MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 3359 Mo Mingzhi

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I am very grateful to the 1210 classmates (588), the light moon dance 629 classmates (100), the sauce sauce sauce sauce sauce sauce sauce classmates, Bai Zibing classmates, Jing Xiu Nianhua classmates, the red lips classmates, a few Heavy smoke and rain の crossing ^ Qingcheng classmates, A Yaner classmates' reward!


The five giant pythons outside the field looked at Xu Ziyan at the same time, and the five circles gathered together, and the ray of light became chaotic.


Endless smashing swords and a chaotic collision, Xu Ziyan's body shape is like a meteor spurting out, squirting blood in the air, holding the hand of too virtual sword can not stop shaking, too virtual sword screams sharply.

Yanshan soul looked back at Xu Ziyan's **** body shape, and his eyes were filled with blood. He looked at the smashing of a tentacle who was smashing:


The body of the Yanshan soul formed by the king of the spirit did not hesitate to fly toward the Yanshan soul, and instantly merged into the body of Yanshan soul, and merged with the spirit of Yanshan soul.


The body of Yanshan's soul was distorted, and the surrounding space was like a ripple. His breath climbed to the half-step holy level. And by his side, Yang Hui’s eyes have already shown their death, and the whispering voice in the mouth is getting denser and more intense.


The crown of the sky on Yang Hui’s head shines, and the breath on his body is also climbing all the way, climbing to the state of perfection near the holy level.

The shape of Yanshan Soul and Yanghui has been turned into two lights at this time, constantly slamming the eyes that have already appeared cracks. On their sky, the **** piano rang louder. below. The sound of the sword of the seven-hole sword screamed, and all the monks fell into madness.


At this time, there was a figure that was thrown away from the outside of the heavenly demon. In an instant, I caught up with Xu Ziyan, who was smashed out. Xu Ziyan’s eyes were shocked:


"Full me!"

Xu Ziyun's body instantly merges into the body of Xu Ziyan, and the two gods who share the same source instantly merge. Just in the moment of this fusion. Xu Ziyan feels that the soul is transparent, and the sky that was previously vaguely blurred becomes clear, and the veil covering the late stage of the Holy Class is unveiled.


The repair of Xu Ziyan broke through to the late stage of the great reunion, with a strong temperament. The figure rushed toward the outside of the field. The speed of too fast smashed the layer space, the space was fragmented, and the repair of the late stage of the Holy Class was wrapped in the forty-eighth layer of the sword.


The chaotic world began to retreat and shrink, and the shape of Xu Ziyan was wrapped in the endless slashing sword. Xu Ziyan’s sudden outburst caused the Tianmo’s demon to be at a loss. The Yanshan Soul and Yanghui’s explosive powers rushed to the cracked giant.


The giant python of the extraterrestrial world smashed under the joint of Yanshan Soul and Yanghui. The violent power of the blast broke into a thick black light and rushed toward Yanshan Soul and Yanghui. Yanshan Soul and Yanghui are already prepared, but the power of the black light burst out is too great, and the black light spreads. Yang Hui’s body is scattered like gravel, flying...

The crown became dull and dull, falling into the cracks in the space, and there was no trace.

The black light collided toward the Yanshan soul. The body of Yanshan soul changed instinctively at this moment. The ruthless stone and the sentimental spring violently collided, and his body broke out with a strong and sturdy atmosphere. The double fist slammed into the black light.


A series of infinite roars, Yanshan soul's body is like a meteor crashing into layers of space, rushing out of layers of cracks, falling toward the ruins of Taixu...


On the way to the air of Yanshan, his body began to petrify. The ruthless stone and the emotional spring collided more in the body. Before they landed, the neck had completely turned into a stone.


The sound of the stone was called out from the throat of Yanshan Soul, and the tears of the stars in the stars...


The petrochemical spread, the head of Yanshan Soul also turned into a stone. The flame of the eyebrows jumped a few times. Petrochemical has become a mark...


The body of Yanshan soul fell on the ruins of Taixu, still looking up, facing the direction of Xu Ziyan, and there are already petrified tears on his face...

"Mountain Spirit... Hey..."

Xu Ziyan spurted blood out of his mouth. Two lines of tears burst out...


Xu Ziyan’s body was swept away by the demon outside the field, and his body rolled in the air. But I don’t know the pain in my body, and my heart is filled with grief...

Stabilized her body and turned her eyes away from the body of Yanshan. She looked at the demon outside the field. Her clear eyes gradually became blood red. In her vision, there are no more saints left. The master of the class, her heart hurts, and her mouth spurts blood. His master has disappeared in a thousand miles. He has disappeared. The drug king is gone, and the sky is gone...


The Terran patriarch was detonated...


The space around Xu Ziyan collapsed under her imposing eruption. When her feet stepped in the air, the space under her feet collapsed, and the figure slammed into the past.

Her figure disappeared, and it became a sword, a sword that was too weak, and the purple smoke of the sword and the sword broke out with the ultimate power.

The body of the demon outside the field suddenly circling, and the remaining tentacles rotate like a big windmill, shattering the space, mobilizing the heavens and the earth, and the remaining four worlds merge together, and a chaotic world spreads to the outside.


Xu Ziyan launched the chaos and rushed into the realm of the demon outside the domain, and shocked the past toward the body of the demon outside the domain.


The chaotic world seems to be boundless, looking at the body of the demon outside the field is like a world.


Xu Ziyan released his own realm and integrated the world into the sword of the sky. The virtual sword broke out with a more radiant glow, like a stream of glare.

More and more monks of the immortal world arrived, and they looked at Xu Ziyan, who was fighting with the demon outside the field, and the tension in one heart reached the extreme. At this time, the hopes in their hearts are pinned on Xu Ziyan's body. This is not a belief, but a sustenance of hope in the hearts of every monk. However, this power has gathered into an inexplicable force, infiltrating into the tyrannical chaos in an inexplicable way, and infiltrated into the body of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was shrouded in anger and grief, but he was deeply helpless. She knows that as long as she can rush to the body of the demon outside the field, she will be able to kill her with the forty-eighth layer of the sword in the late stage of the great reunion, because the extraterrestrial The body is not strong for Xu Ziyan.


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Mingshi"

Author: Yellowstone Weng

A very good history class, you can go and see.


*(To be continued~^~)