nine strains, but it is not enough to continue to search, so that Jason is speechless. It is.

However, Jason also understands that the Thunder King controls the entire Thunder Sea, and many places that belong to the Jedi, even to the invincible strong gods of the Japanese gods, the gods are able to easily travel, naturally can get a lot of Top grade medicine.

It’s just that the king of the gods is stronger, and it’s not a spiritual pharmacist. Even if you get the magical medicine, you can’t formulate it. Even if you can’t fully play it out, it’s like this Thunder God has a top-grade life medicine, but even his own injuries can’t be Treatment, this is the most important reason for the noble status of the Pharmacist.

"Enough!" Jason took out three top-quality life medicines directly from it, and his right hand was slightly.


The three medicinal herbs burst into bursts, and a strong sense of life spread. A lot of life essence condensed at Jason's fingertips. Under Jason's refinement, it slowly transformed and finally formed a unique life. Force, integrated into the body of the Thunder God.


When he was jealous, Jason could clearly feel that with the help of the power of his own refining, the faint energy particles in the body of the Thunder King suddenly changed, and the life of the dead life was active.

The Thunder King first stayed, and immediately showed a surprise look on his face: "Haha, my body has changed. Good, good, as long as the life is slightly improved, I can slowly recover with my own strength. ""

Thunder God’s mood is extremely exciting. His injury has already plagued him for tens of thousands of years. He has not been able to heal. Now he has slowly recovered. As long as he recovers slightly, the strength of the Thunder King is even if You don't need Jason, you can heal it slowly.

"Haha, thank you very much. Since the injury is good, I will not leave you any more. I have to go to retreat to heal. Then you can go directly to Thunder Island to find Powell. As for the remaining six top-grade life medicines, It’s useless to stay with me, and I will give it to you.” Thunder God’s heart laughed loudly. The next moment, countless purple electric lights dissipated from his body, and the whole collapsed and disappeared into the void.

Everything was calm, and the entire Thunder Sea was restored to peace.

"Back to Thunder Island." Jason turned and immediately swept away to the location of Thunder Island.

A moment later, Jason came to the throne of the three major families of Thunder Island.

"Who?" A group of guards rushed to the sky, screaming coldly, and the sea of ​​Thunder just changed, making the entire Lei Yi Island guards extremely nervous, but after seeing Jason, the group of guards suddenly became Respectful: "Elder."


Just then, three people appeared in the sky.

"The patriarch is an adult." The group of guards saw the three people suddenly shocked and respectfully bowed.

"Jess adults." Powell did not pay attention to the group of guards, but respected Jason's respectful voice, his face reddish, seemingly incomparable, apparently had the voice of the Thunder King.

"The patriarch, he is..." The guards on the side saw that this scene was all stunned. Although Jess was an elder, the patriarch had their attitude. This is...

Despite the doubts in the heart, a group of guards are clever and have no voice.

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