MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 785 Four major grain merchants (7K large

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  Chapter 785 Four major grain merchants (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  God created the world in six days and then created Rio de Janeiro in the seventh day!

A Brazilian girl dressed in dazzling colors is dancing hotly on the street, and the car is occasionally stopped by a boy playing football on the street. After passing through the bustling street, Chu Huan and his party came to the Corcovado Mountain, the symbol of Rio de Janeiro, with open arms. The statue of **** is on the top of the mountain.

   Soon, they drove into a secluded and luxurious manor.

"Chairman, the original owner here is Jorge Guino. The other party has been selling his properties for several years. I bought some from him, including the Laranjeiras Palace in the southern district of Rio de Janeiro. However, It's under renovation right now, so let's come here first!"

   Ma Jizu was introducing the situation here to Chu Huan.

  Jorge Guinot?

  Chu Huan asked with a smile: "Is that the top prodigal son in Brazil?"

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Ma Jizu also nodded with a smile and said: "It's him, but although this person's situation has not been as good as before in the past two years, he still has a good life. Mr. Xu called me before and asked me Ask if Jorge Guino would like to sell the Copacaba Palace Hotel, the family's hotel in Rio de Janeiro."

  Jorge Guinuo is no longer famous in later generations, but a sentence he left behind is still widely spread, and even in a sketch in later generations, there is a meaning to learn from him.

  Jorge Guino, Howard Hughes, a wealthy North American businessman, and Onassis, a Greek ship magnate, are also known as the world's three big prodigal sons.

Jorge Guino's father, Édouard Guino, was a Frenchman, and his family conditions were not very good. Later, Eduardo Guino came to Brazil and won the management right of Santos Port after years of hard work. With the help of this core asset, Edward Guino left $2 billion in assets for his son Jorge Guino!

   Then when Jorge Guino was 22 years old, Edward Guino died!

   Jorge Guino, who inherited the inheritance, had his own thoughts differently from others, that is: Oh, yes, I have money, why don't I spend it? The money is my own only when I spend it, otherwise, what am I doing with so much money?

   This idea became Jorge Guino's motto, and he made a plan for himself, that is, to spend all the inheritance left by his father at the last second before his death!

  But the 2 billion U.S. dollars at that time was simply more valuable than the tens of billions of U.S. dollars in later generations. If Jorge Guino was just living a luxurious life, he would not be able to spend so much assets.

  Naturally not, let him utter the classic sentence: The secret to a happy life is to spend the last penny in your wallet before you die. But I miscalculated and spent all my money ahead of time.

Chu Huan also knew about this palace-level prodigal son, but in Chu Huan's view, the main reason why Ruo Reguinuo failed to spend all of his father's inheritance before his own death was that he knew him well. Rockefeller!

   Then, under the introduction of Rockefeller, Jorge Guino began to linger in Hollywood, and Jorge Guino set a new goal for himself: to catch up with all the beauties in Hollywood and become a "professional playboy".

  According to Jorge Guino’s philosophy, to be a good **** is not possible to have a job, and you must persist in it for a long time in order to do a good job in a **** and achieve the ultimate.

  Jorge Guino made three chapters for his "career":

  First of all, you must know what is the baby that beautiful women love? Where is the best baby?

   Paris jewelry is the most precious and famous in the world, Hollywood beauties are proud to wear Paris jewelry, so Jorge Guino arranged for someone to choose jewelry in Paris.

  Secondly, it must be able to meet all the requirements of a beautiful woman.

Lalma is one of the many stars in Hollywood. She told Jorge Guino that she likes a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci coquettishly. Give her the check.

  Jorge can’t count the random checks like this. In his own words, no matter if you have money or not, you must look rich.

  Finally, be sure to give the gift to the beauty as quickly as possible.

  For the goddess Marilyn Monroe in his heart, Jorge Guino bought millions of dollars of jewelry from Paris by plane in the morning, and returned by plane at night.

  But just after getting off the plane, Jorge heard the news of Marilyn Monroe's tragic death, so Jorge Guino immediately gave away jewelry worth millions of dollars to another female star.

  Of course, if this is the only way, it is still unrealistic for him to spend all the inheritance left by his father in a short period of time.

  The prodigal son can lose all his property in a short period of time, definitely not because he is a prodigal son who eats, drinks and has fun, but a prodigal son who invests at will.

  In Jorgeguino’s investment field, his good friend Rockefeller often appears. As for what kind of identity Rockefeller plays here, it is unknown!

Ma Jizu continued to preach to Chu Huan: "The Copacaba Palace Hotel is now Jorgeguino's last asset. After selling this, if he can restrain his prodigal steps, this asset can still let him Live the rest of your life smoothly!"

  Chu Huan smiled and waved his hands and said, "You think too much. It is impossible for a person who is used to luxury and money to stop. This person is useless!"

   Ma Jizu just nodded after listening, and didn't take the other party too seriously, but talked about another matter with Chu Huan.

   "Chairman, Lehman of Garlandi Bank knows that you are coming to Rio de Janeiro, and wants to come to visit you. Would you like to meet him?"

  The Lehman in Brazil has the same name as the Lehman Brothers in North America, but they have nothing to do with each other.

Lehman is a Brazilian who immigrated from Switzerland, and this Lehman, also known as the richest man in Brazil in the later period, was based on Galanti Bank. In 2004, Lehman and Thales, Scoop La co-founded Brazil's 3G Capital, and Oreo, Budweiser, Maxwell Coffee, Heinz Ketchup and other products are all companies acquired by 3G Capital.

   And Lehman, Thales, and Scubila are also known as the Three Musketeers of Brazil!

  Chu Huan did not answer Ma Jizu immediately, but asked Tanaka Anhui: "When is the meeting time for our appointment with Ma Shoudao?"

   Ma Shoudao, a very successful Chinese businessman in Brazil, took his wife and children from China to Brazil to start a business in 1957. He has been engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry in Nandahe and Minas for a long time, and founded the Good Confidence Group in Brazil.

  At its peak, Ma Shoudao owned a farm of 3,100 hectares in Brazil, of which 2,100 hectares were purchased and 1,000 hectares were leased.

  Annual output is 6 million kilograms of soybeans, 90 million kilograms of sugar cane, 3 million kilograms of corn, 8,000 dairy cows, and 6,000 liters of milk per day.

  With an annual output value of 17 million U.S. dollars and a net income of about 5.1 million U.S. dollars, he has become one of the richest people in Brazil.

   Lao Ma is called a "model farmer" by Brazilians and has won more than 30 awards from the federal, state and local governments.

  Of course, at this time, Ma Shoudao has not achieved such a great achievement.

   When Chu Huan saw him, he also wanted to know some specific things about Brazilian agriculture from his mouth.

  Tanaka Anhui accompanied Chu Huan to Brazil this time, not only responsible for Chu Huan's life problems, but also temporarily served as Chu Huan's secretary.

   "Ma Shoudao said that he will arrive in Rio de Janeiro tomorrow. The time to meet him, boss, is set at nine o'clock tomorrow morning! In addition, we have already made an appointment with Brazilian President João Figueiredo tonight!"

  Chu Huan thought for a while, and said to Ma Jizu: "Tell Lehman, I have time to meet him tomorrow afternoon!"

   "Okay!" Ma Jizu nodded.

  Lehman is a very studious capitalist. During the start-up and development stages of his business, he tried hard to find those people from whom he could draw nourishment.

   He would even visit them like a pilgrimage.

  These masters include the famous Japanese industrialist Konosuke Matsushita, retail industry guru Sam Walton, financial genius Warren Buffett and others.

Among them, it was after Warren Buffett’s visit that the two parties became very good friends. The two parties even joined forces in 2013 to acquire Heinz, the largest merger in the history of the food industry for US$28 billion. A classic case of LBO teaching materials.

  Chu Huan is the world's top business tycoon at this time, and Lehman will naturally not give up this pilgrimage opportunity when he comes to Brazil this time.

   Of course, there is another important reason, that is, their Galante Bank also has Ma Jizu's investment in the name of Alder Commercial Bank.

  Simply speaking, among the shareholders of Galante Bank, there is Alder Commercial Bank.

  The two parties can be regarded as a partnership.

   Then Ma Jizu called a Chinese man in his 30s.

   "I've worked hard for you here these past few years!"

   After seeing each other, Chu Huan smiled and said.

The man's name is Lin Yi. He was originally from the investigation department of Xiangjiang Jiaku. He was first recommended by Ma Jizu, and then Chu Huan was handed over to Han Yang for investigation. Finally, he was sent to Brazil three years ago to take over all of Ma Jizu's contacts in Brazil and manage Chu Huan's needs. various relationships.

"Chairman, if I admit to working hard, I really don't know what is good or bad." Lin Yi said with a smile: "Although Rio is not as good as Xiangjiang, there are not as many rules and regulations as Xiangjiang. In fact, I am here. It's still very comfortable to pass by, by the way, chairman, I have also learned how to play football!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Not only learned to play football, but also found a Brazilian wife and gave birth to a mixed-race child!"

  Lin Yi thanked earnestly: "I haven't thanked the chairman yet. If you hadn't ordered a doctor from North America directly at that time, the child and my wife might not be able to keep it!"

When Ji Dong's wife was pregnant, she was diagnosed with some heart disease. The child might be in trouble at the time of birth. At that time, Lin Yi told Chu Huan about this, and Chu Huan asked North America to transfer him overnight. With the help of top obstetricians and gynecologists and cardiologists, Lin Yi's wife and children were successfully preserved.

Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "Don't say such polite words to me. By the way, when the child goes to middle school in a few years, he can come to Xiangjiang to go to school. A Feng is about the same age as him. When the time comes We can go to school together!"

  Hearing what Chu Huan said, Lin Yi immediately smiled.

For people like Lin Yi, they all understand that Chu Shifeng is the eldest son of Chu Huan. According to the tradition of the Huaxia people, if there is no accident, Chu Huan's property will definitely be handed over to Chu Shifeng in the future, that is to say, Chu Shifeng He is the prince of Jiaku.

   And his son can go to school with Chu Shifeng. In ancient times, he would have been accompanied by the prince. As long as Chu Shifeng can successfully take over Jiaku, his son's status in Jiaku will definitely not be lowered in the future!

   "Thank you, Chairman, I will definitely let him learn Cantonese well!"

  My child grew up in Brazil and did not have a Cantonese learning environment, but this is not important. According to Lin Yi's current financial resources, it is too simple to find a Cantonese teacher for his child!

   "Yes!" Chu Huan nodded, and then said to Lin Yi: "Okay, now let's talk about Brazil's agriculture and iron mining industry!"

  The main reason for Chu Huan to come to Brazil this time is to develop agriculture and iron mining.

   Especially in agriculture.

Thanks to its geographical location and environment, Brazil is known as the granary of the world. According to the statistics of later generations, the high-quality fertile land that Brazil has developed has reached 388 million hectares, equivalent to 5.82 billion mu of arable land. Guarantee the minimum cultivated land area of ​​1.8 billion mu.

  The acreage and output of food crops such as coffee, soybeans, and corn rank among the top in the world. Every year, the export of grain alone creates huge foreign exchange income for Brazil.

   Among them, my hometown is an important exporter of Brazilian soybeans. In 2018 alone, my hometown imported 66.1 million tons of soybeans from Brazil, accounting for 3/4 of the total imports.

  World soybean prices can be said to be completely based on the situation in Brazil.

  Not to mention Brazil’s iron ore resources, the reason why Mitsui controls global steel prices is because of Mitsui’s shares in Brazil and Australia.

   "Brazil's agriculture adopts the operation mode of large manors. Farmers can lease or purchase large tracts of fertile land, and adopt modern agricultural operation mode for centralized management.

  Especially in the manors in the south, capital has already participated in the operation, adopting a centralized management model and a macro-coordination model, and the input is directly proportional to the output.

These capitals are dominated by the four major grain merchants of ABCD. They now control almost one-third of Brazil's grain production. If you, chairman, want to make a difference in Brazil, you will definitely fight with them. Fortunately, most of the farms are still in the hands of Brazilians or some scattered traders. As long as the price we offer is suitable, we can still buy them from them.

  However, if this is the case, the ABCD four major grain merchants will definitely interfere, and we still need their support in terms of technology and management! "

  The four major grain merchants of ABCD are ADM, Bunge, Cargill in North America, and Louis Dreyfus in France.

   Among them, the English name of Bunge is Bunge, the English name of Cargill is Cargill, and the English name of Louis Dreyfus is Louis Dreyfus, so these four major grain merchants are also called ABCD four major grain merchants.

  Global food prices are basically in their hands.

In the future, the four major grain chambers of commerce will optimize the allocation of resources around the world, build a huge network integrating planting, production and processing, warehousing and logistics, and sales, and present a large-scale operation, the entire industry chain, wide geographical distribution, and trade. West-East flow and other characteristics.

In terms of business scope, the four major grain merchants have their own focus. ADM focuses on research and development and biofuels. Bunge focuses on South America as the base for industrial chain layout. Cargill has a well-developed logistics system. Focus on risk management.

  However, on the basis of key development in the agricultural and food fields, they all strive to develop the entire industrial chain in depth, from farms, storage, transportation, processing, distribution, to sales terminals.

   In terms of geographical distribution, the four major grain merchants have entered 6 continents except Antarctica, including Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, South America and North America.

  However, the functions of each continent are different. North America and South America are mainly agricultural production and processing.

  Taking the crushing industry in Brazil as an example, according to the industry data of later generations, the four major grain merchants of ABCD have set up factories in Brazil to expand their capacity, and their crushing capacity has accounted for 54% of Brazil's total crushing capacity.

  Although they have already begun to deploy in Brazil at this time, they are not as huge as later generations. It is precisely this situation that gives Chu Huan the opportunity to enter Brazil's agriculture at this time.

   But even so, these four grain merchants still possess the most advanced technology and equipment in the field of global agriculture at this time!

  If Chu Huan wants to make a difference in this industry, then according to Chu Huan's size, he will definitely be backlogged by the four major grain merchants.

   "So, if we want to enter this industry smoothly, the best way is to beat the slow with the fast and catch the other party by surprise?"

  Chu Huan asked Lin Yi.

Ji Dong nodded, but at the same time he also had his own worries, and said: "This is indeed a solution, but such behavior will definitely make us spend more than we originally planned. In addition, even if we get these in Brazil At the same time, the land will also face the consequences of being suppressed by the four major grain merchants in terms of agricultural equipment!"

Now is not the era of information globalization, and the spread of news is not so fast. If Chu Huan can get the land he wants in a short time and become a big farmer in Brazil, then the four major grain merchants have not reacted. At the time, the acquisition had been completed this time.

Then this brings another problem, that is, if you want to complete this matter in a short period of time, then you will inevitably lack the time to negotiate with the Brazilian state level and those private farmers, and the consequences will naturally follow The purchase price will definitely be higher!

This is only a problem in the early stage. As Lin Yi said, the entire agricultural industry chain is now almost in the hands of the four major grain merchants, and their equipment is naturally the same. Even if they are not their subsidiaries, they have a deep relationship with them. Cooperative group.

   "Don't worry about the funding issue. Now is the best time to take over these lands. If you wait any longer, problems will easily arise."

  Chu Huan didn't care much about the extra funds spent.

  From a long-term perspective, the extra funds now are for the purpose of obtaining more benefits in the future.

  You must know that the current Brazil and South Korea are actually somewhat similar. These two countries are now in the period when the military government is in charge.

One advantage of being in charge of the military government is that their government is still considered tough. After Joao Figueiredo stepped down, when Jose Sarne, who succeeded Brazil's president, came to power, Brazil became a complete follower of North America. At that time, it was basically impossible for Chu Huan to seize more Brazilian farms from the hands of the four major grain merchants.

   "As for the problem on the device!"

  Chu Huan tapped on the table, thinking about the problems he was about to face.

   "I will contact Italy's Fiat Industrial Company and Japan's Kubota Company, and the problem with the equipment should be resolved by then!"

Chu Huan has a very strong influence in Italy and Japan. More importantly, although these two countries are also following the pace of North America, Chu Huan is not an ordinary person. It will bring Chu Huan a lot of trouble.

   But Chu Huan believes that with his influence in North America, he should be able to limit this trouble to the commercial scope. As long as this matter does not exceed the commercial scope, Chu Huan is not afraid of the pressure brought by the four major grain merchants.

   At worst, everyone will fight for capital!

  Chu Huan holds more than 100 billion US dollars in cash at this time, and Chu Huan is not afraid of the emergence of any capital!

   Seeing that Chu Huan had already decided on this matter, Lin Yi was smart enough not to say anything, but immediately said: "Understood, then I will arrange this matter now?"

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "Yes, in the initial stage we have to acquire at least 200,000 hectares of usable area in Brazil, understand?"

Lin Yi nodded and said: "No problem, chairman, don't worry, we have been in touch here since you ordered this matter years ago, since there is no problem with the price now, I promise to get it within two weeks , if you don’t succeed, you will directly dismiss me!”

  Chu Huan smiled and said, "Now let's talk about the iron mine problem!"

Lin Yi replied: "Many iron mines in Brazil are basically under the control of Vale, and there are also some scattered mines for sale, but their geographical divisions seem to be scattered, and it is difficult to obtain ore reserves. Compared with those minerals that are held in the hands of various mining companies.

The company has discussed it here. A better way is to acquire some small and medium-sized mining companies in Brazil first. The most important thing is to ensure that the minerals owned by these mining companies are close to each other. Merging them together for common management can also save us money! "

Chu Huan nodded after listening, but he also had his own opinion, saying: "Not only those small and medium-sized mining companies, but also those mines that are sold, and those that can be bought are also bought, don't think about them. After the purchase, they can be sealed up and not developed. In the future, these mines are likely to become bargaining chips for us to negotiate with other companies.

In addition, our own detection is indispensable. Although a lot of iron ore in Brazil has been discovered now, there must still be some that have not been discovered. If we can find large enough mineral resources, by then our There is one more trump card in hand! "

  Vale is a Brazilian state-owned enterprise, and it is impossible to acquire it. In addition, most of the large mining companies in Brazil also cooperate with Japanese and North American capital, such as Mitsui Gaochang who came to Brazil with Chu Huan.

  Mitsui & Co., Ltd. has been in the Brazilian iron ore field since the 1960s.

  Lin Yi nodded and said: "Understood, I will pass on your request, Chairman!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and said: "At this stage, whether it is agriculture or iron mining in Brazil, we must ensure the speed, otherwise in the future, more capital will enter and bring us more troubles. Worry about the money spent during this period, the money spent now, we will earn back in the future!"

  Agriculture and mining are new fields for Chu Huan. Even though Chu Huan has already started investing in Australia at this time, Chu Huan is still a newcomer in the field of iron ore.

  Since he is a newcomer, he must have the consciousness of a newcomer. If Chu Huan did not have so much funds in his hands, he would choose a gradual and less risky way.

   But it is different now, what Chu Huan has the most is cash, coupled with Chu Huan's global influence at this time, it can be said that Chu Huan is using an almost barbaric way to enter these two industries.

   But this is also Chu Huan's last chance. Although there are still problems in North America and the Soviet Union, looking at the business environment of the entire world, the 1980s can be said to be the most barbaric and disorderly era in the global business environment.

After the end of the 1980s, the development of various inherent fields in the world has actually entered a relatively stable period, and the industry giants in various industries have shown a monopoly posture. If you enter at that time, the degree of difficulty will be at least several times that of now above.

   Ma Jizu said: "Chairman, both mineral resources and agriculture have involved many security issues, especially in Brazil. I think we should strengthen the security level of our group in Brazil!"

  Brazil has never been a city of God. It is more appropriate to call this place the country of Satan. Take the place where Chu Huan lives as an example. To the west is the poor area of ​​Rio, where gunshots can be heard every day!

  Chu Huan asked, "What do you think?"

   Ma Jizu said: "I think we can set up a security company here. It is unrealistic to transfer our people from Xiangjiang. We can only rely on the strength here!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "No problem, let you handle this matter!"

   Ma Jizu said: "Okay, it's time to merge with our security companies in Europe and North America!"

  The business of Jiaku is too big, and the security issue has already been put on the agenda. As early as a few years ago, it has established its own security company in North America and Europe.

   There was even a period of time when Lin Feng suggested to Chu Huan that the local personnel recruited by the security company should be sent to Africa to train for a few years before returning to work!

  Chu Huan felt that this idea could be put on the agenda at this time!

   Also, correct the typo first and then change it, Huangshan continues to code~



  (end of this chapter)

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