MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5340 : Heaven and Earth Vision

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The strength of the bloodthirsty evil spirit is definitely the level of the three great devils. If he can really surrender, it is naturally excellent.

After Ye Mo thought for a moment, he finally nodded and said: "The bloodthirsty evil lord, this seat can put you, if you really fight with Heaven in the future, you must take the lead."

"What? Heaven? Are you going to deal with Heaven? Are you crazy?"

Ye Mo's palm of the blood, passing a burst of sound.

"What? Don't you dare?"

Ye Mo could not help but say.

"I don't dare, heaven is the son of heaven. Don't say it is you. Even the Emperor, you can't fight the heavens. He is truly immortal."

The bloodthirsty evil said.

"Do you know the existence of Heaven?"

Ye Mo asked with surprise.

"In the ancient times, there was a prophecy very early. In this world, the son of the election will be born, and the rules will be re-established for this world. The son of this election is heaven."

The bloodthirsty evil lord continued: "Actually, the birth of Heaven is to conform to the will of this world, you can't stop it, and the Emperor can't stop it."

The will of heaven and earth is to re-establish a heaven and earth order, and to establish heaven and earth order, we must have an executor.

Therefore, Tiandao was born.

"The will of heaven and earth violates humanity. For the sake of heaven and earth, in order to give them the right to survive, I must kill him."

Ye Mo said faintly.

Those creatures have the right to survive, but Heaven for the sake of their own strength, to establish an eternal era, let them break with the stars.

Even more cruel is that Heaven has begun to kill the creatures.

"Hey, you are really stupid, but I admire you. You are really a temper with the Emperor. Since you are going to be right with Heaven, then I will accompany you."

The bloodthirsty evil said.

Tiandao, indeed, he did not dare to face it. Even if he is strong and strong, facing the heavens, there is only one dead end.

Ye Mo collected a drop of blood from the bloodthirsty evil lord, which was to put it away. The blood returned to the statue and quickly recovered. However, the strength was really bad, and I wanted to recover. In a few years, it is impossible.

"There are still thirty years!"

Ye Mo snorted and felt the pressure more and more. Although his current strength is strong, he also knows that the gap between the distance and the true body is still very big.

Therefore, he intends to continue to retreat and begin to understand the state of resonance between heaven and earth.

As for the ancestors and bloodthirsty evils, they are recovering their strength.

The snow beast, it is going to return to the ancient land of the Xuezu first, if the sun and the moon will find the three great sacred artifacts, they will definitely go to the Xuezu, where he waits, but also to meet the sun and moon magic.

In the eternal era!

The space in front of me has been completely turned into a **** color. The white heavenly ball has been completely transformed into a **** ball, which shows countless panic, fear, trembling, and desperate feelings.

"Absorb it!"

Tiandao avatar suspended in the sky, his hands combined to form a character, the heavenly ball in his hand began to explode numerous suctions, those suctions were only effective for the living, many souls, no matter how strong they were, all of them were Into the sky ball.

This absorption, endless, lasted for three months, the life of the entire Xingyu, turned into a torrent, all into the heavenly ball.

Finally, the entire piece of Xingyu, completely empty, turned into an empty star.

"The souls of this eternal era have all been absorbed, and the true body of the Emperor has been repaired for more than half. In 30 years, the true body of the Emperor should be able to recover, and even recover in advance."

Among the eyes of Tiandao, I was very fanatical and very excited. Originally, I used the power of the soul to recover according to normal conditions. I don’t know how long it will take.

Since they already know his existence and know his ambitions, he naturally does not have to hide.

It is really 30 years later, when he comes down as a heavenly person, he will surely unite the world and establish new rules for this world.

Among the gods.

On a huge altar, fifteen figures are also sitting around the altar. Their source of spiritual power is also connected and forms a balance.

As for the side, Emperor Wuji is also carrying his hands behind his back and said: "This is the gods and sacred circles that I have taught you. It is the means used to bind the heavens. Your fifteen sources of spiritual power are connected together. It is the most powerful source of the power of the gods. However, your level of power is still there, and there are still 30 years."


As for the other end, Baihe is also entering the retreat. As for the sky, he has been taken away from the heavens, and he is following the cultivation of the ridiculous people, focusing on the practice of chaos.

It can be said that all the strong, are practicing, the purpose is to cope with the advent of heaven after thirty years.


However, at this time, the heavens and the earth were dim, and thunder robbery was everywhere, and many visions were born.

This vision has lasted for a day and a night, not just this world, but even the lost space in time and space, it is also dim.

"The natural vision, there must be something big happening."

At a huge peak, the Sun and Moon will see this scene and secretly recite it.

Zulong Holy Land!

"The bloodthirsty evil, what is going on? Grandma, I still see the vision here for the first time."

Zu Long asked.

"This vision is extraordinary, absolutely not ordinary, perhaps, symbolizing the birth of a big man."

The bloodthirsty evil said.

"The birth of a big man? How is this possible? What other big characters will be born?"

Zulong asked curiously.

"I don't know this, is it that Yemo, he realized that the world resonates?"

The bloodthirsty evil lord turned to guess.

It’s not just them, the whole **** of the heavens and the earth, who is aware of this scene, is also talking about it.

But they can't guess what will happen, but what will happen.

"The vision of heaven and earth will be a disaster, and this heaven and earth will not be too flat."

"From the destruction of the Heavenly Palace, I guess that the world will be in chaos, we will find a place to hide as soon as possible."

"The world is going to be chaotic, where can it be safe?"


Many gods have been talking about it.

Of course, even the eternal era is also shrouded in darkness, and various visions are constantly emerging.

Looking at Xingyu in the sky, his eyes are also very dignified: "What is this? Why does this cause the Emperor to have a feeling of fear?"

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