MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 12 : The first seat of Tianshui Peak, the bright moon

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Sitting in the hall, Ye Qiu felt more and more uneasy.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Qingzhu brought a table of dishes one by one.

Looking at the dishes, the colors are delicious and the taste is quite fragrant.

Ye Qiu thought, "Well... it looks quite fragrant, should it be alright?"


"Master, the dishes are ready, come try them."

Lin Qingzhu sat next to him, holding his cheeks in his hands, looking very much looking forward to it.

Ye Qiu couldn't bear it in his heart. If he didn't try it, wouldn't he have failed his disciple's wishes?

"Well, I worked hard..."

Gritting his teeth, Ye Qiu picked up a piece of meat, closed his eyes and sighed.


Taking a bite, Ye Qiu's eyes lit up.

The meat is delicious, juicy, fragrant, and tastes very good.

It's not as dark as he imagined, but it's really delicious.

Ye Qiu was really surprised, this little girl actually has such skills?

Doesn't that mean that you can enjoy oral intake in the future?

"Master, how is it! Is it delicious?"

Lin Qingzhu asked eagerly, this is the only skill she can use.

"Well, the craftsmanship is good. Whether it's the dishes, the texture or the taste, they're all very good."

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of craftsmanship. I'm really impressed by the teacher."

Ye Qiu seriously commented that Lin Qingzhu was overjoyed and showed off.

"When I was at home, I learned it from my mother for a long time, so there's no need to talk about the craft."

"My mother said that if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab the man's stomach."

"My mother asked me to learn how to cook well, and I will cook it for my sweetheart in the future."

Ye Qiu was taken aback for a while, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing an evil smile.

"Well, it seems that your mother also taught you a lot of useful things."

"But you can't be proud, the so-called reviewing the old and learning the new..."

"From today onwards, you will be responsible for the three meals a day at Zixia Peak."

"Consolidate it every day and see if you can make progress."

Hehe, I didn't expect to hire an apprentice to be able to prostitute a top chef for free.

Not bad, not bad, it seems that it will be taken orally in the future.

After Lin Qingzhu heard it, he didn't feel anything unusual.

At least, Shizun also recognized her cooking skills, of course she was very happy.

It seems that what my mother said was right.

"As long as Shizun likes it, I will cook delicious food for Shizun every day. I still have a lot of specialty dishes that I haven't made yet."

Ye Qiu nodded with satisfaction, and was also looking forward to it. What other dishes does she have?

"Well, eat! Finish eating early, go back to rest, and practice tomorrow."

"it is good…"

Lin Qingzhu also picked up the chopsticks. After cultivating for a day, she was already hungry.

At that moment, the two of them started to frantically cook.

After eating, Lin Qingzhu cleaned the tableware and went back to sleep.

All night without incident.

Early the next morning, Lin Qingzhu stretched his waist, gently opened the door, and walked out.

After a night's rest, her cultivation has completely stabilized.

Yesterday, she didn't cultivate either, and her cultivation was still the first rank of Xuanzhi.

Glancing at Ye Qiu's house, the door was still tightly closed.

"Master doesn't seem to have gotten up yet."

Lin Qingzhu didn't think much about it, and went straight into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Ye Qiu.

When the sun fully rose, Lin Qingzhu had already made breakfast and was about to wake Ye Qiu.

Suddenly, a light flashed across the sky.

Lin Qingzhu was stunned for a moment. Why did anyone come to visit Zixia Peak this early in the morning?

Is it Qi Wuhui again?

As the light got closer and closer, Lin Qingzhu finally saw who was coming.

I saw a beautiful woman in a red dress slowly falling down, her eyes resting on her proud chest.

Lin Qingzhu subconsciously developed a sense of inferiority.

He secretly muttered: "What kind of elixir does this person eat, and it can be so big there."

"Shouldn't she be here to seduce Shizun? No, this woman is very dangerous. I'm afraid Shizun will follow her way and be seduced by her, so she can't see Shizun..."

At this moment, Lin Qingzhu noticed a little girl followed behind her.


The little girl Lin Qingzhu knew was her best friend from the same village, Su Ya.

She hasn't seen Su Ya since the last time she said goodbye to the Yuqing Palace.

"Qingqing, I came to see you..."

Seeing Lin Qingzhu, Su Ya ran over quickly and threw herself in Lin Qingzhu's arms.

Lin Qingzhu didn't resist either. Seeing Su Ya again, he was very excited, and the two hugged each other now.

"Yaya, why are you here?"

After a brief reminiscence, Lin Qingzhu hurriedly asked.

"I begged Master to bring me here!"

Su Ya pointed to the bright moon behind her and smiled happily.

Lin Qingzhu heard the words, looked back at the stunning woman behind her, and seemed to have some impression.

When she was in the Yuqing Palace, she was the one who chose Su Ya to go. According to Liu Qingfeng, this person was the only one in the Seven Veins of Tianshui Peak that only accepted female disciples.

Bright moon!

A peerless beauty with a broad-minded, intellectual and elegant.

"I have seen the real Mingyue..."

Lin Qingzhu hurriedly came over and gave a salute. As a junior, especially as the eldest disciple of Zixia Peak, she must not lose her courtesy.

Mingyue smiled lightly and just nodded.

Looking at Lin Qingzhu in front of him, he felt a little embarrassed.

At first, she originally wanted to choose Lin Qingzhu by the way.

However, she found that Lin Qingzhu's aptitude was average, and she didn't have much time, so she could only take one apprentice, so she only accepted one apprentice, Su Ya.

Later, when she saw Lin Qingzhu standing there helpless, she felt remorse, thinking of who she used to be, and couldn't bear it...

She was going to take her in by the way, but she didn't expect Ye Qiu to take it first, so she didn't plan to take care of it.

As long as she doesn't have to be reduced to being a handyman disciple.

Although he worshipped under Ye Qiu's sect, he was actually no different from a handyman disciple.

But at least he was also the first direct disciple, and his status was not so embarrassing.

Now that she saw Lin Qingzhu again, she was a little embarrassed. After all, she still didn't choose Lin Qingzhu at that time.


Sighing, Mingyue said, "Don't be too polite, I came to Zixia Peak this time because Yaya told me every day that I missed you and had no intention of cultivating.

There's nothing to do today, so I'll bring her here and let the two of you have a good reminiscence. "

Lin Qingzhu was a little surprised when she heard this. She didn't expect Su Ya to do this. UU reading

But thinking about it is also right. After the family was destroyed, they are the most familiar people in this world, and it is normal for them to be a little dependent.

At this moment, Su Ya walked up and said, "Master, didn't you say that you want to bring Qingqing back with us?"

In the past few days, Su Ya has also heard some things about Ye Qiu.

When he thought of his good sister worshipping under Ye Qiu's family, he was afraid that he would not have a good time in the future.

So she begged Mingyue for several days before Mingyue agreed to come with her to see if Lin Qingzhu would like to go back to the mountain with her.

Mingyue smiled lightly and said, "You can ask her if she wants to..."

Hearing this, Lin Qingzhu's expression changed.

"Yaya, what do you mean, you want to take me back?"

Su Ya walked to Lin Qingzhu's ear and whispered, "I begged Master for several days, and Master agreed to come with me.

You go back with us, my master is a strong man in the five realms of the gods, and he can teach you a lot of things. "

"I heard that the first seat of Zixia Peak is just a little monk of the second rank of Xuanzhi. He can't teach you anything at all."

"If you stay here, you will only delay your future."

Hearing this, Lin Qingzhu's face suddenly turned cold.

It's just that Su Ya did this for her own good, and she didn't suffer from seizures.

However, hearing her slander her master so much made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Yaya, I understand your thoughts, but I have already apprenticed to her, so I can't switch to her again..."

"My master treats me very well, and I like Zixia Peak very much. This is my other home..."

Lin Qingzhu said in a firm tone.

Hearing this, Mingyue's face turned cold.

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