MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 1

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In the middle of the night, the room is beautiful.

Su Yaya’s head was groggy and she couldn’t figure out where she was.

Last night, the old classmates gathered. Everyone was not happy for a few years. After the meal, they went to KtV to continue. The old squad leader called everyone to play the game. She lost her luck and lost a few plates. She was punished for drinking five or six glasses of wine.

After a few glasses of wine, she was drunk, and the whole person was dizzy, her eyes were blurred, and even the people could not see clearly. Finally, she stunned and slept on the KtV sofa and slept.

Between the stupid, she felt that she had been overturned and pressed over many times. It was like being crushed by a road roller. The bones of the whole body were falling apart, and the mouth was like a fish that was dying of thirst. In the same way, a weak cry for help from the dry, dull throat, and a white light flashed in his head, I didn’t know anything.

I don’t know how long I have slept, the sound of running water from my ear, Su Yaya turned up awkwardly, and my heart was annoyed. Who was so annoying early in the morning, letting the water go so loudly, disturbing people’s dreams It is immoral!

The soundproofing effect of this rental house is really bad. She can hear it from the water next door. Every day in the middle of the night, the children should not be able to listen to it. It is too bad. She must change a place.

But it takes a lot of money to change places, she is very poor! Su Yaya was annoyed in her heart, holding her quilt with her eyes closed and playing a few rounds on the bed.

At this time, the sound of disturbing people's dreams finally stopped.

Huh, she spit out her eyes with her eyes closed and turned to her body to continue to sleep.

At this time, her chaotic brain reacted a little and it seemed a bit wrong.

She thought about it. She just seemed to roll a few rolls in bed, but she didn't roll to the bed, but in her memory, she clearly remembered that her bed didn't seem so big!

She opened her eyes openly, and it was a strange luxury room. The large room was very beautifully decorated, and the furnishings in the room were very fashionable. It was bigger than her old broken small rental house of less than 20 square meters. Doubled, the furniture placed did not know how many grades were raised. The Danish carlhansen&Son curved leather sofa with a single recliner on the corner was tens of thousands. She was shocked by everything in front of her eyes.

Is she dreaming?

She was stupid, and looked at everything in front of her eyes. She didn't even notice the quilt wrapped around her body.

Shen Xiuqi wrapped up in a white bath towel and walked out of the bathroom. As soon as he looked up, Su Yaya sat on the bed with a sullen look, and the top of the head was playfully cocked and stunned with a pair of deer. Big eyes, red and moist like cherry blossoms, the lips are slightly open, very attractive.

The innocence is flattering and sexy, like a blooming flower, but she is another screaming "Who am I, where am I doing?", biting my lower lip, staying cute Cute.

Shen Xiuqi looked at her tempting and unintelligible. It was like being hit by an electric current. She only felt her heart twitching, her throat slightly tightened, and her throat rolled up and down.

Shen Xiuqi was never a person who would grieve himself. He bent his lips slightly and took a long leg and walked toward Suya, who was still in the doldrums.

Suya at the moment is indeed shocked and aggressive.

She couldn’t understand why she just took part in a class reunion and got drunk. She slept in a confused way. How could she open her eyes to such a strange room and sleep in such a big room? A bed?

At the moment her brain processor is a bit overturned and completely dead.

And just as her brain crashed, a dangerous human cheetah had approached her silly rabbit.

"Oh..." The humanoid cheetah sank in a few steps and reached out and hooked Suya's neck and bowed her lips.

Su Yaya’s head suddenly fainted, and many memories that did not belong to her flowed into her mind like a tidal wave. A lot of memory drowned her like a storm, and she couldn’t bear so many memories in her head. A squeaking sound stunned and the eyes fainted as soon as they closed.

When I woke up again, there was only Suya in the room, and the humanoid cheetah Shen Xiuqi was no longer there.

The breeze blew in from the wide, transparent floor-to-ceiling window. The sea-blue curtains flicked in the breeze. She turned over the bed with her quilt, looking at the curtains that were shaking, slowly sorting out the extras that were not in the mind. Her memory gradually clarified what this is all about.

It turned out that after she was drunk last night, she fell asleep on KtV's sofa, inexplicably passed through in her sleep, and wore a dog blood president, Wen Li, called "The President's Petite Sweet Wife."

And this dog blood president, she had seen it when she slept the night before.

At that time, she was lying in bed, boring brushing Jinjiang Literature City App, a finger slipped into the book inadvertently, and looked up, the book titled "President's delicate soft sweet wife", she also sighed at the time I wonder how this name gets so wireless?

Then I glanced down at the copy, oh, there is a supporting role with her exactly the same name, called Su Ya Ya, or the vicious female in the text, cannon gray villain!

At that time, it was unclear what kind of heart was out of it. Suyaya, driven by a strange curiosity, looked at the "President's Petite Sweet Wife".

In the book, Su Yaya is the ex-wife of the chief sergeant Shen Xiuqi. She is similar to the female singer. An Yu 出 出 彤 彤 自己 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安Looking for a substitute to make up for the emptiness of the heart, he launched a crazy pursuit of Suya, the little white rabbit just out of the university can withstand the temptation of the heavy sugar cannonball, Su Yaya soon fell into Shen Xiuqi to weave her Beautiful and toxic love.

At this time, Shen Xiuqi’s grandfather was seriously ill and made a will, asking Shen Xiuqi, who is 30 years old, to marry before he can inherit his tens of billions of inheritance. In order to inherit the inheritance, Shen Xiuqi naturally finds Suya. Ya, asked Suya to ask for a contract marriage.

At that time, Su Yaya was deeply immersed in his gentle favor. There was a hint of rejection of him. He only thought that he could marry him. It was okay to contract without contract. He was very happy to nod and promised all that he had proposed. Conditions, and in accordance with his requirements signed a marriage agreement, pre-marital property notarization and other documents.

Because Shen Grandpa is still sick, the two people did not have a wedding banquet, only the first certificate, Shen Xiuqi also successfully inherited the billion-dollar heritage.

Shen Xiuqi, who inherited the tens of billions of inheritance, is not a mean person. For the wife who helped him, he was very good to her at first. As long as Suya’s request is not too much, he will try to satisfy her. Money to give money, to the car to the car, to the house to the house, to jewelry to jewelry, to go abroad for business, and occasionally bring her with.

Originally, Suya thought that such a happy, sweet, rich, and leisurely day could last forever, but the turning point of the plot came.

Two years later, Shen Xiuqi’s Baiyueguang Anyu came back and ate the sinful sin of the outside. When he saw Shen Xiuqi’s first face, he cried with him and told him that he was alone. It is not easy and hard to work hard outside. Shen Xiuqi is of course very distressed by her. She is busy with her and arranges everywhere. I hope she can have a better life after returning home.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Shen Xiuqi’s care for An Yuyu was only for the help of his friends, and he was not too out of place.

Su Yaya couldn’t sit still. She felt that the Lord was coming back, and her position was in jeopardy. She did not want to lose the position of Mrs. Shen, lost her rich life, and began to be a demon, constantly creating contradictions for men and women. ,Creating trouble.

However, it may be because the male and female owners themselves are attracted to each other. No matter how serious misunderstandings and contradictions, the two people will eventually resolve and the feelings will go further.

Su Yaya was even more anxious to see this situation. The contradiction she created could not separate the male and female masters, and she was found to have kidnapped the Anxie.

This is a smashing of the horse's nest.

Shen Xiu first rescued An Yu from the peace, and sent a person to find out that it was the kidnapper that Su Yaya spent on money. This naturally could not be tolerated. Shen Xiu was so angry that he immediately divorced Suya.

Shen Xiuqi took the divorce agreement to sign Su Yaya, Su Yaya did not want to, crying and screaming, making it difficult to see.

However, Shen Xiuqi is the person who will be threatened by her. Not only does she force her to bookmark the divorce agreement, but also use her means to force her to go nowhere, and it is not far from death.

In fact, if Suyaya does not act as a demon, when the female host returns, she will take the initiative to divorce Shen Xiuqi. According to the original marriage agreement, she can still get 10 million alimony.

Thinking of this, Su Yaya only wants to swear the original master's silly fork, what demon, really, with a million dollars to raise the eggs!

If it is her, the first time to sign the custody, take 10 million to go back to the countryside to plant, buy a small courtyard, open a farmhouse, feed the chicken to feed the duck to feed the fish, and then plant flowers and plants Little days don't know how much joy.

Oh, think of this, Suyaya couldn't help but hug the quilt.

Shen Xiuqi opened the door of the room and saw Su Yaya holding a quilt in the bed.