MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5349 :Hongtian

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

"This time, the emperors will not intervene in your internal affairs. However, your major forces, headed by the vice-presidents, must obey orders."

Ye Mozheng color road.

It is said that the leaders of all major forces nod their heads. Once they intervene in internal affairs, many problems will arise.

"An ancient wilderness, you have mastered the absolute chaos power, as if it is extremely powerful, you begin to train, the main attack defense, how?"

Ye Mo asked.


The wilderness nodded and said that there was no problem.

"In ancient times, you have mastered the absolute power of heaven. However, Heaven can recover your strength. It is not appropriate to fight with Heaven. It is responsible for sneak attack."

"no problem!"

The elders of the lotus also nodded. They really let them go to attack the heavens. I am afraid that the heavens will be easy and they will be able to take away all their strength.

"The gods, you have mastered the power of the gods, and you will be the main attack. As for the evil palace and the eternal gate, you will be responsible for keeping the heavens."

Ye Mo continued.

The five major forces were well laid out, and he went on to say: "The Emperor Wuji, Cangtian, Baihe and Xiaofan are the four major protection laws against Tianmeng, and they are the most powerful in this war."

These four have mastered the power of the wild, and it is really a crucial moment, and their strength will play an important role.

Of course, there are still a lot of really powerful combat powers. For example, the top ten gods, they have cultivated the gods and relics, and they can also play a huge role in the war.

Next, Ye Mo and the five deputy leaders began to discuss some details.

Immediately afterwards, they officially occupied the Tiangong, and used Tiangong as the base camp to begin to drill the army.

With Bai Long, he is able to drill the powerful forces of the various forces, with attacking methods, defensive methods, sneak attack methods, and containment.

All kinds of arrays are ancient arrays, and the more people are arranged, the stronger the power.

However, if you want to cultivate successfully, it is not so easy.

In the past few years, the disciples of the five major forces have been diligently practicing and practicing, and the progress of their practice has been very smooth.

In a secret room!

The indecent emperor sits on a boulder, and the whole body exudes a group of black air. His eyes are scattered with evil light, which breeds strong fluctuations.

This kind of fluctuation comes from the fluctuation of evil heavens.

"Finally, Hongtian is in a state of mind!"

The face of the evil emperor is not destroyed, and the cold expression is revealed. I am afraid that no one will think that he will become the first **** in the whole world.

Tuo Tian is a heavenly sky. As for Hong Tian, ​​it is the heaven of Emperor and Emperor.

It can be said that to reach the mood of Hongtian, the strength has been far above the peak of the wilderness, and even the peak of the earth.

"I don't destroy the evil emperor, I am afraid that Ye Mo did not dream of it, you have secretly cultivated to this extent."

A woman's voice is passed from the body of the evil spirit.

"Take Ye Mo is indeed a personal thing. Now he has become the ally of the Anti-Tianmen League. He is in charge of the entire alliance. The momentum is much stronger than that of the Emperor."

The immortal emperor said: "Just don't know, his current strength, to what extent."

Ye Mo has been in the Heavenly Palace for many years. He and Ye Mo have also been in contact for a long time, such as discussing some things.

However, it is difficult to find out, now Ye Mo, to what extent the strength has grown.

Because Ye Mo has never made a shot.

The only rumor is that when Ye Mo returned to the Protoss, he played a few tricks with his son Xiaofan, but he was repulsed by Xiaofan.

This conjecture, Ye Mo's current strength, should only be the extent of the peak.

It is not his opponent at all.

"Ye Moruo did not appear, you can never know his true strength. The Emperor followed him for so many years and knew his means. This time he forced to return and once again formed a counter-industry alliance, it must be some strength."

The voice passed again: "Now you may not be his opponent."


The invincible evil emperor is slightly dissatisfied, saying: "How could this emperor not be his opponent?"

He is now promoted to Hongtian, and the strength does not know how many times he has improved. Compared with the strongest person in the peak of the sky, he is much stronger.

He does not believe that he is not Ye Mo’s opponent.

Even if Ye Mo is strong, he can't beat him. He is the only one in this world that has reached the existence of Hongtian in the practice of Heaven.

However, all this is also thanks to Xiaoqing's help. If it is not Xiaoqing, he will not be able to achieve this level in such a large amount of time.

"You don't have to be too confident. You really don't know the real powerhouse of this world. For example, the three great wars of Taikoo, even if you have the strength, you may not be able to defeat it, or even the first person in the legendary Taikoo. Zhang Mofan, these legendary figures, you are not an opponent either."

Xiaoqing said.

"What? There are so many strong people in this world?"

The invincible evil spirits were somewhat hit.

"When you are in a meeting, the man behind Ye Mo, if I have not guessed wrong, he is also a character of the ancient age, you may not be able to defeat."

Xiao Qing said: "In the past 80 years, Ye Mo has definitely got a huge adventure, and the strength may have reached a very terrible level."


Do not destroy the evil spirits can not say.

"However, the stronger the strength of Ye Mo, the more helpful it is for us. If he can beat Tiandao, it will be even better."

Xiaoqing continued.

"No, the Emperor is going to test his strength!"

It’s already in the heart of the innocent evil spirits.

He walked out of the secret room and summoned more than a dozen evil spirits into the hall. He sighed: "Hey!"

"The evil emperor, why are you sighing?"

One of the evil spirits asked.

"Ye Mo is a disciple who practices five major What is the use? The power of Tiandao is so strong. If he does not have the strength to fight against Heaven, we will practice it again, and finally there will be only one death."

Do not destroy the evil emperor.


The evil spirits were said to be indestructible by the evil emperor, and the heart began to be scared. The confidence that had just been established by Ye Mo was instantly broken.

"We, but let Yemo die."

Do not destroy the evil spirits continue.


Those evil lords thought that once the war was over, Ye Mo would direct them to attack the heavens. As a result, they were wiped out by the heavens, and they fled, and their faces were not good at all.

In this case, one pass ten, ten pass, and finally the other four forces from the evil palace.

Suddenly, the anti-sky alliance began to produce guilt.

Read The Duke's Passion