MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 799 MacLehose departs (Happy New Years!)

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  Chapter 799 MacLehose leaves office (Happy New Year's Day!)

  The New Year in 1982 came very early, already in January.

   No. 12 Mount Kellett Road is also getting busier every year.

   After all, with the passage of time, the Chu family has more and more people.

However, the hustle and bustle of No. 12 Mount Kellett Road cannot be compared with the hustle and bustle of the Xiangjiang real estate industry. After the rapid development of the real estate industry last year, in 1982, at least at the beginning of the year, the Xiangjiang real estate industry could not see it. Get out of any slump.

And it was at this time that the Hong Kong government even launched a blockbuster. Just after the New Year, the Hong Kong government announced that it will launch a land king with an area of ​​144,000 square feet in the west of the Kangle Building in the Central District. It is the terminus of minibuses and minibuses in Central. It can be said that it is the center of the central commercial core area of ​​Hong Kong Island, and it is the king of land among the "land kings".

  As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge commotion in Xiangjiang. Central, as the financial center of Xiangjiang, rarely has such land here anymore.

   Immediately, Sun Hung Kai, New World, Cheung Kong, Henderson Land, Carrian, Xinhe, Great Eagle and other real estate companies announced that they would participate in this bidding.

  He Bingguang, Wen Mingzhang, and Qiao Yuehan also appeared in Chu Huan's office at the same time.

Although Chu Huan had already said last year that he would try to reduce the investment of Jiaku real estate companies in real estate projects, this land is too attractive. If it can be photographed, according to the current situation Based on the proportion of buildings in Central, a large building complex with a rental area of ​​more than 1.5 million square feet can be built here.

   Now the rent of Grade A office buildings in Central has reached HK$30 per square foot per month.

  If this is the case, the building complex built here can add 540 million Hong Kong dollars to the company's annual rent.

   This is still the current price, what if the price increases in the future?

Of course, Chu Huan knew what the three of them were thinking, and even Chu Huan knew better than them. This piece of land was actually the Exchange Square of Hongkong Land, which was auctioned by Landmark at a record price of 4.755 billion Hong Kong dollars. This piece of land, together with the funds for the construction of the Exchange Square, is fully invested at 8 billion Hong Kong dollars.

   And what about Exchange Square rents?

After experiencing the trough of Hong Kong's real estate industry in the 1980s, in 1987, the rent of Exchange Square was 31-35 Hong Kong dollars per square foot per month. In 1988, it rose to 55-62 Hong Kong dollars per square foot per month. In 1989, At that time, it directly climbed to HK$85 per square foot per month.

  In this century, the peak price was 110 Hong Kong dollars per square foot in 1994!

That is to say, if the real estate company of the Jiaku Department can win the land, the rent for the four years of 87, 88, 89, and 94 will bring the company back 5.157 billion Hong Kong dollars, plus the rent in the early 1990s In those few years, it basically paid back!

  But things didn’t work out that way. Back then, in another time and space, the land in the official trading square was almost overwhelmed by Landmark. Later, he sold his shares in HK Electric, which relieved his financial pressure.

   Moreover, the land price in Xiangjiang is obviously inflated at this time. If you win this land at this time, you don’t have to wait until next year. At the end of this year, you will be laughed at.

  However, even because of this, Chu Huan still decided to take the land, the reason is very simple, that is, if it is not taken at this time, the land will fall into the hands of other companies.

   This is not a matter of the subway company bidding for the development rights of the property above the subway station last year. Everyone knows the value of this land, and no one will give it up.

   Otherwise, in another time and space, Hongkong Land will not sell the shares of HK Electric, and then continue to let the Exchange Square project continue!

  So now even if Chu Huan knows that the price of this land is a bit inflated, he must take it down.

  And regarding this matter, Chu Huan has other plans.

   "Peace meeting, Landmark don't fight for this land, I'm going to let Zhulu Real Estate compete for this land!"

  Chu Huan sat there, preaching to the three of them calmly.

   Qiao Yuehan heard Chu Huan say this, although he was still a little bit reluctant, but he didn't say anything. After all, he also knew that the development focus of the peace conference was not actually on real estate.

Wen Mingzhang is different. The development focus of Hongkong Land is in Central, and now this land is next to the Recreation Center. If we can win this land, we can open up the connection between the Recreation Center and this land. In this case, Landmark is located in Central position will become stronger.

   "Chairman, Landmark."

  So Wen Mingzhang told Chu Huan what he thought in his heart, hoping to get Chu Huan's support.

Chu Huan naturally knew that if this piece of land fell into the hands of Hong Kong Land, what kind of benefits would it bring to Hong Kong Land? If it wasn't for the later development and Chu Huan's own calculations, he would definitely hand over this project to him if he died. Give land, but at least the current situation is not allowed!

   "I also understand what you mean, but now I have decided on this matter!"

  Wen Mingzhang wanted to say something else, but when he saw the displeasure in Chu Huan's eyes, he honestly shut up.

  Seeing this, Chu Huan calmly said: "As for the board of directors of the group, you can handle it yourself!"

  Wen Mingzhang could only nod seriously at this time.

  But at this time, Wen Mingzhang thought that he seemed to have guessed what Chu Huan meant. Unlike Zhulu Real Estate, Hehe International-Wheelock is a private company fully controlled by Chu Huan, while Landmark is a listed company.

  For ordinary people, such a listed company naturally has a lot of benefits, and can raise more funds in the stock market.

But thinking of his own boss, he owns two banks, one is a first-class commercial bank in North America, and the other is a top commercial bank group in Hong Kong. Under such circumstances, his boss is not short of money, so the listed company On the contrary, it has become a bad situation.

  For a fully-controlled company, all the profits are its own, and the profits of a listed company are nominally distributed to those shareholders.

  Now the land in Central, as long as it develops well, it must make money. Since it can make money, and my boss is not short of money, it is better to put all the profits in my own hands.

   "Okay, you two can leave now, I still have something to tell He Bingguang."

   Qiao Yuehan and Wen Mingzhang got up and left Chu Huan's office.

  At this moment, Chu Huan looked at He Bingguang with a smile and asked, "What do you think about this land?"

He Bingguang did not hesitate, and directly said: "As long as this land is well developed, it will definitely become a cornucopia, but the key point is that we can see this, and other real estate companies can also see it. It is conceivable that this The price of the land is definitely an astronomical figure!"

  After listening, Chu Huan also nodded and said, "Do you know why the group transferred 10% of the shares of Volkswagen International Investment in Carrian to Zhulu Real Estate in the middle of last year?"

  In October last year, Dazhong International Investment and Zhulu Real Estate, two group companies of the Jiaku department, completed an internal transaction.

  The subject of the transaction is that Volkswagen International invests 10% of Carrian's shares.

  But at that time, the entire Xiangjiang business community knew about the relationship between Dazhong International Investment and Zhulu Real Estate, so they didn't think much about this transaction.

  It is nothing more than the belief that Zhulu Real Estate itself is a real estate company, which can more easily control the direction of Carrian.

  But at this moment, Chu Huan suddenly asked He Bingguang about this matter, and He Bingguang knew that this matter must not be so simple.

   After thinking for a while, he asked.

   "Chairman, what do you mean for this time?"

  Chu Huan nodded and asked, "After a year of development, how much has Carrian's market value reached?"

He Bingguang replied: "According to today's opening price of Xiangjiang stock market, Carrian's market value has reached 9.758 billion Hong Kong dollars. Originally, this market value had already exceeded 10 billion, but during the period around the New Year, someone suddenly began to sell heavily. Carrian's stock several times, causing Carrian's stock price to drop a part!"

  About this point, Chu Huan naturally knew, because Zhao Yazhi and others were the ones who sold Carrian's stock.

   "Yes!" Chu Huan couldn't help sighing: "In just one year, Carrian's market value has increased by more than 3 times. This speed is also very rare in Xiangjiang's business history!"

  He Bingguang failed to understand what Chu Huan meant, so he could only echo in his voice: "This is also because of your sharp vision, Chairman. When Carrian just started to develop, you were already very optimistic about Carrian!"

  Chu Huan smiled and waved his hands and said: "This time bidding for the land in Central, Zhulu Real Estate will send out a signal that it must win, and the beginning of this signal is to ask the Xiangjiang business community about the sale of Carrian shares!"

  He Bingguang was stunned. He didn't expect Chu Huan to sell Carrian's shares?

  You must know that the entire Xiangjiang business community now believes that Carrian's development in the future is likely to reach a new level and become a giant in Xiangjiang.

  But now Chu Huan actually wants to sell Carrian's shares.

   Isn't this pushing out with a cornucopia?

   More importantly, Zhulu Real Estate holds 10% of Carrian's shares at this time and is one of Carrian's major shareholders. If Zhulu wants to sell their shares in Carrian, it will inevitably cause turmoil in Carrian's stock price.

   This is not worth the candle for them!

   "Chairman, the funds of the competition can fully support the start of this project in Zhonghuan?"

  He Bingguang couldn't help preaching.

Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "Of course I know that Zhulu has sufficient funds, but this has nothing to do with whether Zhulu has sufficient funds. If you don't sell Carrian's stocks at this time, it will be even more difficult to sell in the future! "

  Hearing what Chu Huan said, He Bingguang's expression suddenly changed. At this time, he thought of the order Chu Huan gave to Zhulu Real Estate last year to slow down the development of new real estate projects.

  Reminiscent of Chu Huan's decision at this time, he couldn't help asking Chu Huan: "Chairman, do you mean that Carrian will have problems in the future? Or is it that the real estate market in Xiangjiang is coming to a trough?"

When Chu Huan asked He Bingguang and others to reduce their investment in the real estate industry, he had already said that Xiangjiang's real estate industry was about to enter a new round of cycle. In order to reduce losses, the three major real estate groups under Jiaku reduced their real estate projects.

   Now Chu Huan is going to sell Carrian's shares again.

  He Bingguang couldn't help thinking this way.

In this regard, Chu Huan did not hide it, and said: "My analysis is like this. Xiangjiang's economic market is too easily affected by social events. Now the discussion between my hometown and England about the future of Xiangjiang It's getting stronger and stronger, we have to be prepared!"

  He Bingguang said in surprise: "If this is the case, what about the land we are auctioning now?"

Chu Huan showed a wry smile, and said helplessly: "The Hong Kong government is very smart and chose to take out this piece of land at this time, so even if we have analyzed that there will be major changes in the real estate market in Xiangjiang in the future, we still have to sell this piece of land. Take it down."

  He Bingguang now understood what Chu Huan meant.

  Why did Dazhong International Investment sell its shares in Carrian to Jinglu Real Estate in the first place, and why did it ask Jinglu Real Estate to bid for the land in Central on behalf of Jiaku at this time.

   In fact, all this is planned.

   "Chairman, I understand what you mean, I will try my best to make Carrian's stock price drop less!"

  Chu Huan nodded in satisfaction, smiled and said, "Let's deal with this matter!"


  Fanling, Royal Golf Course.

  Chu Huan and MacLehose were wearing sweatshirts and baseball caps, walking on the golf course, with the caddy in charge of picking up the **** behind them.

   "I'm afraid I won't have the chance to play with Director Chu again in the future!"

  MacLehose preached with some emotion.

  He took office in 1971 and left in 1982. MacLehose ended his term as Hong Kong Governor and will return to London!

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Lord Governor of Hong Kong is wrong. You just left Xiangjiang. You also know that I still have a lot of business in London. Can we play golf in London by then?"

   "Haha!" MacLehose couldn't help laughing, and said, "That's right, what I just said was not rigorous!"

   Speaking of this, MacLehose stood still, and couldn't help asking Chu Huan: "Director Chu, what do you think people in Xiangjiang will evaluate me as the Governor of Hong Kong in the future?"

  Chu Huan also stopped his footsteps, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I think future generations of Xiangjiang people will definitely say that MacLehose is the best British governor in Hong Kong history!"

  MacLehose first showed a gratified expression. If other people said so, MacLehose might smile politely at the other party, and then don't take it seriously.

  But now that the person who said this is Chu Huan, the situation is completely different.

  I am the number one person in Xiangjiang in name, but the young man in front of me is actually the number one person in Xiangjiang.

   Being able to get such an evaluation from Chu Huan made MacLehose very happy.

  However, MacLehose also heard Chu Huan's other meanings, and asked: "So, Director Chu, do you believe that Xiangjiang will definitely return to Huaguo's embrace afterward?"

  Chu Huan did not hide his thoughts at this time, but said with a smile: "Master Governor, you have been to the capital, shouldn't you be more clear about this matter than me?"

  McLehose shook his head and said: "Hua Guo's attitude is Hua Guo's attitude. I think you should know the significance of Xiangjiang to England. Yinglun will not allow Xiangjiang to leave!"

Chu Huan chuckled, and said, "It's not what it used to be now, and Yinglun is not what it used to be. I just don't want to lose Xiangjiang Yinglun, but it doesn't mean I can't lose it. Xiangjiang must take it back to Huaguo. The difference in the field actually represents the future direction of Xiangjiang."

  MacLehose couldn't help but said: "I know that Huaguo is now doing its best to develop its own economy. Under such circumstances, if something bad happens, can Huaguo accept this loss?"

  Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Master Governor, you forgot one thing!"

   "What is it?" MacLehose asked curiously.

Chu Huan said: "That is the current group of old people in Huaguo. They are old people who came out of the war years. They have the courage to overthrow and rebuild, and they also have this courage. It would be a big mistake."

  McLehose didn't speak for a long time, and finally asked suddenly: "Mr. Chu, I remember that your business in England is not small, and your development is also made in Xiangjiang. Is Xiangjiang's current situation not good?"

  Chu Huan chuckled lightly and said, "Master Hong Kong Governor, you must not have forgotten what happened when Jiaku acquired the land, right?"

   MacLehose laughed, and never said anything about it again.

  Chu Huan didn't say anything more, the two just played ball and chatted casually, and finally ended the meeting.

   While leaving, MacLehose suddenly said to Chu Huan: "Director Chu, I'm afraid your Jiaku's business in Xiangjiang will not go so smoothly in the future!"

  Chu Huan laughed lightly, and said, "Master Governor of Hong Kong, please worry about Sir Youde!"

  England has confirmed MacLehose's successor, Sir Youde!

  He will also join Xiangjiang this year.

  In fact, Chu Huan understood what MacLehose meant. If Xiangjiang's problem really turned around, Yinglun must take action.

   As the first representative of Chinese businessmen in Xiangjiang, Chu Huan will definitely suppress Chu Huan's business due to political factors!

   But at this time, Chu Huan is no longer the Chu Huan of a few years ago. Although the sinking plan of Jiaku has been going on, it seems that there is no news about Jiaku in the market.

   But in fact, the influence of Jiaku in Xiangjiang at this time has far exceeded that of a few years ago.

   After being stunned for a moment, MacLehose suddenly smiled wryly and said, "I forgot, if there is no nod from Mr. Chu for some policies of Hong Kong now, I am afraid no one will listen to them after leaving the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, right?"

  Chu Huan said calmly: "Master Hong Kong Governor, in the final analysis, I am just a businessman, and I want to develop my own business empire in Xiangjiang.

But there is a saying that I think you must have heard, Lord Governor of Hong Kong, that is to block people's money is like killing their parents. For us Chinese, this is the greatest hatred. Xiangjiang's economy is good, and the development of Jiaku will be good. On the contrary, the same is true. If the development of Jiaku is not good, Xiangjiang's economy will definitely have problems. At such a moment, the British side should pay more attention to Xiangjiang's economic development, right? "

  MacLehose didn’t say anything anymore. In fact, the meaning of both parties has been clarified.

   There is no need to say anything more.

   "No matter what, the cooperation with Mr. Chu these years has been very pleasant. I hope we will still be friends when we meet in the future!"

  MacLehose extended his hand to Chu Huan!

  Chu Huan also stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "We will definitely be friends!"

  The two got into their respective cars, and the two cars drove in different directions.


  The news that Zhulu Real Estate was about to sell its shares in Carrian quickly spread in Xiangjiang. Just as He Bingguang was worried, as soon as the news came out, Carrian's stock price fell by 3.78% instantly.

Soon, Zhulu Real Estate issued a statement that the sale of Carrian's stock was not because Zhulu Real Estate was not optimistic about Carrian's development, but because Zhulu Real Estate wanted to fight for the piece of land in Central, so it could only sell Carrian's stock. Stocks for cash.

  After this statement came out, the decline in Carrian's stock price was alleviated, but at the same time it also brought a greater shock to the business community in Xiangjiang.

   Will competing real estate be short of money?

   You must know that as the first real estate group of the Jiaku Group, since the day when Zhulu Real Estate was established, no one seemed to have heard that Zhulu Real Estate would be short of money.

   In this regard, the explanation given by Zhulu Real Estate is that the land in Central this time needs at least 4 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash according to the current land price in Xiangjiang.

  Such a huge amount of cash is dwarfed by even the real estate company.

  As soon as this explanation came out, everyone immediately thought of the sudden reduction in real estate project development of Zhulu Real Estate last year, which made them connect the two things together.

   But soon, there were other voices about this matter. Even if Zhulu Real Estate may have difficulties in cash flow due to delays in some projects, the parent company of Zhulu Real Estate, Jiaku, shouldn’t be short of money?

   After all, Jiaku also owns Alder Commercial Bank and Jiaku Bank, two major banking groups.

   Regarding this, Zhulu Real Estate issued a statement again, stating that Zhulu Real Estate is an independent development group, and should be responsible for its own financial situation, and should not always think of relying on blood transfusions from the parent company to survive!

   To know that a company has a healthy financial situation, this is a red line that must not be crossed!

   This explanation was reluctantly accepted by the outside world.

  But soon, there were rumors about Xiangjiang's market.

  The reason why Jiaku did not support Zhulu Real Estate in cash in this matter was not because Zhulu Real Estate wanted to maintain a healthy financial situation. In fact, the main problem was that Jiaku’s overseas investment in the past two years was really too large.

  Just the investment of Bank A in Brazil, Australia, and Canada has exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars. With such a huge investment, even if Bank A is rich, there will be difficulties in capital turnover.

   Not to mention, the funds spent by Xiangjiang Jiaku when Xiangjiang acquired Jardine before!

  As soon as this explanation came out, the business community in Xiangjiang basically agreed with the situation that Jiaku did not have much cash flow at this time.

   As for Jiaku’s investment in his hometown, although Hu Yingxiang already knew about it, Hu Yingxiang did not disclose it to the outside world. In addition, the two investments of Jiaku are still in the confidential stage at this time, and Xiangjiang does not know.

  Of course, the investment of Jiaku in Brazil, Australia, and Canada is still only known to people in the business community of Xiangjiang. As for Xiangjiang media, it has not reported this matter.

   It was a special greeting from the public relations department of Jiaku.

   It is precisely because of this greeting that more people believe in this matter.

Those who wanted to compete for the land in Central began to scratch their heads at this time. In order to obtain this land, Zhulu Real Estate sold their shares in the listed company in a rare way. It can be seen that Zhulu Real Estate attaches great importance to this matter, which makes many people Start recalculating your own list price.

   But some people are very worried!

   This person is Chen Songqing.

   "Last year, we were worried that Chu Huan bought our group's shares because he wanted to buy our company's shares in the future, but we didn't expect Chu Huan to sell our company's shares now!"

  At this time, Chen Songqing was sitting in his office with an angry expression on his face.

  He has reason to be angry, because Chen Songqing knows Carrian's situation better than anyone else. If Carrian's stock price drops significantly because of this incident, then his entire Carrian business empire may collapse.

   It can be said that the stock price is the lifeline of Carrian.

  Although Zhulu Real Estate has issued multiple statements in succession, and indicated that they are optimistic about the development of Carrian, it is an indisputable fact to sell Carrian's stock.

  One of the important reasons why Carrian's development was so smooth and the stock price soared last year is that there is a warehouse that endorses Carrian.

  Even Jiaku is optimistic about our development, why do you not optimistic about our development of Carrian?

   This is what Carrian's staff often say to the outside world!

   But now his endorser is gone, which is obviously not a good thing for Carrian's future development.

  If at this time someone follows Zhulu Real Estate and sells Carrian's stock, the consequences will be unimaginable.

   But at the same time, Chen Songqing had to ensure that someone would take over the carrian shares held by Chalu Real Estate in the shortest possible time!

It is said that Carrian is now the fastest growing company in Xiangjiang, and also the company with the best development prospects. Now there is a group selling Carrian's stock in a big way. If no one takes over the order, doesn't it mean that everyone is not optimistic about Carrian development?

  Thinking of this, Chen Songqing immediately told Zhuang Yongcheng: "Help me contact Chu Huan, Luo Yingshi from Yingjun, and Roy Bentley from HSBC. I want to see them in the shortest possible time!"

Zhuang Yongcheng couldn't understand what Chen Songqing meant. He could understand when contacting Chu Huan and Roy Bentley. Contacting Chu Huan was nothing more than negotiating about buying Carrian stocks, and contacting HSBC was about buying Carrian stocks with a loan. But what does Luo Yingshi who contacted Great Eagle Real Estate do?

  Chen Songqing saw that Zhuang Yongcheng did not execute his order immediately, and the city was dissatisfied and said: "What are you still doing?"

  Zhuang Yongcheng reacted now, and hurriedly contacted the offices of these three people to find a time to meet!

   Soon, Zhuang Yongcheng ended the three phone calls and said: "Chu Huan has time to see you this afternoon, Luo Yingshi has an appointment tonight, and tomorrow morning you can go to see Roy Bentley!"

If there is no accident, the book will be finished this month. It should be around the middle of the month. Huangshan has been reading the whole book recently. One is to fill in the pits, but to have a happy ending, and to be able to write the final ending. Huangshan is going to change and update chapters again. In the last half month, there will be a chapter every day. I hope everyone understands!



  (end of this chapter)

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