MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 3341 Frequently fallen

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Xu Ziyan stood on the body of the Chaos Beast, but he was ignored by the Chaos Beast. The broken sword would not hurt the Chaos Beast. And narrowed to a size of chaotic beast, his speed has reached a level that makes Xu Ziyan horrible, Xu Ziyan found that he could not lock his body shape, from mutual attack and defense into a passive situation of complete defense.

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods. She knows that it is impossible to hurt this chaotic beast with the sword. At this time, only the swordsmanship will be condensed on the sword, and it must be too virtual. The sword itself is shackled on the body of the chaotic beast to harm the chaotic beast.


Xu Ziyan is surrounded by the shadow of the chaotic beast. The chaotic beast is too fast. The two claws are constantly attacking Xu Ziyan. With the power of the gods, Xu Ziyan can use the Taixu to intercept those attacks. For a moment, there is incomparable passiveness.

However, at this time, the situation of Xu Ziyan is completely different from that of the other tribes of the various tribes on the battlefield. Yanshan soul, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan's vocal star illusion although the effect is halved, but also for those chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demon. Although they can't get them into the embarrassment, they also make the power of those chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons more than 70%.

This is originally the sacred monk of the various ethnic groups in the celestial world. The number of the chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons can not reach 70%, which makes the immortal monks occupy the absolute upper hand. The Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon have fallen from the beginning to the beginning. The number of ones is reduced only.

The more the number of them is reduced, the fewer the objects that need to be attacked by the sound of the stars, so the power is separated and less and less, the result is the sound of the stars and the magic of the remaining chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. Said. The power is getting bigger and bigger, and the impact on them is getting more and more fierce, which further reduces their strength and further enlarges the advantages of the immortal monks.

They have achieved fruitful results there. There are only nine left in the Holy Chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon, but the Xu Ziyan here is completely selected into the crisis. The holy perfect body has shrunk again, less than a meter, his speed, his strength, his strength has reached an incredible point, the spread of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge has begun to capture His trace quickly opened a defensive symbol on his body. At the same time, the Taixu sword danced in a tight air, Zhang opened a long scream, and the sound of the stars rushed out, but the universe could not lock the chaotic beast, and the bombardment was vacated.


Xu Ziyan shouted, she could not persist, but she knew she could not escape for the time being. Once she fled first. At the speed of this chaotic beast, the nearly 100 monks who are still struggling to kill will probably have many fallen.

The monk who was in the excitement of killing the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon, heard the shout of Xu Ziyan, and stopped doing the slightest stop. He immediately went to the Taixu sect, but he immediately returned to the virtual Zong.


Xu Ziyan once again screamed out of the stars, and then the sword was violent, so he wanted to shuttle.


A series of explosions made Xu Ziyan's look pale. Because she is moving in that direction, the chaotic beast will be in front of her, and she will be critted out of space. Although every time Xu Ziyan used Xu Ziyan to block the attack of the chaotic beast. But it also made her arm numb.

"Can't escape?"

There was a fluster in Xu Ziyan’s eyes.

Too imaginary. Yanshan’s soul changed dramatically and immediately shouted: “Help.”

The words fall, Yanshan soul, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan play three stars at the same time. Blending into one place, a huge universe engulfs hundreds of millions of stars and pours toward the chaotic beast.


but. The speed of the chaotic beast is too fast, and the huge universe can't capture the chaotic beast, but the chaotic beast is still attacking Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan took a deep breath, and Dan Tian, ​​the universe in the sea and the caves, suddenly accelerated the speed of rotation, and the power of the world was extracted by Xu Ziyan. She finally released her last card and took the power of the world.


Xu Ziyan’s body burst into a powerful and vast atmosphere. The virtual sword in his hand was just a sway, and the surrounding space collapsed. The shape of Xu Ziyan was rotated like a windmill, and the virtual sword broke out. The endless sky is smashed into space, and the dense space debris forms a vortex that spreads sharply toward the surroundings.


Beyond the whirlpool, the shadows of the chaotic beasts are shattered, and the body of the holy and perfect chaotic beast finally appears, and the eyes are taboo, and the figure retreats toward the distance.


Seeing that the chaotic beast flew back, Xu Ziyan will open a space channel with a virtual sword, and the body shape will shuttle away.


The holy-classed perfect chaotic beast appeared in the back of Xu Ziyan in an instant, and both palms slammed toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s body shape turned around and turned over. The imaginary emptiness wrapped the power of the world and the sword of the sky to go to the chaotic beast.


A burst of sound, Xu Ziyan's body shape was directly bombarded into the space channel, and the chaotic beast was also rolling in the space, a scar appeared on his body, and blood spewed from the inside.


Xu Ziyan spurted blood between the mouth and nose. The power of chaos running in the body was a stagnation. At this moment of stagnation, the chaotic beast rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan. At the same time, the shape of the Yanshan soul was also I rushed out from the Taixu Zong.


When the first palm of the holy and perfect chaotic beast was actually bombarded on Xu Ziyan’s body, Xu Ziyan lost the opportunity, and then a series of roaring sounds, Xu Ziyan’s too virtual sword had already flown away. The skin of the body quickly cracked, and the small galaxies within the caverns began to collapse. Then the two great universes in Dantian and the sea began to collapse...


A giant hammer hit the chaotic beast and was slapped by the chaotic beast, but the chaotic beast did not go to see the Yanshan soul who sacrificed the giant hammer, but still took a shot toward Xu Ziyan. Going on, he hated the extreme for Xu Ziyan.

However, at this time, a huge drug tripped down, and suddenly the chaotic beast was buckled inside. The body shape of Yanshan soul came to Xu Ziyan's side in an instant. His hands held Xu Ziyan in his arms, and his body shape disappeared in space and appeared in Taixu.


There was a loud noise behind him, and the whole earth was shaking.


Yao Wang, a drug king, spurted a blood on his head and sat on the ground. The drug tripod that turned the chaotic beast back into it was the drug king's life fairy, although he sacrificed the medicine tripod to stop the chaotic beast for a moment, but the drug tripod was bombarded by the chaotic beast. The crushing of this life fairy device caused the drug king to be seriously injured.


But at this time, Yanshan soul did not have time to pay attention to Yao Wang. His knowledge quickly swept Xu Ziyan. Although he could not see the space of Xu Ziyan's body, he felt that Xu Ziyan had almost no breath, and the body almost completely collapsed. Completely collapsed. To him, Xu Ziyan seems to have fallen, and even the heart has lost its beating, and the body has become cold and stiff.


Yanshan soul crying and crying, Xu Ziyan tightly hugged in his arms, the surrounding monks are looking at me, I look at you, one by one, the face is full of dignity. The joy of the complete closure of the catastrophe crack has disappeared without a trace, there is no Xu Ziyan, who will deal with the chaotic beast of the late stage of the great stage?

"Cough... let me see!"

A faint sound sounded, Yanshan soul turned his head and saw the seriously injured medicine, Sun Sun Qingmu, and there was hope in his eyes. When he was swept, he came to the front of Yao Wang and cried:

"Pharmaceutical King, you must save the purple smoke!"

"Mountain spirit, don't worry, let me see."

The drug king said a little weakly. Then I began to look carefully at Xu Ziyan. After two quarters of time, the drug king sighed for a long time. This sigh made the Yanshan soul a surprise.

"Pharmaceutical King, Purple Smoke... How?"

"She... only a glimmer of life!" said the drug king bitterly.

The eyes of Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s body was already stiff and his face was pale and jade, as if he was no longer a living person but a jade carving.

"And... a line of life?" Yanshan asked quiveringly.

"Yeah!" Yao Wang concentrated on the head: "Her body, the sea and the soul have received trauma, and now only a little soul fire does not die."

"That... you have a way?"

There was a trace of pain in the eyes of Yao Wang. "I have no way, no one can help her, everything depends on herself."

The **** of the Yanshan spirit explored it and explored it in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. But at this time, from the medicinal king's knowledge of the sea, a sense of God rushed toward the spirit of Yanshan to intercept the past.


The two people's gods collided in the air and made a soft sigh. The knowledge of Yanshan soul is also cautious. He just wants to enter the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan to see if he can communicate with Xu Ziyan's gods, so Yao Wang easily intercepted him with his knowledge and was intercepted by Yao Wang. Yanshan The soul is not angry, he knows that the drug king must have a reason to do so. In terms of strength, he is not weaker than the drug king of the late nine-level nine-level peak, but he is too different from the drug king in healing. So he just looked at the past with the eyes of the inquiry.


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*(To be continued~^~)

Read The Duke's Passion