MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 66

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The advertisement for skin care products was quickly filmed, and the five million endorsement fee was charged. Suyaya also allocated a large sum of money.

During this time, Su Yaya took several advertisements in succession, and the money in the bank card also saw an increase. Every time she secretly counted the numbers on the card, she could enjoy it for a long time.

She was born in a small county town, where the price is cheap, three or four million can buy a big villa, the country house is cheaper, she thinks that after going back, I will buy a farmhouse in the suburbs not far from the city. In the front of the yard, it is best to have a pond. You can feed the fish and feed the ducks to feed the geese. After the yard, you can plant some vegetables. You can also use it to entertain guests. It is the same as when she was a child in the country, and then every weekend. A few waves of people from the city who traveled to the suburbs to spend the weekend. When you think about it, you feel that your days are laid back and you don't want to be beautiful.

Su Yaya counted, if she wants to buy a farmhouse with ordinary points, and then save some money to support the elderly, she is barely enough money in the card, of course, if she divorces with Shen Xiu, Shen Xiuqi can give her more It’s better to raise the alimony. She can make the farmhouse music bigger and higher, attract more guests, and the income will definitely be different. It can also save more money for the elderly.

In fact, she worked so hard to make money, and worked hard to please Shen Xiuqi, not to die, not to swear Shen Xiaqi angry, not without reason, she is actually very afraid that when she and Shen Xiuqi divorced, Shen Xiuqi did not give her alimony. Although this possibility is very small, and Shen Xiuqi has always been very generous to her, 10 million cash is not a big deal for him, but she is very worried, because anything that does not happen, may produce variables, not take The money to the hand is not really money!

This may be related to her life experience from small to large. Su Yaya always believes in one sentence, relying on everyone to run, relying on mountains and mountains will fall down, relying on nothing depends on herself, so considering all aspects of the situation, she is even more I would rather believe in myself and be willing to rely on myself. Let’s put aside Shen Xiuqi and maybe give it to her. I must earn more and be more secure.

Su Yaya’s two programs of “Gourmet Mercure” have been broadcast, and the ratings have reached new heights. The program group is very happy. I decided to celebrate. The producer Sun Lei specially called Suya.

"Miss Su, I am Sun Lei. The ratings of these two programs have reached new heights. The whole program group is very happy. Taili also rewarded us with a bonus. We decided to gather together at the Nanbin Hotel. Today At 8 o'clock in the evening, you must come to participate."

Su Yaya happened to be fine at night, and she readily agreed to Sun Lei’s invitation. "Okay, I will arrive on time."

"That's good, then it's good." Sun Lei was very happy to invite Suya, and his voice was full of joy. "You will call me at the hotel, I will pick you up."

"Okay." Su Yaya promised.

The two people said so, Sun Lei hung up the phone.

Su Yaya called Shen Xiuqi with her mobile phone and told him that she was going to participate in the program group dinner tonight.

The phone ringing twice, Shen Xiuqi was connected, and the low-pitched sound of the cello sound came from the phone, "Yaya?"

“Repair.” Suya Yadao said: “The “Gourmet Mercure” program group called me and invited me to a dinner party in the evening.”

Shen Xiuqi’s head suddenly paused and he continued: “Do you want to go?”

Su Yaya "hmm", "Sun made a special call, I think it would be better to go there."

Shen Xiuqi asked: "Which hotel is it?"

Suyaya Road: "Nanbin Grand Hotel."

"Okay, I know." Shen Xiuqi agreed with enlightenment. "Go, let Zhongshu send you."

"Yeah, I know." Suyaya cheerfully.

The laughter of Shen Xiuqi came from the mobile phone. "Listen to your voice, go out for dinner, very happy!"

Su Yaya’s eyes dribbled and soon thought of an important thing. She asked Shen Xiuqi with concern. “Husband, I am not at home, what do you eat at night?”

Shen Xiuqi said: "Well, you may have to go hungry."

Su Yaya quickly said: "If I want to make the food first, you can eat it when you get back from work."

Shen Xiuqi immediately laughed. "How are you so cute?"


"You don't have to cook for me today. I have an important dinner tonight. I won't go home for dinner. Your promise can be reserved for the next time." Shen Xiuqi's voice full of laughter came from the phone.

That's it!

Su Yaya snorted and said to Shen Xiu: "Well, let me do it next time."

Shen Xiuqi said: "Hey."

Su Yaya "hmm", said goodbye to Shen Xiuqi, hung up the phone.

To go out for dinner, Suya went upstairs to go to the room to clean up, change the clothes out of the house, make up the makeup, and call Zhongshu, knowing that he is already on the way to the villa, there are still two minutes to come, Suya Ya took the bag and went out.

Su Yaya walked outside the villa, and Zhong Shu’s car had just arrived. Zhong Shu stopped the car and got off to drive to Suya.

Su Yaya smiled and said: "Uncle Zhong, you are coming really fast."

Zhong Shu returned: "It is Mr. Shen who called me first."

Su Yaya said: "Thank you, Zhong Shu."

Uncle Zhong returned without a thank you, and asked Suya to get on the bus. Then Zhong Shu sat in the cab and started the car all the way to the Nanbin Hotel.

In less than half an hour, the car arrived at the Nanbin Hotel, and Suya called Sun Lei in the car.

"Are you there?" Sun Lei said on the phone.

Su Yaya replied: "I have arrived."

Sun Lei quickly said: "I will pick you up right away."

Suyaya got out of the car and carried the bag to the door of Nanbin Hotel. She hadn't walked to the hotel door yet, and Sun Lei walked out one step at a time. When she saw her, she was busy waving to her. "Here here."

Suya walked over to him.

"Everyone has been there for a while, it is in the Fumantang box." Sun Lei led Suyaya to go inside.

Soon I arrived at the Fumantang box and I have already sat in a lot of people. The host Ou Ge and Peng Mingzhen, the two guests who recorded the last episode, the photography brother, the makeup artist, etc., sat full of a big box.

Su Yaya was taken by Sun Lei to the next position.

"Small Su, you are late." Suya just sat down, and the next brother, Ou Ge, said with a smile: "This is a fine wine."

Su Yaya replied: "You don't scare me, my drink is very shallow."

"Generally speaking, people are very good at drinking." Ou Ge smiled.

A table of people laughed

Sun Lei also said: "Girls bring their own three-point drink."

The dinner party is definitely inevitable to drink, even if Suya has paid attention to it, but it is inevitable to drink a few glasses of wine. When the atmosphere is more heated, everyone will be more casual.

Come and go to Suyya to resign, but then a few glasses of wine.

The box was a bit hot, Su Yaya felt a bit on the head, his head was dizzy, and he said to Sun Lei, looking for an excuse to go out to the bathroom.

Su Yaya went to the bathroom in the bathroom and stood in front of the sink to wash her hands. Looking at myself in the mirror, my face was red, and my eyes were full of water. It was almost the same. I thought about drinking less and drinking less, but everyone was so happy, she was still not disappointing. too much.

Suyya stood in front of the sink for a while, feeling a little more comfortable before turning around and going out.

The head was a little dizzy, and the line of sight was a little bit of a turn. Suya just went out and ran into a man's arms.

The taste is quite good. The Suya people were dizzy, thinking in their heads.

Then I look up and say sorry to the other person, and I see a face that I can’t be familiar with.

“Repairing?” Su Yaya said, looking at him, holding his clothes and smiling: “How are you here?”

Shen Xiuqi smelled the thick wine on her body, reached out and pinched her face, frowning: "How do you drink so much wine?"

"Happy!" Sun Yaya smiled and took his head on him.

Shen Xiuqi said: "I am so happy to drink so much wine? What if you are drunk and someone else sells you?"

"How is it possible? Hehehe..." Suyaya smiled and snorted on him.

When Shen Xiuqi looked at her like this, she knew that she had drunk almost, and reached out and touched her head. "Don't make trouble, let's go home."

"Okay, okay, let's go home." Suya was obviously drunk, urging Shen Xiuqi to hurry home.

Shen Xiuqi had no choice but to call Chen Assistant and let him say to Sun Lei that he had brought Suya back. Then he took Suya to the parking lot to drive.

All the way in the car, Su Yaya is not quiet, has been screaming at him, the Shen Xiu Qi did not dare to drive the car too fast, all the way to grind home.

At home, Shen Xiu frowned and said: "You have a taste of wine, take a bath first."

Su Yaya was drunk and said with a smile: "Okay."

Shen Xiuqi went to the bathroom to put hot water. Suya stayed in the room outside. She felt a little hot. She took off the stockings and then felt that the skirt was a little in the way. She reached the back and opened the skirt. Pulling on the back, I want to take off my skirt too...

Shen Xiuqi put the water out, and saw that Suyaya was almost out of touch, and quickly took her to the bathroom.

Who knows that Suyaya is not quiet in the bathroom, like a child, and pours water on Shen Xiuqi. "I won't wash you and help me wash..."

Shen Xiu Qi was wet all over her body. Looking at Su Yaya’s helplessness and pampering, she had to take off her clothes and help her to take a shower. But even if this was the case, Sun Yaya still had a bunch of requests, and even went to touch it, and finally she sank Can't bear it, the two people naturally rolled together.

Later on the bed, Su Yaya did not stop, always called me to be on top, I want to be on it.

Shen Xiuqi lay on his back on the bed, red-eyed, looking at the woman who was wearing his hair and squatting on his body, deeply felt that she would let her drink less in the future, but only when they were two people, it could be more Drink a little...

That night, Suyaya said that she didn't play enough. She wanted to play with her. Shen Xiuqi was proud and helpless. She stayed with her like this, and it took so many hours. The last two people went to sleep very late.

The next morning, Su Yaya woke up and felt sore, like being crushed by a road roller, especially the two legs were sore and weak, soft like noodles.

"How do you feel like being beaten by someone, it hurts." Su Yaya frowned.

Shen Xiuqi leaned against the bed and heard what she said. She couldn’t help but curl up her mouth. She remembered her extra enthusiasm last night, and it was more delicious than ever!

The author has something to say: Shen Xiuqi is very proud to think that the taste is really delicious than ever!

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