MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 816 Chu Huan, who has surpassed the boundaries of a businessman (big 7K

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  Chapter 816 Chu Huan who surpassed the boundaries of businessmen (7K chapters, please subscribe~)

  London, 10 Downing Street!

  Mrs. Thatcher is feeling a little excited now, because tomorrow she will fly to the capital to discuss the Xiangjiang issue.

   "The victory of the Falklands War marks that our Great British Empire is invincible. I believe that this trip to the capital will definitely benefit us!"

  At this time, Mrs. Thatcher was discussing the visit to China with Joe Cole and others.

  The victory of the Falklands War made Mrs. Thatcher's self-confidence burst to the extreme at this time.

Joe Cole sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and seriously said to Thatcher: "Madam, this will be a difficult negotiation. China is not Argentina, and the person you are going to face is not an ordinary person. I hope you don't underestimate the enemy!"

  Mrs. Thatcher waved her hands and said with a smile: "Joe, I understand your worries, but don't worry, the basis of negotiation is strength, and we in England have great strength."

   Several people were discussing the matter of visiting China. Naturally, it was impossible to just talk about these empty words. Soon they talked about the current situation in Xiangjiang.

"I originally wanted Youde to control Xiangjiang's economy during this period of time, so that we could use Xiangjiang under British control to have a better economic development as a bargaining chip during the negotiation process, but I didn't expect Youde Such a failure is simply far worse than MacLehose!"

  Mrs. Thatcher already knew the latest situation of Xiangjiang, and she was very dissatisfied with the situation of Xiangjiang at this time.

Joe Cole said: "Now the carrian incident broke out again in Xiangjiang, and even affected HSBC. This situation cannot be resolved in a short time. I think we need to think about this issue in a different direction! "

  Mrs. Thatcher looked at Joe Cole curiously and asked, "Joe, did you think of any good solution?"

   "In my opinion, we can only follow the trend now. The current situation in Xiangjiang is not caused by us. Madame, you should understand?" Joe Cole asked.

   "I see!" Mrs. Thatcher simply thought about it, and then understood what Joe Cole meant. It was nothing more than manipulating the media's public opinion. They are very good at such behaviors.

   However, if you want to create such a direction of public opinion, you need an introduction, but what is this introduction?

  Mrs. Thatcher began to seriously think about this matter. This introduction must be shocking enough and have practical effects!

   Soon, Mrs. Thatcher thought of a countermeasure.

   "If this is the case, then regarding the re-domiciliation of HSBC, does the re-domiciliation of HSBC also need to be postponed?"

  Ferdinand obviously also thought of a countermeasure!

   "Shen Bi is now negotiating the final signing with Midland Bank. Can we ask them to postpone it for a while to see the results of our negotiations with Huaguo?"

Joe Cole nodded and said: "I think we can postpone the decision on whether to relocate HSBC after our negotiation with Huaguo is over. If our negotiation can go smoothly, I think HSBC staying in Xiangjiang will actually benefit us. More!"

  Mrs. Thatcher said: "Although I don't think there will be problems in the negotiations with Huaguo, this matter can indeed be left at that time for HSBC to decide whether to relocate."

   Seeing that Mrs. Thatcher had agreed, Ferdinand said: "Since this is the case, then I will notify Bank of Midland and ask them to suspend the negotiation with HSBC!"

In any case, HSBC is an independent listed company. Although they can order HSBC with administrative power, once such an opening is opened, the entire British company will put some pressure on them, so their best way Still use the acquisition of Midland Bank as a bargaining chip to let HSBC know its own interest.

   "It's a pity that we can't order Chu Huan. If we can order Chu Huan, this time our negotiation will have a greater chance of winning!"

  Ferdinand preached with some regret.

  Mrs. Thatcher and Joe Cole looked at each other, and they naturally knew this truth.

   It can be said that whether the current Xiangjiang can be stable depends more on Chu Huan's decision.

   "Don't think about this matter. Although Chu Huan has a lot of investment in our England, he also has a lot of investment in Huaguo, especially the investment in rare earths, which is even more surprising!

Today, Chu Huan's Jiaku's industries are not just ordinary product businesses. As you know, his investment in Huaguo is at a strategic level. In addition, there are also investments in Brazil and Argentina. The same is true for investment. You can no longer treat him like an ordinary businessman. It is no exaggeration to say that Chu Huan's influence today is definitely among the top in the world! "

   Chu Huan's investment in the domestic rare earth industry has not spread in Xiangjiang, but it has spread among some high-level people, and the British side naturally knows about it.

Joe Cole added: "That's not all. Last year, Chu Huan took advantage of the carelessness of the four major grain merchants and quickly entered the agricultural markets of Brazil and Argentina, buying farms aggressively, and building grain storage warehouses. It only took a year. In time, a preliminary food supply chain has been established.

I heard that the four major grain merchants have approached Brazil many times, and the Argentine government has sought sanctions against Jiaku, but they have not received a response. In addition, representatives of the four major grain merchants have expressed their opinions on this matter in the North American Congress. Through the proposal, I hope that the North American government can impose some sanctions on Chu Huan's Jiaku, but the proposal was rejected by most of the members! "

  Ferdinand showed a surprised expression. He was the one who had the shortest contact with Chu Huan among the three, and he also knew the least about some of Chu Huan's business arrangements.

  Hearing the analysis of Jiaku by Thatcher and Joe Cole now made him speechless.

"If you add Chu Huan's iron ore resources in Australia and Brazil, as well as the steel plant established in Australia, the Huaguo Steel Plant he invested in, and the second largest steel plant in Brazil, Jiaku will be the same as Mitsui & Co. It will have a huge impact on the global steel industry chain.

  Rare earth, grain, and steel have mastered these three industrial chains, and Chu Huan’s Jiaku is already invincible, but he doesn’t.”

   At the last moment, Ferdinand suddenly stopped talking.

  In fact, Mrs. Thatcher and Joe Cole both knew what Ferdinand wanted to say.

   Even if Chu Huan did not make political investments in various countries, according to Jiaku's current global influence, it is not something that any country can clean up if it wants to!

In fact, even the three of them don't know how many countries Chu Huan is in and how much political investment he has, but Mrs. Thatcher knows one thing, that is, whenever European countries hold meetings, if everyone mentions Jiaku Every now and then, he would show that his relationship with Chu Huan was very good.

   It can be said that Chu Huan at this time has already surpassed the top ceiling that a businessman can achieve!

   Even, in some small but absolutely influential groups, some people already regard the Chu family as a super family that can truly influence the world!

  In such a situation, although many people would like to regard the Chu family as an imaginary enemy, but when there is no real competition of interests, no one is willing to establish such an enemy for themselves!

   Not to mention that there are still many people who already have a community of interests with Chu Huan!



   Now this place is completely messed up.

Before the bank run was over, the Carrian incident broke out again. Although Carrian had published newspapers denouncing such claims as nonsense, the numbers published in major newspapers were so detailed, and they were all about Carrian. Every major acquisition by Ning was clearly reported, which made Carrian's condemnation seem so powerless!

  Now for Xiangjiang, it can be said that it has suffered three major blows.

First, Xiangjiang’s banking industry is now suffering the most craziest liquidation incident since the opening of Xiangjiang Port. Although in the 1960s, Xiangjiang also had a liquidation incident, but at that time, HSBC and some powerful banks Foreign-funded banks stand up or buy shares, or support these banks through acquisitions.

  But now, since the liquidation incident broke out, although there have been various rumors in the market.

  The Hong Kong government wants to take over Hang Lung Bank and Overseas Trust Bank, but there are only rumors and no actual action.

   There are also rumors that HSBC will help these small and medium-sized banks, and foreign banks will also take advantage of this opportunity to buy shares or acquire these banks.

   But it is just a rumor, without any actual action.

Some economists said on TV that the main reason for the current situation is that the future of Xiangjiang is very uncertain, which makes many foreign banks wait and see, wanting to see that the future of Xiangjiang is completely resolved After that, you will choose whether to make a move!

   As for HSBC

  This involves the second problem that Xiangjiang is facing at this time!

  Carrian Incident!

  Although it is not yet possible to really prove whether this matter is true or not, newspapers all over Xiangjiang are reporting this matter. In fact, whether the ending is true or not is not important anymore.

  Carrian, a super consortium with a market capitalization of more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, and its three listed companies are now star stocks on the Hong Kong stock market.

With the outbreak of the carrian incident, it directly dealt a severe blow to the already crumbling Hong Kong stock market. Before that, the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index had reached more than 1,800 points at its peak, but now the Hang Seng Index has already fallen below 1,000 points. point mark.

  The drop exceeded 800 points.

   It has directly led to the stock prices of all listed companies in Xiangjiang falling like a flood.

  Some financial magazines have compared the current situation this year with the stock market crash in Hong Kong in 1973, and even commented that this year's situation has surpassed the stock market crash in 1973.

  The most intuitive manifestation is that just this afternoon, a stockbroker jumped off the building where his company is located.

   Whenever the stock market crash starts, someone will definitely jump off the building. This has been a law that has not changed for thousands of years.

  After the incident, Zhulu Real Estate, Hehe International-Wheelock, and Hongkong Land announced at the same time that they would temporarily close the doors to the rooftops of their commercial buildings.

   But such a statement made more people feel that the stock market crash has really come.

  Nowadays, no matter which securities firm it is, all they hear is the voice of selling stocks, but now there is no one to take the order.

   “Stocks are worse than toilet paper!”

   This is the most popular sentence in the major securities firms in Hong Kong these two days.

  The Carrian incident not only triggered the crash of Xiangjiang stock market, but also caused the price of Xiangjiang land to be cut in half.

  In Xiangjiang, the stock market and real estate have always been a pair of brothers who complement each other. When the market is good, everyone makes a lot of money together. When the market is bad, they jump off the building together!

Now that the property prices in Xiangjiang have plummeted, people who bought properties at high prices in the past two years naturally cannot accept the current situation. It is better to buy properties for themselves. If they are not for their own living but for speculation, these people are naturally Can't accept this anymore.

   After all, the loss is all their own wealth, and it is impossible for these people to accept such a situation.

   If you can't accept this situation, then you have to make some noise!

  The police force in Xiangjiang has reached the highest work intensity since the opening of the port.

  The police canceled everyone's vacation and all took to the streets to maintain order.

  What really panics the citizens of Xiangjiang is that just today, some bad news about HSBC began to appear on the market.

   And this is naturally caused by the Carrian incident. There is no way, who makes HSBC the biggest creditor of Carrian!

If Carrian really collapses, then HSBC’s 5 billion loan in Carrian will become a non-performing asset. I can't stand any stimulation.

   Fortunately, HSBC's public relations department is quite powerful, and immediately issued a statement stating that HSBC has the healthiest financial situation in Xiangjiang and the strongest cash reserves, which slightly dispelled some citizens' doubts about HSBC.

  The last one is the future of Xiangjiang!

  This is an extremely sensitive issue in itself, and now it is the most critical time, which makes many people who are used to the life of Xiangjiang today feel uncertain about their future prospects.

   The hesitant psychology combined with Xiangjiang's current situation produced a crazy chemical reaction!

  If it weren't for inertia at this time, Xiangjiang would have already messed up.


  Chinese line!

  Chu Huan listened to Xu Yi's description of Xiangjiang's current situation, nodded slightly, but did not express his opinion, but asked, "Is our fund transfer over?"

  Xu Yi nodded and said: "The transfer has been completed, and now they are stored in the accounts of Jiaku Bank, Alder Commercial Bank Xiangjiang Branch, and Standard Chartered Bank."

  The funds of Jiaku are all over the world. Although the current situation in Xiangjiang was caused by Chu Huan's secret push, for Chu Huan, the current situation is just following the trend.

  Because even without Chu Huan, in the past two years, there would be a bank run in Xiangjiang, a stock market crash, and carrian bankruptcy.

  Of course, Chu Huan didn't really want Xiangjiang to be in such a mess. What Chu Huan was doing was breaking down and then building. Only after going through this incident can Jiaku's position in Xiangjiang be guaranteed.

But to solve the current situation, cash is the only solution, and what Chu Huan has to do is to transfer part of the funds from A Treasury to Xiangjiang during this period of time, and what Chu Huan is waiting for now is the last Something happened.

That was Mrs. Thatcher's wrestling. Although Chu Huan at this time was not sure whether Mrs. Thatcher would wrestle like another time and space, but no matter what, the negotiation in Beijing was over, and it was actually Xiangjiang's. When these problems finally erupted.

   Only by taking action at that time can we truly solve all of Xiangjiang's problems at once.

"Boss, Roy Bentley of HSBC, Guo Desheng of Sun Hung Kai, Zheng Yutong of New World, Li Jiacheng of Changshi, Lao Kadoorie of Grand Hotel Group, and the heads of other major companies in Xiangjiang have all called to ask you Do you have time to meet with them, some people even said that they will come over soon."

  The situation in Xiangjiang at this time has made many people unable to sit still.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if things are allowed to continue, Xiangjiang's economy will collapse, and they, as an enterprise relying on Xiangjiang's development, will naturally be finished.

  How can there be any eggs in a full nest? This is the reason!

   At this time, Chu Huan is the only person who can save the current situation in their hearts.

   "Because of our plan to harass Jiaku and some actions of Yinglun, some people who don't know the truth have started to come to China. I hope our Jiaku can come forward to solve this problem!"

   Misleading Jiaku, this is Chu Huan's settled strategy, because only in this way can Jiaku's attack not be so abrupt.

   "Finally, the Hong Kong government also called. Youde asked the boss if you have time now. He wants to come to Jiaku in person!"

Before that, Youde hadn't received a call from London, so he very much hoped to solve the current troubles, but at this time, Youde no longer cared about his status as the governor of Hong Kong, and wanted to come to the Chinese People's Bank to find Chu in person. Welcome to discuss countermeasures!

   After listening, Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "Reject all calls, including the Hong Kong Governor's Office. If they ask the reason, say that our Jiaku is also looking for a solution to Xiangjiang's current problems."

  Tomorrow is the 22nd, and it is also the time for Thatcher to negotiate with his hometown. Now this is what Chu Huan is waiting for.

   After this matter is over, it is time for Chu Huan to make a move, so at this time Chu Huan doesn't want to see anyone!

  Xu Yi nodded and said: "Understood, but there is one person, I think it's better for you to meet, boss!"

  Chu Huan asked: "Who? So important?"

  Xu Yidao: "The King Legend of Xiangjiang Huayin!"

   This person, Chu Huan, really needs to meet. He must be a little hypocritical now. After all, Xiangjiang's situation is too serious at this time. He should also be worried that it is irreparable, what should I do?

   "Let him go to 12 Mount Kellett Road, it is not appropriate to meet here!"

  Xu Yi also understood Chu Huan's worry, and said: "Boss, if you leave the company at this time, even if those people want to come here to find you, they won't be able to find you!"

  Chu Huan smiled. If they really burned their eyebrows, even if they couldn't find them here, they would go to find them at home.

   But the level is high enough to come to find Chu Huan in person. At this time, it has not yet reached the time when the real fire is imminent.

After the stock market crash, these people seem to have lost their company's stock price in half, but in fact the real asset value has not lost much. If it wasn't for the prospect of Xiangjiang that made these people feel uncertain, some people have already started buying at low prices at this time. Some quality assets too!


  In the living room at No. 12 Mount Kellie Road, Wang Chuanqi met Chu Huan.

   "Director Chu, what is Xiangjiang's current situation?"

  After meeting Chu Huan, Wang Chuanqi didn't beat around the bush, but directly asked Chu Huan about Xiangjiang's current situation.

  Before, Wang Chuanqi approached Chu Huan, worried that Xiangjiang's economy would collapse after his hometown announced the decision on Xiangjiang's future.

   Now it’s all right, the decision hasn’t been announced yet, Xiangjiang’s economy is already on the verge of collapse, it’s conceivable that if the hometown announces it, it will definitely be the last hand to push Xiangjiang’s economy into the abyss!

Seeing Wang Chuanqi's anxious look, Chu Huan personally poured a cup of tea for him, and then said with a smile, "Dong Wang, there is nothing to worry about. Jiaku's headquarters is in Xiangjiang. For Jiaku, Xiangjiang's economic stability is greater than Everything, because only when Xiangjiang's economy is stable, can the development of Jiaku have better confidence."

  Wang Chuanqi was stunned for a moment. Seeing the current situation, Chu Huan was able to say these words so calmly. It wasn't that he didn't want to believe Chu Huan, but Xiangjiang's current situation was too dangerous!

   "Mr. Chu will tell you the truth, the economic environment of Xiangjiang is already known in his hometown, and the old man also asked about this matter himself. Let me ask you, do you know what may happen in the future?"

  Chu Huan asked: "Then shall I call the old man now?"

  Wang Chuanqi nodded immediately. This matter was beyond his ability. Wang Chuanqi also understood that at this time, he was just a messenger.

   "It's the best that Director Chu can make this call, just."

  Chu Huan understood Wang Chuanqi's worry, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Director Wang, I don't have anyone here to monitor!"

  Things have developed to the present, although Chu Huan is sure of the safety situation on his side, but Wang Chuanqi will definitely be worried, so Chu Huan told him this at this time to reassure him!

   And this is what Wang Chuanqi was worried about.

   Now that Chu Huan said that, Wang Chuanqi was no longer so worried.

Then Chu Huan dialed the phone number in the capital, and Wang Chuanqi left Chu Huan's office temporarily after seeing this situation, and did not return to Chu Huan's study until he heard Chu Huan calling himself loudly inside. .

   "Wang Dong, the old man has something to tell you!" Chu Huan handed the phone to Wang Chuanqi.

  After Wang Chuanqi answered the phone, his expression became serious.


   "Did Ah Huan answer?"

   At Sun Hung Kai headquarters, Guo Desheng asked Guo Bingxiang anxiously.

  Guo Bingxiang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "No, the people in Jiaku's office always answered the phone. They said they didn't know where Chu Huan was, but they just said that Chu Huan was thinking about the current situation and wouldn't let outsiders disturb him!"

Guo Desheng said helplessly after listening to the speech: "What time is it? Doesn't Ahuan know what's going on outside now? Some people are already inciting those who don't know, directing their anger to Jiaku. If it is not stopped, as long as there is any trouble in Xiangjiang, everyone will flock to Jiaku at that time!"

What Guo Desheng is worried about is not the current situation of Heung Kong, which is also somewhat similar to the development direction of Sun Hung Kai Properties. They are more like a property transfer agent, building and selling houses. When it is expensive, they earn more. When it is cheap, they earn less. Financial health, coupled with adequate cash reserves.

  They will not lose too much in this storm. What really worries Guo Desheng is the current environment in Xiangjiang.

  Guo Desheng naturally heard the wind outside, so he was worried that the last fire of this matter would burn on Jiaku.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that if the data that measures the economic development environment of Xiangjiang is the Hang Seng Index, then whether it can support the economy of Xiangjiang is the barometer of Jiaku.

  The collapse of the Hang Seng Index can be regarded as the law of the market's economic development. It is normal for there to be ups and downs.

   Moreover, the Hang Seng Index has collapsed now, and it will grow back in the future. This is the same as the Hong Kong stock market crash in 1973. At that time, the Hang Seng Index collapsed. Didn’t the Hang Seng Index rise back in the next few years?

  During this period, although there may be some new companies and some companies may have problems, but for the general trend of Xiangjiang, this is acceptable!

  But if Jiaku collapses, it means that Xiangjiang's economy is completely over, and it will directly enter the reconstruction progress after the ruins.

   Then at that time, the number of companies that Xiangjiang went bankrupt would be several times that of the stock market crash!

Guo Bingxiang said: "Daddy, I think A Huan will definitely have countermeasures. If there is a crisis in Jiaku, I think A Huan will definitely call us, so I think this It shouldn't be a big problem once, right?"

Guo Desheng glared at Guo Bingxiang, and said, "What do you know? According to the current situation of Xiangjiang, if you want to restore Xiangjiang's economy, you need at least 20 to 30 billion U.S. dollars in investment. You are A Huan's armor. Well, if you say so much money, so much money will come out?"

  Guo Bingxiang tentatively asked: "Then I'll go to No. 12, Mount Kellett Road. Ah Huan should be there at this time, right?"

Guo Desheng thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, A Huan must be having a very headache at this time, so let's not bother him, you can call Xu Yi and tell Xu Yi, if A Huan has any actions , who needs our support, let him call us immediately!"

  Guo Bingxiang nodded and said, "Understood!"


   "Daddy, our company's stock price has fallen by 70%, and major banks have called us, demanding that we repay their loans immediately!"

   Great Eagle Group is in a mess, there is no way they are now the group with the second most cooperation with Carrian!

  With Yida Group going bankrupt, now it's their turn!

   Thank you everyone, please subscribe~



  (end of this chapter)

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