MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1443 Boxed lunches

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The little monk laughed: "Since the two knew Soichi Temple so well, would they know that the predecessor of Yizhi Temple was Yizhi Temple?"

The two stunned ... reminded by the young monk, all of a sudden.

Huang Ran exclaimed: "Is it ..."

The young monk grinned at the two with a grin, and folded their hands together: "Amitabha, two donors, and a poor monk with a pure heart. Today, we are here to welcome the return of the family teacher, and the two are just witnesses."

"What? The Founder Abbot is coming back?" The two men exclaimed in disbelief, "Is this really a pointing mountain?"

Jingxin laughed and said, "Wait, everyone will know ..."

During the conversation, the two found that more animals such as hares, mice, weasels ran over, and worshipped and worshipped there ...

The two also looked up in the direction of the moon subconsciously, and saw that the moon, which had been obscured by dark clouds, slowly leaked out of their heads. Then, the light on the moon seemed to be getting brighter and brighter, and the moon was getting bigger ...

"Oh my god, this moon won't hit it, right?" Zhang Yan panicked.

Jingxin didn't answer, folded his hands, looked at the sky, and said loudly, "Welcome to Master!"

The next moment, I saw a black spot in the moon, and then the black spot became larger and closer, and finally the two could see clearly! What black spot is that, a silvery white wolf that is taller than humans! The wolf is wearing a layer of silver and white moonlight and comes on the moon!

What shocked them even more was that the wolf was carrying a man on his back!

The man sat cross-legged on the wolf's back, covered with a layer of silver moonlight, adding a bit of sacredness out of thin air! Holding a rosary in his hand, a handsome and familiar face appeared in front of Huang Ran and Zhang Yan. The two shouted in excitement: "It's the Founder Abbot! The Founder Abbot is back! Here is a finger temple Haha ... "

During the conversation, the wolf came in the air and slowly fell to the ground. The founder on the wolf's back slowly opened his eyes and folded his hands. He asked knowingly: "Amitabha, two donors, why are you so excited?"

"Fangzheng abbot, I'm your iron powder! We all thought you would never come back after you were ascended! I never expected that I could see you in my lifetime ... Master, Zhang Ying? Sign a name badge? "Huang Ran has been incoherent.

Zhang Yan was so excited that she couldn't speak, and nodded.

When Founder saw this, he felt helpless. He still underestimated his influence in China.

In fact, he really underestimated himself. The scene where a person covered a city with golden lotuses and rescued countless people, let alone ordinary people, even the heads of state was shocked to drop their chin.

The impact on ordinary people is even greater ...

Many people regard Fang Zheng as the target of renewed worship, and Huang Ran is one of them.

As for Zhang Yan, although she didn't think she was a loyal fan, the moment she saw Fang Zheng, she found that she was fascinated by this handsome face ... a smile, a kindness in the sunshine, This is the perfect man in her heart!

Founder also found that the girl's eyes were a little bit wrong, and she coughed out, "Two donors, it's too late ..."

"Yes, yes, it's late, let's take a photo as soon as possible." Obviously Huang Ran didn't understand Founder's meaning, came up and held up his mobile phone.

What Founder could say was that his bitter hands were folded together and a smile appeared to cope.

At this time, Zhang Yan reflected over, and immediately came up together, one left and one right to take a photo again ...

After the photo was taken, Zhang Yan stared at the Founder with little eyes, as if there were thousands of words.

Founder was a bit unhappy at first. He secretly kicked the red child, and the red child hurriedly said, "The donor, the teacher returns from time and space, the road is bumpy, and he is tired. If the two are okay, let the teacher return to rest. "

When Huang Ran heard it, he immediately raised his hand and said, "Aye! Master, take a good rest, let's do something else!"

Zhang Yan would like to talk again, but after all, she didn't say anything. After all, it was a girl, but she was reserved.

Founder saw this, relieved, and rode away on the huge silver wolf

Looking at this scene, Huang Ran couldn't help but said, "This is the style of a master, oh ... whatever you do, everything is a painting!"

Zhang Yan said: "Especially the appearance of riding a giant wolf and walking on the moon is simply handsome! Those creamsters who drive sports cars are like dregs compared to him ..."

As soon as Huang Ran heard it, some of her thoughts suddenly asked: "Zhang Yan, wouldn't you just look at the abbot above? People are monks ... they can't get married."

As soon as Zhang Yan heard it, Huang Ran said blankly: "What do you want? You are so embarrassed! Founder abbot, is that a woman in the world can match it? He is in my heart ... He said, that's what This is the kind that is perfect and perfect. It is perfect and can only be viewed from a distance. Understand? In short, this is not love, but an admiration! "

Huang Ran understands a bit, he cares what you admire and not admire, not just love!

At this time, the two talents discovered that the red baby hadn't left yet!

"Master Jingxin, do you have anything else?" Zhang Yan asked, this time she brought enough courtesy.

Because Zhang Yan and Huang Ran both knew that there was no ordinary person at Yizhi Temple!

The red child said, "Master said, I don't want too many people to know what happened back this time, and I asked the two donors to help keep it secret."

Zhang Yan and Huang Ran were even more excited when they heard it. Zhang Yan pointed to herself and said, "Can we still come to visit the Founder Abbot in the future?"

The red child laughed: "If you have the heart, you will come by yourself. However, it is two different things if you can see the teacher."

"It's okay, it's okay, just come." The two were extremely excited, the only living Buddha in the world! Get in touch with people like this. Think about both of them being a little excited!

This is like finding a gold mine. If you can get gold from it, who would want to be known here?

This night, they both lost sleep, and chatted around the campfire for a night, thinking about the future.

However, the two did not see it. At this moment, many rabbits, mice, weasels, etc. were gathered at the gate of the temple ... walking forward in line.

At the end of the team, a squirrel continuously took out grains of crystal rice from a black bag and handed them to these group performances ...

The animals picked up and ran away immediately, and went down the mountain.

"Hey, I finally understand why Master doesn't agree with looking for bigger animals to pretend the scene." Red Baby sighed.

Salted fish added: "Because poor ..."

The lone wolf said: "That's all, I'm so distressed ... hey ... when can I return to the days of worry-free food and clothing?"