MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 824 Postscript 4

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  Chapter 824 Postscript 4

  Chu Shilan, the eldest daughter of Chu Huan and Gu Chengxi, was born in 1983 and is already 25 this year. She is also one of the second generations of the Chu family that Zhong Xiaoqing believes in!

  By the way, Chu Shixiao is also in this ranks!

  After graduating from Qingyun School, Chu Shilan did not follow her mother's arrangement and was admitted to a well-known business management school, but to the Parsons School of Design in North America.

Although Parsons School of Design is also the top design school in the world, it is obviously not in line with the business status of the Chu family. Gu Chengxi and Chu Shilan had a big fight over this matter, but in the end they still did not turn around Chu Shilan .

   What really made Zhong Xiaoqing think that Chu Shilan was not up to date was because of Chu Shilan's series of behaviors after graduation.

  According to the rules of the Chu family, if the second generation of the family does not have their mother's arrangement, the Chu Family Foundation will give the other party a start-up fund.

Chu Shilan also got the funds, but she didn't start her own business step by step. Instead, she took the money and started to package herself. Within a year after her graduation, with the help of the Chu family's influence, Chu Shilan Lan has become a very well-known one in the world's socialite circle.

Zhong Xiaoqing couldn’t understand why she didn’t go to start a business and become an idle socialite, especially when she went to the Parisian socialite ball that Chu Huan had rejected several times. That so-called Parisian socialite would say that she was the top in the world In fact, in the eyes of people like Chu Huan, she doesn't look down on her at the socialite's dance party.

  But even if Zhong Xiaoqing doesn't understand, it's useless. This is Chu Shilan's own choice. It doesn't work if Gu Chengxi says it, let alone her sister-in-law.

  However, although Chu Shilan seemed out of tune in Zhong Xiaoqing's eyes, Chu Shilan and Chu Shige had a good relationship. When they were in North America, they would often come out to sit together.

   "What are you doing, miss me?"

  After Chu Shige answered the phone, he spoke with a smile.

   "Yes, I miss you, where are you?" Chu Shilan's triumphant laughter came from the phone, and at the same time, Chu Shige also heard the sound of wind and car horns.

   "In Shenghai, you are not flying again, are you?" Chu Shige reminded: "If you let the elder brother know, be careful and be scolded!"

   "Don't worry, I'm not in Xiangjiang now, my elder brother can't train me!" Chu Shilan said proudly: "By the way, you haven't told me where you are yet?"

   "Didn't you say it, Sheng Hai!" Chu Shige said.

   "I know it's Sheng Hai, I mean where do you live?" Chu Shilan asked loudly.

  Chu Shige told Chu Shilan the address here. Thinking of what Chu Shilan said just now, he asked, "Aren't you also in Shenghai?"

   "Haha, you guessed it right, wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

  Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Chu Shige smiled helplessly, and put down the phone.

   After a while, the doorbell rang, Chu Shige got up and walked out of the study, opened the door, and saw Chu Shilan in a big red bohemian dress with big waves.

   "Why do you live here? Doesn't Laodou have a lot of properties in Shenghai? It's okay to live in a hotel, right?"

  Looking at the luxuriously decorated flat floor, Chu Shilan threw her bag on the sofa, slumped on the sofa, and preached in disgust.

   "It's closer to the company, otherwise there will be too much traffic jam to and from get off work every day!" Chu Shige took out a bottle of mineral water for Chu Shilan in the refrigerator and threw it to Chu Shilan.

  Chu Shilan took the mineral water, curled her lips and said, "That's you, you have to work. How nice to learn from me. Be happy and carefree every day!"

  Chu Shige did not answer this sentence, but asked: "Why did you come to Shenghai?"

  Chu Shilan said helplessly: "I'm not Mommy yet. In Xiangjiang, no matter what I do, I always have to say a few words. I don't want to listen. I know you are in Shenghai, so I came here!"

   "Auntie is also for your own good, I hope you can have your own business!"

   Chu Shige laughed.

"Forget it!" Chu Shilan hurriedly said, "Actually, I'm pretty good like this. I get 2 million Hong Kong dollars every month. This year, it's more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars, which is more than that of some domestic listed companies. With a lot of net profit, why am I miserable to start my own business, besides, for someone like me, the future has already been arranged."

   Speaking of this, Chu Shilan suddenly dragged Chu Shige onto the sofa, and said mysteriously: "Second sister, do you know that my mommy has already started to choose a husband's family for me."

  Chu Shige asked with a smile: "Whose family son is so unfortunate?"

   "Second sister!" Chu Shilan raised her voice, and then said proudly: "Whose family he is, if he can marry me, it means that their ancestors have accumulated great virtue."

   Then Chu Shilan said to Chu Shige: "But I heard from Mommy, it seems that Pu Zhenxing from South Korea has been discussing with Daddy for the past two years, and wants to marry a girl from our family!"

Hearing Pu Zhenxing's name, Chu Shige frowned slightly. As the daughter of the Chu family, Chu Shige knew more than Chu Shilan and the others. For example, Pu Zhenxing's Dongming Timber, although it is only The second largest chaebol in South Korea after Samsung, but in fact the control of this chaebol has always been in the hands of Jia Ku.

   Otherwise, during the economic crisis in South Korea in 1997, Dongming Timber suffered heavy losses.

   "Don't worry, Daddy won't let you marry to South Korea, just don't worry about that!" Chu Shige actually knew the reason why Chu Shilan came to find him at this time.

  Pu Zhenxing has three sons and one daughter, and they are not married now. Obviously, Pu Zhenxing wants his eldest son, that is, his heir, to marry Chu Shilan.

   But with such an identity, it is still difficult for Chu Shilan to like it. After all, there are too many broken rules in South Korea, and Chu Shilan's temperament must not like it.


   Sure enough, after hearing what Chu Shige said, Chu Shilan immediately smiled and asked excitedly.

  Chu Shige joked: "If you don't believe it, forget it, anyway, I told you!"

  Chu Shilan acted coquettishly beside Chu Shige and wanted to ask the specific reason, but for this matter, Chu Shige did not give Chu Shilan a specific reason.

   After all, my elder brother hasn't made any moves yet.

Before coming to Shenghai, Chu Shige returned to Xiangjiang. When he returned to No. 12, Mount Kellie Road, Chu Shifeng happened to be there. Chu Shige heard what his elder brother told his father. According to the news from South Korea, Pu Zhenxing is becoming more and more disobedient in South Korea now, and she makes frequent petty moves.

  This made Chu Shifeng very dissatisfied, and Chu Shige also heard that Chu Huan gave to the South Korean aunt who had already taken the second place in the South Korean prosecutorial system.

   It is estimated that after a while, there will be news from South Korea that Pu Zhenxing will be imprisoned.

  Under such circumstances, Chu Shige knew that it was impossible for his old man to let Chu Shilan marry to South Korea!

"Forget it, it's mysterious, don't say pull it down!" Chu Shilan saw Chu Shige and didn't tell herself why, so she could only give up, then got up and dragged Chu Shige and said, "Let's go, I'll catch you up." , don't look at me and you coming to Shenghai, but you definitely don't have as many friends as I do in Shenghai!"

   Said that this would drag Chu Shige out.

  After Chu Shige refused several times, he finally didn't turn around Chu Shilan, and left the residence with her.

  In the penthouse of a high-end residence somewhere along the Huangpu River in Shenghai, in the nearly 200-square-meter living room, cups were being exchanged.

  Deng News, the owner of the place, seemed a little absent-minded, looking at the door from time to time, obviously waiting for someone to come.

As a guest, Subasha discovered the strangeness of Deng News, which made Suba a little curious in her heart. You must know that Deng News is the current wife of Murdoch, the chairman of News Corporation, and a well-known ruthless person in China. What kind of person could make her wait so curiously?

   "What are you looking at? Is there someone coming?"

  Su Basha couldn't help but asked Deng News.

Deng News showed a reserved smile and said, "Haven't you been worrying about the guests of your Harper's Bazaar night in August? The lady who will come later, if you can let her attend your party in August Bazaar Night will definitely raise your Bazaar Night to at least one level immediately!"

  Su Bazaar showed a surprised expression. Bazaar Night was founded in 2003. After five years of development, it can be regarded as an absolutely well-known charity gala in China.

Especially this year, Subasha even contacted Li Lianjie to host this charity night with the theme of his "One Dollar". At the same time, popular male and female stars in China have also agreed to participate, and Hong Kong Chen Kexin, Kung Fu Emperor Li Lianjie and others attended, who else can make their charity night to a higher level?

   When Subasha was puzzled, the doorbell rang. Deng Newsstopped the servants at home, walked to the door and opened the door himself.

   Subasha, who was following Deng News, saw two girls standing at the door.

  All of them looked like they were in their twenties. The girl standing in front had eye-catching wavy long hair, a string of diamond necklaces on her fair neck, a simple long skirt, and a bag in her hand.

As the editor-in-chief of the three major domestic fashion magazines "Bazaar", Suba recognized it at a glance. This dress is the latest Prada dress at Paris Fashion Week this spring. It has not yet been listed in China, and the bag in her hand is It is the latest bag of Gucci summer this year, not to mention domestic, but it is not yet on the market in Europe and the United States.

   Uh, it can’t be said that it’s not on the market, it’s that this bag won’t be on the market at all, but it’s a limited edition reserved by Gucci for its distinguished guests!

   As for the girl standing behind, although she is also very beautiful, although she is wearing a famous brand, she is not as good as the girl in front.

   Subconsciously, Subasha thought that the other party might be the follower of the girl in front, so after just seeing the other party for a while, she put all her eyes on the girl in front.

  When she carefully looked at the girl's appearance, she felt more and more familiar.

   Soon, Subasha found this girl in the memory bank of her mind, the first Xiangjiang girl who participated in the Paris Celebrity Ball a few years ago.

At that time, when this girl was going to participate in the Paris Celebrity Ball, the fashion circle had been discussing whose daughter this girl was. Will dance with his father.

"Lan Lan, you're finally here. I've been worried that you'll be delayed by something today!" Just when Subasha was wondering about the girl's identity, Deng Xinxin had already hugged Chu Shige affectionately. hands, talking affectionately.

  The two sisters, Chu Shige and Chu Shilan, are naturally here.

  Chu Shilan smiled happily: "Sister Deng invited me, of course I'm coming. By the way, I haven't introduced you yet. This is my second sister Chu Shige."

  This time it was Deng News' turn to be dazed.

Before 1999, Deng News, not to mention Chu Shige, she was not qualified to know even Chu Shilan, but fortunately for Deng News, in this year, she married Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of News Corporation. , the identity directly jumped several levels.

In 2002, she met Chu Huan once with Murdoch. At that time, she knew that there was such a prominent family in Xiangjiang outside of the news. Since then, Deng News has been very concerned about the situation of the Chu family. up.

  When I was in North America, I got to know Chu Shilan who was keen on prom through some opportunities.

Although she has never met Chu Shige, she also knows this name. She knew it from Murdoch, and she understands that this girl is Chu Huan's wife, the second daughter of Cao Yunshang, the world's number one fashion group. A figure standing at the top of a pyramid.

   "It turned out that Ms. Chu came here in person. I'm really sorry. I should go downstairs to meet you!"

  After speaking, Deng News shook hands with Chu Shige.

  Chu Shige smiled and said: "Sister Deng, you are being polite. I just found out that Lan Lan brought me to Sister Deng's party. I should dress more grandly!"

   "Miss Chu is too modest, I am very happy if you can come, please come in!"

   After talking, he invited the two sisters of the Chu family to the living room. Subasha, who was following Deng News, was dying of anxiety at this moment. She really wanted to know the identities of these two girls as soon as possible.

   Fortunately, Deng News didn't keep her waiting too long, and had already started introducing them.

   "Miss Chu, the editor-in-chief of "Bazaar" in China, Miss Su, Bazaar, this Miss Chu."

   It’s just that when Deng News introduced Chu Shige, she was a little stuck, because she really didn’t know how to introduce Chu Shige. After all, Murdoch had reminded her many times before that she should not tell people about the Chu family.

   Chu Shige saw the embarrassment of Deng News, and took the lead to reach out his hand: "Ms. Su, hello, I am Chu Shige, and I am working in the operation department of Gucci Huaguo District!"

Subaza was stunned. As the top fashion magazine in China, "Bazaar" naturally had a lot of dealings with these top luxury goods on weekdays, but I had never heard of a person named Chu Shi in the operation department of Gucci China. song?

But no matter what, the young girl who can make Deng News so enthusiastic is definitely not an ordinary person. She hurriedly smiled and said, "Ms. Chu, hello, I have to thank Gucci. When we "Bazaar" just started, It helped us a lot!"

   It's more than just help. Subaza may not even know that the investor behind "Bazaar" is actually the third-tier investment institution of Imperial Fashion Group in China.

   That is to say, "Bazaar" is actually a subsidiary of the Imperial Fashion Group.

Deng News then introduced Chu Shilan to Su Basha. Compared with Chu Shige, he was not so scruples about Chu Shilan. The most important thing is that Chu Shilan himself has never hidden his identity one

   "Bazaar, this Ms. Chu Shilan is the daughter of Ms. Gu Chengxi, chairman of Xiangjiang Black and White Newspaper."

Naturally, Subasha knows Xiangjiang's black and white newspaper industry. This is the largest newspaper group in Asia. It has more than a dozen newspapers and magazines. "is also a strategic partnership.

   is her "Bazaar", in fact, she also learned from the "Vogue" magazine of the black and white newspaper industry!

   This is really a big shot!


  Just now Deng News clearly said that they are sisters and came here thinking of this, Subasha felt that she had guessed something, but Subasha was very smart and didn't mention anything in this regard.

   "Hello, Ms. Chu, Lingtang is a senior in our magazine industry and also my idol. I have been to Xiangjiang several times before, and I want to visit Lingtang every time, but unfortunately I never got the chance!"

  Subatha's humble sermon.

While the four of them were chatting, other people in the living room also noticed the situation here. In fact, most of the people who came here tonight are going to participate in the entertainment circle of Bazaar Night in August stars.

   Although Deng News has a high status, she really doesn't have any business connections in China. On the contrary, she has some good people in the entertainment industry because of Subasha's relationship.

  For example, today, there are three known as the Four Little Actresses in China, International Zhang, Zhao Xiaoyan, Zhou Gongzi, Shuangbing, Yixian and so on.

   Among them, the international chapter was the first to notice the situation here, and was also the first to recognize Chu Shilan.

   At this time, she had already come over with champagne, and said with a smile: "Lan Lan, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why didn't you tell me when you came to Shenghai?"

   looks very affectionate.

  Chu Shilan smiled politely: "Didn't I just come here, and I was thinking of calling you tomorrow, but I didn't expect to see you at Sister Deng's place!"

   "Who are these two girls? It seems that they have a lot of background. You see, Deng News, Subasha, and International Zhang seem to be flattering them?"

  In a corner of the party, a man and a woman were looking at the people in the center of the party, chatting softly.

   "I don't know, maybe it's the daughter of the big boss?"

  The girl looked indifferent, with some boring sermons in her eyes.

If these two people are seen by outsiders, they will definitely scream. In 2005, the two co-starred in Jin Yong's drama "The Legend of Condor Heroes". The male Huang Xiaoming played Yang Guo, and the female Liu Xiaoxian played the little dragon girl. .

   "Would you like to go over and say hello, such a person must have a lot of energy!" Huang Xiaoming said softly.

  Liu Xiaoxian shook his head, said: "I won't go there, there are so many people over there, even if they go past, I can't get in the way."

  Huang Xiaoming knew Liu Xiaoxian's character, so he didn't force it. Seeing that the goddess in his heart, Zhao Xiaoyan, had also passed by, he greeted Liu Xiaoxian and walked over.

   "Miss Chu, I heard that your company is currently looking for a suitable spokesperson for your new brand. It seems that Miss Chu must be busy these days!"

  Just as Huang Xiaoming walked over, he heard Zhao Xiaoyan enthusiastically chatting with the girl in ordinary clothes.

   "Yes, Gucci is a well-known international brand. The choice of spokesperson should not be vague. Ms. Chu must have a headache, right?"

  Fan Pangpang also interjected at the side at this time.

Huang Xiaoming had some calculations in his mind. This girl in ordinary clothes should be one of the people in charge of Gucci. Otherwise, based on what he knew about Zhao Xiaoyan and Fan Pangpang, the two would definitely not be so enthusiastic about talking to each other about this matter. of.

Seeing Huang Xiaoming coming, Zhao Xiaoyan took Huang Xiaoming's arm, and introduced to Chu Shige with a smile: "Miss Chu, this is Huang Xiaoming, who just starred in the remake of "Xinsheng Beach" last year, and Chen Changgong is currently the most popular in China. The two young students of the fire!"

   Then Zhao Xiaoyan told Huang Xiaoming about Chu Shige's identity.

  Huang Xiaoming couldn't help being surprised when he heard that Chu Shige was actually one of the heads of the operation department of Gucci Huaguo, "Ms. Chu must be a very capable lady to be able to become a senior executive of Gucci at such a young age!"

  Chu Shige smiled politely: "Mr. Huang praised you!"

In fact, when she just came here, Chu Shige was about to say hello and left. She thought that Chu Shilan would take her to find a place to sit for a while, but she didn't expect that Chu Shilan would bring herself to Deng Xiaoping. The news party is coming.

However, when Chu Shige saw the room full of domestic stars, his thoughts were shaken. In fact, Chu Shige already had some thoughts in his mind about the promotion of Gucci's new products, that is, to find one or two domestic celebrities. Stars, with one or two Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, and then find a Hollywood star to take over the stage.

   Form a co-star cast!

   This is also the inspiration Chu Shige got for promoting Yunzhao Beverage.

  Back then, Yunzhao Beverage, Pepsi, and Coke, the two beverage groups, were engaged in an advertising war around the world. At that time, Zhu Xiaozhao was beaten by the two groups, and in desperation, he found Chu Huan for a solution.

   Then Chu Huan gave an excellent advertising content.

   That is to find many top stars in Xiangjiang, Japan, South Korea, Europe, and North America, and cooperate to shoot a variety of epic commercials, which stand out in one fell swoop.

  Now Yunzhao, Pepsi, and Coke have already formed a tripartite confrontation in the global beverage industry.

   Today’s Gucci promotion, although it cannot be similar to Yun Zhao’s advertisement in terms of details, is after all a luxury brand, and it is more pursuing his brand style, but no matter what, the spokesperson still needs to be carefully considered.

  "When celebrities and products are combined, many times the personal words and deeds of celebrities are actually related to the value of the brand, so this kind of thing is better than lacking!"

   This is what Chu Huan and Cao Yunshang said to Chu Shige who was studying in North America.

   Now hearing Zhao Xiaoyan say this, Chu Shige actually knows that Zhao Xiaoyan wants to win Gucci's endorsement. In fact, there is Zhao Xiaoyan's information in the spokesperson candidate list handed over by the company.

  In fact, Chu Shige had already removed Zhao Xiaoyan's name from the list of these spokespersons early on.

   Regardless of whether the Huaguo District of the Empire Fashion Group will continue to follow the previous business strategy, continue to develop in accordance with the previous development strategy in Europe and the United States, or localize, but one thing is certain.

   That is, if Gucci wants to increase its influence in Huaguo and improve its style, it cannot use tainted content.

   "With the hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese people's sense of national power will definitely become stronger and stronger. If you want to make a difference in the domestic market, you must follow this principle."

   This is what Chu Huan said to Chu Shige when Chu Shige decided to join the Imperial Fashion Group.

Although Zhao Xiaoyan is very well-known in China now, the military flag incident still existed back then. Although Zhao Xiaoyan's public relations team claimed at the time, it was rare for a domestic star like Zhao Xiaoyan to be featured in a top fashion magazine such as "Fashion" in North America. It's something you can't ask for, and Zhao Xiaoyan put on that dress because she didn't understand historical events.

  But Chu Shige clearly understood that it was impossible for Zhao Xiaoyan not to know about this kind of thing, but it was only because of his luck and his background in the country that he was confident.

   For a star like this, what happened last time can pass, but what about the future?

   There is absolutely no need for Gucci to choose a female star who may have problems to increase his own risk.

As for Fan Pangpang, although she debuted as a maid, she is obviously a very ambitious girl who has shown the limelight in the past two years. Especially in the past few years, she has participated in many Xiangjiang movies. .

   At this time, Chu Shige has found a better choice.

   After smiling and saying sorry to the people around him, Chu Shige came to Liu Xiaoxian's side.

   "Hello, Ms. Liu, I am Chu Shige from the Operations Department of Gucci China, nice to meet you!"

  Liu Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't go up to join in the fun just now, it didn't mean that Liu Xiaoxian was really Xiaoxian. Seeing Chu Shige, who had just been admired by the stars, come to her side, she was still very excited.

   "Hello Miss Chu, nice to meet you!"

  Chu Shige sat beside Liu Xiaoxian, and the two chatted with a smile.

   Seeing such a situation, Zhao Xiaoyan and Fan Pangpang, who just took the initiative to chat with Chu Shige, showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

   With a cold snort, he returned to his circle.

  But Chu Shige and Liu Xiaoxian have become acquainted with each other from the beginning, and Liu Xiaoxian knows what Chu Shige thinks, which makes her even more excited.

   You must know that you can win several top luxury endorsements in China, which is an important criterion for measuring the quality of an actor.

   "Since you don't have any problems, Ms. Liu, I'm going to the capital in just two days. How about we discuss the specific signing process in the capital then?"

   "Thank you Miss Chu, I don't have any problems here!"

  (end of this chapter)

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