MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 107

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Walk all the way to the back, Su Yaya saw the hawthorn on the shelf, the sweet and sour hawthorn was delicious, she liked it when she was a child. Hawthorn, drooling when I think of the taste, I took two bags of hawthorn and put them in the shopping basket.

Shen Xiuqi saw that it was actually a mountain, and he could not eat it on the list of precautions. He quickly said: "Pregnant women cannot eat hawthorn."

Su Yaya saw him and said to him: "I liked eating when I was a child. I am drooling now, I really want to eat."

Shen Xiu Qi firmly said: "This can't be eaten, this can't be eaten."

Su Yaya asked him with his hands together. "I just buy a pack. Is it good? Just buy a small pack. Is it good? When you help me eat more than half of it, I can only eat one and a half."

Looking at her pitiful appearance, her mouth wide, her eyes watery, as if she did not agree, she would cry out immediately.

This is no way, Shen Xiuqi was softened by her, and finally had to promise to buy her a small bag.

Who knows that after returning, Suyaya ate the small bag of hawthorn, and it was called a stomachache. It was scared that Shen Xiu’s face was white. She quickly picked her up and ran to the car, driving all the way to the best in the city. In the hospital, I don’t know how many red lights are on the road.

When Shen Xiuqi drove, his heart was jumping fast, and Su Yaya, who was next to him, frowned, and wanted to drive the car a little faster.

Fortunately, it was not very far. When I arrived at the hospital, Shen Xiuqi got off with Suya, and she didn’t dare to let her go. Even if Suya said that it was not so painful, he was very nervous, for fear of her and her belly. The baby has something.

Flying quickly into the hospital, Shen Xiuqi quickly called the doctor, a nurse heard the call to ask what? Shen Xiuqi held Suya and said to the nurse: "She is pregnant and says she has a stomachache."

The nurse quickly said: "You come with me, the doctor is here." He led him to the doctor's office to see a doctor.

When I arrived at the examination room, the doctor came over to check and had a pair of eyes with Suya, but I actually knew it.

"Suya, I am Baiqiqi, do you remember me?" The doctor pointed at his face.

Not to mention, Su Yaya really remembers her, this is one of the good friends of the original Lord. When two people went to high school together, they were at the same table. The results of Baiqiqi were better than Suya, and Baiqiqi often helped Su Yaya guided the coursework. At that time, Su Ya Ya was the most beautiful girl in the class. The beautiful people were always easy to recruit. There were not many girls who could play with Su Ya Ya. Bai Qi Qi is one of them.

Su Yaya smiled and said: "Of course I remember you, Bai Qiqi."

Bai Qiqi suddenly laughed and said: "I thought you wouldn't remember me when you became a big star. When did you return? Why didn't you tell me back?"

In fact, after Su Yaya came back this time, she never thought about contacting the former friends of the original owner. After all, she was not the original owner. She couldn’t get along with her friends like the original owner. This time it happened to be a white seventy-seven.

Now I was asked, Suya had to find a reason: "My previous mobile phone was broken, the address book didn't know where to go, I couldn't find the contact information of the former classmates, I can't inform you, but I I opened a farmhouse in Baizhiyuan and also promoted it on Weibo. Don't you know?"

Bai Qiqi smiled and said: "It’s too busy to die every day, 8:00 pm, go home and read a book and test the title with a baby. How can I get to know this?"

What she said is the truth. After everyone grows up, he has his own burden on his shoulders and keeps running for family life.

When he spoke, Bai Qiqi had already made a simple check on Suya, and the diagnosis was good. There was no problem, but Bai Qiqi still asked very seriously: "When you are pregnant, how can you suddenly have a stomachache? Did you eat something that you should not eat?"

Shen Xiuqi was on the side and said: "She had a stomachache when she had eaten a mountain at home."

White seven seven one listened, immediately turned his head and yelled at him: "You know that Yaya is pregnant, you still give her to the mountain, do you want her to abort? What is your heart? You If you don't plan to have this child, don't let Yaya get pregnant. If you are pregnant, you should treat her well. You actually give her to the mountain. Who are you?"

Shen Xiuqi was afraid to return a word, and he could only sneak a peek at Suya, meaning: Look, tell you not to say that you want to eat, now it’s good, it hurts me.

Su Yaya grinned at the side, and waited until Bai Qiqiu Barabala had enough of Shen Xiuqi to smile. He explained with a smile: "Seven, you made a mistake. In fact, he is not allowed to eat hawthorn. I want to eat it myself. He gave me no way to give it to me."

Who knows that Baiqiqi is a short-term protection, even if Suyaya has said that, she is just as righteous and remarkable: "Even if the mountain is what you want to eat, it is also wrong with him. He is a husband, how can he I agree with you to eat the hawthorn? You should eat it and you should be in charge of it. If you want to eat him, he will give it to you. He is harming you, not loving you! Hey, I have never seen such a husband, really incompetent. !"

The Baiqiqi people are really powerful. One heart is to maintain Suya, Suyaya is funny, and she gives her a thumbs up.

"Fortunately, Yaya has nothing to do. If there is something in Yaya, I will definitely not be able to spare you." Bai Qiqi still struggled with the lessons of Barabara, and he took a hand and licked his ear to smack him.

Shen Xiuqi is now in the heart of Suya, worried about her and the baby inside her stomach, even if Bai Qiqi is so jealous of him, he sees that Bai Qiqi is a good friend of Suya, and he did not care about her. All of them have endured, and they listened to her, and said that they will never make such mistakes again next time. He will take care of Suya and let them rest assured.

Seeing that his attitude of acknowledging the mistake was still good, Bai Qiqi finally let him go after Barbara had a pass.

After checking the pass, Su Yaya determined that there was no problem, but for the sake of safety, Bai Qiqi decided to stay in the hospital for one night, observe and observe, and then drop the liquid.

She said: "Yaya, you have a slight malnutrition, and now with a baby, you should strengthen your nutrition."

Shen Xiuqi heard that Bai Yaqi said that Su Yaya was a little malnourished, and he was very worried. He asked Q27 to make up for it. Bai Qiqi has listed a lot of things from the beginning of eating. Shen Xiuqi listened to her Barabara and said that she had a big pass. She couldn’t remember it. She took the phone out and let Baiqiqi say it again. She carefully recorded it and prepared to go back and follow it.

Su Yaya heard the glutinous soup that Bai Qiqi said next, so that the soup was added, so that the soup was made up, thinking that even if she had so much meat, she would drink so many soups every day, she estimated that it would not last long. It will be fattened, and by then she will definitely be too fat to watch, so miserable!

Su Da and Su mother came after a while. When they arrived at the hospital, they found that Su Yaya had no problem and was relieved.

Shen Xiuqi saw that Su Da and Su Mama came and said to them: "I will go out."

Su Yaya stretched his sleeve and said: "Where are you going?"

Shen Xiuqi turned back and said: "I am going to the bathroom."

Su Yaya took back her hand, Shen Xiu sighed her hair and turned and went out.

In the bathroom, Shen Xiuqi touched the smoke from his body. In fact, he has not smoked for a long time. At this time, he wants to take out a pressure to relieve the pressure. He puts the cigarette in his mouth and takes out the lighter to catch the fire. Shaking, playing a few times before igniting, he took a deep breath, as the white smoke spit out from the mouth, the bottom of his heart worried that the nervous emotions gradually dissipated, just on the way, he is really scared to death Fortunately, Su Yaya is fine.

In the ward, Ms. Su is teaching Suya. "You are also a pregnant person. You are still so capricious. You know that Hawthorn can't eat you and you still have to eat. If you have any problems with your baby, you will regret it."

Su Yaya honestly admits, "Mom, I know, I will not dare any more in the future. I will be obedient and not greedy."

Sue Sue said Suya, and she heard that she was a little malnourished. She said that when she went home, she went to give her stewed chicken soup.

Su Yaya did not dare to say that she did not drink. Every day, she honestly drank any soup from her mother.

"It took two pounds in a little half a month." When Suya came down from the electronic scale, he couldn’t help but swear. "This is my mother who treats me as a pig. I am waiting for me to arrive." When you are born, you will become a big fat man."

Shen Xiuqi calmly said: "The meat may not grow on you, it grows on the baby, and the baby grows up."

Su Yaya gave him a look and didn't talk to him.

Shen Xiu sighed and sighed, and had to go to marry her again, until she smiled happily, this matter was counted.

In order to take care of Suya, Shen Xiuqi has always lived in the farmhouse. Even if the company has something, it is also telecommuting. Most of the time, he spends time with Suya and works overtime at night. Su Da and Su’s mothers saw it a few times. I felt that he was very hard in this way. Although he did not say anything when he was in the face, he still had no good words for him in front of Suya.

Ms. Su said: "Yaya, you don't want to be so tossed. People are still doing a good job. If you really want to be with him, you will be with him."

Shen Xiuqi’s hard Suya is also in the eyes, nodded: “Mom, I know what to do, you can rest assured.”

This day, Shen Xiuqi’s company has something to deal with. This remote office will not work. He has to go back to Kyoto, but this time he will go back for a long time. He does not trust Suya and wants Suya to accompany him. Going back together, but Suya said that he would not go back to Kyoto with him.

"You said why you are not willing to return to Kyoto? You can be assured by your side." Shen Xiu looked at her intently and looked solemn.

Su Yaya’s eyes were faint, and he did not dare to look at him. “It’s not a question of whether or not I can return to Kyoto. I don’t want to see some people in that place.”

Shen Xiuqi understood her meaning and said: "Do you want to see An Zhen?"

Su Yaya nodded. Shen Xiuqi immediately sighed and almost pleaded and said: "Yiya, I really have nothing to do with An Yu, she is already a past tense, we have to look at the long-term After working hard,"

Su Yaya remembered the situation in her dream and licked her lips: "If I say, if I say, if I just want to make an assumption, if An Yu and An Yuting are not as simple as they are, they may Will you be angered by my love for you, and finally do something bad for me, would you believe it?"

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