MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 803 My rules are rules (7K large

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  Chapter 803 My rules are rules (7K chapters, please subscribe~)

  The next day, Chen Boqiang, who didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, came to Youyu Records!

  Yes, Chen Boqiang is also a signed singer of Youyu Records.

  As always, I came to the company's recording studio, preparing to record new songs for my new album.

   As a result, as soon as he walked to the door of the recording studio, he was stopped by the company's assistant.

   "Danny, the manager has something to ask you!"

   Chen Boqiang said with some reluctance: "I still have to record a new song!"

   "The manager said that you can record the song later, and asked you to go to her office as soon as you arrive at the company!"

  Chen Boqiang reluctantly followed his assistant to the artist manager's office.

  The artist manager of Youyu Records is called Wu Zhengyuan, yes, she is Lin Zixiang's first wife. In another time and space, Wu Zhengyuan was the general manager of Warner Music Xiangjiang District, but now Wu Zhengyuan is the general manager of the artist department of Youyu Records.

  Actually at this time, Wu Zhengyuan and Lin Zixiang were married, but they were registered in North America, and not many people in Xiangjiang knew about it.

   "Danny, have you offended someone during this time?"

  Wu Zhengyuan preached angrily after seeing Chen Boqiang.

Chen Boqiang was stunned for a moment, thinking about what happened last night, but after thinking about it, it just happened last night, and he did nothing wrong, so he shook his head and said, "No, sister Yuan, you know me, I seldom argue with people!"

Before that, Wu Zhengyuan believed in this, and to be honest, he was also very optimistic about Chen Boqiang and Wu Zhengyuan. This singer has a natural nobility, which is very attractive to young girls, and Chen Boqiang's voice quality is also very good. Very good.

   Now he has become the representative singer of the company's Mesozoic era. Among the company's Mesozoic singers, apart from Alan Tam, Chen Boqiang is the only one!

   Wu Zhengyuan believes that relying on the company's resources, Chen Boqiang can become a top singer in Xiangjiang in less than two years, and it will not be a problem to promote it to Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and other places.

   As a result, as soon as he went to work today, Wu Zhengyuan received a call from Zheng Donghan.

   Zheng Donghan made it very clear on the phone that the company has temporarily suspended all activities of Chen Boqiang, and the new album being recorded is also temporarily suspended.

  The meaning of this order is very clear, the company is going to block Chen Boqiang!

  Chen Boqiang is now a singer highly praised by the company, and his resources can be compared with the two generations of groups. For such a singer, the company actually wants to block it?

   Wu Zhengyuan naturally couldn't understand, so he immediately came to Zheng Donghan's office to ask the specific reason.

   And Zheng Donghan told Wu Zhengyuan helplessly at the time that he didn't know the reason for this matter, but he just received a call from his superiors, and they could only obey this decision.

  Now Wu Zhengyuan just wants to know from Chen Boqiang's mouth what kind of person the other party has offended. If possible, Wu Zhengyuan still wants to save Chen Boqiang.

   After all, she is very optimistic about Chen Boqiang's future development.

   It's just Chen Boqiang's answer now, which makes her a little bit blind.

"Danny, think about it carefully. This matter is not easy. If you offend a big man, I can still go to the chairman. I believe that as long as the chairman supports you, no matter what you offended in Xiangjiang People, nothing will happen!"

  Wu Zhengyuan came to the rescue last.

  Chen Boqiang couldn't help but asked Wu Zhengyuan: "Sister Yuan, what happened?"

  Wu Zhengyuan told Chen Boqiang the news he had received from Zheng Donghan.

  Chen Boqiang fell into silence after listening to it. If he didn't think that it was Chu Huan who blocked him at this time, he would be too stupid!

   But in fact, Chu Huan did not officially ban Chen Boqiang.

  Just after returning to the company today, I told Xu Yi to inform Zheng Donghan to let Chen Boqiang rest for a while, and at the same time, let Xu Yi do another thing.

  When the two things were connected together, Xu Yi didn't dare to underestimate this matter.

   And when Xu Yi told Zheng Donghan about Chu Huan's decision to deal with Chen Boqiang, it became a big deal after this kind of thing fell into Zheng Donghan's ears.

"Sister Yuan, don't bother with this matter. Since the company wants to let you take a break, then I'll take a break. It just so happens that I haven't been home for a long time, so I'll just go home and see Mommy and Dad today." !"

  At this time, Chen Boqiang didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. As Chen Boqiang said yesterday, he would stop singing at worst.

  Although he was not born in a big house, the assets of the family can still guarantee that Chen Boqiang will have a worry-free life.

  After leaving the company, Chen Boqiang drove back to his home alone, and was a little surprised when he saw only his mother at home.

   Today is the weekend, according to past experience, my father should also be at home.

   But no one was there, and Chen Boqiang didn't care. In fact, it was better. After all, Chen Boqiang and his father always quarreled, which is why Chen Boqiang didn't want to live here.

   "Danny, why do you have time to come over today?" Mother Chen said happily after seeing Chen Boqiang.

  Chen Boqiang didn't want his mother to worry, and said with a smile: "It happens that the company has nothing to do today, so I'll come back to see you!"

  Mother Chen sat on the sofa holding Chen Boqiang's hand, and asked with concern, "Have you been wronged in the company?"

  My son knew that there must be something wrong with Chen Boqiang's sudden return. It was because of his child's sensitive personality, that's why Chen's mother asked such a question.

  Chen Boqiang said with a smile: "No, I just want to come back to see you, what? If you are unhappy, then I will go back!"

   "Go back? Where else do you want to go? You still want to go back after causing me so much trouble?"

  At this time, Chen Boqiang's father, Chen Pengfei, walked in with an angry expression.

  The descendants of Chen Pengfei may not have much impression of them, but in Xiangjiang at this time, the name Chen Pengfei still has a certain degree of popularity.

  Especially in the hearts of watch fans in Xiangjiang, Chen Pengfei’s name is like a thunderbolt.

  The Jinbao watch shop founded by Chen Pengfei in Central also operates a variety of famous watches with collection value in Xiangjiang.

  In fact, strictly speaking, Chen Pengfei was still an employee of Chu Huan, because in the early days, Chen Pengfei was the manager of Lane Crawford's watch department.

   Later, with the help of Pan Dickson's father, Pan Jinxi, he founded Jinbao Watch Company.

Seeing his father come back, without saying a word, he came up to reprimand himself, Chen Boqiang said with some dissatisfaction: "What did I do? I didn't work in your watch company, how could I mess with you?" Are you in trouble?"

Chen Pengfei scolded angrily: "You are still stubborn. If you hadn't offended Chu Huan from Jiaku, we would have received a call from Landmark today, announcing that we would increase the rent of our store next year. Even Pan Jinxi called, saying that he wanted to withdraw his shares. Our watch business, do you know that these two things can directly bankrupt our family?"

Just this morning, Chen Pengfei was going to stay here for the weekend, but after receiving a phone call from the watch shop and rushing over there, he found out about the two phone calls from Zhidi and Pan Jinxi, and at the same time, he also knew the reason for the incident .

   Originally wanted to come back and asked Chen Boqiang's mother to call Chen Boqiang back, but he didn't expect that Chen Boqiang was already here.

   After Chen Boqiang heard what his father said, he was also stunned.

   "Well, how could Chu Huan do this?"

  Chen Boqiang really didn't expect at this time that he just expressed his dissatisfaction with Chu Huan last night, which resulted in such a big incident.

  With his acting career gone, Chen Boqiang doesn't have to care, because he knows he still has a way out.

  But now, the back road I thought of seems to be cut off soon.

  Finally at this moment, Chen Boqiang finally realized how big a mistake he made yesterday!

Seeing Chen Boqiang's reaction, Chen Pengfei knew that his son had indeed offended Chu Huan, and said angrily: "I don't care about the unhappiness between you and Chu Huan, now you go with me to the Chinese Please ask for Chu Huan's forgiveness, if Chu Huan doesn't forgive you, our family will be ruined!"

   At the end, Chen Pengfei was trembling a little!

  I seem to be considered a top figure in the watch collection industry, and my family can be considered to have some money, but it depends on who you compare with!

  Compared with ordinary people, their family is naturally rich.

  But compared to someone like Chu Huan, at best he has just escaped poverty.

   After all, the young master has been doing this for a long time, and Chen Boqiang has a little temper. When he heard that his father wanted to take him to apologize to Chu Huan.

   This made Chen Boqiang's self-esteem unbearable!

   "I won't go, whoever you want to go, anyway, I won't go!"

   After finishing speaking, Chen Boqiang turned his head and walked out of the living room, ready to leave. Naturally, Chen Pengfei couldn't let Chen Boqiang leave like this.

  He reached out his hand to grab Chen Boqiang, but at this moment, Chen Boqiang was the most angry, so Chen Pengfei naturally couldn't hold Chen Boqiang.

   Not only did he fail to grab Chen Boqiang, but he was brought by Chen Boqiang and fell to the ground immediately.

   "Master, master!" Seeing this situation, Chen Boqiang's mother hurried forward in fright. Chen Boqiang, who wanted to leave, also hurried back to check the situation.


  Chu Huan naturally didn't know about the Chen family's affairs. In fact, the punishment of Chen Boqiang was nothing worth mentioning in Chu Huan's view.

  Although Chu Huan did not attend the unveiling ceremony of Sun Hung Kai’s financial reorganization of Sun Hung Kai Bank, he still gave a gift.

   With the establishment of Sun Hung Kai Bank, March has passed.

   When the time came to April, Xiangjiang ushered in another important event.

  After entering April, Dong Haoyun's OOCL has been promoting the news that their 150th luxury cruise ship "Charter" will be launched on Taiwan Island.

  Dong Haoyun has a shipping company in Taiwan, and the Charter was also built by a shipyard in Kaohsiung.

   "Taiwan Island still attaches great importance to Dong Haoyun's 'Charter' launching ceremony, and invited many dignitaries to attend!" Xu Yi said to Chu Huan.

   "And according to rumors, Morocco's Prince Rainier and Princess Ji Li will arrive in Xiangjiang on the 17th of this month, and then go to Kaohsiung with Dong Haoyun to participate in the launching ceremony of the 'Charter'!"

  Moroccan princess Keely was a popular actress in Hollywood before becoming a princess, and later Nicole Kidman also starred in her biopic!

  The luxury cruise ship "Charter" owned by OOCL was actually named by Ji Li, but this Moroccan princess will die in a car accident this year!

  The reason why Xu Yi reported this matter to Chu Huan was because Dong Haoyun sent an invitation to Chu Huan, hoping that on the 17th of this month, Chu Huan could go to Kaohsiung with them to participate in the launching ceremony of the "Charter".

   This is Chu Huan's card in this period. Although Chu Huan has been refusing to attend such occasions, Xiangjiang will definitely invite Chu Huan whenever there is such an occasion.

  If Chu Huan agrees on a whim, then those organizers will count as copying.

   "Boss, Dong Haoyun is still very enthusiastic this time. He has made three phone calls in succession. It seems that if you disagree, he will definitely invite you in person!"

  Xu Yi preached to Chu Huan.

  Chu Huan nodded, and said: "Accept his invitation. Anyway, it is on Taiwan Island. The protagonists will also be Dong Haoyun and the prince of Morocco!"

  Seeing that Chu Huan actually agreed!

   This surprised Xu Yi a little, but Xu Yi is good at this. Although he was surprised by Chu Huan's decision, if Chu Huan didn't say it himself, she would definitely not ask.

   "I don't know if I can participate this time!"

  Chu Huan sat on the sofa and thought silently, participating in the launching ceremony of Dong Haoyun's "Charter" was not because Dong Gongzi would become the first person in Xiangjiang later!

  To be honest, the reason why Mr. Dong became the number one person in Xiangjiang is not because Mr. Dong is capable. The real reason is that Mr. Dong is a representative jointly promoted by the business circles of Xiangjiang.

  Xiangjiang returned. At that time, the hometown gave Xiangjiang a lot of freedom. In order to ensure that Xiangjiang’s economy would not experience a major decline, Dong Gongzi, a representative of Xiangjiang’s business community, was appointed as the first person in Xiangjiang.

   Now it can be said bluntly that Chu Huan represents the Xiangjiang business community!

  So in the following things, whether Mr. Dong will become the first person in Xiangjiang depends on Chu Huan's intention!

  But this time Chu Huan still chose to go to Taiwan Island to participate in the launching ceremony of the "Charter" of OOCL. In fact, the main reason is to see if Dong Haoyun can survive this test.

  In another time and space, Dong Haoyun passed away on the 15th of this month.

  At that time, the prince and princess of Morocco arrived in Xiangjiang. Since they were going to Taiwan Island to participate in the launching ceremony of the "Charter", they naturally wanted to meet Dong Haoyun.

  In addition, Dong Haoyun is actually the honorary consul of Morocco!

But it happened to be such an identity. When the Moroccan prince and princess arrived in Hong Kong, Dong Haoyun was notified that he could not go to the airport to meet the Moroccan prince and princess. The reason was that the Hong Kong government considered political reasons. Officials have many connections.

  When the Xiangjiang matter had not yet settled, the British side did not want to stimulate the hometown side with this kind of matter.

  In fact, it can be seen that before Dong Haoyun, their family was more connected with Taiwan and the island!


   While Chu Huan was waiting to see Dong Haoyun's ending in the middle of this month, He Chaoqiong found Chu Huan.

"How did you come?"

  Chu Huan sat in the office, looking at He Chaoqiong who came in a hurry and asked curiously.

  He Chaoqiong definitely didn't want to see Chu Huan just because he wanted to. She first came to the Chinese Bank and reported to Chu Huan through the secretary department, and Chu Huan knew that He Chaoqiong was here.

He Chaoqiong still regretted it very much at this time. She originally wanted to introduce Chen Boqiang and Zhang Guoying to Chu Huan that night. Status, he will definitely leave the entertainment industry in the future.

  But if Chen Boqiang and Zhang Guoyi can get to know Chu Huan through this opportunity, then their positions in the entertainment industry will be extremely stable in the future!

  But what He Chaoqiong didn't expect was that Chen Boqiang would be mad at Chu Huan that night, which suddenly turned into a bad thing with good intentions.

   Chen Boqiang was not only blocked by his own company, but even his father made him sick.

  After He Chaoqiong found out about this matter today, she hurried to find Chu Huan.

   "Brother Huan, Danny really knows that he was wrong this time, so please forgive him this time, please?"

  Chu Huan, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at He Chaoqiong curiously, and asked with a smile, "Your father agreed to the matter between you and Chen Boqiang?"

  He Chaoqiong couldn't understand Chu Huan's meaning for a while, and subconsciously asked, "What's the matter with Danny?"

   But He Chaoqiong is such a smart person. After asking, he immediately understood what Chu Huan meant, and his face blushed immediately as he preached.

   "Brother Huan, what are you talking about, Danny and I are very good friends, nothing else!"

  Chu Huan just smiled lightly at this. As for the relationship between He Chaoqiong and Chen Boqiang, since Chu Huan didn't want to do anything to He Chaoqiong, then the relationship between the two of them has nothing to do with Chu Huan.

"Let's leave it at that for Chen Pengfei. You can tell him that the rent of their Jinbao watch shop will not change. As for Pan Jinxi's matter, let him solve it by himself. In the end, Chen Boqiang? Don't let him mess around in the entertainment industry! "

  Chu Huan took action to clean up Chen Pengfei's family. In fact, there was not much personal grievance in it, but more of an attitude. Chen Boqiang dared to challenge himself.

  If he does nothing on his own side, others will follow his example. Chu Huan will not allow such a thing to happen. Although it is easy to solve, it is very troublesome!

   Now that the meaning of the lesson has come, the reason for withdrawing the attack on Chen Pengfei is that everyone is from the Xiangjiang business community, and it is impossible to really kill them all.

  But Chen Boqiang must get the lesson he deserves.

In fact, leaving the entertainment industry is not entirely a bad thing for Chen Boqiang. His sensitive personality is not suitable for the entertainment industry at all. His death in another time and space, although he was stimulated by the wedding of He Chaoqiong and Xu Jinheng , but if there is no disturbance in the Xiangjiang entertainment circle, it should not be so.

   "If you want to marry into a wealthy family and reach the sky in one step, you have failed. Someone married the same wealthy family!"

   There must have been a lot of such hidden language attacks in the entertainment circle at that time!

  So in Chu Huan's opinion, it's better for this master to leave the entertainment industry. As for the relationship between him and He Chaoqiong, it has nothing to do with Chu Huan.

   "Brother Huan, how about asking Danny to apologize to you in person, he really likes to sing!"

  He Chaoqiong preached a little unwillingly, she didn't want Chen Boqiang to leave the Xiangjiang entertainment circle.

  Chu Huan chuckled. To put it bluntly, even if he called Chen Boqiang, who was at the peak of his popularity, he was not qualified to meet with Chu Huan, let alone now.

"I like to sing. When I have nothing to do, I go to the karaoke hall to sing. No one stops him!" Seeing that He Chaoqiong still wanted to intercede for Chen Baiqiang, Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Okay, this matter is settled like this It can't be changed anymore!"

  When He Chaoqiong saw what Chu Huan said, he knew that there was no room for further discussion on this matter.

  I could only get up and preach: "Okay, Brother Huan, I'll leave first!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Yes!"


  He Chaoqiong, who left the Chinese business, came to the hospital and saw Chen Pengfei on the hospital bed, and Chen Pengfei's family members in the ward.

   "Pansy, why are you here? Didn't I tell you that you don't need to come here?"

   Seeing He Chaoqiong approaching, Chen Boqiang stood up in embarrassment, came to He Chaoqiong's side, and asked.

  Chen Boqiang didn't want He Chaoqiong to come here at this time, because of his own reasons, the family business he provoked was about to go bankrupt, and his father was even hospitalized.

  Under such circumstances, other members of the Chen family naturally criticized Chen Boqiang. In fact, before He Chaoqiong came, the members of the Chen family were already denouncing Chen Boqiang.

  Chen Boqiang didn't want He Chaoqiong to see himself like this.

  He Chaoqiong said: "We are good friends. Now that my uncle is hospitalized, I naturally want to come and see him!"

   While talking, He Chaoqiong came to the bedside, looked at Chen Pengfei lying on the bed, and said with concern: "Uncle Chen, I'm sorry, I just found out about this, I should have come to see you earlier!"

  Compared to He Hongshen not wanting his daughter to be with Chen Boqiang, Chen Pengfei very much hopes that Chen Boqiang can be with He Chaoqiong.

  Different families view this matter differently.

   "It's not a big deal, it's not a big deal. I asked Pansy to make a trip in person, which will delay your work?" Chen Pengfei tried to get up.

  Other members of the Chen family saw this and rushed to help.

He Chaoqiong smiled and said: "It should be, and I happened to be with Mr. Chu when I came here. He was also very concerned about Uncle Chen when he heard about you. He also asked me to tell you about the rent increase mentioned earlier. The thing is that the people under him will get it wrong, there is no such thing at all."

   "Really?" Chen Pengfei asked excitedly: "Dong Chu really said that?"

  He Chaoqiong nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, Mr. Chu told me himself, can there be anything wrong with this!"

   Just when Chen Pengfei wanted to say thank you to He Chaoqiong, he knew that it was definitely not the fault of Chu Huan's subordinates. The reason why Chu Huan was able to let their Chen family go should be He Chaoqiong's help to intercede!

  But just when Chen Pengfei was about to speak, Chen Boqiang in the ward suddenly broke out, came to He Chaoqiong, grabbed He Chaoqiong's arm, and walked outside the ward!

   "Let go, let go, you hurt me!" He Chaoqiong walked out of the ward and shook off Chen Boqiang's hand, looking at Chen Boqiang strangely, she had never seen Chen Boqiang like this before.

But at this time, Chen Boqiang was obviously already angry, and asked He Chaoqiong loudly: "Who told you to go to Chu Huan? I broke this matter by myself. I can solve it myself. What's the matter with you?" ?”

  He Chaoqiong forgot the pain in her wrist, and looked at Chen Boqiang in more surprise. She really couldn't understand why Chen Boqiang suddenly became like this.

   "We are friends, now you have difficulties here, shouldn't I help you? Why are you so excited?"

  Chen Baiqiang said: "I know, you just think I'm incompetent, Chu Huan can block me and my family with just a word, I don't need you to pity me!"

  He Chaoqiong was stunned. When did he say that Chen Boqiang was incompetent?

However, seeing Chen Boqiang who looked like a madman at this time, He Chaoqiong still patiently said to Chen Boqiang: "Our family has some business contacts with Chu Huan, and I know Chu Huan and I are good friends. This matter Isn't it more reasonable for me to help you solve the matter?"

   "What's reasonable, I know you just look down on me, not as capable as Chu Huan!" Chen Boqiang has completely fallen into his own world at this time, and can't listen to anyone's words!

  He Chaoqiong has never seen such a Chen Boqiang. In her memory, Chen Boqiang is always a humble and refined existence. Today's appearance even makes He Chaoqiong a little scared!

   "Your mood is a little unstable now, let's talk about this matter after you calm down!"

   As I said before, He Chaoqiong didn't like Chen Boqiang at this time, at most he regarded Chen Boqiang as a very good friend.

As the gambling king's daughter, she also has a temper. She kindly helped Chen Boqiang solve their family's troubles. Not only did she not get Chen Boqiang's thanks, but Chen Boqiang reprimanded her. Such a result is not what He Chaoqiong would like to see of.

  So after throwing down a sentence coldly, he turned around and left!

  Looking at He Chaoqiong who left, Chen Boqiang suddenly punched the wall of the hospital corridor!


  Because there were a lot of things to deal with today, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening when Chu Huan left the Chinatown.

  Chu Huan, who got out of the Chinatown by car, directly asked Han Yang to drive to a food stall that Chu Huan often goes to between the Chinatown and No. 12 Mount Kellett Road.

  The car arrived at the food stall. Chu Huan went to the food stall to find an empty seat, but saw He Chaoqiong sitting here drinking alone.

   Thank you everyone, the typo is corrected first and then corrected~



  (end of this chapter)