MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 814 : Don't force me to say hello to you

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Chapter 814: Don't force me to hi you

In the early morning of the next day, the warm sunlight of the first day shone through the window and reflected on Ye Qiu's handsome face.

The peach blossoms on the mountain peak are already in full bloom, and a lonely figure sits silently on the cliff, looking at the peach blossoms all over the mountain, silently.

Ye Qiu gently pushed open the window, looking at Lin Qingzhu's slightly lonely figure, his heart ached.

Under the cliff of ten thousand feet, there is a vast white fog, an endless abyss, and I don't know what kind of mystery is hidden.

There are a few cranes flying by in the sky, and the sound of the cranes spreads all over the mountain. It is a scene of a fairy house, which is extremely beautiful.

"Senior Sister, morning..."

Woke up early in the morning, Yaya walked to the cliff, ready to start a new day of practice, but found that someone came earlier than her.

Looking at Lin Qingzhu's lonely back, Yaya cast her admiring gaze.

"Senior Sister is Senior Sister. Even though she is already so good, she still works so hard. This is a rhythm that does not make people live at all."

The corner of her mouth twitched, Yaya felt wronged, her own talent was not as good as Lin Qingzhu's, and in addition to being a late starter, there was even a big gap in cultivation.

Originally, she wanted to work hard and catch up with them as soon as possible, but after this year of contact, she suddenly realized.

This is simply not possible.

In terms of hard work, she is not as crazy as Lin Qingzhu.

This is a girl who is so paranoid that she is maddening. Her hard work makes people's scalp tingle.

Over the past year, Yaya has become autistic, and those who are involved no longer have the laughter and laughter that girls should have, and everyone is numb.

Hearing the call, Lin Qingzhu turned his head, greeted with a smile, and said, "Ya Ya, good morning..."

"Senior Sister, why are you working so hard? Day after day, year after year, practice under such pressure, don't get sick."

Yaya wants to persuade Lin Qingzhu, don't be so cursy, you work so hard every day, it makes me want to sleep in all day, and I feel a deep sense of guilt.

Sister, give me a way to survive, dear sister.

Hearing this, Lin Qingzhu was also taken aback for a moment, and then said to Yaya in a teaching tone: "Yaya, the road to immortality is long, and it can't be accomplished in a day. If you are lax and slack, you won't be able to accomplish great things."

"All right."

Persuasion failed, but she was taught a lesson instead, Yaya feels wronged, it's been a year, she really wants to sleep late.

She couldn't be as crazy as Lin Qingzhu, but in such an environment, she had to go with the flow.

Maybe it's because she is still young and the girl's playfulness is still there. Lin Qingzhu didn't force her to do anything, but just explained her doubts out of her status as a senior sister.

But Yaya was wronged in her heart, and wanted to say many times, please, don't roll up, and give me a way to survive.

"Hey... yo."

The two were chatting, and suddenly there was a cheerful laughter from the top of the mountain. I saw a crane flying in the sky, and suddenly felt a sense of heaviness in my body.

Looking up, I found a little loli riding on it excitedly, shouting.

"Hey, let's take off."

The crane was stunned. This little thing that came out of nowhere dared to ride on the head of the great Lord Xianhe.

Just about to resist, but didn't want a small slap to be slapped directly, Linglong stared and said angrily: "Fly for me, don't force me to hi you."

What a shame, what a shame.

The crane is angry, no matter how it is, it is also an auspicious beast on the sacred mountain, not to mention enjoying the admiration of thousands of people, but it is also an existence that everyone respects.

After all, auspicious beasts are different from fierce beasts. They are lucky beasts that bring auspiciousness, and few people would trouble them.

But since this little guy went up the mountain, things have changed...

The good days that belonged to them have completely undergone earth-shaking changes.

This little guy, she really hits.

Originally on this mountain, the cranes, who were happy and happy, ushered in their own nightmare, that is Linglong.

In Xian He's circle, she was even given a special nickname, "Little Demon King of Hunshi".

At first, the cranes also resisted, thinking of going to Zu Jiling to sue her, but who would have thought that Zu Jiling would choose to turn a blind eye when facing this little demon king of the world.

Even when I saw her, I felt a tingling feeling in my scalp, and I didn't dare to see her.

Obviously, the clever crane immediately realized something, this little thing is definitely not a good stubble.

The ancestral worship spirit was an old locust tree on the sacred mountain, and its existence was even older than Meng Tianzheng.

The entire sacred mountain is its illusory body. It can be said that the Butian Pavilion exists only when it is there.

This is a major symbol and milestone of Butian Pavilion.

It's just that I don't know why, for Linglong, the patriarch Jiling is so insanely fond of her, and often chooses to turn a blind eye to what she does, pretending not to see it.

The crane group even wondered if this little girl was its illegitimate daughter, and spoiled her too much.


Excitedly, Linglong rides on a crane, travels among the nine heavens, roams among the clouds, a pleasant day begins with riding a crane.

She seems to be living happily every day, without so much pressure, and without so many worries, she just thinks about how to play.

She is not like Lin Qingzhu, who shoulders the pressure of the chief disciple, nor is she like Yaya, who is the last one and has to roll up.

Compared to their high-pressure cultivation state, Linglong lived a more comfortable life, even chic.

Because the master said that her path of cultivation is different from that of her senior sisters. She does not need to realize Taoism or cultivate deliberately when she walks the path of body training.

Ye Qiu walked out of the hall slowly, looked at Linglong who was playing happily in the sky, and unconsciously showed a gratified smile.

It was also exaggerated by her heartless laughter, and she felt extremely relaxed and comfortable.

"Hehe, you **** girl, you can play as long as you want, and don't go far away, it will affect the mentality of the senior sisters in cultivation."

Ye Qiu said angrily, it's a child's nature to play around, not to mention Linglong wants to play, even Yaya, even Lin Qingzhu, would like to play carelessly for a day.

It's just that they are too preoccupied, or they can't hold back their face, and they can play like Linglong.


Seeing Master appearing at Wangjuan Lin Qingzhu retracted his gaze and greeted obediently.

Yaya also hastily turned her head to salute, Ye Qiu nodded, and was about to say something, when Linglong cursed suddenly from the sky.

"It's you shameless guys again, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiu was slightly taken aback, looked up, and found several figures gradually emerging from the mist.

"Hehe, little sister, you are in a good mood, and you can still play?"

The leading young man, with a teasing tone, grabbed the crane by the tail and dragged it away.

Linglong was instantly furious, if it wasn't for her senior sister not allowing her to act casually, she might have lost her temper at this moment.

With a gloomy face, Linglong said coldly: "You better let me go, don't force me to kiss you..."

Fuck, what kind of tiger and wolf is this.

Linglong's words stunned everyone present.

"Yo, you're not short tempered, come and give me a try."

A young man in the lead said disdainfully that in the entire Zixia Dojo, the only person he could value was Lin Qingzhu, and he didn't pay attention to the other two at all.

The reason is that Yaya's cultivation level is still low, and she is not worthy to fight him at all.

As for Linglong, no one has ever seen Linglong make a move, and no one knows how strong she is, but judging by her age, she is so young, how powerful she can be.

Therefore, the young man naturally didn't take Linglong seriously.


Seeing his confident expression, Ye Qiu, who originally wanted to teach her a lesson, silently withdrew his hand.

It's interesting, you didn't pick out so many people, but you picked the toughest one, aren't you looking for abuse? Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter