MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5305 : Advent again Tianren 1 pulse

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

Ye Mo now, can be said to have truly reached the level of the gods and double repairs, the mood of Nirvana, its true heaven, is comparable to the world, coupled with the chaos of the wilderness, the strength is enough to disdain the whole world, truly able Let him pay attention to it, only the strongest of the heavens.

Moreover, it must be a very powerful person, condensing the strongest of the four auras of the heavens, otherwise, Ye Mo is not very concerned.

In addition, he awakened the eighth method of rebellion and rebelled against the trial. For this battle of the ruins of the wild, he is truly full of confidence.

Ye Mo broke through, Baihe and Gu Long suddenly felt his injustice, Gu Long immediately asked: "Ye Mo, you went to the ancient times this time, it seems to have a lot of benefits."

They all feel the suppression of a divine power from Ye Mo’s body. This kind of oppression is different from the heavenly way. The sense of oppression of heaven is more from the state of mind. As for chaos, it is the real physical pressure. It will give people a very depressed feeling.

Ye Mo smiled and said: "This ancient age is very mysterious. I am really fortunate to be a strong man who survived in the ancient times. I can absorb the essence of the heavens and the earth. Whether it is the strongest of the ancient times or the wild beast, I am very strong. I am just right. Where did you kill a lot of wild animals, get a lot of fine, refining and refined energy, let my chaotic power, has broken through the bottleneck."

"What? Breaking through the bottleneck?"

Baihe was slightly surprised. He knew that the **** of heaven was cultivated. His chaotic power is destined to encounter a huge bottleneck. Unexpectedly, Ye Mo actually broke through the bottleneck. So, even if Ye Mo does not display the heavens, the strength will be very strong. .

"Yes, with my current strength, even if I don't use Tiandao, it is enough to kill the strongest of the peaks of the sky, and even kill the peaks of the sky."

Ye Mo said faintly.

Wen Yan, Bai Hejun and Gu Long, could not help but take a sigh of relief. Now Ye Mo, it is indeed very scary. You must know that Ye Mo continues to master everything.

Heaven, the power of the wild, the power of the ancestors, and the power of the ancestors also tempered the breath of the gods, such a heritage, very terrible.

"Master, you will stay here to guard the gods and gods, the ancient dragons, we go to a journey of ancient people, and discuss with them, the ruins of the ruins."

This time he retired, it has been two months, and one month, Tiangong is going to the ruins of the flood. He naturally wants to discuss with the Tianren. At present, their two forces are secretly cooperating, no one knows. If you are secretly cooperating, you may be able to achieve unexpected results.

"What? Apocalypse in ancient times?"

Gu Long was slightly surprised and said: "Is it true that you and the ancient heavens have a secret, have you secretly cooperated?"

"Not bad!"

Ye Mo nodded and said: "Actually, the last time I was taken away by Su Moting, she was looking for me to cooperate and deal with Tiangong together. This time, Tiangong threatened to attack the remains of the floods and made it clear that they wanted to declare war to all forces. ”

This time, the battle of the ruins of the wild will be very fierce. At that time, it will definitely be a storm.

In this competition, some strong players will definitely fly to the sky, and some strong ones will naturally fall. Their five major forces will definitely have their forces to stand out directly, and there will be forces that are likely to fall into disrepair.

Ye Mo took the cologne and traveled directly through time and space to come to the ancient world.

The space in which the ancients and the heavens are located is not a real ancient space. It is only preserved by the strong in the ancient space, preserved, just a space, and the ancient times, or the essential difference .

"Gulong predecessors will wait for the ancients to go to the ancient world. If their people make some excessive moves against you, don't mind, they are more or less rude to us."

Ye Mo reminded me.

Gu Long nodded, and he also knew that ancient heavens were not very friendly to the gods.

When Ye Mo and Gu Long landed in front of the east facade, the east gate of this ancient heaven and earth was constantly twisted and twisted, and it was a kind of formation.

"Who dares to break into the ancient world?"

At this time, a pair of blue-colored gods, from the middle of the hole, slammed into Ye Mo and Gu Long.

When Gu Long saw it, he rushed up, and when he grabbed it, he crushed those gods.

As for Ye Mo, he shouted: "I am the eternal gatekeeper, looking for your leader to discuss the ruins of the ruins."

"What? The eternal gatekeeper?"

A shocking sound was heard, and the embarrassment in front of the east facade had slowly disappeared, and two small people were flying inside.

However, their heavenly manners are very powerful, and they are all in a state of mind. Moreover, under the same level, they are better than the heavens. The strongest of the ancients and the heavens must be crushing the gods.

"Yes, let's tell your leader quickly. I have something to talk to her."

Ye Mo said.

"The speed is please!"

The two ancient angels did not dare to neglect, but they knew that the leader and Ye Mo had met, and often mentioned Ye Mo in front of the elders, saying that he was an amazing figure.

Ye Mo and Gu Long entered the ancient world of the heavens. The ancient dragon explored it and found that the surrounding buildings seemed familiar. He was shocked: "Isn't this the Heavenly Palace?"

"It is indeed the Heavenly Palace, but it is the Heavenly Palace in the past. Before the Heavenly Palace, it was the old site of the ancient Heavenly Man. The Heavenly Taoist Masters sealed it here to the ancient space."

Ye Mo explained.

He was just about to move on, but he felt a nerve, and the whole space suddenly began to get heavy.

The palm of a huge khaki scale, covering the descended from the air and grabbed Yemo.

Ye Mo slammed out and punched a fist, which shattered the palm of his hand. However, he was not angry, but smiled: "Which predecessor came to test my skill?"

"Good means!"

The space was distorted, and a filthy old man slowly landed in front of Ye Mo, looking at Ye Mo with a look of surprise. "I don't want to be the eternal gatekeeper. The old man always listened to Tingting and mentioned you. The strength is amazing, but it is the hero of today. Now, it seems that it is not enough. However, do you dare to pick up the old man?"

"Why don't you dare? The seniors try to get out of the way, I will take it all."

Ye Mo smiled faintly.

"it is good!"

The old man also nodded happily, and gathered a long sword in his hand. The surface of the long sword was covered with thunder and torn the space. The momentum was very blank.

A few ancient people on the side, seeing this scene, their faces have changed. This elder, as long as you play really?

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