MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-Chapter 371 Gathering of heroes

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"Bastard, bastard!

! "

On the sea, it is full of pastries, candies, and cream elements. On the huge "Queen Mother Anthem", Charlotte Lingling, who is already in her 50s, is throwing a tantrum like a child.

Not only the masters of Charlotte's family on the whole ship trembled, even the ship itself was silent, and the clown's head wearing a crown was like a frightened face, and even cold sweat flowed down.

"Mom, calm down."

At this time, only the eldest son Perospero and the second son Katakuri dared to stay with Charlotte Lingling. Perospero tried his best to persuade his mother who lost his temper.

"According to the intelligence sent back by the spies, the Whitebeard Pirates are indeed approaching Dressrosa."

"If the Whitebeard Pirates really team up with the Don Quixote family, even if it's us...ahem, besides, Smoothie is still in the Don Quixote family, so we have to take care of her feelings, lick~~"


"For my daughter's sake, go and see what the Don Quixote brothers are up to!"

The eldest son, Perospero, breathed a sigh of relief, and licked the candy cane in his hand. What his mother said was "for Smoothie's sake" was just an excuse, and the real reason was:

If the Don Quixote family really won the support of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates, the Charlotte family would have no possibility of resistance! "Skee, Newgate..."

Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting on the pastry throne, couldn't figure it out. How could those two arrogant guys help the Don Quixote family?

If they were so easy to talk to, they wouldn't be the two people Charlotte Lingling knew!


Katakuri, who is wearing a flowery scarf beside him, calmly opened his mouth,

"I know the reason why 'Golden Lion' Shiji helped the Don Quixote family."


"Don Quixote Rossindi is the mysterious assassin 'Altaïr' who rescued the Golden Lion from the city of advancement."

? !

"Bastard! Why didn't you say—"

An exasperated Charlotte Lingling slapped her second son without even thinking about it! With a bang, Katakuri's upper body was blasted into splashing glutinous rice!

Sticky rice?

"He once fought alongside me on Scrap Iron Island,"

With only half of 'Katakuri' wriggling, Nuomi quickly shaped his upper body.

"If it wasn't for Rosindi, it would be very difficult for us to come back alive. I owe him a favor."


Being so angry with her second son's "pedantic" words, the obese Charlotte Lingling subconsciously reached out and grabbed the pirate hat on top of her head, almost turning "Napoleon" into a weapon, and staged "Charlotte's Tutor" '.

"Mom, calm down, calm down—"

Under the urgent dissuasion of the eldest son, Charlotte Lingling finally suppressed her anger.

He will soon arrive at the Dressrosa sea area. At this time, he will have to fight his important combat power... and then he will have to face other legendary pirates. This is not a wise behavior.

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"Go back and punish you!"

Charlotte Lingling, who let go of her hand, was still angry, but she finally understood why that cold-blooded and cruel guy Shi Kee would help the Don Quixote family, so what about Newgate?

It is impossible to owe the great favor of the Don Quixote family.


But in fact it is so,

Off the coast of Dressrosa, there are blue sky, white clouds and choppy waves.

A golden 'city' is located on the sea, let the wind and waves blow, it will not move!

This sea city is like a small moving island. There are castles, corridors, watchtowers, escalators, squares... magnificent. On the wide square ahead, a huge banquet is going on.

Good wine, delicious food, juggling entertainers, and dancing girls... these things made the fighters of the pirates who came here happy. They ate and drank one after another, bragging about their great achievements, and soon became friends. .

This city was made by Pika's ability of 'Stone Fruit', and below it was a huge air bag, and it was painted by Diamanti's 'Golden Fruit', showing a luxurious atmosphere.

Small and small warships guard the city,

Thousands of sails stand on the sea, and countless masts stand upright like lances, piercing the sky.

Pirate flag, half roll of canvas, intertwined hemp rope like a spider web, the sound of the pirates on the ship penetrated into the dark clouds.

In the center of these warships are two huge ships.

One of them is the 'Moby Dick' in the shape of a white whale; the other one is suspended on the sea, like an upside-down mountain, supporting a building in the shape of a battleship, and its bow is like a huge roaring lion. head.

Fly the Golden Lion!

So when the 'Queen Mother Anthem' appeared in this sea area, Charlotte Lingling on the deck couldn't help but get up abruptly. Naturally, she would not recognize these two distinctive ships, that is to say:

"Newgate, Skee is really here!"

Amid unbelievable murmurs, the fat and tall Charlotte Lingling clenched her fists subconsciously.

Both White Beard and Golden Lion used to be her 'companions', and she naturally knows their strengths very well, it can be said that they are not inferior to her, if there is a conflict, I'm afraid-

Do not!

Even Captain Lockes barely managed to gather these strong men together back then.

Charlotte Lingling never believed that the two Don Quixote brothers could really subdue White Beard and the Golden Lion, but it was only in return for favor. She had nothing to fear, and besides:

In theory, Rossindi is still her "son-in-law".

"By the boat!"

With a wave of Charlotte Lingling's hand, the 'Queen Mother Anthem' immediately sailed towards the golden city on the sea, and at the same time several black shadows flew in the sky.

When they got closer, the Charlotte family could see clearly that they were all people waving their wings.

They have a lot of animal characteristics, like animal ability users who have entered the "human-beast form" state. Only this amount—

It is true that the Don Quixote family possesses the 'artificial devil fruit' information.

"My lords of the Charlotte family,"

The leader landed on the deck and bowed in salute.

"My master has been waiting for a long time, please let us lead the way."


Charlotte Lingling, who sat back on the pastry throne, snorted through her nostrils in reply.


"This breath, Lingling also came."

On the open-air castle in the center of this golden city, nine golden thrones have been placed in a circle.

There is no doubt that these golden thrones are prepared for the 'strong'. There are already three sitting, namely 'Golden Lion' Shiki, 'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate, and Kozuki Oden.

After all, now Kozuki Oden represents not the 'Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates', but Wano Country!

Behind him are Jiu Xia and two great swordsmen from Wano Country.

As the golden lion opened his mouth, the white beard next to him also put down the wine barrel in his hand.

"Gu la la la ~~"

"Ski, how many years have we not seen each other?"

"Twenty-three years and two months,"

Shi Ji, the golden lion sitting opposite the white beard, took off the cigar in his mouth and shook it,

"Jie hahahaha~~ I never thought that there would be a day for us to sit together."

The king does not see the king, unless it is a duel of life and death.

Since the death of "Locus D. Gibbek" in the Valley of the Gods, many of the top powerhouses on that ship have scattered in the New World, each occupying one side, and never communicate with each other again.

Sitting together now, all because—

'Golden Lion' Shi Ji's eyes fell on the man standing in front of the open-air castle.

A pitch-black feather coat was draped behind him, and blond mid-length hair fluttered in the wind. Even if it was just a back view, it gave off an incomparably distinct feeling. Anyone would notice him at the first glance and would never ignore his existence.

Don Quixote Rossindi,

With the advent of the legendary figures, Rossi's aura became more and more terrifying: ordering the sea, the heroes bow their heads, such arrogance will naturally transform into a stronger arrogance!

"This brat..."

When the tall and fat Charlotte Lingling set foot on this golden city on the sea, she also noticed the changes in Rossi: Behind him, it seemed that a black and red continent rose into the sky, just like a red earth continent.

"Charlotte family, welcome."

Seeing Rossi reaching out her hand, Charlotte Lingling laughed, and took Rossi's hand directly, looking very intimate.

"Well, well, well,"

"We're all a family. Saying 'welcome' is too alien, good son-in-law."


The golden lion who was already seated raised his eyebrows, showing a surprised expression.

After he was rescued by Rossi from Propel City, he has been immersing himself in development at an altitude of 10,000 meters. He did not expect that Rossi married Charlotte's family.

Not to mention him, even White Beard's eyes flashed. However, as the strongest man in the world, Newgate will naturally not gossip about other people's families, but:

"Lingling, you're getting fat."

These are not polite words. With Whitebeard's strength, he has already reached the state of saying what he wants to say.

"With your body size, can you still hold a knife?"

"Well, why don't you want us to fight now, you are a man who only accepts sons!"

"What did you say?!"

"Don't just think you're BIGMOM—!


Hearing Charlotte Lingling's ridicule of "there is something in the words", the captains behind Whitebeard glared at each other, and stepped forward to fight!


A thick arm with muscles puffed into a perfect line lay across in front of these captains, stopping their impulse.

"Lingling, I haven't seen you for many years, but your temper has grown a lot like your body."

"Everyone is not here today to fight. If you have any skills, you will have the opportunity to show them later."

After finishing speaking, White Beard waved his hand casually.

His 'sons' immediately retreated behind the throne, but still stared angrily at the people of the BIGMOM Pirates.

And Charlotte Lingling's children also responded with provocative and contemptuous glances. Although they didn't make a move, the domineering spirit of the two groups had already collided silently.

There was a crackling sound of 'smooth crackling' in the air, and the dazzling electric light could even be seen out of thin air. This is the out-of-phase produced when powerful and domineering rubs against the air and burns.

The 'lightning' produced by intense staring eyes is not a description for the powerful people on the sea, but a fact.

"It's so lively,"

As an elegant voice sounded, the leader of the white-bearded pirate team who was competing with his eyes, and the children of the BIGMOM pirate group were all taken aback. After turning their heads to see who was coming, they took a breath of air.

Tall and thin, wearing a plum red shirt and blood red trousers, black leather shoes with gold rims on his feet, a wide blood red cloak behind him, a blue rose on his chest, holding a A slender bat handle umbrella.

There is a gold chain hanging on his mouth, and a wicked smile - who else is it not the 'Red Earl' Baloric Redfield?

In an instant, the breath that was still tense just now was swept away.

In front of this 'Sea Dream Demon', even the captain of the white team, the children of Charlotte's family would not dare to make a mistake.

"Please, both of you."

As the host, Rossi had already greeted him, and only then did everyone notice that beside the Red Earl, there was a mysterious man in a dark green cloak.


Is it...

The boss of the Revolutionary Army!

Those who can climb this open-air palace are at least masters at the level of royal cadres, but even they didn't expect that even the mysterious and unpredictable leader of the revolutionary army who played a banner to fight against the world government was also invited here .

Following the red earl and the man in the dark green cloak each sat down on a golden throne, although there was no one behind them, their aura was not inferior to the other three legendary pirates!

"Isn't this a dragon?"

White Beard glanced at him, and the mere cloak naturally couldn't stop his knowledgeable domineering.

"If your dad, Garp, knew what you're doing, he'd beat you up."


Now that White Beard had exposed his identity, Long directly put down his hood, revealing a serious face, long black hair, and a red square tattoo on his cheek like a 'slipper print'.

"How do you know that my dad hasn't smoked me?"

It's him? !

The white regiment cadres, Charlotte's children, and the captains recruited by the Golden Lion all looked shocked. The former dragon almost became an admiral of the navy, but he didn't expect to run out and form a revolutionary army to confront the world government **** for tat.

It's just... so magical!

"Fufufu, everyone is here."

"Ha, is there some kind of 'old friends meeting' being held here?"

Dover came in a pink coat, red sunglasses, and a suit. Beside him was a man wearing ordinary round-frame glasses, a shirt, cropped pants, slippers, and a gray cloak. Vice bohemian look:


"The man known as Hades..."

"One Piece Roger's right hand—"

Amid the subconscious low voices of many people, the handsome middle-aged Lei Li walked up to a golden throne and sat down casually.

"With so many strong players and such an unprecedented event, I didn't expect Brother Rossi to do it."

On the Golden Throne, they are:

'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate;

'Golden Lion' Shiki;

"Your Highness Fool" Kozuki Oden;

'BIGMOM' Charlotte Lingling;

Baloric Redfield, 'The Red Earl';

'Revolutionary' Monkey D. Long;

'Pluto' Rayleigh

The remaining two empty thrones are naturally the positions of Rossi and Dover!

Mita: I often feel out of place with everyone because my nickname is not aggressive enough—?

"Wait, it looks like there are still 'guests' coming."

Rossi touched his chin, and the captains, captains, and cadres raised their heads after concentrating on perception:

"Oh lol~~"

"Let me see, Newgate, Shiji, Lingling... those who don't know, thought that the Rocks Pirates were resurrected."

Above the sky, wrapped in the flame cloud, a huge green dragon opened its teeth and danced its claws, and slowly landed towards the golden castle. Several people were still caught in his dragon claws.

"Brother Kaito, I'm afraid of heights..."

Hanging on the dragon's claws, the chubby Quinn was pale. Of course it's not because of 'fear of heights', but because of the bottom: Are so many top powerhouses planning to flatten the red earth continent?

They already had an enmity with the Don Quixote family, and now they came here—are they not afraid of being used as a "sacrifice flag" by the other party?

"It's great, so many strong people!"

But Kaido doesn't think so, his huge dragon head is full of excitement.

"The next one must be the best war, let's discuss it and let me join it!"

? ? ? ?

Dover pushed the red sunglasses, a little unsure if this Kaido was drunk, and came here to die on purpose.


And Rossi agreed without hesitation, he knew that Kaido had been looking forward to the best war, and: Kaido and he had been caught by the World Government, all kinds of blood tests, compared to the Don Quixote family, that is It is their mortal enemy.


After Rossi nodded, Kaido just fell down carelessly, and after turning into a human form, he walked directly to one of the remaining two golden thrones.

"Wait a minute,"

The invisible thread wrapped around Kaido in an instant, and Dover's cold voice came from beside him.

"There is no place for you here, if you want to sit down, grab a seat yourself!"


"Forget it, Dover."

Just when the dark lightning started to jump, Rossi spoke.

"Give that seat to Kaido, I'm not going to sit anyway."

These golden thrones are prepared for the 'kings' of the sea, and Rossi, who stands in the center of these nine thrones, wants the apex of the king.


"First of all, thank you for coming."

"Then, let's get straight to the point."

"We, the Don Quixote family, invite everyone to come to—"

Standing in the center of the nine top powerhouses, Rossi cracked the corner of his mouth, revealing a sunny and wild smile.

"Kill the Red Earth Continent, crush Marie Gioia, overthrow all the Celestial Dragons, and give this world real 'freedom'!"

Read The Duke's Passion