MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 811 HSBC's Choice (7K large

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"Without the help of external forces, Hang Lung Bank will be difficult to overcome this difficulty. In just one morning, more than half of the cash reserves of Hang Lung's major branches have been taken away. This afternoon, the situation will definitely be more serious! "

  Xu Yi was sitting across from Chu Huan with a notebook in her hand, and was reporting the current situation to Chu Huan.

"In addition, the Financial Secretary has notified Roy Bentley of HSBC, Mr. Sanderson of Standard Chartered, and Liu Zhiyuan of our bank A, hoping that our three banks can come out to endorse Hang Lung Bank. The bank called, hoping to get the support of Jiaku Bank!"

The settlement between Standard Chartered Bank and Alder Commercial Bank has not yet ended, and it has not even officially started, and the two parties have not announced this matter to the public, so up to now, the whole Xiangjiang still thinks that Standard Chartered Bank is still which Standard Chartered Bank Woolen cloth!

   "Liu Zhiyuan hasn't come back from the Financial Services Office yet, but I have already called Jiaku Bank and informed Liu Zhiyuan's secretary. After Liu Zhiyuan returns to the bank, he will come up as soon as possible!"

  Chu Huan nodded after listening, and asked, "How is the situation at Jianing?"

Xu Yi opened the next page of the notebook in his hand, and said: "After Carrian published the sales and lease of Hongmian Building two days ago, Carrian's stock price rose against the wind. At the same time, we noticed that Some people in the market are carefully selling some Carrian shares, but not many.

  But Chen Songqing has been calling the company these days, hoping to meet the boss!

   It seems that Chen Songqing is not as good as he looks on the surface! "

When talking about this, Xu Yi couldn't help but asked Chu Huan: "Boss, should we take action against Carrian now? If there is bad news about Carrian in the market at this time, then the entire Xiangjiang stock market will be Real estate and other industries will definitely explode in an instant!"

  Chu Huan did not answer Xu Yi's question, but asked her: "Is there any movement in Malaysia?"

Xu Yi nodded and said: "According to the report from our people in Malaysia, Yumin Bank Malaysia has sent a person named Ibrahi to Xiangjiang to serve as the assistant general manager of Yumin Finance. It should be to investigate Yumin The finances are related to Chen Songqing!"

  Chu Huan ordered: "Tell Wu Xiaohui to send some people to secretly protect that Ibarahi. If anyone wants to do something to him, catch them!"

  Xu Yi's face suddenly changed, and he asked in disbelief: "Boss, you mean that Chen Songqing is possible?"

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "Carrian's current market value is as high as tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. Such a huge fortune is enough for Chen Songqing to do any crazy things."

In fact, it is true. In another time and space, Ibarahi, who came to investigate the financial relationship between Yumin Finance and Carnegie, died in the The Regent Hotel in Hong Kong, and was smuggled into a banana forest in the New Territories.

   It's just that the killer's business was obviously not very good, and the body was found quickly. In the process, the killer left a lot of evidence, which finally led to the police quickly catching the murderer.

   Then under the accusation of the murderer, he stated that he was instructed by a person surnamed Zhuang to do this thing, and behind this person surnamed Zhuang was Chen Songqing.

  Subsequently, the police started the investigation of Carrian and took Chen Songqing away at his home a month later. However, when the trial began, several key witnesses died suddenly.

Coupled with Chen Songqing's financial ability, although the Carrian Empire collapsed in the end, Chen Songqing was ruled by the then presiding judge Bai Jiayi for lack of evidence, and ruled that the six defendants "do not need to answer", and guided the jury to rule The defendant was not guilty of conspiracy to defraud and was released in court.

   What is even more exaggerated is that it also ruled that the 100 million Hong Kong dollars in litigation costs should be paid by the Hong Kong government!

  Xu Yi nodded and said: "I understand, I will tell President Wu about this matter."

  Chu Huan said: "As for the matter of taking action against Carrian, don't be in a hurry, wait until the bank run in Xiangjiang completely blows up, and let the carrian incident explode at that time!"

  Xu Yi said: "Understood!"

   Then Xu Yi asked Chu Huan again: "What about Chen Songqing's phone call?"

  Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about him, just say I don't have time!"


  Because the current HSBC Building is being rebuilt, HSBC temporarily moved its headquarters to a building of the British Army in Hong Kong.

  Roy Bentley came to his office with a complex expression after he returned from the Financial Secretary's Office. Shen Bi and Pu Weishi were already waiting here.

  The two of them also saw the matter of Hang Lung Bank at this time, which is likely to trigger a new round of squeeze in the Xiangjiang banking industry. As the leader of the Xiangjiang banking industry, HSBC must not sit idly by in this matter.

  If possible, they even want to learn from HSBC’s acquisition of Hang Seng and acquire Hang Lung Bank.

   "What did the Financial Secretary say?"

   Seeing Roy Bentley come back, Shen Bi asked immediately.

Roy Bentley shook his head, and said with a complicated expression: "Alder Commercial Bank has completed the holding of Standard Chartered Bank and has become the largest shareholder of Standard Chartered Bank, and Sanderson has sold all of their family's shares in Standard Chartered Bank to Alder Commercial Bank, decided to officially withdraw from Standard Chartered!"



  Shen Bi and Pu Weishi stood up at the same time, and looked at Roy Bentley in disbelief. They couldn't believe what Roy Bentley said.

  Roy Bentley looked at the two of them and smiled wryly, because the expressions of the two of them were the same as those of him and Peng Lizhi, the financial secretary, when they were in the Financial Secretary's Office.

  It seems to have seen the Arabian Nights.

   "How is this possible, why didn't there be any rumors before?"

   At this time, Shen Bi no longer cared about the affairs of Hang Lung Bank, but excitedly asked Roy Bentley, or maybe he was asking himself.

Roy Bentley continued to shake his head and said: "I don't know, but Chu Huan was able to hide this matter so well, and even won the old Sanderson's shares in Standard Chartered Bank, which shows one thing , in the process of this acquisition, Alder Commercial Bank must have given the shareholders of Standard Chartered Bank a price they could not refuse!"

  Pu Weishi was also shocked at this time, and asked: "Didn't it mean that Bank A is experiencing cash flow problems now? How could they possibly have sufficient funds to acquire Standard Chartered Bank?"

Roy Bentley said angrily: "Don't think about cash flow any more, Jiaku is more likely to use this matter to create a ecstasy, so that no one will guess them. There will be an acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank.”

  Hearing what Roy Bentley said, Shen Bi and Pu Weishi also showed helpless expressions, and now it really doesn't matter to guess this matter anymore.

Now there is a bigger problem before them. Although Jiaku was strong in the past, at least in the banking industry, there is no way to compete with them, especially now that the market in Xiangjiang is not so good, and there are more depositors and customers. Still more willing to trust HSBC.

  But now Alder Commercial Bank has acquired Standard Chartered Bank. In terms of scale, they have reached the point where they can sit on an equal footing with HSBC.

   That is to say, from now on, HSBC may no longer be the only one in the banking industry in Xiangjiang!

   "Now there are only two roads left before us!" Shen Bi said in a somewhat decadent manner.

  Although he has already experienced the helplessness of being surpassed by Jiaku, this matter still makes Shen Bi feel helpless, that is, now Jiaku has completely surpassed HSBC.

   "What way?" Pu Weishi asked.

Shen Bidao: "Either we fully invest in supporting Hang Lung, and then incorporate Hang Lung Bank into our HSBC system, but if this is the case, if the future of Xiangjiang is really taken back by Huaguo in the future, our current The investment is actually useless.

  The second way is to complete the acquisition of Midland Bank as soon as possible. Only in this way, we have more ways out! "

  In fact, what Shen Bi was talking about was the two directions of HSBC’s development in the future, either to continue to develop Xiangjiang’s business with all its strength, and to complete the overtaking of Jiaku Bank Group again.

Either it is to speed up the acquisition of Midland Bank, so that they have completed their own strategy and tactics of the triangle stool. In this case, even if Xiangjiang's future is really to return to the embrace of Huaguo in the future, HSBC only needs to protect itself in Xiangjiang. The basic disk, and then you can safely develop the overseas situation.

   "I have declined Peng Lizhi's invitation!"

   Roy Bentley said with a wry smile and shook his head.

   Obviously, when he was in the Financial Secretary, Roy Bentley had already thought about the main development direction of HSBC in the future, that is, to complete the merger with Midland Bank as soon as possible, and fully develop HSBC's overseas business.

   "If this is the case, we may have to put the matter of re-registering on the agenda!" Shen Bi's heart is actually more inclined to the second choice.

  Let’s not talk about the future situation of Xiangjiang, let’s just talk about the present, with Alder Commercial Bank completing the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank, with the support of Bank A, the rise of Bank A Bank Group in Xiangjiang is already an irreversible thing.

Moreover, Huayin's banking industry in Xiangjiang is becoming more and more active. Although Huaguo is not yet rich, looking at the domestic development of Huaguo, from Shen Bi's point of view, the domestic economic environment of Huaguo must not catch up. Those who go to Xiangjiang, but with the development of Huaguo, no one knows how far Xiangjiang Huayin, which will use the power of the whole country, can develop in Xiangjiang.

   Looking at the cooperation between Chu Huan and Huayin, HSBC is likely to face the siege of these two banking groups in Xiangjiang. If HSBC does not have a better way out, it will be really dangerous.

   This is still considering that the final solution to the Xiangjiang issue was analyzed after England got the result it wanted.

  If the final result of Xiangjiang is that Huaguo wins, then Shen Bi can be sure that Huayin will bear more responsibilities in Xiangjiang, and the pressure on HSBC will be even greater.

  The problem now is that if you really choose the second option, then if you want HSBC to merge Midland Bank as you wish, then HSBC will complete the relocation.

Roy Bentley said: "After the Financial Secretary came out, I went to the Governor's office. Youde discussed with me the recent situation in Hong Kong. He meant that if on the 22nd of this month, we If the negotiation with Huaguo is not going well, he can make a decision to change the name in disguise, but at the same time, if the negotiation with Huaguo goes well, he still hopes that HSBC can stay in Xiangjiang!"

  Pu Weishi said: "He did it entirely out of political considerations!"

  Roy Bentley nodded and said: "Of course I know this, but this is actually something we need to pay attention to."

   Still the same sentence, if the negotiation does not go well, it actually means that if HSBC still wants to maintain its position in Xiangjiang in the future, then it must cooperate with the development of Huayin.

  One is his own, and the other is raised by his stepmother. Roy Bentley naturally knows how to choose.

Pu Weishi said: "We can use overseas business to negotiate with Huaguo. Although Huayin can replace us in Xiangjiang's local business, but the overseas business of Xiangjiang businessmen must rely on us, HSBC. Overseas business is simply not comparable to Huayin!"

  Shen Bi shook his head dejectedly and said: "If it was before, I would agree with your judgment, but it is different now, have you forgotten the Alder Commercial Bank in Jiaku?

The main business of Alder Commercial Bank is in North America. At the same time, the Japanese branch of Alder Commercial Bank is developing very rapidly. According to the news from my friends in the Japanese banking industry, the Japanese branch of Alder Commercial Bank is in Those companies supported by Japan have developed very rapidly in recent years, and now those companies have begun to feed back the Japanese branch. Even in the comprehensive ranking of the Japanese banking industry last year, the Japanese branch of Alder Commercial Bank won the Japanese branch. The title of the bank with the most development potential.

  Plus, Alder Commercial Bank has now completed the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank and has expanded their business in Europe.

  At the beginning of this year, Alder Commercial Bank also signed a strategic partnership with Busan Bank in South Korea.

   According to the relationship between Chu Huan and Hua Guo, do you think they will be willing to hand over their overseas business to us or to Chu Huan's Alder Commercial Bank? "

  After hearing Shen Bi's answer, Pu Weishi stopped talking.

   "Since everyone has no opinion on the future development direction of the group, then let's do as we have agreed now. Hang Lung Bank's affairs, let them fend for themselves!"

   After Roy Bentley let out a breath of foul air, he preached helplessly.

  Shen Bi asked: "By the way, you haven't said what Standard Chartered Bank and Jiaku Bank think about this matter?"

Roy Bentley shook his head and said: "These two banks also rejected the Financial Secretary's request that they contribute funds to help Hang Lung Bank. The reason for Standard Chartered Bank is that it is now doing its best to complete the business delivery with Alder Commercial Bank, and Aku The reason for the bank’s refusal is that they now want to ensure their own financial health and not allow this wave of liquidation to spread to Jiaku Bank.”

  Pu Weishi chuckled, and said: "Although Alder Commercial Bank has completed the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank, the only one in Xiangjiang who is not afraid of the squeeze is HSBC!"

   HSBC has been the leader in the banking industry of Xiangjiang for many years. It is not an exaggeration for Pu Weishi to say so at this time.

  Roy Bentley and Shen Bi also smiled after listening, but after the smile, Shen Bi suddenly said: "That's not right!"

  Roy Bentley and Pu Weishi looked at Shen Bi at the same time, Pu Weishi asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Bi said with a serious expression: "Liu Zhiyuan's answer is wrong, and it is impossible for Jiaku Bank to be afraid of the occurrence of a liquidation trend. Since the successful merger of Jiaku Bank, I have been paying attention to the situation of Jiaku Bank. What I am doing is actually cleaning up the bad debts of several banks such as the Far East Bank. In addition, the Bank of East Asia was already known for its stability back then.

  Combined with the support of Bank A to Bank A, the loan-to-deposit ratio of Bank A has been in a very healthy state in recent years.

  Finally, let’s not forget Jiaku’s influence in Xiangjiang. Now Chu Huan has actually completed the project of transferring his own influence to Jiaku.

  Jiaku Bank’s reputation in Xiangjiang is greater than that of HSBC. The citizens of Xiangjiang will definitely trust us as a newcomer Jiaku Bank, so the so-called bank run is impossible. "

After listening to Shen Bi's speech, Roy Bentley and Pu Weishi also understood the meaning. In fact, it is precisely because Jiaku Bank has such influence in Xiangjiang that today's Financial Secretary Peng Lizhi Liu Zhiyuan from Jiaku Bank, please go to work.

   "That means Jiaku doesn't want to help Hang Lung Bank at this time?" Pu Weishi subconsciously said.

   Shen Bi shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be like this!"

  After speaking, Shen Bi walked back and forth in Roy Bentley's office. After a few rounds, he asked Roy Bentley and Pu Weishi.

   "If you are Chu Huan, what do you most want to do after completing the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank?"

Pu Weishi took the lead in speaking: "If it were me, I would let Alder Commercial Bank complete the digestion of Standard Chartered Bank. After all, Standard Chartered Bank's business is also all over the world. It will not take a year or a half to complete this matter. It's impossible."

  After listening to Roy Bentley, he shook his head and said: "No, what you saw was the single event of Alder Commercial Bank's acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank. If you look at this matter from a higher level

   Alder Commercial Bank’s acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank is actually completing their catching up with our HSBC in Xiangjiang, but even if they complete the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank, they can only catch up with the size of our HSBC.

   But who is Chu Huan?

This person is very ambitious. If there is no such thing as Hang Lung Bank, catching up with our HSBC will indeed allow him to digest Standard Chartered Bank safely, but now that there is this matter of Hang Lung Bank. Attack and complete the acquisition of Hang Lung, then they may surpass us HSBC.

  If I were Chu Huan, I would definitely not give up this opportunity! "

Shen Bi nodded and said: "I think so too, so in my opinion, Liu Zhiyuan's answer is just a tactic to delay the attack, and Chu Huan's purpose is just not to let Jiaku Bank get involved in the acquisition of Hang Lung Bank! "

  Now there is a new problem in front of the three of them.

Before they decided not to deal with Hang Lung Bank, it was because they were sure that Hang Lung Bank was going to be doomed this time, but after their analysis, it is very likely that Jiaku Bank was waiting for Hang Lung Bank to hold on when it could not hold on. Completed the acquisition of Hang Lung Bank.

   Alder Commercial Bank has completed the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank. If Aku Bank acquires Hang Lung Bank again, then the entire Aku Bank Group will really surpass HSBC!

  Knowing that at a certain moment in the future, Bank A may surpass HSBC in scale in Xiangjiang, and Bank A will surpass HSBC in scale soon. These are two different emotions.

  The atmosphere in Roy Bentley's office began to become depressing.

  Because they don't know what to do?

From a commercial point of view, it doesn't make much sense to stop Jiaku Bank's acquisition of Hang Lung Bank, because after experiencing this wave of liquidation, the situation of Hang Lung Bank will definitely be very bad. I want to let Hang Lung Bank develop again. Get up, it takes time.

   But no matter what, where is the scale of Hang Lung Bank? Coupled with the strength of Bank A, in name, the scale of Bank A is indeed larger than HSBC.

  From a personal point of view, the three of them very, very, very much do not want Bank A to complete this acquisition. There is no other reason than that they cannot accept it psychologically.

  Roy Bentley said with a wry smile: "I have already told Peng Lizhi about our HSBC attitude!"


   Outside the headquarters of Hang Lung Bank in Central Hong Kong.

The crowd in Wuyang Wuyang has already blocked the gate of Hang Lung Bank. There are policemen in green clothes maintaining order at the scene. The expressions of rejoicing on the faces of those who struggled to get out, and the response to the outsiders, said that they can get money Due to the situation, the order on the scene did not become chaotic.

   But those who withdraw money are not going to leave without saying anything.

  In just one morning, all kinds of gossip about Hang Lung Bank are already flying all over the sky.

  What, Zhuang Rongkun, Zhuang Qingquan and others have absconded back to the Philippines with funds!

   Diners Finance is going to be liquidated soon.

  There is no bank in Xiangjiang that is willing to help Hang Lung Bank.

  All kinds of gossip hit the sensitive nerves of the citizens of Xiangjiang severely. At this time, no one is willing and no one has the courage to gamble their life savings on the deposits of Hang Lung Bank.

   Several cars were parked outside the crowd, among them was a silver-gray Rolls-Royce, and sitting in the car were Chu Huan, Xu Yi, and Liu Zhiyuan.

   "Chairman, it seems that Hang Lung Bank is really coming to an end this time!"

  There was no sympathy in Liu Zhiyuan's eyes, but excitement.

He already knew from Chu Huan that Aku Bank is going to acquire Hang Lung Bank, not to mention the Aku Bank Group, but just Aku Bank itself. On the Internet, Hang Seng Bank was completely thrown away.

   Of course, in terms of deposits, Jiaku Bank still cannot compare with Hang Seng Bank. After all, according to the current situation, Hang Lung Bank will definitely have a lot of deposits taken away!

   But at least they have the foundation.

   At this time, Chu Huan also knew about the conversation between Liu Zhiyuan and the three of them at the Financial Services Office from Liu Zhiyuan.

   "Don't think it is so simple, the acquisition of Hang Lung Bank is not all smooth sailing!"

Liu Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but asked: "Our Jiaku, HSBC, and Standard Chartered have clearly stated that they will not lend a helping hand to this Hang Lung incident. Besides us, who else in Xiangjiang has this ability? what?"

  Xu Yi understood what Chu Huan meant even more, and explained to Liu Zhiyuan.

"The chairman means, don't underestimate the three of HSBC. In the past two years, Roy Bentley's growth has become more and more obvious. He has rarely been arbitrary in major events. Shen Bi and Pu Weishi They are all first-class talents, and they are likely to see our ideas and make trouble from them.

In addition, in the current environment, the Hong Kong government is the last thing that wants Hong Kong to have uncontrollable things happen, so even without the help of the three of us, the Financial Services Department is likely to take over Hang Lung Bank. It is much more difficult to get Hang Lung Bank in the hands of the Hong Kong government than it is now.

   But we can't shoot too early, if we shoot too early, we won't be able to achieve the sensational effect the boss wants. "

  Liu Zhiyuan didn't know how to answer for a moment. After all, he didn't know Chu Huan's complete plan.

  Xu Yi looked at Chu Huan at this time and asked, "Boss, do you think HSBC will make a move?"

   Regarding this question, Chu Huan could only shake his head, and then smiled wryly: "I'm not an old god, I can clearly understand everything."

Speaking of this, Chu Huan smiled easily: "However, whether it is HSBC or the Hong Kong government, if they really want to make a move, it will only cause them greater economic losses, but they are not concerned about what will happen next. There is no way!"

  Liu Zhiyuan, who was sitting on the co-pilot, was horrified. The Hang Lung Bank run has already taken shape. This is already a big event in the Xiangjiang business community. Now, according to his boss, it seems that there is a bigger plan behind it?

   Immediately after Xu Yi's questioning, Liu Zhiyuan's thoughts were confirmed.

   "Boss, you mean you can start the next phase of the plan?"

  Chu Huan nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, let them send out the report in two days."

  Xu Yi started to get a little excited, and said: "Understood, I will tell you to go back later!"

  Chu Huan took a last look at the situation outside Hang Lung Bank, and said, "Let's go, I'll have time to see it later!"
