MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 3353 Too virtual

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I am very grateful to the 629 students of the Moon Dance (200). Xiu Xian is no longer a legendary classmate (100), a book friend 150116013608298 classmate, a Pooh Jiaqiao classmate, a Bai Zibing classmate, an Anyaner classmate, and an Anyan children classmate!



The crack in the sky was once again enlarged, and a crack that stretched for thousands of miles appeared. A huge head came in from the outside. It was a huge fan-shaped head with nine eyes on the head, which was swaying. The gaze looked at Xu Ziyan and other monks, and then the huge head swung down, and its body squeezed in from the crack like a mollusc.

Not bad!

It was squeezed in, and its body was too big.


Its huge body finally squeezed in, like a huge mountain range squatting in the air, and the huge atmosphere drowned over the monks such as Xu Ziyan.

"This is definitely not a great atmosphere of the Holy Order!"

Xu Ziyan screamed in horror. She once felt the breath of a chaotic beast and an extraterrestrial demon in the altar space. This is definitely beyond the peak of the late stage of the Holy Reign, beyond the existence of the Holy Completion.


The nine huge eyes released a layer of light, and all the monks shrouded in that layer of light were lost in an instant, and fell into a illusion.

This is a transcendental sacred grand perfection.

The layer of faint light drowned Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan felt that his consciousness was a little embarrassing.


Xu Ziyan opened his mouth and shouted, and a circle of sound waves spread around the center with Xu Ziyan as the center. A universe pours around, but the stars are falling apart.

Xu Ziyan recovered his waking eyes and his eyes were scared. The mind flicked out and took out the jade flute, across the lips. The music of Long Fengming rushed and spread quickly...

One by one, the monk awake, and the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan condenses a sound in the air to spread around.

"Return to too imaginary!"

One by one, the monks did not hesitate to fly toward the Taixu sect. The sacred monks such as Yanshan Soul were just a shuttle and returned to Taixu. One by one, instead of Yanshan soul, they went back to the one on the mountain soul peak that belonged to them. The Yanshan soul has already stood in the air of the peak, and the eyes locked the powerful extraterrestrial demon.


One monk was madly fleeing toward the Taixu sect. The scorpion scorpion that was in the air did not pay attention to the fugitive monks, but looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement. The nine eyes converge on Xu Ziyan’s body, let Xu Ziyan’s The pressure suddenly increased.

Xu Ziyan looked up. She couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw that the crack in the space that was torn by the celestial beings was slowly closing. At the same time, for the extraterrestrial demon, there is also a great taboo.

This is how powerful the extraterrestrial demon can actually tear a crack in the catastrophe.

Too imaginary.

At this time, there was no other voice besides the dragon and phoenix movements. All the monks of all ethnic groups had already escaped to the Taixu sect, and the chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons below the holy level were also on the ground. on.

Too imaginary.

The mountain soul peak.

Yanshan soul's arms slowly lifted from both sides of the body...


The mountain soul peaks burst, and all the buildings, including the cave house of Yanshan Spirit, turned into powder. A huge square print appeared from the mountain. There are countless mysterious patterns on the square, and there are layers of treasures. The spirits of Yanshan and the powers of the great monks and the gods of the gods are frantically injected into the square. The four-party Indian treasures were released, and they became a stream of light that passed through the defensive array of Taixu, and rushed to the sky above the demon.


The square print spurred the world to shake, and instantly magnified, and the volume has surpassed the extraterrestrial demon that straddles the air, covering the sky. Going down to the devil outside the domain.


A deafening roar. The celestial demon outside the sky was smashed into the sky, heavily squatting on the ground, letting the earth gully squat, and the four squares pressed tightly against the demon outside the field. Repress it below and constantly suppress it to the ground. At the same time, the four squares still charge the power of the demon outside the domain.

Xu Ziyan stopped Long Fengming, and both eyes were surprised to see the extraterrestrial demon who was suppressed by the Quartet. On the Taixu Peak, the face of Yanshan and the face of the public also showed a surprise color.


In the Taixu Zong, the cheers of the various ethnic monks were heard. The eyes of the Baizu monks looking at the soul of Yanshan are full of taboos. In the past, although they also looked at the soul of Yanshan, they did not put the spirit of Yanshan at the same height as Xu Ziyan, but now they put the soul of Yanshan at the same height as Xu Ziyan, and the heart is full of jealousy, but also full of Bitter, a purple smoke is enough to suppress them, and now there is a Yanshan soul...


The huge voice made the whole Taixu swayed a bit. Xu Ziyan, who was closest to the Tianmo outside the domain, could not walk back two steps in the air. His face changed dramatically.

The square print that was suppressing the demon outside the domain suddenly burst, and was not smashed by the gods outside the domain. The debris spurred around.


From the bottom of the ground, the demon outside the field, a violent breath, nine large eyelids broken two, like two black holes. With the violent temper of the demon outside the domain, a hidden wave is quickly generated in space.


There are huge fists in the sky, dense and dense, covering the sky, like a dense meteor shower, rushing to the Taixu.

Like the intensive roar of heavy rain, the whole world seems to have entered the end, and the giant tree formed by the tyrannical squad suddenly swayed, and hundreds of millions of branches circling and swaying toward each other.


Only in an instant, one fist was shredded by a branch, but the branches were instantly broken.

In the middle hundreds of millions of branches fluttered to form a huge green whirlpool, but outside is a larger whirlpool of fists, intensively bombarded the green whirlpool.

"Ha ha ha..."

All this happened only in the blink of an eye, but there was a bigger roar between the blink of an eye. The giant tree was broken, and the defensive defensive catastrophe collapsed. The dense fists were like a meteor shower. To the illusory of losing the defense, the peaks of the mountains collapsed, and one cave was flooded...

The last land of the entire fairy world was destroyed...

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are red. She has already seen the intensive fists being bombarded by the various ethnic monks who have lost their protection.

Must stop it!


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*(To be continued~^~)