MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 148

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There is no such thing as looking at it. Zhou Zhengqi walked in with Suya and asked the waiter around him: "Where is Zhou’s father?"

The waiter respectfully said: "The living room on the second floor."

Zhou Zhengqi took Suya to see the old man, and Su Yaya had a hunch in his heart. He asked Zhou Zhengqi with a voice that only two people could hear. "Who is Zhou Laozi?"

Two people have already reached the second floor at this time, Zhou Zhengqi smiled at her side and no longer concealed her. "It is my grandfather."

Su Yaya’s heart snorted, Zhou Zhengqi, did she bring her to see her family?

"Don't be nervous, my grandfather is very good. It is a very kind old man. I also explained their existence to them early in the morning. They always wanted to see you. I believe they will like you. You will also Like them." Zhou Zhengqi saw Suya's nervousness and comforted her carefully.

Even with Zhou Zhengqi's comfort, Su Yaya felt nervous. No one was nervous when she saw her parents, not to mention the formal occasion.

Zhou Zhengqi patted her hand, looked at her with tender eyes, and gave everything to him. "No problem, everything has me."

Soon he walked to the entrance of the conference hall. Zhou Zhengqi walked in with Suya's hand and saw that an old man wearing a big red Tang suit was sitting on the sofa in the center of the living room. His hair was white, his spirits were blue, his eyebrows were gray. The eyes are smiling, talking to the juniors around me. When I am happy, I am very happy to laugh happily. The laughter is full of gas, and I know that he is in good health.

Zhou Zhengqi took Suya's hand and went forward and called, "Grandpa."

Su Yaya then screamed, "Grandpa is good."

Zhou Laozi heard the sound and looked at Zhou Zhengqi. The face that was just full of smiles showed a bit of dissatisfaction. He blamed: "You are late."

This posture looked at Suya's heart and was shocked. I thought that if Zhou knew that it was because she was going to do the modeling, she would delay the time and she would be dissatisfied with her.

Who knows, Zhou Zhengqi, who is next to him, smiled and said: "I am not busy with work? I have to go out early, I know that I have an urgent matter, I have to finish it and then come over." Quickly introduced Su Yaya to Master Zhou, his eyes showed his concern for Suya, "Grandpa, this is my girlfriend Suya, I mentioned it to you before, she is a very good Girl, courage is a little small, you should never scare her."

When Father Zhou was unhappy, he snorted at him and said with a face: "Do you say that I am a hungry tiger? Can I scare her?"

After talking about Zhou Zhengqi, he turned to look at Suya, who was next to him. The face that was originally on the board immediately showed a smile. It was faster than turning the book, and the voice of the voice was not strict with Zhou Zhengqi. Instead, he deliberately softened the voice of Suya, and smiled at Suya and waved. "Yaya, come to Grandpa here."

Su Yaya glanced at Zhou Zhengqi, Zhou Zhengqi nodded to her and took her hand and sat together.

Father Zhou asked Su Yaya, "How long have you been with Archie?"

Su Yaya replied cleverly: "It’s almost two months."

Father Zhou turned his head and took a look at Zhou Zhengqi. The face was reprimanded: "You have been in contact for two months, and you brought Yaya back to see me. What have you done before?"

Zhou Zhengqi’s heart is not that he didn’t want to bring Suyaya back to his family, but Suyaya never gave him that chance. It’s hard that the feelings of the two people are more stable now, so I’m taking it now. People brought back to see the parents!

Father Zhou did not give him the opportunity to explain, and turned to continue to chat with Suya.

Later, Zhou and Zhou Dad also came over and sat down to chat with Su Yaya. Su Yaya was so well-behaved, she spoke warmly and softly, and she liked it very much. She was very satisfied with her.

On that day, Zhou Zhengqi took Su Yaya to appear at the birthday party of Zhou’s father. In this formal way, he told everyone that Suya is his girlfriend and that he likes to love, which shows his attention to her.

Zhou Zhengqi has a girlfriend. For those ladies and gentlemen who like to admire him, it is undoubtedly a huge blow. Countless secretly loves his heart and broken the ground.

Since the people in the company knew that Suya was a fair-selling girlfriend of Zhou Zhengqi, those who had ridiculed her in the past had stopped, but instead became attached to Suyya.

When I used to go to work, Su Yaya did a lot of work, helping others to organize the materials. Anzhen often likes to throw her endless work to Suya, and now she knows that Suya is the daughter of Zhou Zhengqi. After the friend, An Zhen did not dare to do this. Instead, he would take the initiative to ask Su Yaya if there is anything I don’t understand. If she doesn’t understand, she will take the initiative to tell Suya to help Suya solve the problem. .

By the time of lunch, the people in the office will also invite Su Yaya to go out to eat with them. Sometimes after work in the afternoon, people in the office will invite Suya to join them.

Su Yaya sometimes goes to the cafeteria to eat with them. When they are free from work in the afternoon, they will also go to their activities. They will go shopping for a street or something, sometimes they will politely refuse. "Today I have Have an appointment, let's go eat."

In a word, everyone understands what is going on. Anzhen smiled and said: "Then we will not bother you and date, and worship."

On this day, Suya took her own lunch and made an appointment with Zhou Zhengqi to have dinner at noon. When she got off work, she took the lunch box to the president's office. When she passed the secretary's office, she saw the high secretary holding the packed private. The items came out of the office.

Su Yaya looked at the high secretary strangely and asked: "What is this for the high secretary?"

The high secretary smiled a bit and replied: "I resigned."

Su Yaya sighed and smiled. "Is it better to find a better place?"

The high secretary licked his lips and did not answer her words. Instead, he said, "I wish you and the president more and more good feelings." Just left.

Su Yaya looked at her back and looked at her. She didn't want to understand what she meant by saying this.

Later, Su Yaya went to Zhou Zhengqi's office. When two people sat down to eat, Su Yaya knew why the high secretary would resign. When she came to the company at the beginning, the words outside the taunts were revealed by the high secretary. of.

Before Zhou Zhengqi asked people to check, only those who were found in the personnel department, he dismissed the personnel of the personnel department. Who knows that in the end, he will find a high secretary, a person who is a secretary by his side. But I can't keep my work secret, and I like gossip like those long tongues. If I don't know how to sell him someday, such a person, he is absolutely impossible to stay with him, so he let The high secretary resigned.

After knowing the truth, Su Yaya could not sympathize with the high secretary. It is a terrible thing for a secretary to have no professional ethics. Maybe she will not find such a good job now.

The high secretary resigned, and Suya asked Zhou Zhengqi, "Do you want to re-recruit a secretary?"

Zhou Zhengqi looked at her and smiled. She said with a thin lips: "You don't have to worry about this problem. I already have the right person."

After two days, Suya knew who the right person in Zhou Zhengqi was, or herself. Zhou Zhengqi transferred her from the copy planning department to the secretary's office to be his secretary.

Su Yaya is not very satisfied with this arrangement. He said to Zhou Zhengqi: "You are not doing this well. I have not done the job of a secretary. What if I don't do well?"

Zhou Zhengqi did not care, and took her hand: "The secretarial office is not just a secretary. If you have it, let other people do it. It will take a while. I just want to." Arrange for you by my side."

"Aki, you can't use power for personal gain!"

"The protest is invalid!" Zhou Zhengqi deliberately "authorized by power" and said: "I just want you to be by my side."

In the end, Suyaya did not say that Zhou Zhengqi changed his mind. She could only move to the secretary from the copy planning department.

When she went back to the copy planning department to move things, she happened to meet the female supervisor, and the female supervisor looked at her and smiled. "Congratulations on your rise."

Su Yaya licked her lips and didn't know what to say.

The female executive glanced at her and said, "You can do more than I can."

Su Yaya: "..."


After several months of interaction, the feelings of Suya and Zhou Zhengqi became more stable, and Su Yaya’s heart gradually accepted Zhou Zhengqi, and everything was developing in a good direction.

Su Da’s father lived alone in his hometown, and the conditions were not good. After Su Yaya helped to save the debts owed to her mother, she let Su’s father move from her home to live with her in the city. She takes care of him.

At first, Su’s father didn’t do it. He still wanted to stay in his hometown. Even if he could do some small work every day, he could have income. Suyaya said, he advised him: “You are not good at your body, staying at home and working hard, I am leaving. You are far away, you can't take care of you, you can't take care of you. What if you have three long and two short?" She experienced her mother's illness and knew how painful she was. She didn't want to go through the second time.

In the end, Su Da, under the persuasion of Suya, promised to move to live with Suya.

The relationship between Suyaya and Zhou Zhengqi has been very good, and they love each other very much. On that day, Zhou Zhengqi took Suya to go to the beach to play, the sea breeze, the waves waved into the beach.

Su Yaya walked barefoot on the beach by the sea. Suddenly, the fireworks in front of the sky lit up, and the colorful fireworks rose into the sky, burning into colorful light, shining like a star.

Zhou Zhengqi held a bunch of roses that did not know where to take it out, step by step to the face of Suyya, kneeling on one knee, piously and sincerely proposed to her.

He said: "Yaya, I love you, marry me!"

Su Yaya was so excited that her eyes shone like the stars in the sky. She happily accepted Zhou Zhengqi’s ring and threw herself into Zhou Zhengqi’s arms. The two men kissed each other deeply.

Zhou Zhengqi successfully proposed marriage, and the wedding of two people was quickly put on the agenda.

The parents on both sides were very satisfied with the marriage of the two. They did a lot of preparation work and quickly arranged the wedding. The wedding was held at a grand island hotel. Zhou Zhengqi and Suyya received blessings from countless people. .

When the photographer took pictures of everyone, the bride and the groom’s official smiled very brightly. It looked very good and was so happy.

Soon, Su Yaya was pregnant and went to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor said that she was pregnant, and the family was very happy. Zhou Zhengqi also took care of Suya more carefully, but she Where is a little bad, Zhou Zhengqi is even more nervous than Suya.

In this way, I spent more than nine months in peace. Su Yaya’s stomach started. Zhou Zhengqi, Su Dad and Zhou Dad’s mother sent Suya to the hospital.

The doctor suggested caesarean section, Su Yaya was sent to the operating room, the operation was very successful, Su Yaya gave birth to a pair of dragons and babies.

When the nurse took the dragon and phoenix out to Zhou Zhengqi, the family looked at the two beautiful little babies, and they were very happy.


The dream disappeared here, Su Yaya woke up from the dream, a loud baby crying into her ear, followed by a weak baby crying, Suyaya headed, heard The doctor and nurse are saying, "It's a pair of dragons."

Su Yaya heard this, thinking that she had a baby in her dreams. She did not expect that she would have a baby in the reality. This is what God arranged in the morning.

I have already had a sincere baby, and now I have a pair of dragons and babies. The three children are very cute. Suya thinks that she is a real winner!

Su Ya Ya gave birth to a dragon and a baby, and the family was very happy. Su Dad Su mother was busy every day to take care of two little babies.

Chengcheng baby looked at the dragon and sister, and laughed and claped: "They are so cute, I like them very much!"

Shen Xiu smiled and touched his hair. "Cheng Cheng is a big brother, you must take good care of your younger siblings!"

Sincerely nodded, "Oh, I will."

Shen Xiuqi walked over to hold Suya and kissed her forehead, lovingly saying: "I love you, wife."

"I love you too." Suyaya extended her hand to hug Shen Xiuqi, with a smile on Shen Xiuqi.

Looking at the family in the room, she has her husband who loves her, there are three lovely children, and both mother and father are healthy and happy. She thinks this is enough.

At that time, the person who met the right person, this is happiness.

The author has something to say: This article is all over here, and it is a red envelope. I wish all the followers of the texts are healthy and happy, and the happiness of marriage is sweet. If you don’t get married, you can find your own tA. Fortunately, happiness and good luck.

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