MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1484 Angry monk

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"Door, you all talked about it and saw it?" Fang Zheng asked.

The man laughed: "I used to say storytelling, and then no one listened. I opened a small shop here. There wasn't a lot of business in a day, so I sat at the door to watch the liveliness ... This master, where are you practicing? What is he calling? "

When Fang Zheng was about to answer, he heard Yang Zhigang angrily said, "When did I hit your dog?"

The woman immediately became angry: "Don't admit it? Your stone hit my dog, I saw it! Don't you admit it? I tell you, if my dog ​​is scared and doesn't eat, I will kill you!"

Yang Zhigang immediately took out his mobile phone, took a picture, and said, "Who are you going to kill?"

The woman was not afraid at all, and she waved, "Shot? You can shoot casually! Tell you, my wife is not afraid! Still, if my dog ​​has a length of three or two, I will kill your whole family!"

As soon as Yang Zhigang heard the flames and glared, he would start, and said, "You TM, say it again!"

The woman saw that Yang Zhigang was about to explode, and she was a little irritated. She stepped back and said, "What are you doing? So many people are watching, beating my dog, but also beating? Are you going to fight? Are you waiting? , I asked my husband to call someone back to see who was fierce! "

Yang Zhi's anger was bad, and he cried, "You put the dog in a mess, and you still make sense? You hit someone? Really, there is no king in this world!"

As soon as the woman looked up, she said, "The king law of shit! How much is the current king law? Do you not understand me? My dog ​​bites you, the dog will pay you the most, and accompany you for the funeral expenses. Money for one tire! You're a fart! "

As soon as this remark came out, the audience's faces were all dark, this remark was too much!

Yang Zhigang got angry. Seeing him like this, if it wasn't for the daughter who was by the side and didn't want to show her a picture of an adult fight, I guess I went in the morning!

When the woman saw Yang Zhigang not to speak, she was even more proud: "How can you do if the old lady walks the dog without a tether? Besides, my dog ​​is more sensible than you and never bites. Still, if you bite, you will bite. Take you to be vaccinated against rabies, that's only a few bucks! Does n’t legally say that your dog has bitten someone, is the owner still in jail? ”

Just then, there was a dog barking in the distance, followed by the cry of the child. Everyone looked at it and saw the woman's shepherd dog pounce on a girl! The fangs are showing, this is clearly about to bite!

When the Founder looked at it, his eyes glared, and a dream Huang Liang immediately pulled the dog into his dream. The child in the dog's eyes suddenly became a big tiger, and his legs were suddenly frightened. He turned and ran, and dared not move under the woman Already.

Seeing this scene, the woman's complexion is also completely white. If the dog bites someone, it is obviously not as easy as she said ...

But when she saw that the dog was scared like this, the woman quit, pointing at the crying child over there: "Who's the child? Nothing to release to scare anyone? Look scared my dog! Is it a person? ?! "

As soon as this word came out, the audience couldn't stand it anymore, and they all started talking.

"Your dog is scary, and it's not like they're children?"

"You woman, that makes no sense."

"My dog ​​can't control it, and he's scolding others, so shameless?"


When the woman heard it, she was not afraid. Instead, she opened her eyes wide and shouted, "What are you shouting about? My dog ​​bites you? So afraid of dogs, won't you go away? What amuse my dogs? Your child Do n’t watch it, you deserve it! ”

"You woman, it's unreasonable! Call the police!" Yang Zhigang called.

When the woman heard it, she was not afraid. She said, "My dog ​​didn't bite or scare people, but was frightened ... Alarm? Okay, who's kid, lose money for me!"

Yang Zhigang and the onlookers were so angry, but helpless, they couldn't just go up and hit people like that?

At this moment, a Buddhist horn sounded in the crowd: "Amitabha, the poor monk thinks this female donor makes sense!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd suddenly stopped ...

"Monk, are you stupid?" Said the boss who told the story to the founder.

Yang Zhigang said angrily: "Monk, what are you talking about?"

The woman was happy, and finally someone was on her side, so she shouted, "It's still the master who understands things. Unlike these people, one by one is so big in life, that they even compete with dogs."

Founder nodded and said, "That is, how old are you guys? How do you compare with a dog?"

Everyone froze, looking at the monk, then the woman, and then thinking about the Founder's words, one by one weird smiles ...

The woman also felt that Founder's remarks were wrong. How could this seem to scold her? So she said, "Monk, how do you talk?"

Fang Zhengyi was aggrieved, and said, "Female donor, you said that first. The poor monk is just repeating it. Is there any problem?"

The old woman blushes, what can she say? The monk might be talking about the dog under her feet, but wouldn't she pick and scold her if she wanted to sit right?

When Founder saw this, he laughed and said, "You guys, don't get angry, the poor monk thinks, this female donor really makes sense. First of all, the dog is her, how to raise it, how to raise it. Female donor, do you agree? ? "

The woman shouted, "Aye, absolutely, the master said too well!"

The audience was angry, as if watching one of the world's largest shameless people! Everyone pulled out their phones and started shooting, and they vowed to send the shameless men and women online and lash out!

The woman hid subconsciously, but the monk was quite happy. She moved in front of the camera, grinned, and put on a beautiful shape.

When everyone saw this, they scolded: "It's really shameless, there is no lower limit!"

Founder continued: "Second, the dog just barked and didn't bite. Why do we hold on too much? Let's just cry a child. If the child doesn't cry, it will be active vital capacity. Female donor , Is the monk right? "

The woman cried, "Yes, yes, yes! That's right! That's it!"

Founder continued: "Third, dogs are not sensible, and people ca n’t help but be ignorant. Do dogs care about dogs? If a dog barks, you hit him, that ’s not right. In case a dog is irritated, the dog bit you Shouldn't you deserve it? Female donor, is the poor monk right? "

The woman nodded and said, "Yes! The dog bites you, I will lose money, and take you to the doctor. But you hit my dog ​​and got bitten, deserve it! You don't lose a point, you don't deserve to bite, just bite it!"

The popular people don't want to talk anymore, they just want to go home and touch the knife.

The salted fish said, "Master, how do I think you are dying?"

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