MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 118

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At last, Ann Ting still couldn’t see Shen Xiuqi and was ruthlessly invited by the security guard.

After Shen Xiuqi finished the meeting, he came out from the conference room. He learned from Chen’s assistant that he had committed suicide.

He thought about it and said to Assistant Chen: "You go to the hospital to see the situation. If there is a place that can help you, just help."

Assistant Chen went to the hospital and returned in less than an hour. He told the situation he saw in the hospital to Shen Xiuqi. "Because the discovery was timely, the person was rescued, and the person was emotionally unstable. It seemed that the spirit had a problem. Mr. Ann has contacted the best psychiatrist to treat Miss An, and I have not helped."

Shen Xiuqi nodded and said: "I know, let's go down and pass on the cooperation project with Taian."

Assistant Chen responded with a good voice and turned to work.

At this time, Shen Xiuqi's cell phone rang. He picked up his mobile phone and saw it. It was a video from Suya. On the screen of the mobile phone, Suya's head smiled very happy, and it seemed to make people happy.

Shen Xiuqi connected the video, revealing the smiling face of Suya in the mobile phone. She held a bouquet of flowers in her hand and said to Shen Xiu: "Look, this bunch of flowers is not beautiful? This is the flower I just picked in the garden. , the color of your own, look great?"

Against Suyya's bright smile, even if the flowers are not beautiful, she is very beautiful. Shen Xiuqi can't say something that is not beautiful. She smiles and says: "It's very good, just like you."

Su Yaya smiled even happier. "Husband, you are so sweet."

Shen Xiu Qi heard a smile and said: "You are the sweetest."

It’s really fun!

Su Ya Ya was happy, her face could see joy, her eyes sparkling, and she said joyfully: "I will go out later."

“What are you going out for?” asked Shen Xiuqi.

Su Yaya said: "I will give you lunch for a while."

Shen Xiuqi said: "I can handle the work in half an hour. I go home to eat, don't run this trick."

Su Yaya snorted. "You will let me send it, and I will go out and walk."

Shen Xiuqi is unmoved. "It's ineffective. I will come back later. If you feel bored at home, you can ask friends to come home and play."

Su Yaya was not happy, complaining: "I stay at home every day, panic!"

Shen Xiuqi also knows that she is uncomfortable at home every day, but recently, things have been wave after wave, he really does not worry that she will go out alone, even if there are bodyguards follow him, I am not at ease, always safe at home.

"I will go home with you in a while." Shen Xiuqi said: "In the afternoon, I will take the time to go out with you, okay?"

Shen Xiuqi said this, Su Yaya is naturally not good to say anything, and said: "Well, then I am waiting for you at home."

"Hey." Shen Xiu was full of eyes and eyes, and his voice was soft, just like a child.

"Husband bye." Suya smiled and gave him a sip, and hung up the video quickly.

Shen Xiu stared at the black mobile phone screen and couldn't help but smile. Suya is a sweet pistachio. She is always in a good mood when she sees her!

At this time, Su Yaya is preparing to make lunch at home. There are beef, tomatoes, potatoes, vegetables, etc. in the refrigerator. She is going to make a potato roast beef, tomato and egg soup, and then stir-fry a green vegetable. It is almost the same.

When she was cooking, she took a mobile phone with a prenatal song that she liked to listen to. She listened to the song while cooking, and her mood was beautiful.

After Shen Xiuqi finished his work and drove home, he pushed open the door and entered the house. He heard the sound of music coming out of the kitchen and the smell of the food floating in the air.

He changed his shoes at the door and walked into the kitchen. He saw Suya's cute apron around the pig Peggy, standing in front of the stove and cooking green vegetables. The air was filled with the fragrance of the vegetables.

Taking advantage of her still slender back, Shen Xiu walked over, reaching out and holding her waist from behind her, her hand gently sticking on her stomach, bowing her head and kissing her hair, said softly: "Working hard." ”

Su Yaya’s mouth curled up and said: “Fortunately, I like to cook.”

Shen Xiuqi sighed and thought that she was pregnant now. After all, she said: "I still don't want to work too hard. I have already helped the second person to find a reliable nanny. She is an familiar acquaintance who is very familiar with pregnant women. I will come after the day after tomorrow, when you want to eat something, you can tell her that she will eat."

Su Yaya looked at him and smiled. "Is it better than I can? Can it be better than what I did?"

Shen Xiu Qi Zi a moment, softly glaring at her: "There may be no good food you do, my wife is the best to eat."

Su Yaya smiled happily.

After eating, Shen Xiuqi fulfilled his promise under the strong request of Suya and went out to go shopping with Suya.

They went to the shopping plaza near the house. Women always like to buy and buy when shopping. Suya has not been out for many days. When she saw a lot of new clothes in the women's area, she was very excited and walked all the way. I saw a lot of beautiful clothes and wanted to buy, but hesitated.

"After a few months, when my baby grows up, my stomach is getting bigger, I am going to gain weight, and these clothes can't be worn when I buy it." Suya was very upset about this.

Shen Xiuqi comforted her: "It doesn't matter, you can't wear it when you buy it. It's the same when you are finished."

Su Yaya smacked his mouth and said: "When the end of life, there will be new clothes styles. When I want to buy and buy again, what should I do?"

Said that I want to buy and buy Suyaya cute, Shen Xiuqi chuckle, softly said: "If you wait until you are born and have new styles, then buy it again, anyway, not bad both money ""

The words were so cheerful and refreshing, Suya was happy, and smiled and said: "Then I bought it."

Shen Xiuqi reached out and touched her face, full of eyes, "Buy, like to buy."

Su Yaya immediately wrapped up the clothes he had tried and wrapped up the staff in the store.

After buying the clothes, Suyaya also wants to go to other places. Two people unwittingly strolled to the baby area upstairs and saw all kinds of small clothes in the store. Shoes, Su Yaya simply can't put it down.

"Finish, you see these little clothes so cute." Suyaya held a small fetal dress in his hand, soft and soft, and felt very comfortable.

Shen Xiuqi also felt very cute. He took a pair of shoes that were smaller than the palm of his hand. He looked left and right and asked Su Yaya: "Would we buy some back?"

Su Yaya immediately said: "Husband, now the baby is still not born, do you want to buy these things back?" After saying that he did not wait for Shen Xiuqi to answer, she said: "But it is very nice, cute, or buy some Let's go back."

Shen Xiuqi held a princess dress for a girl in her left hand and a boy's dress in her right hand. She chose the difficult way: "I don't know if I should buy a boy or a girl?"

Su Yaya also said: "I don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl."

"Then all buy it, anyway, it will be bought back when it looks good. It will always be useful." Shen Xiuqi quickly made a decision.

Anyway, when they can all be useful, two people bought a lot of things in the baby area.

Today, Su Yaya is hard to find a door to visit, very happy to buy and buy a pass, Shen Xiuqi on the big bag to carry with her.

After shopping in the mall, Su Yaya said that he was going home, and Shen Xiuqi carried the big bag and two people went downstairs to the parking lot to pick up the car.

At this time, suddenly a car rushed straight from the front, Shen Xiuqi heard the sound, jerked his head, and saw An Xiangting in the cab, his mind suddenly flashed through the dream. Hit the picture of Suyya, the action is faster than the brain, and I missed the things in my hand without thinking about it. I quickly rushed toward Suya, holding her and turning around, avoiding the speeding. Come to the car.

The car quickly rubbed the sinking and passed over, directly carrying Shen Xiuqi to the ground, Suyaya also fell to the ground.

An Yuting’s car drove past and found that she did not hit Suyya, her eyes showed resentment, and the car drove back to the side, and she was unwilling to stop her from killing her.

The situation is very critical.

Fortunately, the bodyguards who followed followed quickly reacted, and first stepped up to stop An Yuting’s car, and then a bodyguard rushed into the car to pull An Yuting from the car and politely took her. Nothing can be moved on the ground.

"Yaya, do you have anything?" Shen Xiuqi held Su Yaya, checked it up and down, and asked with great concern.

"I'm fine." Suya shook her head.

Shen Xiu took a sip and touched her face. "You are fine."

Su Yaya looked at his brows and suddenly felt the hand holding his back sticky, and looked down hurriedly. His hands were all blood, and his back was hurt.

"Finish, repair, you bleed, where are you injured? Don't scare me!" Su Yaya panic, tears must be rushed out.

Shen Xiuqi smiled and said: "I am fine, don't worry, it is scratching the back."

"Hurry to the hospital, call an ambulance." Su Yaya quickly called the phone to call.

Soon after I arrived at the hospital, after a thorough and meticulous examination, I finally determined that Shen Xiuqi had a lot of blood in addition to the long mouth on her back. Others were fine and there was no danger to her life. Su Yaya also made a comprehensive inspection under the strong request of Shen Xiuqi. Fortunately, she was fine, and the baby was also very good. This time, it was finally shocking.

However, in retrospect, Shen Xiuqi was still very scared. If he had done that dream in the morning, he was prepared to be prepared. The person who might be hit by An Yuting today should be Suya.

Shen Xiuqi has been pulling Su Yaya’s hand and not letting go. Even if the doctor gave him medicine, he couldn’t help but sleep, and he could not bear to let Suya’s hand go.

Su Yaya softly glared at him: "I am here to accompany you, nowhere to go, you can rest assured, sleep for a while."

"You must stay here, don't walk away." Shen Xiuqi held a strong sense of drowsiness and looked at her with no confidence.

"Well, I won't leave, I will accompany you." Suya nodded and promised that both hands were holding his hand, and Shen Xiuqi slowly closed his eyes and slept, but even if he fell asleep, there is still no Let go of Suya's hand.

The author has something to say: Fortunately, there is no danger, no flowers, and Shen is awesome~

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