MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 782 Newspaper Supremacy (7K Large

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  Chapter 782 Newspaper Hegemony (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  In the cold and dark modern prison cell, Kim Hong-il, once the top son of South Korea, was tied to the torture tool at this time, like a crucified Jesus.

  Across from Jin Hongyi stood a shirtless man, holding a whip dipped in salt water in his hand, whipping him every time.

   Every time, Jin Hongyi could make a tragic cry, followed by a cry of pain.

   And Jin Hongyi's begging voice will make the person who executes him more excited. In the past, Jin Hongyi was an existence that he could not climb up to.

  Now the other party has become his own prisoner, all because he participated in the Gwangju incident with his father.

"Young Master Jin, where are you going? Did you see that electric chair? It is also prepared for you. You will sit on it in a while. Then I will let you feel what is called the electric current passing through your body. of!"

As soon as Jin Hong heard what the other party said, he couldn't help but start to wobble. Of course he knew about electrocution, but in the past, he had only seen this kind of punishment in books, but he had never really seen it. Now not only I have seen it, and it will happen to me soon.

   Such fear made a warm current flow to his legs.

Seeing this situation, the executioner immediately burst out laughing: "I thought you, Mr. Jin, are so noble that you won't be like ordinary people. I didn't expect that even ordinary people are worse than ordinary people. They only sit on it and then sit on it." Piss!"

  After speaking, the executioner threw away the whip in his hand, and stepped forward to unchain Jin Hongyi.

When Jin Hong saw this, he shook his body in fright, begging for mercy repeatedly: "No, please, I beg you, my father will be fine, I can go out then, please !"


  The executioner got impatient and slapped Jin Hongyi directly on the face, "So much nonsense!"

   Then he pulled Jin Hongyi's hair and was about to go to the electric chair.

   There was a squeak.

  The door of the cell opened, and two South Korean soldiers in uniform walked in, holding a transfer order in their hands.

   "Who are you?" The executioner asked in a daze after seeing them.

"On the order of the Blue House, we took this person away!" The South Korean soldier didn't talk nonsense, and directly patted the transfer order in his hand on the chest of the executioner, and then another person took it in the opponent's hand, already scared to pee. Kim Hong-il!

  While the executioner was still looking at the transfer order, the two South Korean soldiers had already taken Jin Hongyi out of the cell.

   "You, who are you?"

   Jin Hongyi was weak and lucky, and he was a little afraid that he had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den. He asked the two South Korean soldiers worriedly.

  The two South Korean soldiers did not answer Jin Hongyi's words, and took him out of the prison directly.

  Jin Hongyi saw two Mercedes-Benz cars listening at the gate of the prison, and a man in a black suit stood beside the car under the protection of several bodyguards.

   "You two have worked hard!"

  Li Zhenguo stepped forward and handed over two envelopes.

  The faces of the two South Korean soldiers finally showed smiles, and they said: "It should be, after all, it is something that Mr. Quan explained."

Li Zhenguo signaled the bodyguards around him to take over Jin Hongyi who was still in the trap, and then said with a smile: "After this incident is over, I will call the two of you, and then we will sit down for a while." sit!"

   "Then we can talk about it!" A South Korean soldier happily said.

Then the two sides shook hands, and the two South Korean soldiers left here, while Jin Hongil was taken into the car. Li Zhenguo, who also sat back in the car, smelled Jin Hongil's body, but he didn't show a disgusted expression, but smiled sermon.

   "Young Master Jin, I have already booked a hotel. You should take a shower and rest first. In the early morning, a special plane will take you out of South Korea and head to Xiangjiang. Then you can recuperate well in Xiangjiang!"

  Jin Hongyi was still confused at this time, and asked carefully: "Who are you? Why are you saving me? Where is my father? Also, why am I going to Xiangjiang?"

Li Zhenguo replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Jin, we are not bad people, and if we want to harm you, we don't need to go through such a big setback. Rescuing you from the prison is already our greatest ability." , as to the specific circumstances.”

  The car drove slowly towards the hotel, and Jin Hongyi knew what had happened on the way.


  Next day!

  Li Zhenguo found Chu Huan and reported to him: "Chairman, Jin Hongyi has already boarded the plane to Xiangjiang, and it is estimated that it will arrive soon. I have already notified Wu Xiaohui. Wu Xiaohui will pick him up at the airport in person!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said with a smile, "Good job."

  Now the affairs in South Korea are almost dealt with. All that remains is to see when Chun Doo-hwan will attack the "North Korea Ilbo", "Central Daily" and Dongming Timber.

   But this is definitely not a smooth process. After all, the assets of these three parties represent the forces of the three parties. Even Quan Douhuan needs to measure the forces of multiple parties before he can do anything.

  So Chu Huan must wait for a while in South Korea!

   "By the way, how is the matter with Jin Yanhua going?" Chu Huan asked Li Zhenguo.

  Li Zhenguo said: "It has been dealt with, and now that person should have paid off the money at Busan Bank!"


  In the hospital, Jin Yanhua's father, Kim Do-hoon, was lying on the hospital bed with an angry expression on his face, struggling to get up and leave.

   "Oh, it's not a big problem, why are you stuck in a single ward? Is our family rich? Or don't you know how hard it is for your husband and daughter to make money outside every day?

   By the way, did the company ask for leave for me? If you don't ask for leave today, you will be absent from work, and your wages will be deducted! "

  Yanhua's mother is comforting her husband at this time: "Don't move, the doctor said, you have to rest for a few days, otherwise your waist will not be able to return to normal in the future!"

   "What are you talking about, woman? My waist is recovering. Oops." Before he finished speaking, there was severe pain from the wound on Kim Do-hoon's waist.

  Yanhua's mother hurriedly laid Kim Do-hoon flat on the hospital bed.

  At this moment, the door opened, and Jin Yanhua walked in.

   "Grandma, what's the matter?" Jin Yanhua couldn't help asking when she saw the situation in the room.

  Yenhwa's mother explained that Kim Do-hoon was going to change wards.

  Jin Yanhua felt sad for a while. If she hadn't met Chu Huan by chance before, her father might not even be able to live in a single ward now, even if the operation might not be done well!

   "Abba, don't worry about the hospitalization fee. I have a big happy event to tell you. After listening, you will be very happy!"

  Yanhua’s mother asked supportively, “What’s the happy event?”

  Jin Daoxun muttered: "If someone reimburses me for hospitalization, that would be the best thing!"

  Yanhua's mother slapped Kim Do-hoon, causing Kim Do-hoon to scream again.

  After the quarrel, Yanhua's mother asked Jin Yanhua: "Our Yanhua, do you have something good to tell Mom and Dad?"

  Jin Yanhua coughed, and then said seriously: "Mom, do you still remember what I told you before?"

   "That matter?" Yanhua's mother didn't think about it for a while.

  Jin Yanhua said helplessly: "Is that what I told you in the operating room earlier?"

  Yanhua’s mother was taken aback for a moment, and then she had a surprised expression on her face, and hurriedly asked, "Is that the thing?"

  Jin Yanhua nodded excitedly: "That's right!"

   "No, no, what are you two talking about, why can't I understand?"

  Jin Daoxun lay on the hospital bed and asked with a mask on his face.

  Yanhua's mother and Jin Yanhua looked at each other and smiled, and then Yanhua's mother approached Kim Dao-hoon's ear, and softly told Kim Dao-hoon that the stain in her daughter's file had been revoked.

   "Really?" Kim Dao-hoon shouted loudly lying on the hospital bed, and then touched his wound again, and cried out in pain.

  Jin Yanhua and her mother hurried forward to check, and they were relieved when they found that there was no problem.

   "Yanhua, can you really continue to take the judicial examination?" Kim Dao-hoon looked at his daughter excitedly regardless of his wounds.

  Jin Yanhua knew what her father was worried about, and said: "I have already signed up this morning, and there is no problem at all!"

   "Okay, okay, okay!" Jin Daoxun burst into tears and didn't know how to express his excitement for a while.

  While the father and daughter were celebrating this event in the ward, someone knocked on the door and someone walked in.

   Seeing the person coming, Kim Dao-hoon, father and daughter all had different expressions on their faces.

  Kim Do-hoon's eyes showed anger, worry, and doubt.

  Yanhua's mother's expression is much simpler, completely angry.

   After Jin Yanhua saw the other party, there was a clear look in her eyes.

  The man’s name is Han Ki-jun, that is, Kim Do-hoon’s friend who got a loan from the bank. It was because of his sudden disappearance that his loan from Busan Bank fell to Kim Do-hoon, making Kim Do-hoon’s family from a middle-class family to a poor household.

   Now that Han Ki-joon arrives, the reaction of Kim Do-hoon's family is naturally complicated.

  Han Ki-joon knelt down in front of Kim Do-hoon's bed without any pause, "Do-hoon, I'm sorry, it's all my fault that made your family what it is now."

Before Han Jijun finished speaking, Yanhua's mother had already stood up and came to Han Jijun, wanting to pick him up: "Follow me to the police station, it's all because of you, our house was confiscated by the bank Now, do you know how much sin you have done?"

  Han Jijun knelt there, let Yanhua's mother pull, without any rebuttal, just took out two documents from his coat pocket.

"Sister-in-law, I went to the bank this morning to pay off the bank loan. From now on, Brother Daoxun will no longer have to pay his own salary for my loan. In addition, this is the loan that my brother helped me repay before and you sold the house. money!"

   Angry Yanhua's mother, when she heard Han Kijun say this, and saw the two documents he took out, she couldn't wait to take them over and hand them to Kim Daoxun.

   Kim Dao-hoon looked at the two documents with some surprise. The first document was a passbook. There was nothing to say. The money in it was clear. Kim Dao-hoon first handed the passbook to his wife.

  Then what I looked at was the loan repayment document.

   "Yanhua, take your mother out for a while, I have something to tell Kijun."

   Kim Do-hoon preached seriously.

  Jin Yanhua glanced at Han Jijun with some worry, worried that the other party would say something in her father's questioning.

   But in the end, the mother who had started to cry was helped out of the ward.

   "Yanhua, is what happened just now true?" Yanhua's mother, who walked out of the ward, asked her daughter again in disbelief.

   Jin Yanhua naturally knew why such a thing happened, but the real reason must not be told to her mother.

   "Since Uncle Han came here in person, and brought the repayment documents and passbook, there is no problem, Mom, don't worry!"

  Hearing what her daughter said, Jin Yanhua finally believed what happened just now, and then looked at Jin Yanhua apologetically, and said, "Yanhua, I made you and your brother suffer before!"

  Jin Yanhua smiled and said: "It's okay, isn't this already over?"

   "Yes!" Yanhua's mother also said happily: "Everything is over!"

   "By the way, where is my brother?" Only then did Jin Yanhua notice that her brother hadn't been here.

  Yanhua's mother said: "He has gone to school, and he won't be here until noon!"

   "Ah! I forgot that today is Monday!" Jin Yanhua said with a smile.


   Just when Jin Yanhua's family was suffering, a major event happened in South Korea's business circle. Chun Doo-hwan's military government officially stopped Dongming Timber's request to sell part of its assets.

  At the same time, a group of troops rushed straight into the headquarters of Dongming Timber and took away 27 executives. Not only that, Jiang Zhengnan who was in Seoul was taken away!

  As soon as this news came out, it instantly shocked the entire South Korean business community.

Although everyone knew that Quan Douhuan was definitely going to deal with Dongming Timber, the chaebol who supported the Gwangju incident behind the scenes, they did not expect that Quan Douhuan's military government would be so strong that it directly sent Dongming Timber's executives and The crown prince was taken away!

  For a while, the South Korean business community became alarmed.

   It is precisely because of this news that Chu Huan's enthusiasm for coming to South Korea has been suppressed by the popularity of this incident. Up to now, no one knows that this incident is actually related to Chu Huan! .

Seoul, Gwanghwamun, and the headquarters of North Korea Ilbo, not far from them is Samsung's "Central Daily", plus South Korea's "Dong-A Ilbo". These three newspapers will be called "Korean Middle East" in the future, and In South Korea, "North Korea and the Middle East" is equivalent to "newspaper hegemony". These three major media groups control about 80% of South Korea's media resources.

  Of course, the three newspapers at this time did not have this title, otherwise, even if Chu Huan and Chun Doo-hwan are a community of interests, the other party would not agree to hand over both "Central Ilbo" and "North Korea Ilbo" to Sun Investment.

In the office of the president of the "North Korea Daily" headquarters, Fang Yirong, who is already 57 years old, is sitting on the sofa. Sitting opposite him is his eldest son Fang Xiangxun. If there is no Chu Huan, he will become the editor of "North Korea Daily" in the future long.

  In the artist suicide case that caused a sensation in South Korea, the two brothers Fang Xiangxun and Fang Rongxun were also on that list.

  But Fang Rongxun is still studying in North America at this time, and has not returned to South Korea yet.

   "Father, Chun Doo-hwan's military government suddenly took action against Dongming Timber, does it mean that he has already started to take action against the chaebols in South Korea?"

  Fang Xiangxun asked Fang Yirong worriedly.

  The founder of "North Korea Ilbo" is Fang Yingmo. According to the South Koreans, this person is actually a Korean traitor, and the "North Korea Ilbo" he founded has always been pro-Japanese, so naturally he is not very friendly to his hometown.

  Later generations have repeatedly reported news unfavorable to their hometown.

  Fang Yirong is the adopted grandson of Fang Yingmo.

  Although these chaebols in South Korea also compete with each other, in this matter, they belong to the existence of both prosperity and loss. Now Chun Doo-hwan's action against Dongming Timber obviously touched the interests of the entire South Korean chaebol.

   "This stupid guy, doesn't he know that South Korea's economy is supported by us people? He dares to do something to us people!"

  Fang Yirong sat on the sofa, preaching angrily.

  Fang Xiangxun asked: "Father, should we do something?"

Fang Yirong's complexion changed, and he immediately said: "Stop doing these unnecessary things. Jiang Xizhen of Dongming Wood has kicked the iron plate this time. Quan Douhuan is the same as Park Zhengxi. Absolute right, let's not fight against it at this time!"

Chun Dou-hwan is in control of South Korea's army. In South Korea today, he is the supreme existence. Even though these chaebols have the influence that others say they don't have, but in the face of Chun Dou-hwan, who doesn't play cards according to common sense, They can only avoid its edge and dare not confront it.

   "What we have to do now is to contact Quan Douhuan as soon as possible to find out if Dongming Timber has the industry we need."

  Fang Yirong preached to Fang Xiangxun.

  Fang Xiangxun understood what his father meant. At this time, the fall of Dongming Timber was inevitable. Since this was the case, he might as well find something that was most beneficial to him.

   "Then shall we report some news favorable to Chun Doo-hwan in the newspaper?"

  Fang Yirong waved his hand and said, "No, Quan Douhuan's image among the public is not very good now, we don't need to please him too bluntly!"

Fang Yirong's mentality at this time actually represents the mentality of many South Korean chaebols. They have fear of Chun Doo-hwan in their hearts, but at the same time they look down on this person who came to power through a military coup, thinking that this person does not understand at all. Economical, otherwise they wouldn't have done anything to Dongming Timber.

  Fang Xiangxun nodded after thinking about it, and said, "I know what to do!"

Fang Yirong smiled and said: "Don't worry too much about Quan Douhuan, this person is just a martial artist, all he wants is benefits, and after we give some benefits, he will naturally not do anything to us. what!"



  Samsung headquarters.

  The news of Quan Douhuan's action against Dongming Timber naturally reached the ears of Samsung Lee Byung-cheol and Lee Kun-hee's father and son.

   The expressions of the two father and son were not very good at this time.

  Because Samsung also invests at two ends. One side invested in Chun Doo-hwan, but at the same time secretly supported the occurrence of the Gwangju incident. Now that Chun Doo-hwan has started to settle accounts after the fall, they naturally feel nervous!

   "Father, are we going to do something here? Now Chun Doo-hwan is obviously settling accounts after the fall. If we don't do anything, it will be easy to become his second target!"

  Li Jianxi preached to Li Bingzhe with some worries.

Li Bingzhe sat there with a serious expression, but also a little helpless. They, Samsung, Park Chung-hee, and Chun Doo-hwan seemed to be out of character. If it wasn't for Li Bingzhe who broke his wrist and took out a huge amount of wealth, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive the Park Chung Hee era at all.

   Now it’s all right, Chun Doo-hwan is now on stage, and they Samsung will face the situation at that time again.

  However, the current Lee Byung-cheol also has a trump card that Park Chung-hee did not have when he was in power. After all, the Samsung at this time is not the Samsung at that time.

Crisis represents the coexistence of danger and opportunity. At the beginning, their Samsung took out a huge amount of wealth not only to get forgiveness from Park Chung-hee, but also to get a lot of support from the Park Chung-hee government, which made them Samsung one of the top three chaebols in South Korea today. one.

   There are some North American capitals behind them. As long as those North American capitals are still there, it is impossible for Samsung to encounter the situation like Dongming Timber.

   But in any case, Samsung is developing in South Korea after all, so as long as you want your Samsung to have no problems, you must reach a settlement with the Chun Doo-hwan government.

   "Call Cheong Wa Dae in my name and ask when Commander Chun Doo-hwan is free. I will visit in person!"

  Lee Byung-cheol preached to Lee Kun-hee.

  Li Jianxi nodded and said, "Understood!"

   "Also, give Chu Huan a call and spend some time these few days to get in touch with Chu Huan more!" Li Bingzhe continued to order.

  Li Jianxi froze for a moment, and asked, "Father, do you mean the cooperation with Chu Huan?"

Li Bingzhe shook his head and said: "It's not just because of the cooperation, I have to say that Chu Huan's eyes are very admirable. From the relationship between him and Quan Zaiguo, it can be seen that this person must have been involved long ago. We have invested in Quan Douhuan. Before, we have been speculating why Chu Huan came to South Korea at this time. Looking at it now, Chu Huan must have come here to harvest some assets in South Korea.

  I now even suspect that there is Chu Huan behind the Chun Doo-hwan government's actions against Dongming Timber. "

Hearing what Li Bingzhe said, Li Jianxi said in surprise: "Is this impossible? Although Dongming Timber is not as good as before, it is one of the most important chaebols in South Korea, and it even monopolizes the domestic timber business. Chun Doo-hwan No matter how bold it is, it is impossible to do such a bold thing, right?

   And even if Chun Dou-hwan has this idea, it is impossible for other people in the government to act according to Chun Dou-hwan's idea? "

Li Bingzhe shook his head and said: "If it were other times, your idea is not wrong. After all, it is impossible for any political system to be completely united, but the current situation is the most special time. At this stage, it can be said that Quan Douhuan's At his peak, anyone who had a different political opinion from him would not easily offend him at this time.

   In addition, since Chu Huan can contact Quan Douhuan, he can also contact other people. "

   "But this is too exaggerated. Chu Huan, who is from Xiangjiang, can buy a large chaebol in our South Korea?" Li Jianxi still couldn't believe his father's speculation.

"Hehe!" Li Bingzhe smiled disdainfully, and said: "Chu Huan's Jiaku can become an existence on par with Mitsui and Sumitomo in Japan, why can't they buy a chaebol in South Korea? You know, Quan Douhuan and the others They are all human, as long as they are human, they have greed, and their greed is far stronger than that of ordinary people, because they have rights in their hands that ordinary people do not have.

  As long as Chu Huan can give them enough wealth, then they can make Chu Huan's business unimpeded in South Korea and have the same status as us! "

  Li Jianxi didn't know how to talk about this matter for a while, and inexplicably, a sad thought arose in his heart.

  But this kind of sad idea will soon disappear, and the same sentence, the so-called national sentiment in their hearts is actually very weak.

   Moreover, Li Jianxi's heart is sad, and he still feels that he lost his home court advantage when facing Chu Huan in South Korea!

"Okay, you don't have to take this matter too seriously. Although Chu Huan has gained support from Quan Douhuan, it is impossible for Chu Huan to catch up with us in the middle and high-level areas in a short time. Now that Chu Huan The matter of entering the South Korean market is already irreversible, what we need to do now is to use Chu Huan's strength to reconcile with Quan Douhuan as soon as possible, this is the best way for us!"

  Lee Byung-cheol preached to Lee Kun-hee.

Li Jianxi nodded and understood what his father meant, and then he said: "Father, there is one more thing, Dongming Timber is definitely going to collapse this time, even if Chu Huan really wants to take over Dongming Timber, I think he It’s impossible to win them all, why don’t we think about cooperating with Chu Huan to win Dongming Timber together?”

Li Bingzhe immediately waved his hand and said: "Don't think about this matter, at least when Chu Huan didn't take the initiative to tell you about this matter, you should not have any hints about it. We haven't reconciled with Quan Douhuan yet. If this If we still think about Dongming Wood from time to time, it is very likely that our own situation will be implicated, and now everything is based on stability!"

  Although Li Jianxi was a little disappointed, after all, Dongming Timber is one of the most important chaebols in South Korea, but now that he heard his father's arrangement, he could only obey it!

"I see!"

   The typo was changed first and then changed, and my nose has been running for two days.



  (end of this chapter)

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