MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 3296 Breaking the sword

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There was a bitter smile on Zhu Zinan’s face. At this time, he believed Xu Ziyan’s words. It seems that his sister is really amnesia, and he said:

"The most prominent ten names on the stone are listed in the top ten of each level. Only the speed of Shaoguan can be placed on the stone in the top ten. If you just passed the pass, but the speed But there is no such thing as the tenth place on the stone tablet. It will only reveal the light of the ten, and then disperse. Forget it, I will tell you all about it."

On the other side, Zhu Zinan walked with Xu Ziyan and explained: "Every level of assessment is a level of cultivation, such as the sword ghost on the first bridge is the repair of the refining period."

"Sword ghost?"

Xu Ziyan is in a state of sorrow, these ghosts are able to release the sword, so it is called a sword ghost. At this time, Zhu Zinan continued:

“A bridge is divided into three parts. The first part of the front is the beginning of the refining period, the middle part is the middle of the refining period, and the latter part is the late stage of the refining period. The form of each bridge is basically the same. Those swordsmen will add a point of sword."

Xu Ziyan quickly calculated it, and then said: "Senior brother, if a monk is already strong before the Shaoguan, but the cultivation is not strong, then is it not that she understands the sword?"

Zhu Zinan shook his head and said: "This will not happen. The sword in this Jianfeng is different from the other swords that we usually comprehend. The name of this sword is called the sky. If it is not repaired, it will not be realized. This kind of sword meaning, this sword is very strong, it is stronger than all the swords. According to the legend, if you can really understand the ten-year-old swordsmanship, even if there is no sanctification, you can threaten the holy monks."

"Is it stronger than the sword of a sword?" Xu Ziyan did not believe.

"Strong!" Zhu Zinan was serious and nodded: "The strongest sword that is now circulating in the fairy world is a sword that breaks the law, but our sect of the sect of the sect is stronger than a sword." Only the people of our sects did not understand the ten-year-old monks."

Xu Ziyan heard the curiosity in his eyes, and Zhu Zinan continued: "But when you are at Shaoguan, you must do your best. If you feel that you can't pass it on the way to Shaoguan, you must immediately kill it from the bridge. I want to kill myself. There is no other way to return. If you don’t have a good heat, you will probably die on the bridge. There are many monks in the Zongmen who are so degraded."

Xu Ziyan opened his mouth and said with amazement: "If I reach the tenth floor, I will kill it step by step from the tenth floor?"

"No! There is a transmission array between each bridge and the bridge. You can ride back in the transmission array, but there is no transmission array on the bridge, so you must kill it, that is, you can kill from a bridge. Come back."

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw a transmission array on the edge of the bridge. Then I asked again:

“Is there a reward every time?”

“How come?” Zhu Zhiwen said with a smile: “Only the bridge that you have checked out for the first time will have a reward. The second time you will have a bridge that has already passed through. Even if you have passed, there will be no prizes.”

“Oh!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Is it that only the first time the speed of the first level can enter the top ten to be able to leave a name on the stone tablet. The second time, even if you are fast, you will not leave a name on the stone tablet. ?"

"Yes!" Zhu Zinan nodded. "Sister, you still have to heal first, and wait for the restoration to be repaired again."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I want to try and see if I can recover some memories through battle."

Zhu Zinan thought for a moment: "Alright, yes. You have to wear the identity card on your body when you are at the gate. You can't put it on the storage ring. Those bridges only recognize the identity card, and no identity cards can't enter."

"Thank you Master Zhu, I will try it!"

"Go, let's have a few of them waiting for you here, then go back together."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and then walked toward the front, went to the bridge head, and glanced at the transmission array on the cliff of the bridge. Then I looked down the cliff.

The cliffs are dark and inky. I can't see what's under the cliff at all. It seems that everything under the cliff is still. Xu Ziyan transmitted the knowledge of the gods and explored under the cliff.

Suddenly, I felt that my knowledge was quickly stirred and cut. If it wasn't for her strong knowledge, it would be cut into pieces. I hurriedly took back my knowledge, and my face was amazed.

The darkness below this is not only static. But the speed of the flow is too fast, giving a static illusion. Xu Ziyan is sure that even if the monk of the Tianzun period falls into the cliff, the body will be smashed into pieces by the darkness. However, Xu Ziyan is not very afraid, she feels that with her own body strength, that darkness can not hurt her. But she didn't dare to try. Who knows what is under the cliff, will there be something that can hurt her?

Looking up at the bridge in front of him, I saw that there were more than a dozen people on the bridge at the time. These dozens of people were all alone, and there was no group. Xu Ziyan knew that this was their better understanding of the sword. .


At this time, a figure emerged from behind her and entered the bridge. Xu Ziyan suddenly found that after the monk entered the bridge, the bridge was automatically widened and the number of swordsmen increased. It is.

"It's amazing!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was dark and he stepped into the bridge. Suddenly, a few swordsmen rushed toward her, and they didn’t rush to the front. One swordsman would extend his finger to her or stroke, or point, or stab, or yo...

A sword is coming out of the air!

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. She feels that this sword is very powerful and sharp. If I really want to use it to describe it, it’s really only the word “breaking the sky”.

Although these swords are still very weak, there is only one point of sword, but the fierce sword meaning gives people the ability to pierce the sky, as if to break through this session and break away.

It is only this point of sword that allows Xu Ziyan to feel that in the realm, it is definitely more than a sword to break the law, that is, it is stronger than her nothingness.

When the heart of the purple smoke was full of fighting spirit, she did not go to take out the fairy, the same hands and fingers, and a sword spurt out, rushing past the sword ghost. At the same time, the gods were spread out, shrouded the surrounding swordsmen, and quickly rushed forward, while comprehending the swordsmanship of the swordsman. She even intended to let the swordsman's spurt of the sword spurt on her body, and use the body to understand this sword meaning, anyway, the sword and ghost swords in this refining period can not hurt her.


What surprised her was that after the sword entered her body, she not only did not disappear, but also raged in her body, trying to destroy the meridians in her body, but the chaotic gas in the purple smoke was too strong, and she The meridians are too strong, and the sword is quickly dispelled by her, and at the same time comprehend this sword.

The speed of Xu Ziyan’s comprehension is too fast.

On the one hand, her body strength is placed there, and she does not fear the sword to enter the body. Once she enters the body through the sword, she will realize Xu Ziyan's understanding faster.

On the other hand, Xu Ziyan’s realm of the Yuanshen is also there, the Holy Order is perfect, and it is a fusion of the eleven attributes. Although this is a high-grade sword, the height of the Xu Ziyan station is different, and naturally it is not comparable to other monks.

In the third aspect, Xu Ziyan has a profound foundation for the sword, not only mastering a sword and breaking the law, but also comprehending the silence, the new life and the nothingness, which makes the understanding of the broken swordsmanship reach a rapid state. .

Just less than ten minutes, Xu Ziyan passed the first bridge, but she did not continue to go to the second bridge. At this time, a lot of monks sat on the cliff between the first bridge and the second bridge, and they all closed their eyes to precipitate the three-point sword that they had just realized. The same is true for Xu Ziyan.

After a quarter of an hour.

Xu Ziyan has fully realized the three-pointed sword, and stood up and swept away toward the second bridge. Entering the second bridge, Xu Ziyan is still not prepared to rely on his own body strength, but relies entirely on his own cultivation of the late peaks of Xian Wang.

The second bridge, the third bridge... the fifteenth bridge.

Xu Ziyan passed the fifteenth bridge and has already realized that the 40% of the swords are broken. The swordsman on the 16th bridge in front of her is already the realm of the emperor.

Xu Ziyan really wants to continue to look forward to see if he can get the sword in case of repair. However, Xu Ziyan did not do that at the end, she is very jealous of this Jianfeng.

Until now, Jianfeng never called her again. She didn't know what it would be like if she did it.

Still step by step!

Xu Ziyan returned to the bridgehead of the first bridge in a transmission array, and Zhu Zinan greeted him:

"So fast? Are you on that floor?"

"Fiveteen floors."

Zhu Zinan nodded: "Yes, you only recover to Xian Wang, or don't take risks. Let's go."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, followed Zhu Zinan several people to go outside, Zhu Zinan said: "Luo Shimei, let's continue to team up together?"

"For the time being, forget it!" Xu Ziyan whispered: "I have to restore the repair first."

"That is also true!" Zhu Zinan nodded.

"Brother, I want to walk around and see if I can get some memories back, so I won't be with you."

"Good! The sister is taking care."

" Take care!"

Looking at Zhu Zinan, a few people went away. Xu Ziyan flew away and looked for a place where no one was, replaced the original clothes and changed back to the original appearance. Xu Ziyan flew to Luo Tianzong's open-air market.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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