MTL - The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 17 Debut

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For ten days, Li Anping silently stood on the moon of Magic Star II, a moon that locals call Naitra.

The light is the distance from the Mondo continent to Naitra, which is a distance enough to make most wizards despair. In other words, among the existing magicians in the entire Mundo continent, even if they want to challenge Li Anping, at most, no more than three people have the strength to reach Li Anping.

But during these ten days, no one at all reached Li Anping and challenged him.

For ten days, Li Anping's image was always shrouded in the sky of the Continent, giving the wizards an extremely depressed feeling.

Thousands of years of self-confidence brought about by magical civilization, this moment was oppressed by Li Anping alone.

Within ten days, if there are countless mages in the beginning looking forward to the demigod Dionysos who can teach Li Anping in front of everyone, then as time goes by, with Dionysos There has been no influence from Sri Lanka, and the confidence of all the mages has been continuously weakened, which is exactly the purpose of Li Anping.

Spiritually defeated the mage class of the Mondo continent. Of course, it would be best if Dionysus could be cited.


On the floating aircraft carrier that has been repaired by Li Anping himself, not only the original damage was completely repaired by Li Anping, but also the force field armor that Li Anping just finished testing is added. It can increase or decrease the energy output and change the strength of the armor according to different conditions. As a result, the defense capability of the current floating aircraft carrier has also been greatly improved.

In the command room, Xia Liekong looked at Li Anping in the video and asked the aide to the side: "How long is the ten-day expiration?"

"Two more hours, sir."

Xia Lie nodded emptyly. Suddenly asked, "Do you think Dionysus will come?"

Jin Guang, who was sitting in a chair, said, "After playing on the mainland for so long, he dared to make a surprise attack from the last time. I don't think he would dare to come."

Yan Bei said lightly: "If he doesn't show up this time, he won't have another chance in the future."

On the other side, Bai Xinghe who stood cross-legged and did not give up a minute and a second to practice suddenly stood up. A white breath spit out of his mouth. In the eyes of Xia Liekong and others, his body seemed to have 720 black holes rising, even the light around him seemed to give A distorted feeling.

Jin Guang looked at Bai Xinghe, who was standing up, a flash of interest in his eyes. Now besides Yanbei, the only Baixinghe who has reached the sixth level is his opponent he wants to challenge the most.

Especially after he no longer hid the power of 720 acupoints. The energy that emerges from all parts of the body at every moment is like a few hundred active volcanoes. It seems that the power to destroy the world will erupt at any time and place.

As for Li Anping, Jin Guang used to dream of surpassing him. But seeing Li Anping now, this kind of thought is completely gone.

That is already a violation of the rules of the game and belongs to the scope of BUG. As long as Jin Guang's head is not bad, no idea that challenges him at all.

I saw Bai Xinghe stood up and said, "If I was Dionysus, I would not come to death. I would leave this galaxy and find a place where Her Majesty could never find me."

"Oh, Bai, this is not like you, so unmotivated." Xia Liekong joked.

"This is not a question of fighting spirit." Bai Xinghe said indifferently: "In front of His Majesty. The so-called fighting spirit, talent, and effort are meaningless. This power is beyond human imagination, just like ants no matter how hard they try, It is impossible to have the same effect on the sun in the sky.

Not a dimension at all. "

Yan Bei frowned: "Although His Majesty is very powerful, it is too exaggerated to say so."

"You don't understand." Bai Xinghe looked at Li Anping in the picture, revealing a hint of heart sorrow: "When you become stronger, you will find that Your Majesty's daily progress is far more than the five of us. The sum of combat power.

The difference between addition and subtraction and college calculus is not enough to describe. "

Hear Bai Xinghe's words. All four were a little surprised, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

At this time, the entire floating aircraft carrier suddenly shaken, and Bai Xinghe first responded, watching the image in the sky and saying, "He actually came ..."


Many cities in the Mundo continent. Whether it is a surrendering magician or a magician who is still resisting. These ten days are the longest ten days of their lives.

Thousands of magicians flooded into the city, watching the images of the sky, looking forward to the arrival of Dionysus.

From the beginning full of expectations, to the deep disappointment now.

Ten days were about to pass, but Dionysos was still missing, making their hearts more and more heavy.

In Crolin's square, the young mage pretended to be a hawker, and had watched the live broadcast for ten consecutive days. Even if the same image was displayed every day, even if Dionysus never appeared, he continued to watch it.

But now, the young mage clenches his fist and learns magic from childhood until now, all ideas seem to be so ridiculous.

The middle-aged mage on the side looked at his frustration and said, "The first requirement of the mage is calmness and reason. Without reason, the mage who has lost his calm is not a qualified mage.

The absence of His Excellency Dionysus is a testament to the strength of the other party. The power of adults should not make meaningless sacrifices, endure, accumulate, secretly accumulate strength, and wait for opportunities. This is what we should do ... "

"I know." The young mage's voice was a little muffled. "I understand what you said. But if even Lord Dionysos can't defeat each other, can we do it? Magic alone can really win those demons "Even if you endure ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, is there really a chance to defeat them?"

I felt that the other party had lost confidence in magic, and the middle-aged mage did not know how to speak for a while, because even if he seemed to make sense, but even himself, facing the loss of Dionysus, yes Magic is a little lost of confidence.

Just as the conversation between the two fell silent. The whole earth suddenly started a continuous tremor, looked up, and found out that I don't know when it started, and the sky across the whole continent seemed to be obscured by a layer of shadows.


Li An stood quietly on the surface of the Magic Star II satellite.

This satellite is somewhat similar to the moon, because its size and mass are too small. The gravity is very small, unable to form the atmosphere, and also caused a large amount of air loss. The entire surface is close to the universe, and it is impossible to create an environment suitable for life.

During the ten-day wait, Li Anping kept in touch with the Earth's military through satellites on the Magic Star. In turn, it keeps in touch with the earth through the satellite, the network of the Amara Basin, the network of the White Earth Base and the space station, and then the network of the Moon base.

Originally, Li Anping thought that Dionysus had given up everything on the Mondo continent. Will not show up.

But he did not expect that in the last two hours of the ten-day expiry, the other party appeared in a state far beyond his expectation.

The huge body appeared in the direction of the sun, and the huge shadow covered the two sides of Devil and Mundo, as if the night had come.

It was a mass that was one-third the size of a magic star, but its appearance was not the sphere or ellipsoid of an ordinary planet. From Li Anping's point of view, it was a image of Dionysus after being enlarged tens of millions of times.

It's just that the giant's body has four more arms. He has six full arms, and behind his head, there is a huge halo that emits colorful light.

No matter how strong the giant is, the size alone is enough to cause amazing damage.

It was seen that as he approached, the entire Mundo continent under great gravitational changes, the rivers diverted, the seas turned, the mountains trembled, and the magnetic fields began to be affected.

It can be said that even this giant does nothing. Landing directly on the Monduo continent is enough to completely destroy the entire ecosystem of the continent and cause unprecedented disaster.

If he can exhale, a single breath can cause a hurricane like Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Destroy hundreds of countries.

If he can punch, a punch will be enough to sink the entire Mundo continent into the sea and smash a deeper bottom in the sea, and the ripples hit by the fist on the sea are enough to form a tsunami of several thousand meters in height .

Looking at the sight, it is by virtue of its own existence that it can kill the human giant on the Continent of Hundreds of Times.

An Anping smiled on Li Anping's face. The size of the opponent's body, the flow of energy, and the molecular structure of each body were clearly calculated by Li Anping in an instant.

But he still laughed, his thoughts turned into electromagnetic signals, and swept towards the other's body.

"Dionysus, in such a short time, you can break through the limits of magic and create your own new power."

"The thing in front of you is far beyond the scope of magic."

"You are really beyond my expectations."

Hearing these words from Li Anping, Dionysos snorted, and there was a moment of disdain in his thoughts.

"Li Anping, you don't understand at all, you don't understand how powerful I am now."

"But I will let you feel it!"

"Belongs to the power of God."

The next moment, the giant's arm had already been raised, with enough power to smash the stars, and smashed towards Li Anping's position.

Without a punch, the change of gravity alone has caused the orbits of Demon and Magic Star to tilt.

In an instant, Li Anping has calculated that if the power of this fist hits Demon, the entire satellite will be brought into the magic star. In an unprecedented collision, the continent will sink and the entire planet's surface will be flooded by the sea Soaring dust is enough to cover the sky for more than 100 years.

"It's not suitable for us to fight near here."

At the same time that this message was sent out, Li Anping flashed and appeared on the front of the opponent's fist, and then slammed a palm on the opponent's fist.

To what extent is Li Anping's strength now? For more than a month ~ ~ liberating his own power through quantum computing, his current combat power is already equivalent to thirty-two times more than a month ago.

So if thirty-two Li Anpings work at the same time, what effect will it cause?

Like an ant shaking a tree, it's surprising that the giant's arm has stalled, just like an ant blocking the elephant's footsteps.

The next moment, in Dionysus's anger's gaze, the force field covered most of it, taking the giant's fist as the point of action, a force sufficient to propel the stars to burst out.

The entire giant roared, but still couldn't stop Li Anping from pushing him thousands of kilometers and thousands of kilometers away from the location of the magic star.

However, Li Anping's face did not show the slightest pride, whether it was volume, quality or size, it was just the basic attributes of the giant in front of him, even the flaws.

The true power of Dionysus is far from erupting. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)