MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1438 Bald eating alone

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But the price of refusal is that they go hungry!

So Red Baby called, "Thank you, boss!"

Founder froze, look at the red baby, then look at the boss ...

The boss looked at the two as if he understood something at once, and he laughed, "Hey, you little monk is clever, so ... sit inside. What do you eat?"

When the Founder saw this, he had to clasp his hands together and thanked him, "Thank the donor, give us one bowl of white rice and one bowl of water."

"Uh ..." The boss apparently froze.

Xiao Rong said, "Can you eat it? Boss, beggar who came before, you give everything a little bit, but the master helps."

"Go and go ... while staying, working lazily, without deducting your salary is good, but also said me? Let the back chef make two vegetarian dishes, I talk to the master." The boss drove Xiaorong away.

When Xiaorong left, there were meals on the table, and the boss sat opposite the founder, and said with a smile: "Master, don't hesitate, you should eat, I'll treat you."

Founder thanked again and ate with Red Baby.

After eating for a while, the boss licked his lips and came up and said, "Master, ask a question, how do you ... schedule your daily routine?"

Founder thought for a while and thought, "In general, I get up in the morning before dawn, then eat, then read a book, read the sutra ... eat at noon ... eat at night ... nothing special."

The boss silently wrote down and asked, "There is no special way to keep healthy?"

Seeing this, the red child laughed and said, "Yes, my master goes to bed late, and doesn't go to sleep every night."

The boss said suddenly: "Stay up late ..."

Founder nodded.

The boss sat there with a puzzled look.

At this time, Xiao Rong came back and sat down, asking with a smile: "Master, you are going to have a long life this year? If I reach your age, I look like you, this physical strength, this ... that's fine. "

Founder looked at the red baby. The red baby held back a smile, bowed his head, and said nothing.

Founder couldn't lie again, so he said lightly, "This year is 21."

"Oh 21 ... uh ... ah?" Xiao Rong forced.

"Oh!" Xiao Rong sprayed his face with a spit of water.

The two looked at each other, but He couldn't speak.

Until Founder and Red Baby finished eating, the two were still in a daze ...

After hesitated for a long time, the boss took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, and said, "It's half past eight, it's no longer possible. I have to go to bed first. Xiaorong, do you stand ..."

"Boss, it's only eight-thirty ..." Xiao Rong stunned.

The boss said: "Get up early and get up well."

Then the boss went to the door.

Just then, Fang Zheng frowned suddenly, raised his head and said, "Amitabha, the donor, stand still and wait for ten seconds."

"What do you mean?" The boss froze, did not understand the meaning of Founder, but still stood still.

Founder slowly got up and walked towards the boss, smiling as he walked, ‘three, two, one ...’

Only then did the whistle wait for the boss to complain!

A burst of motor sounds accompanied by the sound of the wall breaking, and then the boss saw in horror a car breaking into the wall!

"Ah! Help ..." The boss screamed subconsciously.

But the car was parked less than three centimeters in front of him!

He can even feel the heat on the hood of the car!

But the car stopped after all ...

At that moment, the boss sat softly on the ground.

And Founder walked past him with a red baby, grabbed the deformed door with one hand, and yanked it hard. He heard the stab, the iron door was torn apart, and then Founder took the driver who was stunned inside. On the ground.

Then Founder stepped out of the store, clasped the car with one hand, and pulled it out forcefully, and everyone looked at the car with an agitated look that the car was dragged out by the founder and placed on the open space!

When everyone returned to God, the monk was gone!

"Where is the man?" The boss came back to him, and quickly got up and asked.

Xiao Rong shook his head subconsciously; "Leave ..."

"Where did you go?" The boss asked.

Xiao Rong shook his head and said, "I didn't notice."

The boss hurried out and looked around. As a result, he couldn't see the shadow of Founder and the red baby. He suddenly panted his chest and said, "I'm losing ... how can I let the life-saving benefactors leave? Hey ..."

"Master, are you good enough that he will go to the disaster before he goes to their house?" Honghai asked.

Founder shook his head and said, "It's a coincidence that the teacher won't keep Tianyan open all the time. After eating a meal, Kaitian glanced and wondered if I could return the kindness of the meal, and the result was not bad, all at once Saved three people and earned. "

"Uh ..." Red baby was speechless.

"The system draws lots." Fang was right in his heart.

"Help the people in Quancun to restore confidence and order in life, merit, and reward one chance for a lottery. Save three lives and reward three chances for a lottery. Is it a combined lottery or separate lottery?" The system asked.

Founder Road: "Separate, pump crystal rice, Buddha jar, cold bamboo, magical power, dream beam."

"Are you sure?" The system asked.

Founder nodded and said: "OK!"

"Ding! Congratulations on getting a crystal rice seed, a buddha jar, a cold bamboo seed and a magical beam and a yellow beam. Do you accept now?"

Founder Road: "Supernatural powers receive, the rest will be said later."

After finishing speaking, Founder patted the red child's head and said, "Leave, go back to the temple."

"Okay!" The red baby took the lead, flying with Founder into the sky, and flew towards the distance.

It didn't take long for the two to return to Yizhishan before falling. Founder sprinkled the seeds of Hanzhu in the backyard, and then manipulated the rapid growth of Hanzhu, forming a bamboo forest in the backyard of Yizhi Temple, but did not grow further down the mountain.

Later, Founder took a flowerpot, dug some soil in, and planted crystal seed ...

At this moment, the monkey, the lone wolf, the squirrel, the red baby, and the salted fish all gathered together, staring at the flower pot with red eyes, as if swallowing the flower pot!

"Suck ..." The squirrel sucked back the drool hanging from his mouth and said, "Master, how long will it take to grow up? I'm going to choke to death ..."

The monkey sighed, "I used to eat it every day. I didn't find it too fresh. I didn't know it until I ate it. The deliciousness in the world is still crystal rice ..."

"Yes, Master, can you eat this grain of rice?" The huge lone wolf sat there, asking worriedly.

Fang Zheng looked at a few unsuccessful disciples and shook his head: "Relax, it's enough. Anyway, I will eat for the teacher alone, and I can eat several times."

"Oh, eat enough ... Master ..." The squirrel responded subconsciously, only to find out what Fang Zheng said was wrong! What's enough for him to eat alone? This guy didn't even plan to feed them!

Read The Duke's Passion