MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1371 Super-revolution (big ending)

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"It's really lively here. How can I save less of Nanzhou in such a big scene!" The tall man's mouth made a burst of laughter.

"Nan Zhou, we have not gathered together for a long time." Tianyun Shen Wang slightly smiled.

"Yeah, it’s been tens of thousands of years. I didn’t expect that we will meet again, but for this saint royal family. Yeah, this saint royal family, I think you can’t be alone, it’s better for us. Together, they will be divided equally." The Southern King of God slowly stepped forward.

The face of the **** of Beiyu sank.


In the void, the endless flame is burning, a breath of annihilation, Jason madly resists this catastrophe, but there is nothing to do, he is full of blood, the law in the body breaks, and even a flame of the stock Burning on his body, this is the flame of the world ignited his power, wanting to burn him all to ashes, become part of the rules of this avenue.

"Jason!" Blue Moon Gusson’s heart was filled with pain, and a trace of life was revealed from her body, and I wanted to fill it into Jason’s body.

Can't wait for her to instill success -


The power of a vast **** and king came down. In an instant, everything in the whole world was solidified. Time stopped rotating and the space was frozen. Under the power of the terrible god, the body of Blue Moon Gussen was no longer Can not move the ball, as if trapped in the freezer.

In fact, after the blue moon Gussen absorbed the energy of so many life springs, her strength has once again surpassed the invincible realm of the Japanese gods. Reached the half-step king of the king, but, let the blue moon Gusen re-strong, in front of the real **** king. She still has no resistance.

"Tianyun, you stop the boy of Beiyu, I will get the hand of the saints, and then we will divide again." The king of Nanzhou laughed and screamed at the blue moon.


A huge palm in the sky is agglomerated and shrouded in the blue moon.

"Nan Zhou, you dare!" Beiyu God King screamed, and the sky was long and windless. As the first **** king to come, he has already regarded Blue Moon Gusson as a bag of things. Now he sees Nan Zhou’s shot, and he will not be angry.

Screaming. The king of Beiyu God shot.

The heavenly king of the king breathped, and the heavens and the earth were shattered by his attack. The whole earth of the nightmare swamp cracked open, and the earth fell apart. The huge palm of the northern gods stopped the king of the south.

"Haha. Beiyu, your opponent is me!" Tianyun Shenwang screamed, and the white light fell from the sky. Like a waterfall, it was in front of the **** of the North God.


The sound of great destruction broke out between heaven and earth. The power of the two supreme gods is like a positive and negative particle impact. The voids are all crushed into smashes, and the power of the gods contained in them is to change the rules between heaven and earth. There are space holes in the void, which cannot be bridged under the repair of space.

"Damn!" North God God Wang Yangtian roared, one-on-one, he did not fear anyone, but the other party is the two kings of the king, let him Beiyu again have the means of heaven, and can not win from the two gods The king family.

"I can't get anything from Beiyu, you can't think of it." Beiyu screamed, and a ray of light bloomed in his body. For a moment, Beiyu seemed to be a light person, and heavy light waves from him. Spread.


Wherever these light waves go, the voids burst and burst into a violent explosion, destroying the entire nightmare swamp into ashes.

"This North Yu is crazy." Tianyun Shenwang's face changed, his body swayed violently, his hands waved, as if a sky canopy, shrouded the heavens and the earth, two powerful forces hit, constantly shaking With the explosion, the last two annihilation became nothingness.

Both Beiyu and Tianyun Shenwang are snoring and retreating from each other.

"Haha, I got it." Nanzhou God King laughed loudly, and the huge palms shrouded the blue moon Gussen. The next moment, he would break into the palm of his hand.

"Nan Zhou, stop." A rumble of roaring sounded loudly, a tall purple figure suddenly appeared from the void, a purple lightning fell from his hand, and a heavy impact in the Southern Zhou King captured Blue Moon Gussen Above the big hand, smash it.


Along the way, the electric light flowed, and the purple tall figure landed down, and there was a shattered taste in the world.

"Thunder King!"

The three gods who were present were looking at the purple figure, their eyes flickering, and the reds and other people in the Central Committee of the Holy Family were also screaming.

"How is thunder, do you want to share a piece of cake?"

"Hey, take a share? I am not as greedy as you are. This Jason little friend has a little connection with me. I naturally can't let him kill you." The sound of the thundering **** rumbling sounded.

"Let us kill? Haha." Nan Zhou Shen Wang could not help but sneer: "Your little friend is turning over there. We didn't have anyone to shoot him before, just to compete for this saint royal family, you want Intervene, which is so much nonsense."

"This holy tribe is also very similar to my little Jason friend. I naturally won't let her take it away."

The Thunder King shook his head slightly, while looking at Jason's face with a worried look.

In the void, a road of fire came, Jason's body has been lost in the flames, and his life is weaker and weaker.

For a time, the four kings of the king were divided into three camps, and no one moved.

"It’s really time for the Thunder King to come. The sea where the Thunder is located is so far away from here. It’s so fast.” The Southern Zhou God King hates it, and says that the strength is the same as the king of God, but he is in charge of the Thunder. The Thunder King is actually a little stronger than them.

"Now, the four of us are squatting down. When the West King of the Kings arrives, the hope of getting the saints and the royal family is even smaller." Then looked up and looked at the Thunder King: "Thunder, let's go on like this again, they will come to the Western King of God, and you should not stop us. You got this saint royal family, we are equally divided, otherwise we wait for Xihuang. When you arrive, you can't stop it."

The king of the Southern Zhou Dynasty voiced to each other.

Thunder God turned his head slightly, and immediately showed a sneer on his face. Lang said: "Nan Zhou, you don't have to pass it to me, I won't promise you. Today, Jason and everyone here are guaranteed. ""

The words of the **** of Thunder are rumbling, and the gods of Beiyu and others are able to hear clearly.

"This Thunder... It’s an idiot." Nan Zhou Shen Wang was angry, he wanted to secretly win each other. I did not expect that the Thunder King would ignore him and speak directly here.

"Thunder, what do you want? Put forward the conditions." Since everyone has heard it, the Southern King of God has greatly acknowledged it, in his view. What the Thunder King said is related to the other party is just an excuse, the purpose is to get more benefits from it.

The location of the saints, Akasaka and others are all nervous. Nowadays, their fate has all been tied to the Thunder King.

"You don't have to worry about it. I won't promise you." The face of Thunder King is always calm, without a trace of expression.

"Damn. Thunder, this guy..." Both the Southern King and the Heavenly King are angry, but there is no way.

"Haha, it’s so lively!"

Just then, two more rumbles sounded.


The void of the gods and gods collapsed. A man wearing a black cloak and a long red-haired hair slowly walked out of it, and the air of the monks spread out in this heaven and earth.


Under the cover of this air machine, the people like Akasaka and others are all knees on one knee. They can't bear this strength, and the body seems to be splitting. If they are not suffering from the catastrophe, Jason stands on them. In the face of resisting this breath, I am afraid that this group of people has already collapsed and destroyed under the breath of these people.

"Dark, Xihuang..." The eyes of Tianyun Shenwang and others looked sharp.

"You have finally come, no more, I am afraid that there is no share here." The North Uranus King flew forward, and his expression became a lot easier.

"How can we not come here in such a lively scene." The man in a black cloak sneered, and a terrible evil atmosphere passed away, so that the Tianyun Shenwang and others who were present were very dignified.

The Dark God King is definitely the most terrible of the six kings of the world. It is also the oldest one in the history of the king. The king of the East Pole, Stern, was the one who fell on his injury. But the knowledge is clear.

"The guy in the darkness is coming. It seems that we have no hope this time. It is really hateful." Tianyun Shenwang and Nanzhou Shenwang have a look at each other, and there is a slight retreat in their eyes.

"How? Tianyun, Nanzhou, do you both want to be enemies with us?" The Dark God King slowly moved forward, and the mouth was cold and cold, and the black air flow lingered on him, which was extraordinarily cold.

"Oh, darkness, don't be arrogant. I don't care about you today. This sahara royal family's battle for us opt out." Nanzhou chilled out, then gathered with Tianyun Shenwang, and the two retreated together. Open.

The king of darkness has three kings of the king, the strength is superior, and the heart is hot, and fighting for them for a saint royal family is too unworthy for Nanzhou. It is better to let the darkness and the thunder fight first. Then make plans according to the situation.

The abacus in the heart of the Southern Zhou King was playing very well. At the same time, his eyes fell on the bottom of thousands of saints. Since there are too many people of the saints, if the rest of the saints are taken back, it is also a Field harvest.

"Southern Zhou, Tianyun, count you two time affairs." The darkness smiled coldly, then turned to look at the Thunder King.

"Thunder, you let go, I don't want to do it with you." The dark **** king chilled out, behind him, the two gods of Beiyu and the king of Xihuang also came up.

"Dark, this Jason has some relationship with me, you still let them a horse." Thunder God stopped in front of Jason.

"Thunder, are you brains in the water, this Jason I have already found out, from the following continent, and the East King of the King Stern has a great relationship, do you not know what happened? I Finally, I ask you, you are letting. Still not letting." The dark gods flashed a dark light in their eyes and shouted.

"I want to let me back, I don't think about it." Thunder King also did not give in.

"it is good!"

The dark **** Wang sighed without any hesitation. Turned into a black streamer rushing to the Thunder King.

The Dark God King, one of the most terrifying gods in the gods, controls the darkness and death. When he turns his hand, he can reverse the sun and the moon, and the heavens and the earth are destroyed. Now he is launching his most violent attack against the Thunder King.


The king of darkness roared. The wind and the sky are violent, suddenly between the heavens and the earth, the darkness of the sky. Between the heavens and the earth, a whirlwind of a stock, a black wind-cold tornado like a Tianzhu, swept away, and the invincible power of the Japanese gods was involved. The ash flew out, and in the violent dark whirlwind, the dark **** king grabbed it, and suddenly a black stream of air turned into a black spear. This spear is pulled out, as if the ice of thousands of degrees has entered the current. The surrounding voids are frozen and condensed into pieces of crystal solid, seemingly to freeze the Thunder King. penetrate.

What is this supernatural power?

The Thunder God wants not to want to, but directly punches out and breaks the frozen void. In an instant, a thunderbolt of light rises in the heavens and the earth. The thunder is like a catastrophe, and the purple electric dragon walks away. Singing, and finally forming a purple big gun in the right hand of the Thunder King, blinking and colliding with the spear of the Dark King.


The thunder gods did not move, the whole body purple robes hunted, and the dark gods were surrounded by black air, and the black air flow was intertwined with the purple thunder, and a crazy collision occurred.

It’s awkward.

The emptiness of the void layer, the two kings of the king's hand in hand, the world seems to have come to the night, the ghosts cry, the entire sky seems to be shaking and collapse.

"Ah!" Akasaka and others retreated one by one under this force, fell, and blood in the mouth, and some weak saints are about to collapse.

"This darkness and thunder is terrible..." The King of Heaven and the King of Heaven and Clouds looked far away, and the heart was also surprised. .

Although they are both gods, there is still a gap between them. On the strongest, the last king of the seven kings who have not yet arrived is actually on the same level as the Thunder King. They are slightly stronger than the South. On the silk.

Of course, this so-called strength and weakness is only when the war is easy to suffer, the injury is heavier, and if it is really life-and-death, it is difficult for a **** king to kill another god.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"...

In the void, the Dark King and the Thunder King successively hand in each other, each hit is earth-shattering, and the horrible power of the gods and kings bursts. The rules of this world seem to start to loosen, or the two kings are urging the rules. Attack on the other side.

The two sides have tens of hundreds of hands in the blink of an eye, and they are evenly divided.


The two men’s hands were earth-shattering, and the people around them were retreating, and the two also went from the sky to the ground and swept everything.

"Beiyu, Xihuang, you will give the saints to the hand of the saints." The dark **** king screamed as he spoke.

"Yes!" The two gods of Beiyu and the king of Xihuang shouted and took photos to the blue moon Gusen.

"You dare!" Thunder King shouted, and wanted to pull out and intercept.

"Haha, Thunder, fight with me and dare to distract?!" The dark **** king snorted, and his hands repeatedly shot, punching and punching, punching like a punch, and finally bursting out again, another punch, smashing Days, the evolution of infinite killings, rolling in, the momentum is invincible, playing the Thunder God statue is swaying in the wind, constant ups and downs.

"Damn!" Thunder King did not dare to care, but had to concentrate on resisting the attack of the Dark King.

"Haha, come over." The two gods of Beiyu and the king of Xihuang were shot at the same time, but at this time, Jason, who was all in the fire, rushed to the front of the blue moon, and he resisted two. A blow to the person.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"...

Jason, who was attacked by the King of the North and the King of the West, screamed, and there was a burst of explosions in the body. The blood and bones were scattered and the whole person was blasted.

"Bad boy, I didn't expect that you have no degeneration, now, I will send you on the road, give you detachment, save you so much pain, haha." North God God sneered. A punch hit Jason.

"Give me death!" Beiyu God Wang screamed, the supreme breath burst from his body, attacking Jason.

At the moment when Beiyu Shenwang attacked Jason, the King of Xihuang was also hands-on. The big hand grabbed it, overwhelmingly, and directly grabbed the blue moon Gussen and the lower Akasaka and other people. It was actually to grab the blue moon Gusen, including thousands of Sanctuaries.

The saints are the treasures between heaven and earth, and even the king's wounds can be healed, naturally attracting the king of the West.

"Xihuang, you are too greedy." This time, the Tianyun God King and the Nanzhou God King are not able to sit still. Flying over.

They had already given up their hopes of vying for the saints, but now the king of the West is not even ready to leave them, which makes them want to, and the dark **** Wang Zheng and the king of Thunder fight. It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

This area was temporarily fought and fought by many forces. Many of the saints could not bear the pressure of this, and they exploded to the most primitive spirit. And like the invincible strong gods such as Akasaka, they can only kneel on the ground, and the blood is almost red-hot all the nightmare swamps.

Akasaka and others are on the verge of destruction.

"Master!" Akasaka and others are big cockroaches, blood flowing out of their eyes. Desperately want to rush to Jason, go to resist the blow of this North God King.

But useless. They are the invincible powerhouses of the Japanese gods, and they are too weak before the king of God. I can't stand even the station, how can I resist Jason?

"No!" Everyone is screaming and bloody.

It’s terrible, it’s too tragic.

At this moment, the attack of the North God King finally fell on Jason.


The sound of the explosion rang, and Jason, who was surrounded by colorful robbers, blew up and nothing happened.

"Ah!" Five people were bitter, and their eyes shed tears. Jason's breath disappeared completely between heaven and earth, and their relationship with Jason was completely dissipated in their souls. The existence of Jason.

"No!" Blue Moon Gossen also burst into tears. She stared at Jason's whereabouts, tears streaming down, and the whole figure was stupid.

"Haha, that stinky boy is finally dead." Numerous colorful robbers dissipated, and the gods of Beiyu haha ​​laughed out loudly, and then looked at the two kings of the South Zhou: "Nan Zhou, Tianyun, you still want to **** the holy The tribe is simply looking for death."

The king of Beiyu screamed, and together with the king of Xihuang, the two men shot.

"Well?" But he hadn't waited for him to shoot. Suddenly, Jason's fallen place, a strong life breath rose.

This change, suddenly the eyes of the six kings of the scene will be attracted.

"A strong and rich life is stronger than the king of the saints. What happened?" The gods of Beiyu are all surprised. In their perception, the strong breath of life is beyond their own. Imagine, it seems that all the creatures in this world have concentrated their lives together, and they are so powerful.

"What is this Jason's practice of cultivation? How is the fallen life so rich?" The six kings of the gods were shocked.

"Give me a photo." Suddenly, the North King of God, next to Jason, shot fiercely, with a sly face on his face, and a pair of big hands to take a breath of life. In his opinion, this life breath It is even stronger than the royal family of the saints, and the benefit to the king of God is definitely stronger.

The other gods on the side obviously thought of this, but at this time they wanted to move again, it was too late.


The big hand of the **** of Beiyu came directly to the breath of life, but before he caught the film, suddenly an unparalleled power emerged from the breath of life. His extended right hand was under this force. It exploded directly.

"What?" Some people were shocked at the venue.


In front of everyone, the life of the group of constant condensation, and finally formed the appearance of Jason again, and an amazing breath, scattered from the body of Jason, this breath is terrible, almost can make The heavens and the earth flipped over and turned into a sky-down, earth-facing taste.

God, all the power of Jason stepped under the feet.

"How did this kid come back to life, and the smell of his body is so terrible, it is impossible..."

On the face of the **** of Beiyu, with a loud scream on his face, he obviously couldn’t believe what he was in front of him.

Heaven and earth. Jason stood proudly, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes directly penetrated the time, which could reverse the whole time and space.







Jason’s mouth rumbling. And as he sang, his body was getting stronger and stronger.

"I created the heavens..."

"I built civilization..."

"I gave birth to life..."

"Breaking and standing, medicine god, medicine god, this is the true meaning of life..."

A stock from the Tianyin outside the heavens, scattered from Jason's body, this voice is beyond the rules of the avenue.

In Jason, the way of medicine, the way of the **** of swords, the way of the law. All kinds of breaths are constantly flowing, and they are constantly climbing, completely surpassing the peak of this heaven and earth rule.


The robbery of the road in the sky came, and even the heavens and the earth could not accommodate him. God was angry and lowered the most violent robbery.

This robbery is so terrible, there is a smell of ruin and ruin, and the six kings around the world have all retreated and their faces have changed. This robbery is that they are not even exposed to the king of the gods. Once they are in contact, they cannot avoid the danger of falling.

Because they felt the chaotic atmosphere of the creation of heaven and earth from this robbery.

However, the next scene. It is that they are all shocked.

It’s awkward!

After Jason opened his eyes, he raised his hand.

All the days of robbery. All ruptured, and those horrors that dare not touch even the mighty king of the king directly blasted. The law of robbing, all the rules, time, space, have been destroyed, the rules of the heavens and the earth can no longer stop Jason from dividing, the will of the heavens and the earth, the rules of the avenue, in front of Jason, fragile, it seems so If you are small, you can break down and burst when you raise your hand.

Endless life, exuding from Jason's body.

Jason's body, regardless of the erosion of the heavens and the earth, the destruction of space and time, will never die, experiencing hundreds of millions of disasters, still exist, the heavens and the earth can not kill his breath, bowed in front of him.

The memories of the road began to rise in Jason’s mind.

Re-being, growing up in the Sith Spirit College, to the demise of the Kingdom of Orlando, to the Confucian Pharmacist Conference, the scene is floating in Jason’s mind, the mainland elites match, the genius trial, the elixir tower And the day of the birth of God, starting from the first-order spiritual, step by step, through life and death and temper.

I have finally reached this step.

Heaven and earth cannot be destroyed.

At this moment, Jason finally completed his own avenue.

In his mind, the heart of the ancestor Stern's **** has disappeared, and it has already melted into nothingness. However, Jason at this moment no longer needs the heart of the gods, and all the martial arts, the martial arts, and the drug gods have made breakthroughs. The only person in the world who has broken the rules by himself for hundreds of millions of years has completely surpassed the rules.

"Thousands of lives, re-aggregation, huā open huā, endless." Jason slowly moved forward in the void, the ancient body suddenly moved, a big hand wave, a supreme power suddenly enveloped everything in front of him.


Many of the saints who had fallen under the battle of several great kings had reunited one after another, and they all recovered as they were, and the injured Akasaka and others were recovering from the blink of an eye, as if they had never been injured.

Jason looked at Lan Yue Gusen again. He slowly walked forward and gently plunged her into her arms in the eyes of the public. She did not care about the surrounding environment.

"Master, master, he..."

"grown ups……"

Many resurrected saints can't believe their eyes, and Akasaka and others are excited and tearful.

In the void, Jason is holding Lan Yue Gusen, and has forgotten everything around him.

"Bad boy, I didn't expect you to die yet, but also advanced to the king of God."

"Kill, let's kill him, how is the king of God, or die." The king of Xihuang is also drunk.

Severe drink among the two populations, encouraging everyone to shoot.

"Oh!" Jason suddenly chuckled and looked indifferently.


He suddenly raised his hand. A mighty power descended in the void, covering the gods of Beiyu and the king of Xihuang.

"This is..." The eyes of the two gods of Beiyu and the king of Xihuang revealed a confused look. The next moment -


Silent and silent, the two actually shattered. In order to be nothingness, only the remaining two kings of the gods are spinning in the void. In the eyes of the people, Jason gently points his finger at the heart of the god.


The two have existed since the creation of heaven and earth, and the heart of the king who has never been erased has burst directly and become a powder.

"No, no, this is impossible..."

The Tianyun God King, the Southern Heaven King, and the Dark God King are all unbelievable. The body squats back, and the Thunder King is also a horror.


The next moment, the three gods of the dark gods are directly hidden into the void, escaping wildly.

But before they can completely enter the void -


An invisible force descends and envelopes them. Directly shocked into a powder.

The five kings of God, instantly fell.

"It’s going to be so long, it’s time to go back..." Jason glared at Blue Moon Gussen and walked straight into the void.

When Jason fell before, at the Stern Pharmacist Tower in Stern. Jason’s relatives are all eager.

The place where the Labyrinth Tower is located, the silence of the atmosphere makes everyone tremble.

"Master, the soul of the master is gone." The more than a dozen spirits who were enslaved by Jason's soul were all panicked. They were Jason slaves. When the master dies, they are all going to fall. Now Jason’s soul has disappeared in their perceptions, and they still don’t know what happened to Jason. I am afraid that I will fall at any time.


Renault and Yulia both clasped their hands, and there were fears and tensions in their eyes, and the body was even trembling.

And Bisfarta and Lord Lokun are also uneasy, and even tears are falling.

Jason went to the gods for so many years, but there was no news. Now his soul will disappear, but they can't do anything. The powerlessness makes them all suffering.

"Why is this..." The crowd looked at the killing **** Brott in the center of the hall. Beside him, Crea was also full of tears.

"Father, I am going to the gods and send me to the gods." Creya was a painful hooligan.

However, Brott was helpless and shook his head, his face full of bitterness.

When everyone is sad.


Two figures appeared in the void.

The two figures are so familiar that everyone is staying.

"Son!" Renault and Yulia excitedly.

"Master!" The three men of Lokun also shouted.

"Jason!" Bisfam and his party were tearful and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Young Master!"

Crea rushed out and plunged into Jason's arms.

"Everyone, I am back!"

Jason holds blue moon Gussen and Crea in his arms, and looks at the faces of everyone with a big smile.

It is finally over. From the 27th of October, 2010, the Alien Medicine God has already had 26 months. In more than two years, the 4.2 million words finally came to an end before the end of the world.

This "The Other Medicine God" is also the longest one I have written, which is equivalent to the sum of the words in the first three books of the small teacher.

It is also the most exhausting book written by a small teacher, but when I finally wrote the three words of the whole book, my heart was mixed and I didn't know what to say.

Everyone has also seen that there is some rush in the late writing of the drug god. There is really no way. There have been too many things happening this year, which makes the teacher too embarrassed.

In fact, in the Tianshen world, the young teacher was originally prepared to write a little more. In the original concept, there was also the Cretan family of Crea, and many other races, mysterious secrets, and dangerous places, but the young teacher was too tired, physically and mentally. exhausted.

This book of medicine gods instills a lot of hard work and too much effort in the small teacher. This book is also one of my best books, the most popular one, let the small teacher participate in the two annual starting point annual meeting. .

However, the young teacher is still dissatisfied and recalls his writing career. From the first chapter of the Star Wars Alien Tour on December 11, 2006, he has been unknowingly for six years, six years ago. The teacher is still only a sophomore. Up to now, the teacher has graduated almost three years, and the time has really passed too fast.

In the past six years, many great gods have emerged from the starting point. Many authors of the same age as the young teachers have become the super gods of the starting point. There are snails that I eat tomatoes and have friends with my teachers. However, the young masters have still been unknown. Unwilling, after all, the young teacher of the year was only writing books for hobbies. In six years, even the 4.2 million words of the drug god, the small teacher created a total of seven million words, only half of the other authors.

At that time, the young teacher did not consider the development of writing. Everything was just a hobby. Now, he has become a small teacher's profession. Looking back, it is really a lot of emotions, and the past is like smoke, and because of this, the younger teacher’s request for himself is also Different.

The book of medicine god, the young teacher really began to learn to update seriously, but later because of illness, there is a fallacy, but at least in the early stage, the small teacher can say a clear conscience, every day, two more thunder, no matter whether you travel or have a fever, you can’t insist that you can’t It's easy to take a day off, and the next book, the little teacher will do better.

The small teacher can go to this step. There are so many brothers and sisters who have always supported the small teacher. I think about it. It is really the blessing of the young teacher. The drug **** has been updated for two years. In the first year, the teacher I have been in the top six of the mysterious classification. I have never fallen. After I became ill, I gave up the competition. In fact, the book of the drug **** is not too good in many books, but it can always stand in the top six. I have been very touched.

After a hundred years of repairing the same boat, I have been able to sleep for a long time. In the past two years, how many brothers and sisters have been reading the book of the teacher, giving me a monthly ticket, and subscribing together, 4.2 million words, two years, life can have How many years?

What kind of fate is this, so brothers and sisters accompany the young teacher to spend the past two years together!

Here we must say that the first ally of the young teacher likes the Jiangnan brothers. He won the reward of 200,000 starting coins in the first month of the small division. The younger teacher remembered the excitement at the beginning and called in the middle of the night. Girlfriend, but after enjoying the Jiangnan brothers, it seems to disappear. It seems that I no longer read the book of the teacher. But at the beginning of the day, the young teacher accidentally discovered that the Jiangnan brothers liked the Jiangnan brothers at the beginning of each month. Investing in the monthly ticket, the young teacher was suddenly moved, and the warmth that could not be said in the heart, especially in the later period, the young teacher did not ask for the monthly ticket, and the same month, the ten or twenty tickets, but on the morning of the 1st, as long as the teacher opened the book page, I will see Long Haoyue and the monthly ticket that I like to vote for the Jiangnan brothers. The thunder does not move. The kind of moving is really making the young teacher full of motivation.

I think people who don't have this kind of experience can't understand this kind of mood.

There are a lot of brothers and sisters, Long Haoyue, Ma Rong, like Jiangnan, Shadow Sniper, Hey, Happy, yayaxhhy, ba

y milk powder, Lao Lai 80 is also romantic, will jump just the fish, 32125873, small fan dumplings, maiko dumpling the world, holding the stars shopping, purple, etc., too much, too many brothers and sisters, just do not know Are you still there today?

In any case, the drug **** is over, the younger teacher has to look forward.

Finally, we have to talk about new books.

In fact, the new book teacher has long wanted to open, but the body is not good, so it has been dragging, this time the drug **** is over, the younger teacher also wants to take a break, the specific time is not fixed, but at the latest should be after the New Year.

The new book is a fantasy of the East, but it is different from those of the East Fantasy background in front of the starting point. The young teacher is very confident and should give everyone a different kind of wonderful.

In the following period, the younger teacher should take a good rest. When the new book is opened again, the younger teacher will gather with the brothers and sisters, and hope that the young teacher will once again bring you enjoyment of happiness!

I love you, brothers and sisters of Yao Shen, you are the strongest!

Dark Lord: December 19, 2012

{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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