MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1361 Nightmare swamp

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:. "What? This knife, killing three invaders in the early days of the Japanese gods?" Some people were shocked.

"There is this speed!"

Among the halls, the eyesights are all extraordinary. The weakest of them are the mid-day gods. After seeing the performance of Akasaka, they are all shocked.

"When did they all advance to the peak of the Japanese gods?"

"As far as I know, Akasaka is only in the middle of the Japanese god, and there is also the same in Soros and the Emperor. How?"

"This war was thirty-eight years ago. That is to say, it is only 30 years before they disappear. In 30 years, everyone's strength has increased by one level."

The strength of Akasaka’s show made everyone in the room shocked.

You know, for those of them who are in the ranks of the gods and gods, the difficulty of being promoted to the first level is too great. Many people may not be able to advance to the peak from the mid-day of the gods in the millennium, and even some strong people will stagnate. In the mid-life of the Japanese gods, they can show their performances, but they completely miss their expectations.

It’s a coincidence that it’s just that one of the five of them has been promoted to the Japanese **** of the gods. It’s a coincidence that five people have now advanced to the peak of the sun and the gods, and it only took less than thirty years, which is absolutely impossible. It’s just a coincidence.

For a time, everyone could not help but think of the original ancient swordsmanship, and the commonality of the five people is here.

"Who is that young brunette?"

"How do you redeem them very respectful to this young man, just like his men?"

"This is the battlefare. The black-haired youth's formation is so strong that even the strongest gods can be trapped, and it is unbelievable."

"Is that young man the first person to enter the sword of the ancient swordsman? It is said that the boy is also a black hair, but also a master of the array!"

"But I didn't hear that when the sword was closed, did the kid have been killed by Akasaka? How?"

Gradually, everyone in the hall found another thing that shocked them, and that was Jason’s identity.

In the shadow, the five of them are all respectful to Jason, and when fighting. Obviously, it is also based on Jason. It is like a servant guarding the master. The horror of Jason's formation and the identity of the Yashen pharmacist are all dumbfounded.

At the end of the floating shadow, everyone in the hall is silent.

None of the people who can stand here are stupid, and one mind has guessed something, obviously. When they were sent to kill the young black-haired youth and robbed the swordsman to inherit the red scorpion, they failed to kill the boy. Instead, the teenager was conquered and became his men.

I don't know why, the five people of Akasaka have all advanced to the peak of the Japanese god. It seems that it seems to be inseparable from the young black-haired youth. Perhaps he is using this to conquer them.

But everyone still has doubts. That is, even if the young black-haired youth helped Akasaka to advance to the peak of the Japanese gods, to redeem their character, it is impossible to leave their own power, and all of them will turn to the young man, and there must be some hidden feelings.

For a time, the entire hall was silent, and they were silently thinking, and at the same time, they could not help but smack a doubt.

That is who is the black-haired youth? !

"Black hair youth, black epee. Yashen pharmacist?" The first on the main hall, the sacred **** Ran was immersed in contemplation, his right hand fingers slightly curved, slightly knocking on the lounge chair.

He felt that something seemed to appear in his mind. He wanted to catch it, but he couldn't grasp it.

"What the **** is it, why does the young black man give me a familiar feeling?"

"Amazing God. You haven't been looking for a master of the law for the king of God. This black-haired youth is so strong, obviously at least has reached the level of the five-factor master, if it can be dedicated to God. Under the sorrow of the king, I am sure that the king of God will be extremely happy."

at this time. A strong man from the head of the singer Lann said.

This strong man stood at the forefront of the main hall, apparently in the entire hall is also very noble. Second only to the barbaric **** Lann.

"Master of the tactics? His Majesty the King?" The words of the strong, the savage **** Lann suddenly flashed a flash of light.


The body of the savage **** Lann stood up fiercely, and his eyes showed a very excited expression, and his actions also made people in the place a surprise.

"Black hair youth, black epee, Yashen pharmacist, array method..." Because of the excitement, the body of the **** Lann was trembling slightly. "No wonder I feel so familiar. It turns out that this black-haired youth’s information is actually It was exactly the same as Jason on the first day of the Stern continent. Did he fly to the gods?"

The two gods invaded the Stern continent twice, and they were all led by the Dark God King. The strongmen sent by them were also the men of the sacred **** Lann. Therefore, for Jason’s information, the savage **** Lann is also sent from the strong. Knowing a little in the feedback, I will think of Jason.

"No..." Suddenly, the savage **** Lann’s brow is wrinkled again: "The information says that Jason of the Stern continent is only a strong man of the spiritual level, but this black-haired youth of Thunder Island is obviously Already reached the realm of the gods and gods, the others are the same, but in terms of strength, the two do not match."

The sorrowful **** Lann could not help but wonder.

"Forget it, no matter what, this must be told to the king of God."

The heart just made up his mind, and the savage **** Lann suddenly swayed and disappeared into the hall, leaving only a group of strong people in the opposite direction.

Time flies, and I pass by, and in a blink of an eye, 50 years have passed.


In the endless void, a stream of lightning flashed through, the speed is fast, it is horrifying.

In the distance, a misty wasteland appeared. On the wasteland, a green mist filled with strange atmosphere.

The Nightmare Marsh, one of the three ultimate forbidden places in the Tianshui Valley, is surrounded by poisonous gas all the year round. It has a pervasive range of millions of people. It has numerous terrorist hordes and lurking, and it is the most treasure-seeking place for many powerful people in the Tianshui Valley. However, it is also the most dangerous place in the sky basin. Every year, I don’t know how many god-level powers to devour.

Usually as a god-level powerhouse, the body is all composed of divine power, ordinary poison gas can no longer cause damage to it, but this nightmare swamp is different, and the poison gas is incomparably special, not only can erode the body composed of divine power, its deepest poisonous fog It is also able to directly erode the soul of the god-level powerhouse, and the most central place is even more inaccessible to the invincible strong gods, which is one of the most famous places.


Outside the boundless nightmare swamp, a figure suddenly burst into the void, this is a young man with a long black hair, looking into the nightmare swamp.

"Eight eighty-eight years have passed, I finally got to this nightmare swamp." Looking at the lingering poisonous mist in front of him, Jason showed a smile on his face.

For eighty-eight years of continuous travel, even Jason felt a bit boring. However, in the eighty-eighth year, Jason’s harvest was huge. The heart of the ancestor Stern’s **** has been refining. A full third of the time, Jason today is stronger than the original, it can really be regarded as a half-step king.

"Hey!" Looking at the nightmare swamp in front of the green poisonous fog, Jason rushed into it.

"Hey!" Just entering the nightmare swamp, Jason felt that a trace of green fog tried to erode his body, but he could only linger in Jason's body and could not enter his body.

"This poisonous fog has a ruling rule, and it is eroded by rules. It is no wonder that even the invincible strong man of the Japanese can't bear it..." Jason is a drug god, who can decompose, refine, and discover everything in the world. It has been found that the particles that make up these green fogs contain the rules of a boulevard, and it is no wonder that they can erode the power of the gods.

Of course, the level of Jason has been reached. In addition to the individual forbidden areas, the forbidden places in this **** world have basically failed to cause damage to Jason.


Jason’s body rushed directly into the green mist. To this nightmare swamp, Jason didn’t have to hurry, but slowly deepened inward, while his eyes were able to find out. In this nightmare swamp, there are some everywhere. The growth of elixir, most of them are holy drugs, and after the in-depth, the **** medicine of the next product is not uncommon.

But what makes Jason strange is that, according to normal, the entire nightmare swamp is about a million miles away, and the edge to the core area is about 50,000 miles away, one 10,000 miles each. With the deepening, the fog will be more The more you come, the more terrible you are. If you go deep into 20,000 miles, you can't enter the strongest of the gods. If you go deep into 30,000 miles, you can't enter below the 40,000-mile place. Even if it is the invincible power of the Japanese god, it is impossible to enter.

But now Jason has come to the place where the nightmare swamp is 30,000 miles. The fog in front of it has not increased. Although it still has a certain power, I am afraid that even the strong stars of the Stars can not hurt.

"What is going on here? Is there something in this nightmare swamp?" Jason's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, and his knowledge spread slightly.

“Hmmm?” Suddenly, Jason’s knowledge in the depths of 40,000 miles scanned a lot of traces of the soldiers’ activities.


Jason's figure is shaking and he came directly to the depths of the 40,000 miles. Here, the green poisonous mist of the sky has finally begun to become rich, reaching the point where the strongest of the Japanese gods can enter, and in this rich poisonous fog outside In a thin place, a team of soldiers wearing bright silver armor is patrolling back and forth.

"Who?" When Jason flew in, he immediately flew into the sky and stopped Jason.

"The **** of the gods, the singer of the gods, is carrying out the task, and the idlers are immediately retreating..." The leader of the leader looked at Jason and shouted.

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