MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 91

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Hang up the phone, Suya is ready to give Su mother a fight, the result has not been hit, another call came in, this time is the phone of director Zhou Tongguang.

"Zhou, hello!" Su Yaya picked up the phone.

The opposite side of Zhou Tongguang stunned, and then said: "Listen to your voice, I feel very good mood? You really quit the entertainment circle?"

"Yeah, yeah, Weibo has been sent, not to talk about it." Su Yaya smiled.

Zhou Tongguang smiled casually: "Isn't I couldn't find the heroine to film in the future?"

"How come? How come? Want to shoot a week-old actress, the actress is very much, as long as you send a message, the actress who wants to play your show will be able to line up the team, all kinds of ring fat Yan thin You can pick whatever you like, and you can pick it up.” Su Yaya still remembers that she was going to play the film directed by Zhou Tongguang. She was dismissed by director Zhou Tongguang. Fortunately, she conquered him with her own efforts and acting skills. Two people are now friends who can speak.

"Oh, what a pity, you really didn't play. I originally had a play on hand and wanted to shoot you. I want to find you as the heroine. As a result, you actually retired. This is really not for me. A good news!” Zhou Tongguang’s director was half joking.

"Really? Really? Is there really a female one to play for me? Zhou Dao, if you really say this, I am not welcome." Su Yaya said to him haha.

"I really have a play, do you want to play?" Director Zhou Tongguang put away a smile and asked seriously.

Su Yaya thought for a moment, and finally refused. He laughed haha. "I have already retired. What are you doing? Zhou Gui, you choose other people. There must be a better woman than me." No."

Director Zhou Tongguang sighed in the opposite direction. "If this is the case, then forget it, when I didn't say it."

"Uh-huh." Suyaya should have a voice.

Director Zhou Tongguang then asked: "You have retired, you are not acting, what are you going to do? Wouldn't you be going home to marry?"

“Where can I!” Su Yaya replied: “Be prepared to do what you like, and when it’s time to do it, Zhou’s guide will help me publicize!”

"That depends on what you are doing? I don't want to promote you with bad things." Director Zhou Tongguang said that he smiled at the opposite side.

"The guarantee is good." Suya said: "You will wait for me!"

Director Zhou Tongguang said: "Hey, listen to you, I am quite interested, I will wait for your news."

"It’s so good." Su Yaya said with joy.

The two men whispered two more words and hung up the phone.

As a result, someone immediately called, this time is the producer of "Gourmet Mercure" Sun Lei.

Sun Lei said on the phone: "Miss Su, how can you retire? I haven’t heard you before, but the next program has not been recorded. What should I do? You are the champion of several consecutive years, you How can I just leave?"

Su Yaya hurryed: "I'm sorry, sorry, I really have to quit the entertainment circle because of my own special reasons. The program recorded, Zhou Jie said that I will contact you, she will arrange another person to take over my position. If you feel unsatisfied, you can also change other guests. We have no opinions on this side. I am really sorry."

"Hey!" Sun Lei sighed on the phone. When he said this, he couldn't force Suya to record the program. He was just a pity. Suya came to participate in their show. The ratings have been improved a lot. If there is no Suya, the heat will definitely decrease. To maintain this rating and heat, it is not easy to find a female star that can match Suya, mainly Suya. The topic of the subject is too high, and the lack of such a high-profile female guest is really a big loss for the program group.

Su Yaya apologized to Sun Lei on the phone. Sun Lei finally expressed her understanding, accepted her apology, and wished her a smooth future. Su Yaya accepted it with a smile.

After I finished the call, this time I finally stopped. No one called again. Suyaya quickly called Mrs. Su and she finally got home.

The phone was connected, and the voice of my mother’s surprise came from the phone. “Yaya.”

"Mom, I am back. Where are you in the country now? I am coming to see you." Suya said on the phone.

Ms. Su reported an address. "We are at the Dongzhihong Reservoir Baizhiyuan, which is the old house in the former countryside."

Su Yaya recalled the position in her mind and went on to say, "I am here by car, waiting for me."

Su Yaya smiled on the phone: "Well, we are waiting for you, at home to make you a favorite dish, waiting for you to come back to eat."

"Yeah, thank you mom." Su Yaya smiled and said, sweet voice.

Ms. Su was so happy that she stunned Su Yaya on the phone and hang up the phone with joy and ran to let Su’s father prepare what Suya likes to eat. Their daughter finally came back.


Shen Xiuqi sat at the table and stared at the rewinding Weibo on Suya Yafa on the mobile microblog. After a long time, the deep gaze was so staring at the Weibo, as if to put Weibo on the avatar. Suya stared at a hole.

He has maintained this position for half an hour, and the smoke on his finger has burned to the end. Mars burns his fingers and he reacts.

He slammed the cigarette butts into the ashtray and stared at the head of Su Yaya on the mobile microblog. He thought bitterly, she actually went so far, and left without a trace of love, even to him. There was no chance to take a breather, and he gave him any possibility to turn around. He walked with determination and made up his mind, leaving him with no room for him.

He rushed home in a hurry that day, just happened to meet her to pack her bags to leave. He was also angry at the time. He did not control his emotions for a while, but pressed her over and over again. At that time, his mind only had One thought is to hope that she will stay with her and let her not go.

Why did you do it impulsively? He remembered afterwards, it was Jiang Chengguang, they said, chasing a woman, what is difficult, not enough to do it twice, twice less than twice, so that she served the shun, and where is still willing to leave?

Unfortunately, the reality beat his face and made him feel uncomfortable. He did it many times, but it didn't work. He didn't use it at all. It was useless to save someone who wanted to go. In the end, Suyaya still left. Song Ming’s words mean that when a woman is really dead and wants to leave a man, the nine-headed cow can’t be pulled back. It’s about the time when Suyaya was leaving.

Su Yaya walked too hard, leaving no papers, only leaving him with a signed divorce agreement.

Going to the **** **** divorce agreement, he was so crazy that he had made such a broken thing out. He couldn’t figure out what he thought at the time. It’s really a brain. The nerves made such a **** thing. Now I really lifted my rock and rubbed my own feet. It hurts, and my face hurts. It’s like being smashed with a few big ears, and there is no place to complain!

He also wanted to look for Suya in the past, but when Su Yaya left, he walked so resolutely, and there was no room for him to return. He clearly couldn't come back again, and she was that night. It has already been made very clear that she has never loved him, only to complete the agreement to get married with him, to be with him, to be kind and gentle and considerate, just to get the 10 million alimony!

For the money to be with him, very good very good, this sentence every time I think of it, like a sharp knife to his heart, so that he can not breathe even breathing, once Those who are happy and happy in the past, all of them are fake and fake, but she is playing on the scene, licking his ghost tricks!

When he thought of this, he remembered the good pets he had told her before, and the words he had said in the media. How confident he was to master this woman, how awkward and annoyed he is now, he is deep Deeply feel that being able to say those self-arrogant words is like an invincible big silly fork! .

In the past few days, he didn't think about calling her or going to her. If he really wanted her, she could find her back even if she ran to the ends of the earth. But when she remembered the ruthless words she said to him, she thought of herself as a ridiculous idiot, and she ruined the courage to find her.

He didn't have the courage to look for him. He was afraid that after he went, the result would still be impossible to change. Just like when he was chasing the Ango language to the United States, he finally saw that he was an angling and embraced with other men. The picture together, fell on the grass and kissed...

The mood has been devastated to the extreme. Shen Xiuqi has not been to the company for several days. Fortunately, the entire Shen family is not alone. He can operate as usual without him.

Shen Xiuqi called Xu Kai, and could not refuse the tone. "Old place tonight."

When Xu Kai heard a headache, he did not fall down. He politely asked for mercy on the phone. "Big brother, I told you that your grandfather can't do it. It's been a matter of days. I can't stand it." Can we stop for two days? I will accompany you for two days!"

In the past few days, Shen Xiuqi did not have any mood. Apart from sleeping at home, he called Xu Kai, Song Ming and Jiang Chengguang at night. They came out to drink. Three couldn’t come two, two couldn’t come, they always had one. Anyway, someone had to be there. Accompanied him to drink alcohol to relieve boredom, otherwise it is not allowed to stop, can harass them to call for help, Xu Kai they can not help, take turns to accompany him, always afraid of him accident.

However, Shen Xiuqi is too tossed, and has not stopped for a few days. The three people have been tortured by him in turn. Of course, Xu Kai is the worst of the three, who told him to say no to him. The language brought to see Shen Xiuqi, and then led to a series of chain reactions, and finally Su Yaya ran, and it should be awkward!

Xu Kai deeply felt that his old life must be explained in the hands of Shen Xiuqi.

After being tortured by the sinking, I went back to find Song Ming and Jiang Chengguang crying. The result was not ridiculed and attacked by two people. "Who told you that you have no eyesight, what should be done, what should not be done, no movement. Brain!"

Xu Kai, who was detained, retorted dissatisfiedly. "Why can you blame me alone? The day when An Yu came back, it happened to be met. She said that she would treat her dinner. That night, both of you went to the new one. The Imperial City is not the only one."

"So, hey, you are the principal offender, we are accomplices." In the words of Song Ming, Jiang Chengguang was nodded in the side.

Xu Kai slammed into the sofa and went to the sofa, holding his head and mourning, "I want to die to die!"

After I got up, I asked Song Ming and Jiang Chengguang to find a way. "What do you do in the end? You have to think of a solution. You can’t go back like that in the original language. That is a whole half year. , will be dead!"

Jiang Chengguang raised his eyebrows and the old **** was in the tunnel: "This time it is estimated that it will take half a year. You should hold some of it first. Just wait until you figure it out."

"Can't we help to think of a solution?" Xu Kai did not give up.

"The bell must still be ringing the bell!" Song Ming said in another language, "For Xiu Qi, our help does not work."

Xu Kai snorted again, accepted this reality, and insisted on dying to support Shen Xiuqi.

Therefore, when Shen Xiuqi called him to drink, Xu Kai said that he should not ask for the words, but in the end he had to go to Shen Xiuqi honestly, who told him that he was blamed.

The author has something to say: The whim has sorted out the documents written in the previous u disk, and found that I have written at least three articles running with the ball. After running, I was found by the male owner and I was running with the ball directly. The running with the ball is really enduring, hehehehe!

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