MTL - The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 20 Perish

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When the white light completely covered Li Anping's body, a unique change began to take effect on him.

The whole nature is composed of ten dimensions. And our universe is a four-dimensional space-time.

Simply put, one dimension is a point, two dimensions are a line, and three dimensions are a three-dimensional space of length, width, and height. Four dimensions is based on length, width, and height, plus time.

The two-dimensional space has only length and width, and no thickness. So all two-dimensional creatures cannot see the full picture of three-dimensional creatures.

In their eyes, humans are a collection of countless planes, and they can only observe one of them forever, and it looks like they have cut a person into countless pieces.

Similarly, humans, as three-dimensional creatures, cannot see the full picture of four-dimensional creatures. Just as a two-dimensional creature can only see a certain plane of a certain human being, a human can only see a four-dimensional creature of a certain time period, and the set of all time periods is his all, they are a whole rather than an innumerable Individual.

Two-dimensional creatures can move freely in length and width. Once that two-dimensional creature moves in height, whether it is one meter up or one meter down, it jumps from one plane to one plane. For other two-dimensional creatures In fact, he disappeared.

Similarly, as a three-dimensional creature, a human can move on the measure of length, width, and height. If a human can move on the measure of time, then whether it moves forward one second or backward one second, Everyone disappeared.

If there are four-dimensional creatures, then they are a kind of super life that breaks the time limit and does not obey the law of causality. It is also a life that can never be imagined by the human brain.

And now, when the whole body of Da Dark Sky is covered by white light, he temporarily has four-dimensional vision.

Everything about Li Anping appeared in front of him.

The birth of Li Anping. Elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, after gaining ability. The battle in Zhongdu, the battle in the Emerald City, and the battle in Tianjing, how to become the master of Daxia, and then battle with Pluto and Xinjun. Fight against Ash, fight against Star Alliance, fight against Higram, save the country countless times, save the world ...

At the next moment, the fingers of the Great Dark Sky flicked gently. It was as if a three-dimensional creature moved a two-dimensional creature from one plane to another. At this moment, with the fingers of the Great Dark Sky, Li Anping's figure was like going through a movie playback. His body began to regress continuously, toward The past has gone backwards.

In just a few seconds, his body has changed to the appearance of a college student, and then to the appearance of a high school student. The appearance of junior high school students ...

The entire process is all controlled by the inherent procedures in the dark sky. For this attack called the bright glazed fire, Dionysos could not understand the principle at all. If he himself uses four-dimensional vision, I am afraid that he will directly brain. It will go mad, that's not a world that human's inherent thinking can understand.

However, as long as he knew a little, as long as it was shrouded in white bright glazed fire, the target would be forcibly pulled back to the past state, as if time was going backwards. Until it became the first particle that made up his body, completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

As the ultimate weapon of the Great Dark Sky, this is a special means to deal with those super-living bodies in the universe that are enough to destroy the planet and civilization. The energy it consumes is also an astronomical figure.

I saw that with the change of Li Anping's body, the darkened part of the sky was gradually dissipated in the universe. After using up all the energy. Dionysos directly ignited the materials that make up the dark sky, and used the method of mass energy to supplement energy.

Until Li Anping became a boy who was about 1.40 meters tall and wearing a schoolboy uniform, there was only one arm and a part above the chest in the whole dark day, and the body comparable to the size of an asteroid has just been bright Depleted in the process of glazed fire.

Dionysus controlled the dark sky and stopped attacking, exhaling softly in his mouth.

"The bright glass fire consumes too much energy, too much."

"But that's fine."

"Now Li Anping ..." Then, he looked at Li Anping, a pupil in the void, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was still that nasty face, still the kind of high above, defying all eyes, making Dionysos hate from the bottom of my heart.

‘This guy is still so annoying after becoming a kid. ”At this moment, Dionysus suddenly responded, looking at the elementary school student Li Anping in doubt:" No, in space, he should have died immediately. ’

Although Dionysos could not fully comprehend the means of quantum mechanics, relativity, and the four-dimensional strike of the Great Dark Sky, but the universe was vacuum. Ordinary people would turn into a dead body when he came in. He knew it.

But seeing the current elementary school student Li Anping, everything looks normal, and there is no sign of a dead body.

And this kind of normal appearance is the biggest abnormality.

‘Damn, is he already in the universe when he ’s seven or eight? What race was he born of? ’

In the bright glazed fire just now, only the Great Dark Sky observed Li Anping through four-dimensional vision. Dionysos until now has no knowledge of most of Li Anping's past. Coupled with the other party's performance in Infernal Purgatory, he began to suspect Li Anping's racial problems.

At this moment, a thought wave was emitted from Li Anping's body and swept towards the dark sky, and was received by Dionysus in just one hundredth of a second.

"It's over? I thought you would turn me directly into a sperm, or a pile of protein."

Dionysos looked at the pupil Li Anping in disbelief in disbelief: "How is that possible? Could you ..."

"Interesting four-dimensional strike, but it's not very effective for me." Li Anping squeezed a little young hand and said: "Simple regional time countercurrent or downstream has only a slight impact on me now."

"I myself as a possibility of multiple superpositions in space and time. Whether my body is left with only a certain particle, or turned back into a pile of proteins, except for your visual effects, my ability is Nothing will change.

This attack is no different from slicing me, it just consumes some of my energy. "

"Unless you restart the entire timeline of the universe. You can really kill me in the past."

"But in that case, the energy needed is enough for you to create and destroy millions of universes, and it doesn't take that much trouble to kill me."

Then there was a cold light in Li Anping's eyes, and the whole body became actinic, and it appeared on the head of the dark sky in the next second.

A pair of his little feet stepped on the skull that looked like a little moon. He said coldly, "Don't understand?"

"Even if you don't understand, I'll take you directly to the road."

The next moment, with his right foot slamming on, the Dark Darkness's head seemed to be hit by an invisible sledgehammer, and it suddenly sunk, and a pothole the size of a crater appeared.


In the multiverse. An area called Xuanzhou by the locals.

A carriage was heading towards Kunlun Mountain in the distance.

Inside the carriage were Shang Tian, ​​Kudia, and the Night Beast. Among them Shang Tian was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and the night beast was holding an ancient book and kept watching.

Only Cudia was impatient, and looked at the two for a while, and looked out of the car window, and finally couldn't help but say, "Why a carriage? How long will it take? How long will it take? It's going to be the ultimate. "

"Did you forget the agreement between us?"

"Of course I didn't forget," Shang Tian said with his eyes closed. "But this world is far more dangerous than you think. Taking out anything beyond common sense casually will cause unnecessary trouble."

"So what does Li Anping do? Are you really not going to control it?"

"Li Anping ..." mentioning the name, Shang Tian finally opened his eyes: "Did you know? At that time in the magic world, I really wanted to kill Li Anping, but failed. Although I didn't want to admit it, but Li Anping is indeed not what we can kill now.

Do not. The strength of Li Anping, fighting him from the front, is simply a stupid act. So I gave up and competed against him. "

"Xiaotian." The night beast closed the ancient book, and looked at Shangtian with some anxiety. At this young age, this boy, under three years of age, was under pressure far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"It's okay uncle Ye, I already want to understand that I will not confront him any more." Shang Tianyi said, "Next, let those demons play with him first."


After one kick, Li Anping smashed into the dark sky under his foot again.

Immature palms. But it contains the most terrible power in the world.

After three consecutive vacuum punches, the entire body of the Great Dark Sky has been completely disintegrated and turned into various wreckages flying in all directions in the universe in a huge explosion.

However, under the control of Dionysos, the wreckage emitted an astonishing white light at the same time, which transformed into countless anti-material bomb explosions.


Shang Tian quietly lay on the bed on the carriage. In a calm, extreme tone, "there is no chance of confrontation."

"No, it should be said that no matter what kind of possibility, as long as it is finally solved by fighting, there is no possibility of success."

"In the entire multiverse, the only one who can defeat Li Anping is Li Anping himself."


The violent energy directly engulfed Li Anping.

But it was like sea water. Even if this energy was flooded around Li Anping, it could not hurt him in the slightest. Instead, Li Anping directly absorbed part of the energy and changed his body into the original adult body again.

Such a purely large-scale explosion is far worse than focusing its strength on one point, without any threat to Li Anping.

The next moment, the strong arm had turned into omnipresent light, pierced the violent energy flow, and hit Dionysus, who had fled.

Dionysos had just wanted to open the portal, and his entire body was torn into tens of thousands of pieces by Lightspeed.


"Only Li Anping can defeat Li Anping."

"We can't."

"The gods of this world can't."

"The demon gods of the white continent may be able to gain the upper hand for a period of time, but in the end they will only fail."

Shang Tian's eyes flashed coldness that did not fit his age at all: "So never consider defeating Li Anping in the battle. The only thing we can do is to make himself to perish."

"The end of evolution is death."

"The moment when you truly become a god, that part of the Li Anping people will die out completely."


I saw Dionysus's body was torn, and instantly turned into a mass of gas, regardless of Li Anping behind, desperately drilled towards the space door in front.

‘This monster! This ghost! This **** guy! ’

‘I ’m far from this world, far from this universe, and I ’ll never meet this guy again! ’

In terror, Dionysus dived into the portal, but before he settled down, he found something wrong.

"Where is this?" While Dionysos looked up, Leng Khan kept flowing down his head.

Li Anping's cold voice came from all directions: "Welcome to my world."

Dionysos immediately turned his head to look behind him, only to find that the portal that had brought him over had disappeared.

It turned out that the portal he had just penetrated was the portal opened by Li Anping. Li Anping opened the portal in front of the portal opened by Dionysos ~ ~ The position of the portal is his own stomach. In a panic, Dionysos dived in without careful discrimination.

In the void, Li Anping slowly closed the portal that Dionysos opened like a zipper.

In his stomach, Dionysus, who had turned into a gas, rushed left and right, and began to struggle frantically, but felt that his body was being ablated and devoured every second.

"When did you learn to open the portal!"

"It's just a simple reproduction of physical phenomena." Li Anping said lightly, "Either magic or anything else, you can do it, I can do it all, and it will only be better than you can do it."

In the stomach of Li Anping, no matter how Dionysus struggled, he could not struggle. No matter what magic he used, he was immediately reversed and offset by Li Anping in the same way.

In a scream of screams, in a burst of pain like the tearing of the soul, the demigod Dionysus, the strongest of Mundo, finally disappeared completely from this world. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)