MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 115

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Shen Xiuqi accompanied Suyaya for a while and soothed Suya. Suya was prone to sleepiness after pregnancy, and soon fell asleep. .

Shen Xiuqi gently pinched her face and said softly: "If you want to sleep, go upstairs and go to sleep."

Su Yaya stretched out the soft and delicate hand: "Then hold me."

Shen Xiuqi smiled and smiled and said: "Well, I am holding you."

He hugged her upstairs, personally helped her take off her coat, put on her pajamas, and stayed with her on the bed until she fell asleep before leaving the room and going to the study room to do her own work.

Now Shen Xiuqi tries to stay at home every day to work, stay with Suya, unless there are important things to go to the company, only Su Yaya in front of his eyes, he can rest assured.

After Shen Xiuqi completed a job, went to the room to see Suya, actually saw her playing mobile phone in bed.

"Isn't that tired to sleep? How are you playing with your mobile phone?" Shen Xiuqi asked.

Su Yaya didn't lift his head. He stared at the game on his mobile phone and said, "I woke up and played for a while."

Shen Xiuqi saw that she was actually playing the game, and she did not say anything. She asked her: "Would you like to get up?"

Su Yaya shook her head and said, "Let's lie down again. When I finish the game, I will get up when I think about it."

Shen Xiuqi did not force her, let her look at it, he still has work to do, then went to the study to continue working.

Later, Shen Xiuqi took a call. The person in charge of a cooperation project suddenly came over. He asked him to meet one side. He needed to go to the company.

Shen Xiuqi went to the room to ask Suya, "Would you like to go to the company with me, I am going to see a project leader."

Su Yaya is still playing games. At the most critical time, she said: "I am too lazy to move. You can go on your own. Anyway, I should have dinner for a while. I am going to have dinner at home and wait for you to come back to eat."

Shen Xiu Qi heard a smile and went to kiss her forehead. She said: "Don't be too hard, I will come back when I finish the matter."

Su Yaya nodded cleverly and waved to him: "Then go."

Shen Xiuqi touched her hair, and left after two more sentences.

Shen Xiuqi drove to the company and saw the person in charge of the cooperation project. The two people talked very much and arranged things in less than two hours.

After the matter was settled, the person in charge of the cooperation project had other things to leave the company when he was busy. Shen Xiuqi was ready to drive home. On the way back, he suddenly received a call from a strange number.

The voice of An Yu’s frightened voice came from the phone. “Repair, save me, repair, save me, save me...”

On the phone, the voice of An Yu’s voice was suddenly cut off. Next, a strange male-like voice from a voice changer said: “Mr. Shen Xiuqi, do you want to save the language? If you want to save her, take a ransom of one hundred million!"

Shen Xiu Li immediately realized that this was an abduction of An Yu.

He sighed: "Who are you?"

The other party laughed and said, "You don't care who I am. You just need to follow my instructions and get a ransom of 100 million yuan to save your peace. If you are late, you will be at your own risk." !"

After talking about the other party, he hang up the phone. Shen Xiu called the phone number, but he couldn’t get through. After less than a minute, he received a strange text message, instructing him to bring the money to the designated place. Alarm, otherwise tear the ticket.

Shen Xiuqi used the mobile phone to locate the transaction location sent by the other party and found that the place was actually in a remote suburb.

Looking at the place displayed on the map of the mobile phone, Shen Xiuqi’s brow was deeply picked up. He did not have seen such a thing. When Song Ming was kidnapped like this, the kidnapper also asked his parents to give a ransom of 10 million. No alarm is allowed, otherwise the ticket will be torn, but in the end they did not give money, or rescued Song Ming.

An Yu was suddenly kidnapped. The other party did not call the An family. Instead, he called him and asked him to give him a ransom of 100 million yuan. Shen Xiuqi felt that this was a bit strange.

If you really want to blackmail him, then the kidnappers should kidnap Suyaya. After all, everyone knows that Suya is the real wife, and her child is kidnapped with his child. Su Yaya, using Su Yaya to threaten him is more valuable, and it is more able to convince him to take out a hundred million to save her.

However, these people did not move Suya, but instead they kidnapped An Yu. They said that Su Yaya’s bodyguards were protected. It’s not so good to start, but to speak the language, it’s not very good. Tong, because according to the current situation of him and An Yu, he can completely ignore the life and death of An Yu, and it is estimated that there is something hidden that he does not know.

Thinking so, Shen Xiuqi felt more and more that things were not so simple. It didn't look like a simple kidnapping case. He quickly made a decision to come up with another mobile phone of his infrequent contact. A phone number above.

Su Yaya played a few games at home. When she saw the time, she got up and went to bed, then went to the kitchen to make dinner. She prepared to cook a little chicken soup, then stir-fry a green vegetable and make a potato and beef. So it was almost the same thing. They are all ready-made, and it is not too much trouble to do.

When she was making dinner, she also received a phone call from Zhou Peijun. It is rare that Zhou Peijun, a busy man, will call her. It is very pleasant for two people to talk on the phone.

Zhou Peiyu said on the phone: "There are several advertisers who want to invite you to take an advertisement. The call came to me, let me explore your tone first."

Su Yaya smiled and stressed: "Sister Zhou, I have already retired!"

Zhou Pei said: "If you retire, you can come back again. Don't you want to give your baby more money to make milk powder?"

Su Yaya laughed. "Sister Zhou, my husband is very rich, my baby is not bad for milk powder, and I also have a farmhouse myself. Every month, my income is quite good."

Zhou Peiyu was dissatisfied with her words and severely criticized her: "I said that you are stupid by Shen Xiuqi, the giants are no better, women can not give up their careers, if they give up their careers, one day will Regret, like the shadow of Shi Yuan, married a wealthy husband in the most red-hot career, thinking that after the rest of his life, he can sit back and relax. The result? Married for three years, her husband is outside the small three nourish lover, circle The people have been spread all over. The two people dragged on and pulled for seven or eight years. Now they are finally divorced, but they don’t have much money. It’s not going to come out to take care of themselves, but they can still support themselves. In the same way, it is not the time for her to be there. Now she can only play the mother of the woman, and it is difficult to return to the previous scenery. You don’t be as stupid as she is, squatting now, and others are willing to shoot you. If you shoot an advertisement, you can earn more by earning more points. Who would have more money?"

Su Yaya was said by Zhou Peihua Barabara. When I think about it, it is a rough statement. In fact, it is true. If we look at the tragic experiences of others, we will not be able to give birth to a sense of crisis in the future.

"Sister Zhou, what advertising are you advertising?" Su Yaya thinks that Zhou Peijun is right, who can still be more money? Shen Xiuqi has money to be Shen Xiuqi. If she can earn money by her own ability, that is her skill!

When Zhou Peiyu listened to her asking, she knew that there was a play and told the advertisers, "It is an advertisement for **** brand milk powder and an advertisement for **** diapers, and there is also an advertisement for x-brand children's wear."

Su Ya Ya is a big brand, quality reputation is very good, just now she is pregnant, it seems appropriate to take such an advertisement, but she still did not immediately agree to Zhou Pei, so as not to be too anxious, but : "I want to consider two days first, and answer you two days later?"

Zhou Peiyu said: "Yes, let me know if you think about it."

When things are fine, Zhou Peiyu hangs up.

After the call, Su Yaya went on to dinner. She quickly prepared the meals and waited for Shen Xiu to go home and eat together.

Su Yaya was busy, and felt that nothing was done, he took out his mobile phone and continued to play the game.

After more than an hour of such a fight, Su Yaya was shocked to discover that the sky was dark. Shen Xiuqi had not returned home. She felt a little strange. She picked up her mobile phone and called Shen Xiuqi. The phone rang a lot. The clock, until the automatic hang up, Shen Xiuqi did not answer the phone.

Su Yaya licked her mouth and groaned dissatisfiedly. "I don't know what to do, I don't have to call him!"

Speaking of complaints, but still not at ease, Su Yaya once again called Shen Xiuqi again, the phone ringing again, this time Shen Xiuqi was picked up.

Su Yaya was a little unhappy. He asked Shen Xiuqi on the phone. "What are you doing? I am already cooking, why are you still not going home?"

Shen Xiuqi’s voice passed through the mobile phone and couldn’t hear any emotions. “I will only be able to come back later. If you are hungry, eat it yourself, don’t wait for me.”

Su Yaya only thought that he was busy, he said yes, then hung up the phone and went to dinner himself.

Shen Xiuqi glanced at the black screen of the mobile phone and spit out a breath.

Half an hour ago, Shen Xiuqi found someone in the remote warehouse in the suburbs. When they found her, she was already stunned by several men. There was no good place in the whole body.

At that time, he rushed in with people, and he was scared by the scene in front of him. He couldn’t bear to take a look.

Looking at the miserable appearance of An Yu, Shen Xiuqi couldn’t help but suddenly stunned. He stood there stunnedly, like a sinister evil. He clearly saw that he was invaded by An. It looked like a strange picture in his mind. Just like his dream, he actually saw that Suya was hit by many people in the same abandoned warehouse.

Suyaya was crushed on the ground, and screamed miserably to save me and repair me. He was suddenly thundered, and he walked in two steps involuntarily. He wanted to save him, but he couldn’t save her... Finally he watched her go out from the dark space and then be safe. Yu Ting's car crashed into death...

The reality in front of him and the picture in the dream are intertwined. He suddenly stunned and felt like he had experienced two similar things. The cold sweat slipped down the forehead.

The author has something to say: good and evil are reported at the end of the day.

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