MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 767 Expanded version of the Cangjiang Project (7K large

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  Chapter 767 Expanded Cangjiang Project (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  The Spring Festival in 1980 was very lively.

   Not only Vignali came to Xiangjiang, but Kelly from North America, Yasuhiro Tanaka from Japan, and Nanakura Hanaoka also came to Xiangjiang.

   Not only that, Mrs. Wu's family and Cao Wenjin's family all came to No. 12 Mount Kellett Road to spend the night of New Year's Eve together.

  There is no need to go into too much detail about the lively atmosphere. After the New Year, Chu Huan took Tanaka Anhui and Hanaoka Nanakura to Japan directly.

  Along with him are a group of high-level executives from the Xiangjiang Jiaku department.

   "Chu Sang, we haven't seen each other for a long time. The news of Chinese Land's acquisition of Jardine Land in Xiangjiang has even been reported in Japan, and it was even made the biggest acquisition in Asia in the 1970s by Time Magazine!"

  Yoshiaki Tsutsumi waited for Chu Huan in the lobby of the Prince Hotel. After seeing Chu Huan, he greeted Chu Huan enthusiastically.

  The news of Chinese Land's acquisition of Jardine Land not only caused a sensation in Xiangjiang, but also caused a sensation in the whole of Asia, even Wall Street reported it.

  The "Times Weekly" headquarters even sent an invitation to Jiaku, hoping to conduct an exclusive interview with Chu Huan, but this matter was rejected by Chu Huan.

   "Te Yi-sang is being polite, but it's just for the development of the group. This time our group chose to hold a meeting at your Prince Hotel, so I have to trouble you!"

  Chu Huan also greeted Tsui Yoshiming with a smile, as if Chu Huan didn't know that Tsui Yoshiming was involved in the fight between Chu Huan and Tsui Yoshiming's second brother.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi laughed and said, "It's an honor for our Prince Hotel to be able to put our global conference in our Prince Hotel. Don't worry, I've already explained to the hotel, and the management of Koku will definitely feel it. Feeling at home."

  After the two exchanged pleasantries, Chu Huan asked Xu Yi to bring the management of Xiangjiang Jiaku to the hotel, while Chu Huan returned to his manor in Tokyo.

The news of Chu Huan's arrival in Tokyo quickly spread. The Mitsui family, the Sumitomo family, and several other big families in Japan called Chu Huan's residence one after another, inviting everyone to join him while Chu Huan was in Tokyo. Sit down and meet!

  For such an invitation, Chu Huan did not refuse. In Japan, Chu Huan pursued a policy of cooperating vertically and horizontally. Only by cooperating with Japanese local chaebols can he make his business in Japan stronger.

   What's more, the reason why Chu Huan chose to hold the global meeting of Jiaku in Japan this time is also because Japan has what it needs.

  So that night, Chu Huan was invited to the residence of the Mitsui family in Tokyo.

   "Chu Sang, welcome to Tokyo."

   After seeing Chu Huan, Mitsui Gaochang opened his arms, and the two sides gave a warm hug.

   "Mitsui-san, I came here with a request this time!"

   After sitting down, Chu Huan preached straight to the point.

  Mitsui Gaochang was slightly taken aback. It was hard for him to imagine that with Chu Huan in this position, what else could he ask for himself, but since he was able to get Chu Huan to speak, it showed one thing, and this matter was not a small matter.

   But even so, Mitsui Takahashi did not reject Chu Huan. After all, only more mutual entanglement can ensure closer cooperation of interests between the two parties.

You must know that the Australian iron mining development project that their Mitsui family participated in has already started construction at this time, and Mitsui Gaochang attaches great importance to this project. Unfortunately, in this matter, their Mitsui family is only just now. Participate, but Mitsui Takacho believes that as long as he participates, it is possible to obtain a larger share in the future.

   "Chu Sang just say it, as long as our Mitsui family can help him, we, as the closest friends, naturally have no problems!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal. Didn't our Jiaku take a 5% stake in Mitsui Chemicals before? I hope that some people can be arranged to enter Mitsui Chemicals to learn!"

  The doubts in Mitsui Gaochang's heart were greater than the doubts just now, not because Chu Huan's request was too much, but because Chu Huan's request was too simple.

   But this also made Mitsui Gaochang more vigilant, and the same sentence, according to Chu Huan's current status, Chu Huan would never open his mouth for a seemingly insignificant matter.

   Could it be that Chu Huan wants to get involved in the chemical industry?

   Soon, Mitsui Takacho thought of this possibility.

The so-called Mitsui Chemicals, in fact, does not have this company on the surface at this time, but outsiders collectively refer to Mitsui Petrochemical Industry Company and Mitsui Topress Chemical Company. It was not until the mid-1990s that the Mitsui family merged the two The two companies merged to form Mitsui Chemicals.

   "What is Chu Sang's specific idea?"

  Mitsui Gaochang couldn't help but asked Chu Huan.

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Mitsui-san, don't worry, I know the status of Mitsui Chemicals to Mitsui & Co. Some technologies and production experience that can be announced to the public, in the future, our library Jia wants to invest in the chemical field!"

  Since he wanted to study in Mitsui Chemicals, Chu Huan naturally didn't deceive Mitsui Takachang on this point.

   "So I just arranged for people to enter Mitsui Topress Chemical Company to study!"

Mitsui Gaochang's brain began to spin rapidly. In fact, at this time, Mitsui Gaochang knew very well that as long as Chu Huan enters this market, according to Chu Huan's financial resources and influence, then as long as Chu Huan's Jiaku gets involved in the field of chemistry, it will be in the chemical field. In the future, there will be a certain degree of competition between the two sides.

  However, in business, there is not only competition, but more cooperation.

   "Chu Sang, may I ask what kind of production Jiaku wants to do?"

   "Production and research of basic materials such as methanol, ethylene, propylene!" In this regard, Chu Huan still did not deceive Mitsui Gaochang.

   Mitsui Takamaga was not at all surprised by Chu Huan's description. After all, methanol, ethylene, and propylene are the most basic and core things, but it is still unclear what Chu Huan is going to do.

   "Simply speaking, we want to make synthetic ammonia and urea!" Chu Huan said honestly.

   This time, Mitsui Takahata completely understood what Chu Huan was going to do, fertilizer!

But this also made Mitsui Gaochang's inner thoughts stronger. If it is based on Chu Huan's strength, he must be producing this kind of livelihood products on a large scale. Correspondingly, Chu Huan needs There is a huge market to support Chu Huan in this industry.

  Actually, what Mitsui Takacho guessed was not wrong at all. At this time, Chu Huan really wanted to make chemical fertilizers, a product that didn't look that tall.

   But the more this kind of industry that does not seem so tall, it is an industry where profits and influence coexist.

Methanol, ethylene, propylene, and chemical fertilizers are all industrialized and the most important raw materials for food production. If Chu Huan can really successfully make this project into what he wants, then the company behind this project can become a partner with him in the future. Companies with three barrels of oil in parallel, at that time it was not three barrels of oil, but four barrels of oil!

   This is a proper cornerstone project of a great country.

At the same time, it is also the industry that Chu Huan is most likely to be involved in. For example, the heavy industry that Chu Huan has been thinking about before is also a project that belongs to the cornerstone of a big country, but the various technologies and environments involved in it are too demanding. If Chu Huan did this without the support of the state.

   Even Chu Huan had to weigh the money burned.

   But if Chu Huan seeks the support of the country, he will be encircled and suppressed by European and American countries, even if Chu Huan has initially established interest integration with the political leaders of European and American countries.

  In contrast, the chemical industry is different. The technical requirements are not so great, and it does not involve the leakage of core confidential technologies, so the resistance encountered will not be so great.

  In fact, this plan is one of the two projects that Chu Huan has been thinking about carrying out in his hometown, which is the expanded version of the "Cangjiang Project"!

  In another time and space, the person from Taiwan Island wants to invest 7 billion US dollars in his hometown to build a super-large petrochemical project. After it is put into operation, the annual refining capacity will reach 10 million tons, and the annual output of ethylene will be 700,000 tons.

However, the outside world has been saying that the reason why the other party gave up this plan in the end was because of the obstruction of Taiwan Island, but in Chu Huan's view, the greater possibility is that the Taiwan Island wants to put pressure on both sides to seek better investment. environment, but in the end the other party gave up the investment in his hometown.

  Now Chu Huan doesn't have as many worries as the one from Taiwan Island. Not only does he not have any worries, but Chu Huan wants to make this plan bigger, better, and stronger!

  Invest more money, not only in oil refining and ethylene production, but also in methanol, propylene, fertilizers, etc.

  In Chu Huan's plan, if this project takes shape, it will require an investment of at least 20 billion US dollars, which is why Chu Huan is so anxious to cash out cash this year.

  However, at this time, Chu Huan told Mitsui Gaochang that there was only pure methanol, ethylene, propylene, and fertilizer, and nothing else. This was also to confuse the other party.

  However, Mitsui Gaochang is such a smart person, he quickly guessed Chu Huan's plan.

   "Is Director Chu planning to invest in Huaguo on a large scale?"

Chu Huan chuckled and said, "Investing in Huaguo is what Jiaku has been doing, and hasn't Mitsui & Co. been doing this all the time? But our project is not simply investing in Huaguo. Still preparing for our investment in Brazil!"

  Mitsui Gaochang's face suddenly changed. Australia and Brazil have always been the countries that Mitsui & Co. have focused on. After all, the countries with the most iron ore deposits discovered today are Australia and Brazil.

  Chu Huan had already invested in Australia before, but now he has set his sights on Brazil, which has to make Mitsui Gaochang pay more attention to this matter.

  A person's attention is limited. When Mitsui Takacho put more attention on Brazil, he naturally lost some attention from Chu Huan's plan to invest in Huaguo.

   "Chu Sang, what do you mean?"

Chu Huan understands Mitsui Gaochang’s worries, but this is exactly the effect Chu Huan needs, “Mitsui-san, don’t worry, I know your company’s investment in Brazil, our goal is actually Brazil’s agriculture, not Brazil’s mining!"

When he was in London, Chu Huan had already told Jeffrey Howe, Joe Cole, Margaret Thatcher and others. After Chu Huan completed the layout in Xiangjiang, Jiaku has already set his sights on the whole world .

  The most impressive thing about Brazil is naturally their samba football. It is a pity that they did not enter the semi-finals. But in fact Brazil is a large agricultural country, and the natural environment is more suitable for planting.

  So Chu Huan has always wanted to make achievements in Brazil's agriculture.

  Chu Huan knew about Brazil's environment, and Mitsui Takacho naturally knew about it. After hearing Chu Huan's plan, there was no surprise at all.

   As I said before, there is not only competition in business, but also cooperation!

  This is what Mitsui Takacho thinks now.

"Mr. Chu, since you want to make a difference in the field of chemistry, I don't think it's enough just to learn. There are not many companies in Asia that can compete with Mitsui Chemicals in the field of chemistry. At the same time, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. in Brazil Your network must be what you need, Mr. Chu.

  So this thing."

  Chu Huan smiled and said, "So Mitsui-san means that everyone has cooperated?"

  Mitsui Gaochang nodded and said: "That's right, our two companies already have cooperation projects in many fields, and the cooperation is very pleasant. Now why not deepen our cooperation again?"

Chu Huan began to think about this matter, and Mitsui Gaochang proposed to cooperate with him. Chu Huan thought of this matter, but there are some things that Chu Huan still needs to consider carefully. Joined by Mitsui & Co.

   To be honest, Chu Huan has already cooperated with Japan a lot now. It seems that such cooperation has nothing to do with it now, but in the future, such cooperation will definitely be criticized by some people.

  Especially the Cangjiang Project, which is the cornerstone of a big country, is even more so!

   But at the same time, at this time, Chu Huan really needed Japanese technology and equipment. In another space-time Cangjiang plan, one item was to introduce equipment from Japan's Toyo Engineering Company.

After thinking about it, Chu Huan suddenly smiled and said: "Mitsui-san, in my plan, the investment in the entire chemical field will exceed 20 billion U.S. dollars. If the investment in Brazil is added, this investment will be astronomical." Numbers, such a huge investment project, I can’t guarantee that it will be successful now, so for the investment in the chemical field, I think Mitsui-san and you Mitsui & Co., Ltd. can take a look first. As for the investment in Brazil, it will start this year. And now this investor has some other friends, I think Mitsui-san will be very willing to cooperate with them."

   Chu Huan is not going to bring the Mitsui family to play with the Cangjiang project in his hometown, but for the investment in Brazil, Chu Huan needs the Mitsui family to join.

Mitsui & Co., which has been operating in Brazil for many years, must have a deep relationship in Brazil. With the addition of Mitsui & Co., Ltd., coupled with the relationship of Ma Jizu's management, when the time comes for Brazil's agriculture and mining, it will really be Chu Huan. Forget it!

   Mitsui Gaochang heard what Chu Huan meant. The other party rejected his investment in the huge chemical field, but agreed to the other party's investment in Brazil.

At the same time, Mitsui Gaochang also felt that the investment in Brazil must also have a very complicated investment team. Considering Chu Huan's global influence and the overseas relations that Chu Huan used when Mitsui & Co. fought against Chu Huan, Mitsui Gao Chang thinks he has guessed who the investors who have become reclusive are!

  At this time, Mitsui Gaochang was also thinking about Chu Huan's proposal, and he was not able to fully invest in Chu Huan's investment. This obviously disappointed Mitsui Gaochang, but at the same time, the investment in Brazil really made Mitsui Gaochang very excited.

After pondering for a while, Mitsui Gaochang said to Chu Huan: "Chu Sang, this matter is too big for me to make a decision alone, but I can assure you that before you return to Xiangjiang, we will definitely I can give you an answer, Chu Sang!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, then I will wait for Mitsui-san's reply!"

   After the two discussed the investment details in Brazil, Chu Huan left Mitsui Takachang's house.

  After meeting with Takacho Mitsui, Chu Huan met with the heads of the Sumitomo Foundation, Mitsubishi Foundation, and Fuji Foundation for private talks. Some of them deepened their relationship with each other, and some discussed possible future cooperation directions.

  Of course, during this period, the global meeting of the A library has also been held. The A library of each region and country has an internal meeting first and then an overall meeting.

   During this period, Chu Huan discussed with Wen Mingzhang about the follow-up development of Jardine.

   "Mandarin Oriental became independent and established its own group. Xu Yi has already done it. After returning to Xiangjiang, this matter can enter the formal procedure!"

  Chu Huan preached to Wen Mingzhang.

  Wen Mingzhang also accepted this matter at this time, and said: "Understood, in fact, I have also discussed with Mr. Xu in the past two days, and now there are only some details left!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "At the same time, the two most important things for Hongkong Land this year are to reduce their own debt problems. Some less important projects can be sold in exchange for more cash to fill their own debt problems."

Alleviating the debts of Jardine and Hongkong is something that Chinese Land has been preparing for since the acquisition of Jardine and Hongkong. It is already February 1980, and it has been nearly two years since Chinese Land completed the acquisition of these two groups. It's been a month.

  Wen Mingzhang has already digested Jardine Land, so naturally it is time to put the debt reduction plan on the agenda!

   "The second thing is Hongkong Land's reform of Milk International Company."

In fact, this matter is also to balance Hongkong Land’s debt situation. At the beginning, Hongkong Land’s acquisition of Milk Company was quite lively in Xiangjiang. pressure.

  In Chu Huan’s view, Milk Company can definitely become the third top-level listed company under the Jardine Mathematics, which can also relieve the financial pressure of Jardine Matheson and Landmark.

  In fact, in another time and space, after Simon Keswick took over the management rights of Jardine from the hands of New Bijian, he did the same, not only listing the milk company, but also listing Mandarin Oriental.

   Such a move has greatly eased the financial pressure of Jardine and Landmark.

  Right now, the Hong Kong stock market is booming, and it will be in a bull market for at least two years. This is Chu Huan's best chance to relieve the financial pressure of Jardine Matheson and Landmark.

  Simply speaking, the development of the Jardine Department and the Jiaku Department are in two different directions. The Jiaku Department can be regarded as Chu Huan's absolute private assets internally, while the Jardine Department will be a banner for Chu Huan to the outside world.

  In this case, the Jardine Department will become a barometer of the Xiangjiang stock market in the future, and it also has a huge influence beyond its asset value.

  This is why Chu Huan promised MacLehose not to delist and privatize these two groups.

  Actually, when acquiring Jardine and Landmark, there was still one thing that surprised Chu Huan, and this matter was listed by Chu Huan as a butterfly effect.

That is, in another time and space, although Hongkong Land is a shareholder of Hong Kong Electric and Telephone Company at this time, it is not a major shareholder. The situation of the major shareholder of the group is completely different now. Landmark has already done this in 1978.

   This also eased some pressure on Chu Huan. After all, it would be very difficult for Chu Huan to acquire the shares of HK Electric and Telephone Company after completing the acquisition of Jardine Landmark.

  Wen Mingzhang was overjoyed when he heard that Chu Huan was planning to make Milk International an independent listed company. After the milk company was acquired by Landmark, it was delisted and privatized. It became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hongkong and changed its name to Milk International.

Now Chu Huan asked Hongkong Land to allow Milk International to spin off and go public, which means that there will be Jardine, Hongkong Land, and Dairy Milk International under the Jardine family. It's an exaggeration to say that this decision has changed.

  The position of the Jardine Department in Xiangjiang will rise to a new level!

   "I will tell this matter to the senior management of Milk International, and let them come up with a specific and feasible plan within this period of time!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, smiled and said to Wen Mingzhang: "Azhang, the Jardine Department plays a very important role in the company's future development plan, especially in Xiangjiang. I hope you can manage this company well. Consortium, I don't mind if you keep asking me questions, what I mind is that you don't come to me after the company has a problem, understand?"

Wen Mingzhang, who is in charge of the Yihe department, can be regarded as one of the princes in Chu Huan's entire business empire. Chu Huan wants Wen Mingzhang to understand one thing, that is, he can give him this right, but at the same time, he can take him away anytime and anywhere body rights.

  Simply speaking, the rights on Wen Mingzhang were bestowed by Chu Huan, and Wen Mingzhang must understand this!

  Wen Mingzhang looked pale, and said seriously: "Please rest assured, Chairman, I understand how to do it!"

  Chu Huan nodded and let Wen Mingzhang leave.

   In the next few days, Chu Huan met Gao Kai and Chen Haichao in secret respectively, and learned about the development of Japanese pachinko shops and the Kyushu Group.

  When they met Chen Haichao, the two had made an appointment. After the trip to Japan, the two would go to their hometown hand in hand.

  At the same time, Chu Huan met Zhong Zenggen Kang Hong again. The other party's status in the Japanese political circle is getting better and better, and Chu Huan's rewards are naturally getting better and better.

  Gao Kai took advantage of this relationship and gradually began to have more contacts with more people in the Japanese political circles.

   Correspondingly, Chu Huan's business in Japan is getting smoother and smoother!

  At the end of the ten-day global meeting, Chu Huan received a call from Mitsui Takaaga again, and the two met again at Mitsui Takachang's mansion.

   "Chu Sang, our Mitsui family has no problem with your proposal. Now it's up to President Chu when you plan to go to Brazil!"

   Mitsui Gaochang finally decided to agree with Chu Huan's suggestion through the advisory group of their family and internal family meetings these days. Of course, they still hope to participate in Chu Huan's plan in the chemical field.

  But after analysis, they came to the conclusion that it will take at least a year from Chu Huan's preparations to the launch of this project, so there is no rush for this matter, and they can slowly find a plan.

  But Chu Huan's investment in Brazil was obviously earlier than Chu Huan's investment in the chemical field, so they still think that this cooperation plan should be taken down first.

Chu Huan was not surprised by Mitsui Takachang's decision, but Chu Huan did not directly answer Mitsui Takachang's question, but asked with a smile: "So Mitsui-san is going to buy shares in cash, or through shares?" What about the exchange method?"

   Mitsui Gao said: "Chu Sang, you are not thinking about our Mitsui & Co.'s investment in Brazil, are you?"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "If Mitsui-san agrees, I have no objection!"

  Takacho Mitsui gave an ambiguous answer: "It depends on the scale of Chusang's investment in Brazil!"

  Chu Huan nodded, this topic is just a taste, and then said: "The second half of the year, I still have some things to do in the first half of this year, and I will go to Brazil in the second half of the year. How about we discuss it in detail?"

   "Okay, at that time, Mitsui & Co. will also have some business in Brazil, and I will go to Brazil with Chusan!"


After the two reached an agreement on this matter, Chu Huan told Mitsui Gaochang another matter, "Mitsui-san, our Jiaku will establish a top comprehensive college in Asia in Xiangjiang this year. It includes three parts: kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school. If Mitsui-san is interested, we can arrange for the children of the Mitsui family to go to school at that time!"

Mitsui Gaochang showed an interested expression. Naturally, the Mitsui family does not need to let himself and his core children to curry favor with Chu Huan's descendants, but if some children are arranged to enter this school, then both parties will be in love at the very beginning. A relationship was formed. The most important thing is that Chu Huan invited the children of their Mitsui family now, and it is very likely that they invited the children of other chaebols.

   At that time, this school may become the top resource center in Asia!

   Thank you everyone, the typo is corrected first and then corrected~



  (end of this chapter)

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