MTL - The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 10 world

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With the wave of chaos, countless worlds began to change. ()


Jiuxuan continent, non-thinking country, Taiming City.

In the home of the city owner Li Ruoshan, Li Ruoshan was walking anxiously, listening to the voices of his wife and Wenpo in the room, his face full of tension.

Today is the day of his wife's birth. The time has passed two hours, but the child in his wife's stomach still hasn't come out, so don't worry.

At this time, he had the power to turn over the river. There was nothing he could do to deal with the problem of women having children.

At this moment, Wen Po in the room shouted, "Come out, it's a boy!"

But before Li Ruoshan was happy, he heard Wen Pan's panic again: "No, why didn't the little boy cry?"

Although Li Ruoshan is not a physician, he also knows that when a baby is born, he starts breathing with his own lungs. The first cry is a sign that the lungs are open.

When he heard the words, he rushed in immediately, and saw Wen Po beating the child's back, anxiously, "If you don't cry, the child won't live."

Wen's palm photographed the baby's back again. The child opened his eyes, and the endless rays of light shot from his eyes. With his first cry, all the zero vacuum in the endless void can be here. At the moment it reached its peak, the entire Jiuxuan continent seemed to become an annihilation reactor. In just five seconds, the entire continent had disappeared.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." The Four Worlds couldn't help but laughed out: "This guy is too irritable, he ruined his hometown as soon as he was born."

The tide of chaos frowned: "His power is too strong. It seems that he cannot copy his consciousness algorithm in its entirety, so there must be some deletions."

"It's not too young, and the brain is too delicate and easy to run away."

After that, Li Anping was shrouded in more intense blue light, and more worlds were invaded by chaos.


Above Tarzan. Thousands of martial arts people gathered in a group, staring at the man in the center.

Although the man was pale and white, his face was handsome and elegant. But now his hands and feet, behind his chest, thighs and waist, are all kinds of stab wounds, sword injuries, rolled wounds, protruding bone stubble.

If ordinary people look like this. Already passed out.

But not only did the man die, he stood still. His hands were steady, and there was a faint smile on his mouth, as if the injuries on his body were so trivial.

It was such a faint smile, a pair of steady fists, but it caused thousands of martial arts people around to stagger.

He laughed aloud: "You heroes, aren't you trying to destroy the demon head, or are you trying to get rid of the demon guard? Now I'm here, why don't you get on?

"Amitabha." A monk stepped forward. A sad Tianmin said: "Oriental donor, put down the butcher knife to become a Buddha, if the donor is willing to enter the empty gate, the ancient Buddha in the Shaolin Temple. If you want to raise the sky ..."

"Wait a minute, does Shaolin Temple want to encroach on the Jiuyang Divine Power of Dongfangbai alone?" Said a man holding a nine-ring sword.

"Amitabha, the donor's words are bad, Shaolin Temple has a thousand-year ancient temple. Seventy-two unique skills, why should we covet the magical powers of Jiuyang."

"Knowing people knowing their faces, but who knows what you think."

I saw a group of people arguing about their martial arts. Dongfangbai laughed again and again: "Why are you guardians, hypocrites, cover up, this time you besieged me, one thing is to listen to the order of the dog emperor Kublai Khan. He was afraid that I would find one day He took revenge on Xue Heng and broke his world, and sent you a bunch of dog legs to hunt me down.

The two are nothing more than my Jiuyang magic. "

At this point, a flash of glaucoma flashed in his eyes, an unprecedented awakening appeared in his mind, all kinds of data, memories, and truth kept flashing in his mind.

The Jiuyang Divine Gong he learned from his childhood became so worthless at this moment that he not only integrated the entire Jiuyang Divine Gong in a few seconds, but also took it to a higher level, reaching an unprecedented state.

He looked at the martial arts people in front of him and suddenly said, "You want the magical power of Jiuyang, right?"

"Then give it to you!"

I saw Dongfang Bai in the unbelievable eyes of thousands of martial arts people, the whole person was lifted up, his hands were raised, a truck-sized fireball was generated above his head, within a hundred square feet, as if he had come to the furnace .

All the martial arts heroes stared at Yue Peng in the sky dumbfounded, sweating and not knowing.

"This is the highest state of Jiuyang magic that I just created, Jiu Conghuo."

"I want to give it to you."

It is enough to blind the eyes of ordinary people to the top of Mount Taishan. On this day, dozens of masters including Shaolin Temple, Quanzhengism, Qingcheng School, and Giant Whale Gate all died in the hands of Dongfangbai, and the rivers and lakes were filled with rumors.

Ten days later, Dongfangbai single went straight to Yuan Dadu, killed three hundred thousand iron riders with three palms, then went straight into the palace, chopped Kublai Khan's dog head under his palm, and completed a period of martial art myth.

Some people said that he finally broke up in the void, and some people said that he died in the Changbai Mountain after practicing his exercises and going to the devil. Some even said that he was assassinated by the assassination of the Yuan Dynasty and died of poisoning.

But the real result is no one knows, and no one cares. The martial arts people are more concerned about whether Dongfang Bai has left that volume of Jiuyang Divine Power and where is it left.

Only Dongfang Bai knows that he is no longer Dongfang Bai. He is Li Anping, the master of Da Xia and the king of mankind. As his strength increased and his memory revived, with the help of the Chaos Tide, he finally connected to his own body.


It's not just the world where Dongfangbai lives. Thousands of worlds are changing. The seeds left by the tide of chaos are injected with Li Anping's consciousness algorithm, and then blossom and bear fruit.

In a distant spacetime, in a galaxy known as the Grand Cross Tomb, the boy Victor Lee participated in the interstellar war. On the battlefield, he tore his own mech with his bare hands, and then observed it unbelievably by everyone. In China, the entire Great Cross Tomb Nebula was evaporated with unprecedented ultra-gamma-ray bursts, and it took ten years to unify the entire galaxy.

In another spacetime, a meteorite of the size of the Pacific Ocean smashed towards the earth ~ ~ Governments around the world have united. After trying various methods such as nuclear bombs, lasers, and blasting, the meteorite is still firm. Moved towards the earth.

But in the last hour of the earth's death, the middle-aged man Song Ping'an wore a courier's work clothes to the sky. In the broadcast of countless military satellites, he blasted a meteorite with a punch, bringing an unprecedented death to the world. The disaster turned into a beautiful meteor shower that spread across the planet, and an unprecedented superhero was born.

In another piece of time and space, the Tenth Avenue Gate encircled the North Demon Gate, and when the entire high-rise of the North Demon Gate was slain and killed. When the North Demon Gate that was founded for tens of thousands of years was about to perish, a disciple named Li Badi came forward. He used a trick called the Ii 99,99th company to kill three thousand door masters, thus he was called the most demon head in history, and the technique he used was also called legend The most powerful method of magic gate.

The move near God—9,999 days of Dayi has also become a cloud in the heart of the two veins of Buddhism and Taoism. But unfortunately, since Li Bad soared, no one in the magic gate can reach the height of 9,999th company, tenth company, twentyth company, it is unprecedented talent.

One consciousness after another is connected to Li Anping's ontology, a strange feeling in a different universe and on a different timeline rushing towards his brain. (To be continued ...)