MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5466 :Rebuilt 1

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

"Where is this?"

A fascinating idea arises, and he seems to find himself in a dark and closed space.

After a long time, he finally reacted, and he seemed to be divided by the woman's belly.

"I didn't die, or I have already reborn, and my remaining thoughts are still there."

Ye Mo finally determined one thing, his thoughts did not die, but he was born again.

Moreover, he mostly guessed that it was his power to reverse his life, protecting his consciousness and reborn into a woman's belly.

Ten months later, Ye Mo was finally born. As for the mother who gave birth to his mother, he was dead and sick, and he died.

As for the father, it is a gambler. It has no ups and downs. Together with this continent, it often causes disasters. There are famine everywhere. The father directly threw it into the wilderness.

Ye Mo, now, is not one year old, but his perception is amazing and he knows he is in a dangerous wilderness.

"There is a beast that has come over and is finished!"

At this time, Ye Mo was really embarrassed. He fell down for eight generations of mold, and reborn to such a family and was directly thrown into the wilderness.

He is now just a baby, and even if he has more memories, it has no effect.


A huge tiger rushed over and just wanted to eat Ye Mo, and a ray of light came through, and the tiger annihilated instantly.

Then, a beautiful shadow, it was landed, fell to Ye Mo, and immediately lifted Ye Mo.

"Yes, how can she know that I am here?"

Ye Mo looked at the beautiful alchemy, could not help but smile.

Xiao Yue looked at the baby and smiled. He couldn’t help but say: "Fr., the fate of your life is even more miserable. It was abandoned. The couple knew that they abandoned the emperor and did not know what would happen?"

Shaking his head, Xiao Yue took Ye Mo and found a leisurely manor to settle down.

What she has to do now is to wait for Ye Mo to grow up and then train him slowly.

The reason why Xiao Yue did not bring Ye Mo to go to the gods to practice, is because the Tianshen world is a year, here is a past year of the stars.

Although, in the Tianshen world, the improvement in one year is more than that in a star.

However, one year, Ye Mo is still a baby.

So staying in the eternal era is the best way.

In a blink of an eye, it will be a year.

In the past year, Xiao Yue found a leopard to feed Ye Mo. Usually, he raised flowers in the village, planted grass, and lived very leisurely.

In the one year here, there was no one in the world of the gods.

On this day, Xiao Yue placed Ye Mo in the house, and she left to pick some fruit.

At present, Ye Mo is only a fetus and can only eat some ordinary fruits.

"We have been staring here for a few months, and the fairy seems to be alone, with a child."

"The fairy, if it can make me sleep for a night, even if I let me die immediately, that's worth it."

"She just left, the child should be in the house, we caught her child and let her go."

Several thieves hid outside the Zhuangyuan and saw Xiaoyue leave, and they were born with evil thoughts.

They know that Xiao Yue is not an ordinary woman and has a strong strength. However, as long as the children are taken away and the children are taken care of, Xiao Yue is strong and can only listen to them.


Several thieves walked into the house and saw a white baby lying on the cradle.

One of the thieves was wrong and wanted to reach out and hold the child up.


A cold voice suddenly rang out.


Several thieves panicked and looked around, but no figure was found at all.

"It should be an illusion!"

One of the thieves calmed down and was ready to take the child away.

However, at this time, the child's body, emitting two **** gas, evolved into a sly look.

The thieves immediately fled and fled.

"They will finally speak, and they will be able to use the power of rebellion."

Ye Mo said faintly: "I seem to have mastered all the means of rebellious power."

You must know that when Ye Mojin was promoted to the level of the gods, he awakened all the means of the power of rebellion.

Now, when Ye Mo is born again, it is just a baby state, and all the means are awakened. It is conceivable that how horrible he would be if he re-cultivated.

Soon after, Xiao Yue picked up a lot of fruit and came back. He just walked over and prepared to pick up the baby. He saw the baby talking: "Mrs, you know, your husband was almost taken away by the mountain thief."

Xiao Yue looked at the baby incredulously and was surprised: "Fr... husband, have you recovered your memory?"

"I never died, but after the body was destroyed, I was born again to this baby."

Ye Mo faintly said: "Mr., what about the situation in the gods?"

"After you blocked Zhang Mofan, the three demons will also die, and Zhang Mofan will be resurrected. However, he is not an opponent of evil heavens, and he fled with us."

Xiao Yue said.

"What about Xiaofan?"

Ye Mo looks stunned.

"Fu Jun, Xiaofan is Zhang Mofan, Zhang Mofan is Xiaofan, saying simple, Xiaofan is not dead, and the emperor Zhang Mofan is our son."

Xiao Yue said.


Ye Mo was surprised: "You mean that Xiaofan's consciousness has not been erased?"


Xiao Yue nodded.

This is the same as her previous awakening of the memory of the Holy Spirit, she is still the same as Xiao Yue.

"Xiaofan said, he will now desperately resist the evil heavens. What you have to do now is to re-cultivate into the eternal realm, enter the heaven and the gods, use the life and death mystery and the reincarnation, reincarnation, and advance to the emperor."

Xiao Yue said.

"But I am already awakened now?"

Ye Mo shook his head and said: "No matter what, I will cultivate to the eternal realm and say, I can't delay a little time. However, with my cultivation experience, I will be able to advance to the eternal realm."


Xiao Yue also nodded and said: "Fu Jun, although you practice, I will help you get resources. If it goes well, maybe in a few years, you can break through forever."

In a few years, it broke through eternity, which is equivalent to the gods and gods, and it has only been in the past few days.

"That will begin to cultivate!"

Ye Moguang naked, jumped directly, and stabilized his body shape with the help of the power of rebellion.

"The first step is to open up five porches!"

Ye Mo Meng sighed, and the five parts of the body began to burst into flames. The five black light burst at the same time, reaching the level of gas production.