MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 746 : Just like a scene that appeared in a dream

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"Let's go!"

Looking up at the piece of wasteland, Ye Qiu shook his head and smiled, and walked forward.

The original beautiful scenery was destroyed because of this battle.

Times like this happen all the time in this world.

Therefore, a large part of the reason why there are so many wastelands along the way is due to the impact of the battle.

The three of them walked forward, and over there, after Ye Wuhen and his tribe arranged the post-war affairs, they also walked towards Ye Qiu and the others.

"Let's go, little friend Ye Qiu! Let's chat in another place."

Ye Wuhen dragged his heavy body and said with difficulty.

Ye Qiu looked at his injury, shook his head, then took out a elixir and handed it to him, saying, "Senior, take this elixir, it may help your injury."

Ye Wuhen did not refuse, and took it very calmly, and ate it in one bite. In less than a moment, more than half of the consumed power in his body had recovered.

"Haha, my little friend really has a rich background. There are not many people in the world who can spend as much money as you do on such miraculous medicines."

Ye Wuhen laughed, and after being relieved by the Jiling Pill, his body felt much more comfortable.

"You are the head of the Ye clan, Senior Ye, right?"

At this time, Bai Junlin walked up excitedly to say hello as if seeing an idol.

"That's right, it's me..."

Ye Wuhen smiled with interest, Bai Junlin became excited when he heard this sentence.

"Hehe, I have heard for a long time that senior has great magical powers and profound Taoism. He is known as the **** of war. This junior has admired senior for a long time, but he has never seen each other. I never thought that today, I would be lucky enough to see senior's true face here."

The more he talked, the more excited he became. Bai Junlin had admired Ye Wuhen's fierce reputation for many years.

He worships this kind of tough guy with a strong blood, and regards it as his lifelong pursuit.

Seeing his behavior like this, Ye Wuhen was overjoyed. He wanted to make friends with Ye Qiu and Bai Junlin, but he also thought about how to entertain them and win them over.

Unexpectedly, Bai Junlin was still his little fanboy.

How embarrassing is this, didn't I expect Lao Tzu's charm to be so strong?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile in my heart, but Ye Wuhen's surface didn't change much.

This demeanor of pretending to be calm is very similar to Ye Qiu's.


"It's all a false name, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning..."

Ye Wuhen smiled modestly, with a look of indifference, but his heart was full of joy.


Seeing his prudish expression, Ye Qiu felt extremely familiar, and couldn't help but smile.

He said again: "Okay, brat, if you have anything to say, let's talk in another place, this is not the place to talk."

After glaring at Bai Junlin, Ye Qiu then smiled at Ye Wuhen.

Bai Junlin was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Brother, where are we going?"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Qiu took the lead to keep up with Ye Wuhen in front, and two words floated from a distance.

"Leaf Clan!"

"What! The Leaf Clan..."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Junlin was startled instantly, he was a real super rich.

In the past, how could he have this opportunity to go in and visit, but today, Ye Wuhen personally invited them to visit.

I was overjoyed in my heart, "Hey, it really is still reliable to follow the big brother, and I will meet you wherever you go."

"Look at this row of noodles, look at this treatment, is this what ordinary people can have?"

Feeling secretly happy, Bai Junlin hurriedly stepped forward, and said, "Girl, keep up..."

Yaya covered her mouth and smiled, looking at this silly and silly second uncle, she just wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare to laugh out loud.

A group of people flew towards the Southwest Territory mightily, and in less than half a day, they came to a desolate and dead forest.

It was a very silent forest, and there was a shocking evil spirit everywhere. After approaching, it gave people a chilling feeling.

"Is this the legendary ancestral land of the Ye clan?"

Ye Qiu frowned and remained silent.

The sky eye opened silently, looked at the mountain fog in front of him, and soon noticed the shocking killing formation hidden in the mountain forest.

This is the sealing circle of the Ye family, set up to protect the ancestral land, if someone who doesn't understand the rules breaks into the killing circle, it will kill you in an instant.

Judging from the power of the magic circle, at least below the sacrificial path, no one can forcibly break through.

"As expected of a super rich family, even this sealing circle is so terrifying."

Bai Junlin silently followed behind and commented in shock.

Compared to the big formation of the Ye clan, the formation of the Bai Ze clan seemed a little out of date.

After all, this is a magic circle set up by a strong man above the Dao of Sacrifice, and it was strengthened by Ye Tianshi, the patriarch of the previous generation of Ye Clan.

How could it be compared to the Bai Ze clan.

One must know that Ye Tianshi is also a terrifying existence above the sacrificial dao, and he is on the same level as Meng Tianzheng, a close friend, how weak can his strength be.

"Little friend, the front door is the gate of the Ye family! Come with me..."

Ye Wuhen, who was walking in front, turned around and introduced.

With him leading the way, Ye Qiu and the others did not encounter any major obstacles.

Soon, they passed through a forest and came to a secluded canyon.

Ahead, a gate made of gray copper and iron came into view, and Ye Qiu's pupils suddenly constricted, causing a sharp pain in his head.

"Damn! What's going on..."

Ye Qiu was startled, just looking at the ancient and vicissitudes of the gate, he felt an extremely familiar feeling in his heart.

It seems that UU reading www. The scene that once appeared in his dream.

That was the picture sleeping in his mind, an ancient gate of copper and iron, like a forbidden place that had been covered in dust for many years, in front of the gate, there was a stone tablet.

There are four big characters "Do not enter the idler" written on it.

Ye Qiu looked curiously, and sure enough, there was indeed a stone tablet in front of the gate, but the stone tablet was broken into two pieces, buried in the ground, and was long forgotten.

Judging from the traces, it should have been broken for decades.

"Huh? Strange, why do I know that there is a stone tablet here?"

Suddenly, Ye Qiu was stunned! Somehow, it seems that he has been here before, and it seems that he has not been here before.

Everything seemed very strange, or in other words, he had been here in a dream, and he knew that every plant and tree here was like a tree.

It was a strange feeling, Ye Qiu had never felt this way before.

Walking into the gate, Ye Qiu walked and looked all the way, his face became more and more dignified and serious.

The careful Yaya noticed something wrong with Master's face, and asked in a low voice, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

With a sullen face, Ye Qiu responded in a low voice, "I... seem to have been here before."

"Have you been here?"

Yaya was startled, Master has been here?

According to her understanding, the master flew up from the wilderness, and since the Chilong Mountains, he has been on the Butian Mountain, and has never been to other places, so how could he come here.

She couldn't figure it out, and Ye Qiu couldn't figure it out either. He shook his head and said, "Maybe it's an illusion. It's normal to have an illusion after successive battles and exhaustion."


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