MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 752 Wharf acquisition battle ends (7K large

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  Chapter 752 The Wharf acquisition battle is over (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  Landmark lost!

  Even though the Wharf takeover battle is not over yet, everyone knows that Hongkong Land will lose completely this time, and they will lose one of their wings.

   And such a result, the sensation caused in Xiangjiang is self-evident!

  As many people thought before this matter was released, the Wharf acquisition battle is actually a contest between Chinese-funded consortiums and foreign-funded consortia in Xiangjiang.

  If the Bao family can successfully acquire Wharf, the mountain called the British consortium that is pressing on the Chinese merchants in Xiangjiang will completely disappear from now on.

   More importantly, this time is not only a contest between Pao and Hongkong Land, but also a contest between Jiaku and HSBC.

   Although Jiaku and HSBC did not directly end in this battle, everyone knows that behind Hongkong Land is HSBC, and behind Pao is Jiaku.

   And such a result also plunged Xiangjiang's business community into a state of double joy and sorrow.

  Those Chinese-funded consortiums who are eyeing the foreign-funded enterprises in Xiangjiang are like hungry wolves, starting to look for their prey.

  And those foreign consortiums in Xiangjiang began to become frightened at this time.

  In the past, they never thought that one day they would become prey. You must know that they all appeared as hunters in the past.

  The exchange of identities made them feel at a loss.

   "What's going on with Henry Keswick?" Chu Huan asked Xu Yi while sitting on his sofa.

Xu Yi shook his head and said: "No, since Bao Yugang announced the increase in the purchase price of Wharf, there has been no reaction from Henry Keswick. In addition, we can see the addition of Huodoli and Yee Fu in Xiangjiang. The acquisition points have been withdrawn one after another, judging from the current situation, they have given up!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said with a smile: "Giving up is already the wisest choice. After all, if you buy Wharf stocks at this time, you will make yourself uncomfortable!"

  Xu Yi nodded, and then said: "By the way, the boss, I have notified the various acquisition sites of Fengwu Securities, and strictly prevent Landmark from selling their shares in Wharf at this time!"

  If you want to minimize your losses, Hongkong Land at this time can only sell the shares in Wharf in your own hands.

Although during this day, Hong Kong Land also acquired a lot of Wharf stocks, but including the Wharf stocks previously held by Hong Kong Land, the average purchase price must be less than 107 Hong Kong dollars per share, so if they are at this time, If they sell their stocks to Bao, they will get a huge amount of cash even though they will lose control of Wharf.

  From the perspective of funds, they are making money at this time!

In fact, in another time and space, they did this. At that time, Hongkong Land did not have the support of HSBC. After seeing Bao Yugang’s determination to acquire Wharf, they finally decided to avoid it and pass the shares of Wharf in their hands through the bank. In the name of agents and brokers, he organized a team of 50 people, and on the first day Bao Yugang announced the acquisition of Wharf shares, he sold the Wharf shares he held to Bao Yugang.

   This also allowed Hongkong Land to obtain a non-recurring profit of 721 million Hong Kong dollars!

But this time, if Hongkong Land wants to do this, it will definitely not succeed. First of all, through this day's acquisition, Bao Yugang has already obtained a lot of shares in Wharf, including the shares sold by Li Jiacheng to Bao's Wharf stock.

  The most important thing is that this time it was Fengwu Securities that helped Pao to acquire Wharf shares, not HSBC's Dolly.

In another time and space, it was HSBC that helped Pao buy Wharf, and at the same time HSBC was a shareholder of Jardine at that time. Although they helped Bao Yugang obtain the controlling stake in Wharf, they could not let Jardine The parent company of Hongkong Land lost too much, so in the end, they turned a blind eye to the sale of Wharf stocks by Hongkong Land. Anyway, they made a profit no matter what!

  But this time, Fengwu Securities will definitely not do this!

  Although this will make them prolong the timeline of the acquisition due to review reasons, it will ensure that they can better avoid allowing Hongkong Land to obtain huge amounts of cash by selling Wharf stocks in a short period of time.

  Chu Huan nodded and said with a smile: "Very well, now everything is waiting for our announcement tomorrow!"

  Wharf's takeover battle is not over yet, but the schedule for Chu Huan's acquisition of Jardine and Landmark has already been arranged!

   What we have to do now is to catch the opponent by surprise!

  Xu Yi smiled and said: "I believe that tomorrow the whole Xiangjiang will be shocked by successive explosive news!"

  Chu Huan also nodded at this, "The business community in Xiangjiang should also change!"


  After handling some company affairs, Chu Huan left the company and went straight to the headquarters of Global Shipping in Prince Building.

   But this time, it was Bao Yugang who came to the lobby to greet Chu Huan in person.

   "A Huan, you really scared me this time!"

  After seeing Chu Huan, Bao Yugang immediately laughed and preached.

  Chu Huan also smiled and said, "Uncle Bao, didn't I come here personally to vent your anger?"

  Bao Yugang held Chu Huan's shoulder affectionately, and said with a smile, "Ah Huan, you're slapping me in the face for saying that!"

  The two talked and laughed and entered the elevator, and then came to Bao Yugang's office.

Bao Yugang took two glasses of red wine from Wu Guangzheng's hands, handed one to Chu Huan, and said seriously: "A Huan, this glass is for me to apologize to you. To be honest, during the time you went to sea , I doubted you, after this glass of wine, you can't hold grudges against me over this matter!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Uncle Bao, you are a little out of touch when you say that. It is human nature for you to think that way. To be honest, if I were in your position, Uncle Bao, I would think so too. After all, the impact of this incident It's just too big!"

  Bao Yugang drank the wine in his glass without hesitation, then Wu Guangzheng poured it for Bao Yugang, and then poured it for Chu Huan who also finished his glass.

"This second glass of wine is a sincere thank you. Without your help, Ahuan, I would not be able to win Wharf this time. I just got the news from Fengwu Securities. Now we are buying shares in Wharf It has already exceeded 45%, and I believe that we will be able to obtain the controlling stake in Wharf within the next morning!"

   After finishing speaking, Bao Yugang drank the wine in his glass again.

   Seeing this, Chu Huan had no choice but to continue to accompany her.

When it was time for the third glass of wine, Bao Yugang looked at Chu Huan seriously and curiously, and asked, "Ah Huan, I hope you can clear up my confusion for the third glass of wine. What is the reason? What made you suddenly disappear in Xiangjiang?"

Holding the wine glass, Chu Huan said with a smile: "It's actually very simple. When Henry Keswick met me yesterday, he told me one thing, that is, he already knew that our bank has transferred 1 billion Hong Kong dollars to Hong Leong International. cash!"

  Bao Yugang's expression suddenly changed, and the smile on his face disappeared. Chu Huan's words had already made Bao Yugang understand that there was a ghost by his side!

This kind of discovery made Bao Yugang's inner joy instantly lessened a lot. Except for his two sons-in-law, the rest who knew about this matter were basically Bao Yugang's confidantes. Among them, someone betrayed himself?

  Bao Yugang looked at Wu Guangzheng.

  At this time, Wu Guangzheng also understood the meaning of Chu Huan's words, nodded and said: "I will find this person!"

   Putting away his anger, Bao Yugang smiled again and said to Chu Huan: "A Huan, I'm going to hold a dance in two days, and you must attend it then!"

  Chu Huan nodded with a smile and said, "This is for sure, I will definitely participate when the time comes!"

  Chu Huan did not tell Bao Yugang that he was leaving Xiangjiang the day after tomorrow. Although Bao Yugang definitely believed in Wu Guangzheng and Su Haiwen who were present, it did not mean that Chu Huan had to believe them.

Tomorrow, Huaren Real Estate will officially announce the acquisition of Jardine and Landmark, and he will go to London the day after tomorrow to resolve factors other than the acquisition of business. Although his itinerary cannot be kept from Henry Keswick for how long, but It is a day to be able to hide a day!

  Although in another time and space, the two of them did not do anything wrong to Bao Yugang, but it is better to be careful in everything.

   As for whose dinner party to attend then it is unknown!

  After the two talked for a while, Chu Huan got up and left the Prince's Building, and went straight back to No. 12 Mount Kellett Road.

   "What happened this time is a bit strange. For such an important group as Wharf, the Hong Kong government didn't come forward?"

   When Cao Yunshang saw Chu Huan coming back, he smiled and talked with him.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Chu Huan said with a smile, "You underestimate the influence of Chartered Ship King. Although he is also a Chinese businessman, Chartered Ship King is good friends with dignitaries from all over the world. As a ship king, a wharf is not enough for the Hong Kong government to come forward to do something, which will only make them more embarrassing.

  And now Heung Kong has been working hard to build itself into one of the world's financial centers. Since it is a financial center, the business environment needs absolute freedom, so a Wharf warehouse will not allow the Hong Kong government to slap itself in the face! "

  Cao Yunshang nodded slightly, sat on the sofa with crossed legs, and said with a smile: "It would be great if the acquisition of Landmark and Jardine can go so smoothly!"

Although this is the case, both Chu Huan and Cao Yunshang understand that this kind of thing is impossible. Landmark and Jardine's influence is not comparable to that of Wharf, and Yinglun's face is also limited. When it comes to Hongkong Land, it is very likely that Jardine's level will make them lose their face.

   "By the way, where is Afeng?"

  Chu Huan noticed that after he came back, he hadn't seen Chu Shifeng.

  Cao Yunshang smiled and said: "Grandma came here this afternoon and brought Afeng back to her."

  The elderly are not only relatives from generation to generation, but also get closer to each other from generation to generation.

  Now Chu Shifeng is basically old lady Wu's heart, he will come to see him every day, and occasionally he will take her back to her for a night of love.

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "So, we two can live together tonight?"

  Cao Yunshang boldly sat on Chu Huan's lap, and said with a smile, "Then how do you want to live in this two-person world?"

  How did the two-person world of Chu Huan and Cao Yunshang live?

  Candlelight dinner, private cinema, private spa, and then some indescribable things.


  Chu Huan and Bao Yugang are happy for the upcoming victory, but Henry Keswick will not be in a happy mood.

   "Most of the brokers we sent to Fengwu Securities to sell Wharf stocks failed to pass the transaction!"

  Niu Bijian's face was full of despair at this time.

   After the three of Henry Keswick left the Prince's Building, they said they wanted to find a way to solve the crisis they were facing this time, but in fact they didn't find any solution.

  Henry Keswick found all the contacts he could find, but there was no way to provide him with the funds he needed in a short time. In addition, Henry Keswick even went to meet MacLehose, the Governor of Hong Kong in person!

  But the answer I got was the same as what Chu Huan analyzed. One Wharf warehouse is not enough for the Hong Kong government to make a decision that violates the laws of the market.

  After being hit one after another, Henry Keswick also understood one thing, that is, the possibility that he wanted to keep Wharf was gone.

Henry Keswick is indeed a ruthless man who has been in the mall for a long time. After understanding his situation at this time, he immediately decided to cut off his wrists. At the acquisition points in various places in Xiangjiang, they then ordered Niu Bijian to immediately arrange for people to sell as much of the Wharf stocks as possible to Bao Yugang in the name of bank agents and brokers.

   It was also the cancellation of the acquisition points of Huodoli and Jardine Fu that made Xiangjiang Volkswagen confirm one thing, that is, Hongkong Land is preparing to abandon Wharf.

   It's just that the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.

  Fengwu Securities had already made preparations. Although some people were still missed, they did not sell many shares of Wharf on the whole.

   It is precisely because of this that Hong Kong Land may face serious losses this time.

   "Chu Huan!"

   Henry Keswick's sermon through gritted teeth.

  Compared to Bao Yugang, Henry Keswick was even more angry at Chu Huan at this time. If it weren't for Chu Huan's repeated jumps in this matter, they would not have lost Wharf.

   After all, it is greed and anxiety!

   Originally, according to Henry Keswick's idea, he and Bao Yugang had a stalemate at the same price for three days. After Thursday, when his own funds were in place, it was time to fight Bao Yugang.

The result was because he thought that Chu Huan would be attracted to Wellcome, 7-11, and Chu Huan's move to leave Xiangjiang, which made Henry Keswick think that his side had already won the game. In the end, Michael Keswick brought the A sum of cash gave Henry Keswick even more confidence. As a result, the ship capsized in the gutter and lost Wharf, an extremely influential group!

   "Mr. Keswick, the most important thing for us now is to get back the funds as much as possible, reduce the losses in the battle of Wharf, and also try to raise more funds as much as possible!"

   Newbikin seriously preached to Henry Keswick at this time.

  Michael Keswick on the side said inexplicably: "Now we should try to sell the shares of Wharf as much as possible, but why should we raise more funds?"

  Henry Keswick's appreciation for Michael Keswick only stayed for one night and one morning. At this time, he was so stupid to see Michael Keswick, and the appreciation in his heart was gone.

  The failure of Wharf can be said to have emptied all the cash flow of Hongkong Land and Jardine. Now that Pao is about to complete the acquisition of Wharf, it must have given more ideas that Chinese-funded consortiums should not have.

Before that, they had already felt the lack of control over Jardine and Hongkong Land. If they hadn't put all their minds on competing with Bao's Wharf at that time, what they were doing at this time was to increase their holdings in Jardine Shares with Hongkong Land.

  Henry Keswick ignored Michael Keswick, but said to Newbikin: "Tomorrow morning, immediately stop all acquisitions of Wharf shares, and use all our cash to increase our holdings of Jardine Matheson and Landmark.

   Also help me contact Bao Yugang, I need to see Bao Yugang now! "

  In the afternoon, when Henry Keswick went to see Bao Yugang, he happened to catch up with Bao Yugang to hold a press conference. As a result, the angry Henry Keswick left the scene directly, but now the situation is stronger than others.

  In the entire Xiangjiang, Bao Yugang is the only one who can buy Wharf shares at this time.

  Although Bao Yugang must have acquired a lot of shares in Wharf, according to the analysis of Henry Keswick and others, Bao Yugang must have not acquired enough shares. This is their breakthrough.

Since you can't sell Wharf's stock in Fengwu Securities, you can only seek to sell it from Bao Yugang. Although this price will definitely be suppressed by Bao Yugang, it is better than waiting for Wharf's takeover battle After the end, Wharf's stock price fell in half and lost a lot.

  Niu Bijian nodded, and immediately called Bao Yugang.

   When Bao Yugang learned that Henry Keswick wanted to see him, he had already guessed why the other party came to see him. Bao Yugang had no reason to refuse this kind of fat sheep sent to his door.

  But after Bao Yugang thought about it, he still called Chu Huan and told Chu Huan that Henry Keswick was coming to see him.

  In Bao Yugang's heart, he always felt that Chu Huan's sudden departure from Xiangjiang this time was not just to confuse Henry Keswick.

At this time, Chu Huan was watching a movie with Cao Yunshang at the private theater at No. 12, Mount Kellie Road. After receiving Bao Yugang's call, Chu Huan also knew what Bao Yugang meant, and actually wanted to ask himself about this matter. perspective on things.

   "This is a good thing. If you can buy the shares of Wharf from Hongkong Land at this time, it will definitely be much cheaper than buying them outside!"

  Bao Yugang, who was holding the phone, froze for a moment. He thought that Chu Huan was trying to persuade him to give up this matter, but Chu Huan actually agreed so readily?

   Could it be that I was thinking wrong?

But in any case, since Chu Huan has no opinion, Bao Yugang will naturally not think too much about it. After all, as Chu Huan said, buying Wharf shares from Henry Keswick will definitely It is much cheaper than buying outside stocks.

  After Chu Huan hung up the phone, Cao Yunshang asked worriedly: "Won't this allow Henry Keswick to raise more funds?"

Sitting on the sofa, Chu Huan said with a smile: "Bao Yugang hasn't found out who the ghost on his side is. If it is really one of Bao Yugang's two sons-in-laws, we are now If Bao Yugang rejected Henry Keswick's suggestion, then according to Henry Keswick's ability, he would definitely immediately think that we are going to take action against Jardine, which would not be good.

Moreover, Hong Leong International has now acquired more than 45% of Wharf's shares. According to the current price, Bao Yugang will definitely not acquire more than 50.1% of Wharf's shares. This price is too high, so even if it is Henry Keswick would not sell much of his shares in Wharf, and naturally he would not be able to raise much funds.

  Comparing the two, I still hope that Henry Keswick will know the news that we are going to take action against Jardine and Landmark later! "

  Cao Yunshang analyzed: "But when it is announced in the "True News" tomorrow morning, there is only one night. Is it necessary?"

  Chu Huan chuckled and said, "One night is already worth doing this!"

  Time is one of the most important factors for whether Huaren Real Estate can win Jardine and Landmark this time.

  Cao Yunshang thought for a while, then nodded.


   On the other side, Henry Keswick came to the Xiangjiang Club, and Bao Yugang also came here after a while. The two sides did not exchange any pleasantries. Henry Keswick directly proposed to the charter king to sell his Wharf stocks.

"90 Hong Kong dollars per share is impossible!" After hearing Henry Keswick's quotation, Bao Yugang directly denied the other party's quotation, saying: "The price of Wharf stocks is 50 Hong Kong dollars per share. The greatest sincerity that can be shown, otherwise, there is nothing to talk about!"

  At this time, Bao Yugang took the initiative, so naturally he became more rigid in his words, just like bargaining for clothes in the bazaar, he is not satisfied with half-cut!

Henry Keswick's hand holding the coffee suffered from blue veins, but he still smiled and said, "Bao Sheng, you know that this price is impossible. Now the purchase price of Wharf is 110 Hong Kong dollars, and you directly cut off more than half of it." It is impossible for us to accept the price!"

  Bao Yugang nodded and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Keswick disagrees, then I have nothing to say!"

   After talking, Bao Yu just got up and was about to leave. Seeing this, Henry Keswick naturally couldn't let Bao Yugang leave, so he hurriedly called Bao Yugang to stop.

"Bao Sheng, most of the funds you used to buy Wharf stocks were borrowed, and you have to pay interest on this money. If you can buy Wharf stocks from us, the pressure on you will also be great. It will be smaller!"

Bao Yugang smiled and said: "That is our own business, and now Hong Leong International has acquired more than 45% of Wharf's shares, even if it is still purchased at a price of 110 Hong Kong dollars per share, in fact It won't cost much. On the contrary, in terms of Hongkong Land, you have bought so many Wharf stocks before. If you can't sell them in time

  When Hong Leong International completes the acquisition of Wharf, how far the stock price of Wharf will fall, I don’t think I need to tell you? At that time, let alone 50 Hong Kong dollars per share, even at the price of 40 Hong Kong dollars per share, you will not be able to sell it. At that time, the funds will be firmly trapped, and it seems that Kaiser will suffer the most. Mr. Ke, how about you? "

  Henry Keswick frowned, he really hated this feeling now.

  When did the Keswick family suffer such humiliation in Xiangjiang!

   "80 Hong Kong dollars per share, this is the final price we can come up with. If you disagree with Baosheng, then we can only continue to compete in Wharf's affairs in the future!"

   Can’t sell Wharf’s stock, Landmark is the second largest shareholder of Wharf, and still has its own voting rights on the board of directors.

   But this is obviously not important to Bao Yugang.

"Mr. Keswick, I believe that Hong Leong International will be able to obtain the controlling stake in Wharf that it wants in less than one morning tomorrow. Even though Landmark is the second largest shareholder of Wharf, it will still be voting. There are not as many rights as us.

  So the things you said do not constitute any threat to us at all.

More importantly, although the funds we used to acquire Wharf stocks were borrowed, we are not in a hurry to repay the funds. On the contrary, Mr. Keswick, do you need to repay the funds in the short term? Then it depends on what your creditors think? "

Speaking of this, Bao Yugang looked at Henry Keswick, who was on the verge of breaking out, and said with a smile: "60 Hong Kong dollars per share, this time is really our last offer. If you agree, Mr. Keswick, we will now You can sign the contract, if you don't agree, then you can only go halfway to the sky!"


  Henry Keswick was panting heavily, but all the anger was useless. Although this time it was a loss, but the less the loss, the better!

  In the end, Henry Keswick reluctantly agreed to Bao Yugang's transaction price!

"Bao Sheng, you don't have to be so happy. Even if you get Wharf, you still have to seek development under the big tree of Jiaku in Xiangjiang. You should know that a towering tree cannot grow under a big tree! "

  Finally, Henry Keswick did not forget to give Chu Huan some eye drops!

Regarding this, Bao Yugang smiled and said: "Mr. Keswick doesn't have to worry about this. In fact, all of us Chinese businessmen in Xiangjiang now have a consensus, that is, Jiaku is not a towering tree. , but in the scorching sun in the sky, towering trees cannot grow under a big tree, but under the scorching sun, many towering trees can grow!"

  Henry Keswick snorted coldly, turned and left.


  Next day!

  At this time, the Xiangjiang people still don’t know that the Wharf takeover battle is actually over, and everyone wants to know through the newspapers what the status of the Wharf stocks acquired by Bao’s is now.

  So people who sell newspapers today hope to see news about the Wharf takeover battle on the front page of the newspaper.

   And according to the influence of the Wharf acquisition battle, he will definitely become the headlines of all the newspapers in Xiangjiang today!

   As a result, when someone bought today's newspaper and spread it out to read it, everyone was stunned.

   It can be seen that on the entire street, all the people holding and reading newspapers have maintained a posture.

  Standing there blankly, his eyes were fixed on the contents of the newspaper, his eyes revealed surprise, doubt, and crazy disbelief!

  Xiangjiang is about to change!

   Also, correct the typo first and then change it, Huangshan continues to code~



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion