MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 805 : I can help you

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"why are you laughing!"

Mingyue frowned, she couldn't understand what Ye Qiu was thinking at the moment.

The old soldier gave each other before leaving, such a favor, although it is very heavy, but the cause and effect of it is huge.

She couldn't figure it out, with Ye Qiu's personality, he shouldn't be so excited, because although this yellow spring fruit is very precious.

But he has never been a snobbish person, otherwise he would not frequently give strange treasures and bright moons.

He has always been a very open-minded person, and this is what Mingyue admires most about him. After so many years of sharing weal and woe, she thinks she is familiar with Ye Qiu enough.

But Ye Qiu's smile today made her a little confused.

Ye Qiu didn't answer her question, but looked at the fruit in his hand, and continued to maintain that calm smile.

The old soldier was puzzled and said, "Why are you laughing?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiu put away his smile, and said, "Senior, I, Ye Qiu, may not be an indomitable figure, but I still have the basic principles of being a human being."

"Today you and I are destined to meet here, whether it is destined or not, it is our destiny."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. Before that, I was very worried and worried about you."

"But after you gave this yellow spring fruit as a parting gift, I admit that all my previous thoughts were dirty."

Speaking of this, Ye Qiu couldn't help but blame himself.

Yes! The veteran gave Ye Qiu his only hope, and he let go of his obsession.

Without Huangquan fruit, it means that he will be completely buried in the yellow sand in a short time.

He let go of the obsession in his heart, let go of his last wish to see Emperor Zhenwu, and fulfilled Ye Qiu.

This gift is very heavy!

"However, from this moment on, my impression of you has changed greatly."

"You are a senior worthy of my respect. Your frankness made me let down my guard."

After speaking, Ye Qiu really saluted the veteran from the bottom of his heart.

This is a guilty ceremony, whether it comes from his guilt or the guilt of Emperor Zhenwu, Ye Qiu has to perform this ceremony.

Because so many years have passed, he has never forgotten his beliefs when he followed Emperor Zhenwu.

Ye Qiu didn't know about the various experiences during this period, but one thing is clear, it was his master who failed this group of extremely romantic men who fought for him all his life.

This ceremony represents both Ye Qiu and Emperor Zhenwu.

Seeing Ye Qiu who was so sincere in front of him, the corners of the veteran's eyes ached. At this moment, he really regarded Ye Qiu as the junior he was most looking forward to.

Can't help but say, "Haha, good, good, good..."

He said hello three times in a row, and at this moment, he recognized Ye Qiu incomparably.

Because from his character and various excellent performances, it is enough to prove that he is worthy of his expectations.

Mingyue may not understand the trust between men, but she can feel the flow of true feelings between these two people.

"Son, I'm really happy that you can say that. At least these few words of yours have made me understand one thing, master... He really didn't misunderstand the person."

"I am full of infinite expectations for your future. Although... I can't wait for that day, but I believe that you will be able to break out of your own world."

"Son, let's go forward with ideals we never realized."

After saying these last few words, the veteran closed his eyes with a heavy heart.

If God gives him a little more time, maybe he can see that day coming.

But he also understands that their era is over.

In this world, there is no longer that group of passionate young people who have spent their entire lives fighting against the darkness.

The old soldier looked extremely lonely. He knew that this yellow spring fruit was the only gift he could give Ye Qiu, and only this gift could express his heart.

Although many people have come to hunt for treasures over the years, and he has obtained many treasures, to Ye Qiu, those treasures are nothing at all.

Only this yellow spring fruit can really help him.

The veteran was relieved.

However, Ye Qiu didn't feel relieved, he could see the loneliness in the veteran's eyes.

This is what he is about to do.

Letting go of his defenses, at this moment, he only regards the veteran in front of him as his most respected elder.

I just heard him say: "Senior, I will continue to move forward with your unrealized ideals."

"However, this is a road of no return. You know better than me the pain of this road."

"I can't realize this ideal by myself, so I hope you can help me."

As soon as the words came out, the veteran fell silent.

His eyes dimmed slightly, he had not left this place for an unknown number of years.

More clearly, the time left for him is running out, so...he can't give Ye Qiu more help.

Therefore, he was very disappointed. He knew better than Ye Qiu how difficult it was to embark on this road.

He really wanted to help a group of young people who were alone in front of him, but he was a little powerless.

Reluctantly refused: "Son, I... am a dying person, I don't even have a complete body."

"I'm afraid I can't wait for that day. If you need it, I can go with you. At least I can protect your way before the oil runs out."

"As for the rest, I have no time to wait."

After speaking, his eyes became even more lonely.


At this time, Ye Qiu's voice sounded again, like a ray of light in the darkness, pulling the veteran back.

Ye Qiu said: "Senior, you will see that day, trust me... I can help you."

"My principle, Ye Qiu, is very simple. People treat me with courtesy, and I return them with courtesy. People treat me with return swords."

"You gave me Huangquan fruit. This kind of kindness has already exceeded the kindness that an elder should have. If I, Ye Qiu, do nothing, how can I live in this world?"

As soon as these words came out, the veteran's eyes trembled slightly, and he was obviously shocked.

What does Ye Qiu mean by this? Could it be that he has the ability to save himself from the darkness and see the light again?

This is almost impossible. His remnant body has long been lost in that vast no-man's land. Only one skull remains, buried behind this yellow-eyed Gobi. Relying on his obsession, he persisted year after year. Year.

Only because of the influence of the special law on the other side of Huangquan, let him rely on the fruit trees of Huangquan to barely support him, once he leaves this world.

His power will be lost at an extremely fast speed, speeding up his death and completely annihilating him.

Otherwise, he would have left here millions of years ago.

Without a complete body, he couldn't last long at all.

Ye Qiu saw his doubts, smiled slightly, and said with an extremely confident smile: "Senior, you may not know how terrifying the path my teacher has realized after spending tens of thousands of years Bar?"

"The so-called Taoism with blood, as the name suggests, every drop of blood flowing in my body is a living life, and when it reaches a certain area, it will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"Perhaps, this is my teacher's idea to break the longevity calamity. If one day, I can realize it and refine the blood in my body to that field, it will be the time when the world changes color."

"I won't explain the specific details to you one by one. In short, I can help you reshape your life. This is my promise to you. Although I can't do it now, the near future, I can definitely do it arrive."

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