MTL - The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 1 confused

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Creepy crunching noises rang in the dark alleys. It looks like the mice in the water channel chew food.

A group of black shadows lay on Lao Nuo's body, kept digging for something, and made a terrible chewing sound.

This is an urban-rural junction near the suburbs of Zhongdu. Near midnight, no one saw the horror scene in this alley.

Suddenly, the chewing stopped, a moonlight dripped, and it hit Li Anping's pale face.

His eyes were protruding, and his eyes were full of panic. When he saw Lao Nuo, who was fuzzy in blood under him, he screamed back and leaned against the wall.

Li Anping looked at the blood on his hands and the wreckage on the ground, and finally he couldn't help vomiting.

He vomited for a long time, but he couldn't vomit cleanly anyway, he always felt like there was something in his stomach. When he saw the blood in his vomit, he screamed madly.

"If you want to bring the police, just call next."

安 Li Anping looked up, and said angrily, "What the **** did you do? You ... let me eat ... let me eat ..."

"You want to talk about cannibalism?" The voice said badly: "I didn't control you. From beginning to end, you were acting alone. Kill the police, and kill the first intruder later. Yeah, and chasing the second intruder, killing him, and eating a few mouthfuls of his meat, all of which you made yourself. "

"How is it possible?" Li Anping slammed his head against the wall hysterically: "How can I eat people? You devil, how can you let me eat people ?!"

"Hey hey hey, I said I didn't control you, I just gave you strength." The voice sneered: "And what you do afterwards is driven by your instinct.

Li Anping, you are born a demon. In your heart of pursuing justice for more than two decades, you have hidden the deepest malice of mankind.

For you, killing is as natural as breathing, destroying life is as easy as dressing and eating. These are your instincts, you are the real you. "

Li Anping held his head with both hands and covered his ears: "Nonsense, I don't listen to your confusion anymore, everything is you, you are manipulating me, you demon, you devil !! You ruined my life !!! "

The voice snorted coldly: "Before that, you had no life. You are now repaired, and you have more power than ordinary people have, and you have a chance to get revenge.

The only cost is awakening one's instinct. This is simply a bargain.

What's more, you promised me before that you could pay anything, would you repent now? "

安 Li Anping was silent, a look of fierceness appeared on his face: "But I didn't promise you to eat people !!! How can you leave my body? I won't eat people anymore."

The voice once again said: "I just need to make a deal with you. In the process of trading, you will only get countless benefits and master the power that ordinary people cannot imagine ..."

In the face of terrible facts, some people will go crazy, some will collapse, and some will show their nature.

"From the beginning, did you use me?" The logic in Li Anping's brain also started to work again. "In the ward, although you said a lot, you didn't reveal any important information. Not even you I don't know what kind of existence it is.

But at the time I was desperate, so I chose to believe in you ... "

"Hey hey hey, it turns out your choice was right."

"Right? Now think about it calmly, I feel that I am bewildered by you and have gone the way you want me to go." The voice was silent, Li Anping said, "If you want to trade, at least Tell me what you really are? And what is going on? "He said, pointing at the corpse on the ground.

"Hey, the deal has been reached, it's too late to say anything now. When you let go of God, my strength and your body have become inseparable. Speaking of it, should you look at your own body first? ? "

"Huh?" Li Anping heard that he stood up and looked down at his own body. I saw him startled, looking at his torso in disbelief, and exclaimed, "How is that possible?"

I saw that his original 1.8-meter body had become taller and almost grew to 1.99-meter, and the fleshy body that had been tortured on the hospital bed had become extremely strong. His arms and thighs had a lot of tendon meat. Coupled with a streamlined abdomen and chest muscles, it looks like a gymnast or swimmer.

Compared to what he was a day ago, it's really different.

At the same time, a seductive voice sounded in his ear again: "My ability is to strengthen myself by sucking human soul and body, and after boarding in your body, you have the same ability.

As long as you keep hunting for humans, you will become stronger and stronger, and your body will become closer to perfection.

As long as enough humans are hunted, one day, you will become the **** of the new world and run this world with your own will. "

"Don't think about it," Li Anping said in a decided tone, "I will never eat people. And what you say is totally unfounded."

"No evidence? How do you explain your current body? How do you explain everything you did in the hospital?" The voice sarcastically said: "You have absorbed the soul of that policeman to fight against the one who can control muscles. , And then ate that ability to chase down this man all the way and kill the man, and complete the preliminary transformation of the flesh. "

"It's not me! It's you!" Li Anping yelled, "You don't want to use me again, you monster, I won't be at your mercy again."

"Hum, then how do you get revenge? You do n’t want to intensify by eating people. But what do you do now? The police are looking for you, and the people in the family will not let you go. Although they are not sure that the people in the hospital killed you Yes, but I also know that you are missing, if next time they send another person with a stronger ability to come, with your current strength, a dead end. "

"You don't need to worry about it." Li Anping held his head and walked towards the alley.

"It's a rookie, don't you even hide the body after you finish eating it?"

安 Li Anping didn't say a word, just walked out of the alley. Although his thinking returned to normal, he was still confused. He wanted to vent, but didn't know what to do, he wanted to talk to someone, but didn't know who to find.

He walked alone in the cold winter streets, still wearing the hospital's sick clothes, with blood stains on it, which looked particularly weird.

The cold wind blew on the body, but Li Anping could not feel the slightest coldness. There is an endless stream of power in the body. Although he is not as strong as the hospital when the power broke out, but his strengthened body has made him far beyond ordinary people.

Gradually, Li Anping walked faster and faster, he ran, and the map of the entire city in his mind appeared as if looking at the map in his hand. He had never felt his memory so strong. His arms were swinging vigorously, his feet were stepping on the ground, and the huge thrust pushed his body forward.

Feeling the wind blowing through his face, Li Anping kept running at the speed of ordinary people sprinting, as if to vent all the distress in his heart.

But my strong body doesn't feel fatigue at all, my limbs don't feel sore, my lungs breathe as usual, not even a breath.

When he stopped. I just feel a little sour in my legs, just like ordinary people lose their nap after a meal.

Until the sky was bright, he found out that he had unknowingly spanned dozens of kilometers and returned to the neighborhood where he lived.

"Did I return here subconsciously?" Li Anping murmured, seeing the familiar grass and trees nearby and experiencing a feeling of right and wrong. The last time he came here, he was still an undergraduate student, and he saw heroes of righteousness.

Now, he has become a **** everyone spurs, a murderer hunted by police.

"What the **** am I going to do?"

Li Anping walked down the street in dismay, Li Anping's face was confused.

"Li Anping?" At this moment, a female voice rang from behind him, almost dispersing his terrified soul.

He turned around and found it was Wang Xue, his neighbor's daughter.

'How to do? Should I stun him? Will he call the police? Did ... kill her? ’Li Anping looked back at Wang Xue blankly, just as he was ashamed of his subconscious reaction. Wang Xue behind him spoke again.

"I'm sorry, I confessed the wrong person." Wang Xue spit out her tongue and blinked at Li Anping ~ ~. She is just a young age, and the sky grows well, looks It is cute and unusual, and is also a popular character in school.

此时 At this time Li Anping looked down at himself, and also reflected over. It turned out that after his body was modified, both his body shape and temperament changed greatly. Only the eyebrows still faintly looked like before, so Wang Xue recognized him wrong.

However, Wang Xue looked at Li Anping's slump and blood on his clothes again, and asked, "Are you all right?"

"No ... nothing," Li Anping said nervously. "Just a fall."

雪 Such a mindless lie, Wang Xue can naturally see through. However, living in this slum area, Wang Xue saw a lot of people. If she didn't think the other party was similar to Li Anping just now, she wouldn't come to ask questions.

"It's okay. There is nothing in the world that can't get through." Wang Xue said with a big grin: "If you want to find a job, you can go to the vegetable market to find my dad Wang Qing, help move and the like.

"Well, I will think about it." Li Anping nodded, knowing that the other party had misunderstood that he was a beggar, a tramp and the like. But he is now no different from the tramp.

I heard that Wang Xue's father, Wang Qing, was the boss of the vegetable market. She likes to help some needy households in the community and has become a big sister. Now it looks like this.

I watched Wang Xue leave, Li Anping suddenly felt warm. Perhaps the world is very dirty, but it has not reached a moment of total despair, maybe only a small part, but there are still good people and good deeds in this world.

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