MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 11 It's you

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The room suddenly calmed down, and Xu Li whispered, "Yes!"

"Really? Who are they? Let's listen!" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"I believe that you live in a remote mountain village, Ziyan. You don't even know the people on the mainland! You can imagine how occluded you are." Speaking here, I saw it with emotion. A purple smoke, a sigh: "If not your uncle found you, a peerless talent is buried."

Xu Ziyan was exaggerated and embarrassed with a red face. Some tweaked and said softly: "Xu Li, don't laugh at me, I don't know much, you can tell me."

Xu Li suddenly looked a whole face and said to Xu Ziyan very seriously: "Ziyan, you will not be in the pool in the future, you will definitely fly to the sky, and don't forget us when you arrive."

"Yes! Purple smoke, you don't forget us." Several other people looked at Xu Ziyan very seriously at this time, and his eyes revealed hope.

Xu Ziyan was suddenly overwhelmed by everyone, but she quickly understood that this is what everyone imagined in their future. After hoping to become a strong person, they can take care of them. Because it is unkind to say that the four people in front of them, from the age of three began to practice, until the fifteen years old, barely reached the fifth layer of the day after tomorrow, and indeed there is no big development. It is Xu Ziyan who gives them the medicine to keep eating, and it is impossible to become a peak. So it is normal for them to have this idea.

Xu Ziyan, who thought about all this, quickly adjusted his mentality. She knew that if she was still modest at this time, I am afraid it would be misunderstood by everyone. Then smiled and said:

"If I really want you to fly in the future, the purple smoke will not forget everyone's affection today."

"Good!" Everyone was overjoyed and smiled.

After laughing, Xu Li organized the language slightly and said softly:

"This continent is very big. We are located in the north of the mainland. We don't know much about our status. I only know that there are four big families in the north, the Han family in the giant city, the week of the city. Home, Yang Family in Nanlin City and Xu Family in our capital city.

It is said that Zhou Jia of Canglang City has a genius called Zhou Hao, who is the son of Zhou’s contemporary family. At the age of three, he was five years old and broke through the fifth floor of the day after tomorrow. At the age of seven, he entered congenital. Now 18 years old, it is already the fifth layer of the refining period.

The Yang family of Nanlin City also has a genius, called Yang Linglong, who is the daughter of Yang’s contemporary family. Her process is almost the same as that of Zhou Hao. Now she is also 18 years old, also the fifth floor of the refining period. Repaired.

As for the Han family in Jubilee City, there is no genius. It is said that the best younger generation of the Han family is a son named Hancheng. Today, at the age of seventeen, there is only the second layer of the refining period. The best thing about our Xu family is the son of Uncle Nine, called Xu Tianlang, who is said to have broken through to the third floor of the refining period.

"What is the most powerful thing about Zhou Hao and Yang Lingling?"

Xu Ziyan asked softly. After listening to Xu Li’s words, she could not help but be disappointed. Now that he is only fifteen years old, and only a few months of cultivation, he has reached the second level of the refining period.

She believes that with the help of her own medicine, when her own technique reaches three items, she can make a character array. At that time, I will make a polyfaction array for myself. Under the double help of the medicinal herbs and the Fuzheng, my realm will be faster. Although I started late, I firmly believe that when I am 18 years old, I will not It will be worse than that of Yang Ling and Zhou Hao. And as time goes by, you will definitely surpass them and even leave them far behind.

"No!" Xu Li shook her head and said: "This is only in the north. I don't know anywhere else. And this is only a master in the world. As for the disciples in the sect, it is not something that we all know. But there are One thing is certain, those masters in Zongmen must be much higher than those in the secular world. If Yang Linglong and Zhou Hao enter the Zongmen, they don’t have to enter any big sects, that is, those small sects, I am afraid Even the medium is not counted."

"Really? How do you know?"

"Xu Ling knows more about this, let Xu Ling say it." Xu Li looked at Xu Ling.

Xu Ling did not quit, and then Xu Li’s words said: “My distant cousin was selected by a small sect called Chi Yangzong five years ago. When he entered Chiyangzong, he was the first in the refining period. The repair of the first floor, last year when he came back to visit relatives, said that the first layer of the refining period was the lowest repair in Chiyang, and the people like Yu Ling and Zhou Qiang were everywhere in Chiyang. , even if it is not talented."

Speaking of this, Xu Ling paused and said: "According to my cousin, the aura in Zongmen is much higher than our secular family, and it is also given to the drug. When my cousin came back last year, it was already The third layer of the refining period is repaired."

Xu Ling’s eyes flashed an enviable color. Other people are also full of yearning color, that is, Xu Ziyan is also very excited. But only in an instant, Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably:

"Since Zongmen is so good, why did Yang Lingling and Zhou Hao not join the Zongmen? Since the first layer of your cousin's refining period can be added to the Zongmen, then Yang Linglong and Zhou Hao should have no problem. What?"

"They are nothing more than wanting to join a better sect. If they can join the big gate, the cultivation environment there is not comparable to Xiaozongmen." Xu Dezhi said enviously: "There are two more years, Huayang Zonghetai It’s time for Xuanzong to open a mountain gate to recruit disciples. I think that Yang Linglong and Zhou Hao must want to join one of these two sects, so they didn’t go to those small sects.”

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan suddenly realized, raising his eyebrows and said: "It seems that Yang Linglong and Zhou Haozhi are not small! In the end, it is a genius-like character, thinking is different!"

"Cut! What's great!" Xu Li snorted: "It is said that Zhou Hao is simply a heap of medicinal herbs, but that Yang Lingling is said to be of great qualification."

"Is there anything wrong with eating medicinal herbs?" Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably. Looking at the expressions of the people, I couldn't help but worry.

Xu Tie Niu said with a sigh of relief: "It is unreliable to rely on the drug to improve its strength. It will be difficult to break through in the later stages, and the combat power will be weaker than those in the same field."

Xu Ziyan’s heart sighed and said: “No! In my inheritance, I don’t say that after entering the ninth layer of the refining period, as long as I take the medicinal herbs that I have improved, I will cooperate with Gu Bendan. Can you solve the problem of unstable roots? How do you now say that there are problems with unstable foundations and weak combat power? Is it wrong in the inheritance?"

Xu Ziyan hesitated for a moment, and felt that this matter was too important for himself, so he couldn’t help but ask:

“I have heard people say that you can avoid these problems by taking Gu Bendan?”

"Guben Dan?"

The crowd screamed together and looked at Xu Ziyan with a look that didn't know her. Xu Ziyan was seen by everyone as a chill in the back, weakly saying:

"What's wrong? What am I saying wrong?"

"Ziyan, Gubendan is already a legendary thing. That Dan has long been lost. If there is a solid, then there is no problem at all. But it is just a dream!" Xu Li shook her head. As if you are dreaming.

"Is it unilaterally lost?" Xu Ziyan sighed, and said: "I have it in my inheritance! So I should have no problem taking the medicinal herbs. When I cultivate to the ninth floor of the refining period, I will give myself a refining. It’s ok to make some Gubendan. Just now, is it a side effect of taking medicinal herbs? It’s really scaring me.”

"However, people who have medicinal herbs are also the strength of others. We just want to eat, and there is no chance." Xu Ling said sullenly.

Everyone heard the words and stayed, thinking that Xu Ling was right, and he could not help but feel a little depressed. Xu Dezhi also smiled bitterly:

"We don't take medicinal herbs, I am afraid that this life will not break through." If there is a drug that can make me break through the innate, I am willing to be unstable."

"Yeah, we are all children of poor families, and their qualifications are not good. I am afraid that this life will stop in the outer court. It is purple smoke. If there are a lot of medicinal herbs for you to take in the future, you should be cautious." /

"I? How can there be a lot of remedies?" Xu Ziyan smiled and concealed himself.

"Oh, maybe, two years later you were selected by Xuan Tianzong and Huayangzong, and there is not a lot of medicinal herbs to eat!"

"Please, I am only six days after tomorrow, you should not make me a joke. Drinking, drinking!"

"Good, drink!"

Everyone raised the glass, touched it, and then drank it together. However, after experiencing the topic just now, everyone’s mood is not high, the atmosphere is suppressed, and everyone has no interest in chatting. After saying something, everyone will check out and leave.

In the past few days, the snow has been going on and on, the snow on the ground is very thick, and the cold wind rolls the snow straight into the neck. Five people walked toward the family's outer hall on the snow. In the snow fluttering, Xu Ziyan saw a person familiar with the figure from afar. Picking up his eyes and looking at the man, he immediately recognized that the man was the one who first came to Zhongdu City on the first day and hit the people on the street. I remember that Xu Ximei seemed to call him Lin brother. of.

At this time, the two sides have come to the front, and the brother Lin also saw Xu Ziyan five people. Xu Li and the four people saw the "Lin brother" opposite, and hurriedly swayed to the ceremony:

"I have seen Brother Xu Lin."

Xu Lin nodded faintly. When he saw Xu Ziyan, his brow wrinkled slightly, and suddenly he seemed to recognize Xu Ziyan and blurted out:

"It's you!"

Read The Duke's Passion