MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1450 Don't come back, shame

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Malvis looked at this scene, and finally had a smile on his face that had been stiff because the athlete had lost it. He smiled, "Maybe it ’s a good thing for those **** to lose. A miracle. "

Will couldn't help but said, "Yes, at least our trophy will not be left out, and then you will be taken back as a wine glass."

Malweis blushed oldly: "Will, you should shut up."

Will shook his head. "No, I refuse. I just want to shout two throats now, how about you?"

Malwis froze, looking at the other referees, everyone nodded, then picked up the microphone together and shouted in unison: "Ace! Come on!"

Ace listened to these excited tears, running hard, running, running!

The end is near!

It's close!

Seeing that it is about to break the red line!

Ismeng sobered up, stopped, and stood still.

The staff member holding the red line froze and asked, "Ace, why don't you run away? It's one step behind."

Ace asked pantingly, "I ... step over, is that the first?"

"Of course, no one has crossed the red line yet," the staff member said.

Ace puzzled, "What about those who ran before?"

The staff shrugged their shoulders and said, "How do I know where they are going, I guess this has to ask God. In short, you come here, you are the first place in this marathon."

Ace heard this, smiled, and then did not step over, but turned back and shouted at his father: "Dad! I did it!"

Ace's father smiled: "Yes, you did it, I'm proud of you, son!"

Ace shouted to everyone again: "I didn't do it alone, it was their encouragement and support that I did. I think we should cross this red line together, we are all first!"

Hearing this, the audience was astonished ...

The people who followed the road also stunned. They said that they were running, but their faces were a little red. Ace has auxiliary equipment on his legs. No matter how he runs, ordinary people can keep up with his speed, so these people just started to run symbolically for a while, and they walked completely behind. But they walked more than 40 kilometers on foot, and it was indeed a big burden for them. Now one by one has no energy.

But after hearing this word from Ace, one by one came the spirit, the original, the glory, and their share!

"Malvis, I think, this kid's request is OK ... what do you think?" Weil said.

Malweiss thought that Will was going to refuse, and said subconsciously: "You shut ... keke, you're right! Well, I suddenly think that you are good."

Well took it for granted; "Everyone said that."

So Malviz shouted into the microphone: "Champions, what are you waiting for? Let's cross the finish line! You use the kindness to let the world witness the miracle, and the kindness should also give you honor!"


Everyone cheers!

"Chong!" Everyone shouted, everyone was running, fat people, old people, children, women ... Everyone present was cheering, everyone who was running was smiling happily.

People have thousands of faces, but laughter makes everyone the same and harmonious.

The crowd pushed Ace across the finish line, the audience was jubilant, and Malwez went on to award ...

At the same time, the rescue team's helicopter also took off. There was no way. More than 5,000 people were lost.

After half an hour ...

Rumble ...

"Master, what's that sound?" Red baby asked.

The Founder stopped and looked up at the sky, and saw a helicopter slowly come over.

Founder murmured: "No! ... Helicopters for news interviews now? So rich ..."

Dix, Big, etc. also saw the helicopter, and they wondered one by one. What is the helicopter doing?

"It should be aerial photography, come on to catch up with that monk! Otherwise, people all over the world know that we have been surpassed by an old man and a child! This is a shame!" Bigg called.

Dix and Zambik quickly speeded up.

So the three howled and accelerated, and Fang Zheng and the red child running in front of them saw that the three had caught up. How could this work? They came with money! So the two also accelerated, keeping a certain distance at all times, so that the three could not catch up ... When the three saw this, they all cried and yelled, "What kind of monster is this?"

At this moment, the people on the helicopter were also aggressive, holding a radio and shouting to Malwis: "Mr. Malwis, what I say next, you may not believe it."

"Let ’s say, Ace has run to the finish line, and more than 5,000 people have lost. What else do I not believe?" Ideal, but the appearance of Ace and that large group of good people suddenly made him think that this should be the true spirit of the marathon!

The marathon is definitely not a simple running sport. He should support more things, such as cultural heritage, spiritual heritage, etc ...

In the helicopter, it was Xius who went out to find someone. Xius smiled bitterly: "I found Big and Dix, these guys ran into the forest, and they ran far. I estimated that, They ran more than 50 kilometers! This is much longer than the marathon ... I really can't imagine how they did it. They broke the record! "

Malwez suddenly said, "Have you run more than fifty kilometers? Three people? Or ..."

"All are there, more than 5,000 people are here! Although some people are walking, some people have begun to rest, but the large army is still moving slowly. These guys ... crazy!" Xius said.

Malviz is also aggressive, when did the amateur athletes have such good physical fitness?

Xius continued: "There are even more scary people who take the lead in running the wrong way, and they are actually two Orientals."

Malwis said solemnly: "Sius, what happened to the Orientals? The Orientals have also broken the world record!"

Hughes hurriedly said: "Mr. Marxius, I'm not racist, you know, I'm not that kind of person. I mean ... the two Orientals, one is a 70-80-year old man, and the other is a four-five Year-old children. They are now far ahead ... Dix, Big, and Zambik are already desperately running. I saw their tongues fluttered out, but they couldn't catch up. "

Malviz was also aggressive when he heard this. The LD Marathon Big Three couldn't catch up with the two Orientals and he could understand. But he couldn't catch up with a 70-80-year-old Oriental man and a 3- or 4-year-old Oriental boy. He couldn't understand it!

After a moment of silence, Malweiss said, "Let them stop running, tell them the truth, and then ... let them rest there. Don't come back, shame ..."

Xius: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion