MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 3316 King of apex

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The fifth fairy city.

The holy chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon are still divided into two parts. Some of them lead many chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons to attack the fifth fairy city. The other part is ready to meet the harassment and containment of the monks.

In the past 50 years, there has been almost no loss in the holy level of the two sides. What the monk can only do now is to contain half of the holy chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons. I want to go further. Moreover, the two sides have fought each other for fifty years and are already very familiar with each other. It’s all gone, the monk monks have no loss, the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon have not lost, but they have been holding down the number of chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons, so that they could break through the fairy city in a few days. It takes decades.

Mountain soul peak.

The soul of Yanshan is still like a statue. The legs are sitting there, the brilliance of the eyebrows flickers, outlines a line of lines, and cracks a trace of silk seal.

At this time, the seal on the bead has been cracked by two-thirds, and now only one-third of the seal is left. The power transmitted from the inside is everywhere in the cave. If someone enters the cave house of Yanshan Spirit at this time, the figure of Yanshan soul will not be seen at all, and his figure has been completely shrouded in the fairy tales.

At this time, Yanshan soul suddenly stopped. His face has become pale, and the two are constantly seeping sweat. After 50 years of cracking the seal, his consumption is too big.

But this is only one aspect of his stop. He needs to adjust his interest to restore the power of the gods, because he has seen that the remaining one-third is more complicated and requires him to spend more time.

On the other hand, he needs to make some preparations. He feels that he may not need to completely crack the seal, and the king of the spirit in the beads will break out.


At this point he has confirmed that the seal inside is the king of the spirit, otherwise there will be no such power.

If the king of the dynasty breaks out and flees, then the soul of Yanshan is not in vain?

Therefore, Yanshan soul needs to first set up a strongest trap, even if the king of the prince breaks out from the inside, there is no chance to escape. After 50 years of cracking the seal, Yanshan Soul has 80% understanding of this seal. And the realm of the Yanshan soul is constantly improving. At this time, he has determined that his battlefield has surpassed the monk who laid the seal. Since the monk was able to seal the king of the prince at the beginning, then the fairy tales he had set up would surely be able to trap the king of the prince.


When he just stopped to prepare for the recovery of the interest rate, he heard a voice from the sealed bead:

"Kid. Quickly crack the seal for the king."

Yanshan soul's brow picked and picked, but did not take care of him, put the beads on the ground, swallowed Xiandan to prepare for interest rate recovery. The king of the spirits in the beads saw that the Yanshan soul not only ignored him, but placed the beads on the ground. It was anxious at the time. He has been sealed for so long, and finally he has hope now. How can he not be anxious?

However, he found that Yanshan soul simply did not pay attention to him, and immediately released the desire to influence the soul of Yanshan, so that Yanshan soul continued to contact him for seal.

The illusion that was originally filled in the cave house converges instantaneously, condensing a large pattern of lines and slamming the past into the sea of ​​Yanshan soul. Yanshan soul slightly wrinkled his brows. If the Yanshan soul did not consume too much power of the gods, Yanshan soul wanted to fight with him to see how the king of the spirit could do it, but Nowadays, the power of Yanshan soul **** is lacking. Naturally, I didn't take the risk, and I raised my hand and put the bead into the storage ring. Then start to resume the adjustment.

However, before he had adjusted for a quarter of an hour, the storage ring on his hand burst into a bang. The bead has been lifted by two-thirds at this time, and the King of the Spirit has been able to make a certain attack, and even the storage ring of Yanshan Soul is exploding. Yanshan soul is not shocked, but from this point of view, the king of the spirit in this bead is not simple, the king of the prince has just exploded the storage ring. Then he snarled toward the soul of Yanshan:

"Kid, quickly crack the seal of the king, the king can promise you three conditions."

After Yanshan’s soul was moved, he left his own Dongfu. The figure fell on the rock on the peak of the mountain and re-entered into the adjustment.

In the cave house of Yanshan Spirit, the king of the wrath roared angrily, controlling the bead to collide outside the cave.


However, no matter how he collided, he was bounced back by the trapped array of Yanshan soul...

Purple smoke peaks.

Xu Ziyan also sat quietly like a statue. The extraterrestrial magical demon that was filled in the Dongfu was slowly absorbed by Xu Ziyan. At this time, she knew that the stars in the sea had grown several times, and the prototype of a universe was already born.

Occasionally, the body is moving. It is the essence of the chaotic beast and the demon of the extraterrestrial. The body's acupoints are becoming microcosms one by one, and the body's breath is strengthening a little bit, approaching the realm of the holy perfection. .

Time has passed in this silence for another seventy years.

The Fifth City and the Sixth City were destroyed, and the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon were besieging the Seventh City. During these seventy years, the Holy Chaotic Beast has fallen three more, and the Devil of the Holy Level has fallen two, and the Holy Monk of the Immortal World has also fallen into two.

But there is also good news, that is, the catastrophe crack on the mainland has closed, and now there are only five catastrophic cracks left in the entire fairyland. This influence is very big. On the one hand, the monks of the Xianjie saw hope and spirited. On the other hand, the addition of the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon began to decrease.

However, this is only a supplemental reduction. The number of the entire chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon has not decreased, but has turned several times. This is because when the siege of the city, the holy chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon personally shot, so that the chaotic beasts below the holy level and the extraterrestrial demon casualties are few. And because the catastrophic cracks of the Tiantian continent are closed, the Chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon attack on Xiancheng are even more fierce.

Mountain soul peak.

Within the Dongfu, the Yanshan soul finally cracked the last seal.

"Ha ha ha..."

A burst of crazy laughter sounded in Dongfu, and then I saw a pattern of fluttering in the bead. Then the lines were combined in the middle, but in an instant, the image of the old man was dressed in yellow. Robe, wearing a crown, a king looks like.

"The kid, don't come to see the king..."

After the King of the Spirit smirked a few times, he opened his mouth proudly, but his voice stopped short because he found that Yanshan’s soul was gone.

Of course, the Yanshan soul disappeared. In the moment of cracking the seal, Yanshan soul left the Dongfu. At this time, his power of the gods was consumed more than half. Of course, it was not the best moment to refine the king of the spirit, so he immediately left the Dongfu and went outside to adjust the interest rate. Anyway, there is that trapped, and the king of the wrath can't run.

It was discovered that the soul of Yanshan disappeared, and the king of the spirit realized what he was, and immediately roared and screamed toward the storm. It was rebounded without any surprise. After he snarled a few times, he calmed down. As a king of the spirit, of course, he would not be unfamiliar with the fairy tales, and he began to crack the trapped array of Yanshan soul. He did not despise the trapped array of Yanshan souls, can crack the seal of the monks, the layout of the fairy squad is simple?

Therefore, both inside and outside Dongfu were silent.

Beyond Dongfu, the soul of Yanshan is quietly restored.

Within the Dongfu, the King of the Spirit is quietly cracking the trap.

Purple smoke peaks.

Xu Ziyan is still quietly practicing. In the past seventy years, six points have been refining into a microcosm. The breath on her body has gradually approached the half-step holy level, and the floating atmosphere is more powerful. At this time, someone saw Xu Ziyan, and found that it was difficult to see the shape of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan sat there, as if it were a chaotic whirlpool, absorbing everything, it was shocking.

Mountain soul peak.

Yanshan soul stood up from the rock, and the corner of his mouth skipped a sinister smile, whispering softly:

"Let me see where your king of the spirit is strong?"

The sleeves were gently stroked, and they walked down the rock and went to the Dongfu. When the figure flashed, it entered the cave house. His eyes fell on the king of the spirit. At this time, the king of the prince did not find the soul of Yanshan, and was trying to crack the seal of Yanshan soul. The eyebrows of Yanshan soul were slightly picked, not to mention that the king of the spirit is really not simple, although it is not Crack this trap, but the direction of research is correct. This makes Yanshan soul feel good, and the king of the spirit is more powerful. When he merges with the king of the spirit, he gets more.

The eyebrows of Yanshan's soul suddenly bloomed, and a ray of light shrouded the king of the spirit. The king of the spirit was instantly sucked into the sea and directly let the gods swallow.


There was a humming sound in the Yuanshen of the Yanshan soul, and then he saw his gods expand for a while and then shrank. The east drum, the west drum, accompanied by the roar of the king of the spirit.

"Kid, let the king out, the king will not die!"


Yanshan soul simply did not pay attention to him, urging the Yuanshen to start refining the king of the spirit.

"Kid, let the king out, the king promises you three conditions!"


"Daoyou, let the king out, the king promised you ten conditions!"


Yanshan soul is still urging the king of the reign of the Yuanshen refining, but the king of the prince did not honestly wait for Yanshan soul refining, while roaring, while resisting, releasing a line of lines to resist The refining of the soul of Yanshan, but also want to put the spirit of the refining Yanshan soul, to win the soul of Yanshan.


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