MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 64

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Shen Xiuqi spent 5.2 million to buy the Kashmiri sapphire that was the finale of the evening, which surprised the audience. Men are amazed at the masterpiece of Shen Xiuqi, and women are envious of Suya. They all felt that the sapphire must be a wedding dress that Shen Xiu would bring to Suya.

But in Suya's view, this is simply a nonsense. Don't look at Shen Xiuqi's appearance on her face. She actually knows exactly what position she is in his mind, no matter how good the two people are now. I can't explain anything. Once Bai Yueguang is back, she will be beaten back. She has a very clear understanding of herself. She has no expectation that Shen Xiu will ask her to marry him. She will also get Kashmiri sapphire. Not expecting, her heart is calm, like a waveless ancient well.

After the finale of the sapphire was sunk, the entire charity dinner also came to an end. Shen Xiuqi did not want to stay until the end. The people who took Suya to avoid the meeting room left the side door. They walked out of the hotel and extended Lincoln. Waiting there, Shen Xiuqi took Suya's hand and got on the bus together.

"Is it happy tonight?" Sitting on the car Shen Xiuqi asked Su Yaya.

Su Yaya’s face showed a nice smile and said, “Happy.”

Why are you not happy? I came out and saw a big scene. I witnessed that he bought the Kashmiri sapphire with 5.2 million. She is one of the witnesses of his love with An Yu. I hope that after the two of them are good, they can remember her. Ok!

Shen Xiuqi looked at her face with a smile and thought she was very happy. She smiled and asked her, "How about making the sapphire into a ring?"

Look, let's see, this is coming. Su Yaya thought in her heart that after making a ring, she would be able to give Anlang a wedding gift. Sure enough, everything is developing according to the plot, then she will push another hand along the plot.

Suya smiled and said: "Yes, it’s better to make a ring."

Shen Xiu Qi heard the words, and he was very satisfied with his heart. It was exactly the same as he thought. It was really better. He is now looking forward to the day.

Su Yaya sneaked a peek at Shen Xiuqi. His mouth was smiling. He thought that he was really happy. Well, sapphire bought his hand, and the matter was basically half successful. As far as she was concerned, she was very happy. She should be able to get back soon.

Two people are sitting in the car with different minds, thinking about their own affairs. The thinking is completely northward, one southward, not on the same frequency.

At this time, Shen Xiuqi’s cell phone rang, and he took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket, which was called by Assistant Chen.

He picked up the phone, "Hey?"

Opposite Chen Assistant said: "Shen Zong, you have already checked the matter that I have done. The video that was first exposed on the forum was sent by a foreign ip address, but I asked the master to check it, and then found it. The ip address was in the United States, and then I found out that it was at the University of California, and the younger brother of "Gourmet Mee" host Hui Jie went to the University of California to go to school. I went down and checked the original video. It was Hui sister sent to her brother."

"Hui Jie?" Shen Xiuqi hesitated, and thought a little. At night, the woman seemed to say hello to Suya, and asked him well. Was it such a woman?

"And then?" asked Shen Xiuqi.

Assistant Chen said: "After her brother sent the video and post, she poured into a group of water troops and forwarded the entire post and video. As for the photo of your relationship with Miss Su, it is a red hair. That net red has a relationship with Wang of Yongrong Food Co., Ltd."

Shen Xiuqi remembered it. The last time he and Su Yaya went to Yunhu Mountain Villa to play, they really met Wang Wenhao. At that time, Wang Wenhao took a net red. It was estimated that at that time, Net Red took him and Su Yaya. The photos of the two, but she did not send those photos before, and last night was to maintain the relationship between Yaya and his relationship, so I thought of it, in fact, she did not have any malice.

"Shen, what are they going to do?" Chen asked the opposite.

Shen Xiu Qi thought for a moment: "When Hui Jie is there, you will deal with it. Her heart is not correct. Let her stop doing the show first. It is better to rest and rest. As for the net red, she has not done anything bad before. Things, the photo was sent to maintain me and Yaya, to see if she needs any help there? Give her some resources."

"I know." Assistant Chen,

"Well, you can do it." Shen Xiu Qidao said, hung up the phone.

Sitting next to Su Yaya, he looked at Shen Xiu and asked: "What did Hui Jie and Net Red Xiaoyou do?

Shen Xiuqi said: "That Hui sister, my mind is not very correct, you did not think that you went to the show that day? Is she deliberately targeting you?"

Su Yaya thought about it. It seems that there is one point. She thought that the problem was a bit difficult to answer. She thought that Huijie did it for the effect of the program. Now it seems that it is not, and at the beginning, she got it. The program information is not like this at all, and the problem is not those problems. It really is that Hui Jie deliberately changed when she was doing the program.

"That is the net red little?" Suyaya did not worry, she also exchanged with her two microblogs, this girl will not pit her behind, right?

Shen Xiuqi said: "She is okay, know the bottom line, but my relationship with you, the first photo that was exposed is her hair, last time in Yunhu Mountain Villa, she secretly took a few photos."

Su Yaya frowned. She didn't know about it. This girl was too ill-considered. When she sent her and Shen Xiuqi's photos, I didn't want to think about it. What if I had trouble for them?

"What do you want to do with her?" Suya asked.

Shen Xiu smiled a little and pinched her face. He said: "I think that the net red Xiaoyou is quite good at defending you. It also helps you quarrel on the Internet. Although it is a bit wrong, it is also a cause, her mind. Not bad, I decided to give her some resources, and then thanked her for helping us."

Uh huh? Actually give her resources, this is too good!

Su Yaya quickly rushed over and looked at Shen Xiuqi with a smile. The voice was sweet and delicate. "Husband, what answer should you give me the resources? You have promised me for so long, I have been telling me to arrange and arrange I haven't arranged it now, will it be forgotten?"

Really, remember the resources of others, do not remember her resources, she must now actively save money, his sapphire has been bought, not far from the heroine, she has to quickly save the money Well, it is convenient to run behind, so Shen Xiuqi promised to give her resources, have to hurry to get there.

Shen Xiuqi certainly remembers to promise her, just thinking that she has to take a TV series recently, and she has to participate in variety shows. She does not want her to be too tired. She wants to wait for her to finish her job and then give her an advertisement. I did not expect her to ask. When he came up, he couldn't say no to her, he smiled and said: "Is it arranged for you tomorrow?"

"This is of course good!" Suya quickly hugged him. She was so eager to get resources tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, the advertisement was finished, and the day after tomorrow, the money was perfect.

Shen Xiuqi glanced at Suya, holding his hand, and reached out to pinch her face. "You, you are still competing with others. Am I not the best for you?"

Su Yaya blinked, what is this? Who is she competing with? The idea of ​​Shen Xiuqi is really amazing! Later, I thought about it. Isn’t Shen Xiuqi saying that she is competing with Xiaoyou? Hehehehe, Su Yaya is so funny, he can also associate with it, actually think of two things together. But this is also good, at least he does not know her true thoughts, so she can also get more resources from his hands, and wait until there is enough money, it is more perfect.

Two people came home and had a very comfortable night.

Shen Xiuqi is very enthusiastic, Suya is also very enthusiastic, Shen Xiuqi is very enthusiastic, because Suya is indeed in line with his appetite. He used this 5.2 million to take a Kashmiri sapphire tonight, and he has already decided what kind of ring to make. When he thought of the day, he was very excited. When he wanted to come, it would be a very exciting night.

Su Yaya’s enthusiasm is because Shen Xiuqi promised to give her advertising resources tomorrow. Since the big boss is so bold, she has to serve the gold master dad better, so that she can get better resources in the future!

One night, two people are fighting, and they are very satisfying!

The result was that Suya got up late the next day, and had no way to do breakfast, but Shen Xiuqi did not ask her, but as he said, she directly took two advertising contracts to her.

Two very good advertising endorsements, a big-name beauty advertising ad endorsement, a car advertising endorsement, big-name beauty endorsement advertising costs 5 million, car endorsement advertising costs 8 million, originally according to Shu Yaya's current price, she could not get So much money, because of the meaning of Shen Xiuqi, gave her such high endorsement fees.

Su Yaya’s heart is dark, and after the two advertisements are finished, she will be credited with millions of dollars. It’s not too beautiful!

"Thank you husband!" Su Yaya smiled and threw herself into Shen Xiuqi, and he kissed him on his face. The smile was sweet, just like eating honey.

Shen Xiuqi was also very useful. She bowed her lips and kissed her face. "You are happy."

Su Yaya is of course happy. She quickly contacted Zhou Peijun. Two people went to the company to sign the advertising contract. The next day, they began to arrange advertisement shooting. Then she spent several days to finish the two advertisements. The other party was very satisfied. In two days, I sent millions of advertising endorsement fees to her account!

Su Yaya counts the string of zeros on the bank card, and has fun!

The author has something to say: Su Yaya counts the string of zeros on the bank card, and has fun!

Shen Xiuqi: You are happy.

Read The Duke's Passion