MTL - The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 14 Back attack

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The continuous flames of war in the solar system burned for a year.

After the Silver Wave Empire was killed in the first wave of expeditionary forces, three expeditions were photographed in succession through the star gates and came to the solar system.

A total of more than 100 million space battleships were all defeated by the Earth using super weapons such as graviton bombs, gamma ray guns, and bright glass rays.

But the number of warships is too large. Even if the earth uses the super weapons left by Li Anping to destroy them, they still destroy all human colonial cities on Enceladus.

To make matters worse, the use of super weapons to destroy the Silver Shadow Empire's expeditionary forces did not scare the Empire, but completely inspired the Silver Shadow Empire, and the high-level greed for the Earth to show technology.

One hundred million space warships can only be regarded as a small amount of money for the Silver Shadow Empire with a population of more than tens of trillions. In contrast, the technology exhibited by the earth has greatly enhanced the empire's current strength.

And the most important thing is that although the earth has technology beyond the earth, from the previous attacks, it seems that their number is too small, and it is so poor. The destruction of the colonial city made the high-level Silver Shadow Empire see the possibility of crushing the earth's military by quantity.

As a result, more fleets were photographed in the solar system. Death Stars of War, Super Mechas, Man-made Airports, and war weapons were transported to the solar system.

Just outside the gravitational band of the entire solar system, more than 10,000 star gates have been established. These artificial wormholes are frantically devouring warships every day. Millions of warships have been transported out of the solar system every day. There are already more than four billion battleships hovering outside the solar system. This is a real interstellar war that humans have never experienced.

It can be said that if the Silver Shadow Empire wants to destroy the Earth people, just by rushing all the warships to the solar system together, the unprecedented mass and gravity will be enough to make the entire solar system collapse.

However, the Silver Shadow Empire naturally did not do this, because their purpose was not to destroy the earth people. It is the technology that wants to get the earth people.

So they didn't let the army press in and shred the entire solar system. They send only five million battleships into the solar system every day to attack the Earthman base. This is obviously to prevent too many fleets from being destroyed by human super weapons in one breath.

In this way, human beings have not been wiped out in one breath. But even so, most of the colonial stars in the solar system were destroyed by the Silver Shadow Empire in turn. The last remaining bases for humans are Mars, Moon, Space Gate and Earth.

Outside the solar system, above the mothership of more than two thousand kilometers, the chief commander of the expeditionary army. Reinhardt, the superhero of the Silver Shadow Empire, is holding a glass of red wine and savoring his unique touch.

"This red wine is good, but it is far worse than the blue wine of the Empire."

The lieutenant on the side bent down and said with a humorous face: "There is no way, the history of these indigenous people is too short, like a upstart. Their winemaking history is not even as small as a colonial star of the Empire.

"It doesn't matter. How about Hotim? For half a month, the earth has not used their super weapons. The combat command suspects that their spare energy has been exhausted. That's why Hotim was sent to attack them. The colony of Mars, on this colony, has more than 100 million Earth people, and a lot of resources, they cannot easily give up. "

At this point, Reinhardt smiled, and spilled red wine on the ground with a disgusted expression: "If they even gave up this colonial star. It means that their superweapons have indeed run out of energy." The cleaning robot stepped forward to clear the red wine sprinkled by Reinhardt.

The lieutenant lowered his head and said, "Hotim's fleet has surrounded the Earth's colony, but the other party is still resisting, you know, their ability. Very powerful."

"Any capable person?" This was another thing that surprised the empire. No one has ever imagined that a human being alone can rely on the so-called ability to have a combat power comparable to or even beyond that of a warship.

In the past half month, although the Earth has not activated super weapons, it has eliminated many of the forces of the Silver Shadow Empire with its own space battleships and capable people. However, people are people, and they always need rest and adjustment, not to mention the Earth The number of high-level abilities compared to the fleet of the Silver Shadow Empire is so scarce.

So although the capable people destroyed many of the forces of the Silver Shadow Empire, they faced unimaginable pressure when five million warships stormed into the solar system every day.

Hotim ’s fleet, through the accumulation of this time, has made the Silver Shadow Empire in the solar system have more than 10 million space warships, most of which are the smallest dogs of the hound class.

Just as Reinhardt and his aides discussed Hotim's fleet, the entire Mars was surrounded by the fleet of the Silver Shadow Empire.

They were quietly floating in the void of tens of millions of kilometers around Mars, and the shadows covering the sky almost covered the entire surface of Mars.

At every moment, millions of battleships' swords lit up with various flashes of light, and the light shone into a void in the universe, even on Earth. It was the battleship that was using the main gun to attack the major colonial cities on Mars.

Kinetic energy bombs, missiles, nuclear weapons, plasma guns, and various attacks are like rain. They are constantly covering the Martian continent, but most of them have failed to achieve results. Almost all the attacks are entering. Mars, after entering the atmosphere created by humans, will be swallowed by the sudden appearance of the space gate, and then exploded in outer space.

For five consecutive days of wild bombardment, Mars suffered less damage, but the debris of various bombs and missiles scattered in the outer space around Mars, forming an unprecedented garbage orbit.

On Hotim's flagship, he looked at the red planet in front of him and asked, "How's it, the defense strength has decreased?"

"Adults have a clever idea. Starting today, more and more attacks have passed through the other side's defense circle. Twelve cities of the Earth have fallen."

"Huh, these savages are nothing more than a deadly one who has survived until now." Hotim's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing the coldness: "Do you still want to top? Huh, order all The army fired the battleship main gun to see how he topped it. "


At the Mars base, Xia Liekong looked at Fang Yuhuang, Emma, ​​and Dr. with anxious faces.

The three of them sat in a circle, and each person placed more than a dozen spiritual gems, and dozens of hoses were inserted into their bodies to deliver food and nutrition.

They are connected together through the mental force field of Tianhou, while combining their sixth-level abilities to form a defensive network surrounding Mars.

In this case, they have persisted for five days. Xia Liekong looked at their weaker bodies and thoughts, and the brows became more and more tight. If this continues, the three will not be able to survive without the collapse of the spiritual gem.

Xia Liekong asked through the communicator, "Is it not enough?"

"Not yet. It takes five days to recharge the cannon to activate the retreat gun. To activate other super weapons, more energy is needed, at least seven to ten days."

"Five days ..." Xia Liekong gritted his teeth. Although he rushes to the battlefield every day, he is the only one without the cooperation of Fang Yuhuang and others ~ ~ Using plasma form, it can destroy thousands of space battleships in a day. For the entire battlefield , It's almost a drop in the bucket.

On the other hand, Bai Xinghe, who would have come to support, had completely lost contact. After receiving this news, Xia Liekong evacuated the humans on Mars in turn through the space gate, leaving only the basic defensive strength.

Now there are only two choices to put in front of Xia Liekong, one to stay on Mars, until the three of Fang Yuhuang, Emma, ​​Dr. collapse. There may or may not be support during the waiting period.

The other is to give up Mars, to give up this human colony.

"No way." He clicked on the communicator: "Everyone starts to retreat, ready to give up Mars."

However, after saying this sentence, the imaginary answer did not come. Xia Liekong looked at the communicator, and a hint of electric spark was emerging on it, which seemed to prevent his words from spreading.

When he felt strange, he patted a palm on his shoulder: "No need to retreat, leave it to me." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation, monthly , Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.)

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