MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-Chapter 4 bet

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An empty bucket and mop were thrown in front of Rossindi, and the splash of sewage jumped on his face.

"Clean the entire corridor before noon, or be careful of your skin!"

After finishing speaking, the guy who left the bucket and mop turned around and left with crabbed steps. Although he was just an 'apprentice sailor', he was still able to find his own 'sense of superiority'.

Even if it's just on a little boy!

Because of the death of the head chef, the ship fell into tense precautions. Rosinindi, who had been staying in the bottom warehouse, was also ordered to come out to 'work', and the reward was half a loaf of moldy bread.

Tsk, this world of the jungle.


With a thought, the Silent Fruit ability is activated.


As soon as the arrogant cadet sailor turned the corridor, he bumped into a tall figure.


Before the dizzy, unlucky guy came back to his senses, a gnarled palm landed on top of his head.

"Bastard, how dare you hit me?!"


The sound of crackling fists and feet drowned out the apprentice sailor's explanation, and a series of screams made Rosinetti, who started mopping the floor, shrug his shoulders.

It was he who used his silence ability to eliminate the footsteps in the corridor just now, which made the two of them bump into each other around the corner.

Among all kinds of strange devil fruits, the Silent Fruit is certainly very 'garbage'.

But for ordinary people, it is still like a dimensionality reduction blow.

After accepting the fact that he traveled to the world of One Piece and ate the fruit of silence, Rossindi also began to conceive how to develop this fruit.

Although the Fruit of Silence only has the effect of 'prohibiting the transmission of sound waves', it is not impossible to develop on this basis.

If it is really as he conceived, then even this fruit has the potential to become a strong person!

But...that's all for the future.

"Go away, trash!"

An old punch made the cadet sailor cry. The tall bosun walked past Rossindi without even looking at the harmless little boy.

Although the bosun was not very bright, the dark and turbulent atmosphere on the ship still made him smell dangerous.

This is also the reason why his temper is getting more and more irritable!

Compared to this 'invisible' enemy situation, he prefers fighting with real swords and guns on the battlefield.

That murderer hiding in the shadows, don't let me catch you!



After a day's chores, when Rosindi returned to the warehouse, Dover handed him a piece of bread.

No mold, no worms, it is a rare 'food' in memory.

"Who gave it to you?"

Rossindi took the bread and broke it in half, and returned the half to Dover while asking questions.

"Captain or navigator?"

"Navigator...why do you ask that?"

Facing Dover's doubts, Rossi shook his head helplessly.

The clean bread must be because Dover has "taken refuge" with a certain force on the ship;

And with Dover's mind, the object of his refuge will be bewitched soon, right?

"Dover, we don't need to take risks."

"There are so many people on this ship who could kill us that such a plan would be tantamount to walking a tightrope."

After a day of careful research, Rossi found that his physique was much 'stronger' than ordinary children: whether it was digestion or recovery.

If it were an ordinary child facing the environment the two of them were in, they would have died of beatings, diseases, wound infections, etc.!

This made Rossi have to admit: "Dragon Man" is actually an excellent bloodline.

Think about it in the original book, the fat pig Tianlong in Chambord was blown away by Luffy's punch, and half of the auction house was smashed into ruins, but he was still alive and kicking. This resistance ability can at least be worth tens of millions of bounties.

After all, they are descendants of twenty kings, and the future Weiwei can kill a banana crocodile more than ten meters away. If it weren't for years of hunger and cold, Rossi and Dover would definitely not be the weak chickens in this "little carrot head".

If I remember correctly, the future Doflamingo will be three meters tall, and Rosindi will be 4 meters tall...

But that's all 'future'!

With Rossi and Dover's small arms and legs, and a height of just over one meter, they are naturally not good enough compared to the sailors who are half merchants and half bandits on the ship.

The situation where the head chef was shot in the head was just an accident. In a frontal battle, how much strength can two children have?

"Wait until Beihai, let's take care of our bodies first, and then draw up a plan to become stronger—"

Devil Fruit, Navy Six Styles, Kendo Fighting, Three-Color Domineering...

Although the time period has been advanced by more than 20 years, some things will not change.

Rossi believes that with his understanding of the world, he will be able to achieve a career in the future, and there is no need to fight a powerful enemy now.

"That's naive to think, Rosie!"

Because of Rossi's "silent shielding", the two children hiding in the bottom warehouse can talk confidently and boldly.

"Our goal is the Tianlong people, we must seize every opportunity to become stronger!"

Speaking of which, Dover held half a loaf of bread in one hand, and stretched five fingers in the other hand to grasp it downward. Although he was only nested in the small bottom bin, he looked as if he was standing on the mast.

"This ship is the opportunity that fate has given us. Everyone is yearning for blood!"

"As long as those guys who suspect each other start killing each other, we have a chance to get a ship of our own!"

Putting down his arms, Dover stared at Rossi firmly under the sunglasses.

"Or, are you going to go to the pier to save money and get the first start-up capital in more than ten years?"


Worthy of being the boss of the underground world of One Piece in the future, at the age of 10, he learned how to sow dissension without a teacher, and reap the benefits... But it is not so easy to walk among powerful forces.

"That makes sense, but I still don't agree with your plan."

"Dover, the more scheming people are, the more they will fall into unexpected difficulties—"

Strategies are useful, but in this world, strength is the foundation of everything.

The future Doflamingo believed too much in conspiracy and weirdness, so he was defeated by the Straw Hats and the Tokushima coalition forces.

In the small bottom warehouse, the two boys did not give an inch.

"Let's make a bet,"

Swallowing half of the bread in her hand in one gulp, Rossi stood up.

"The bet is the boat! We each carry out our own actions without interfering with each other, and we will judge heroes by success or failure!"

"If you win in the end, I will listen to you in the future. If—"

Dover frowned, his eyes became serious under the sunglasses.

"I won, and I will make future plans."

When did my younger brother who was 'take care' by me become so strong?

"it is good!"

Facing his brother's bet, Doflamingo agreed without hesitation.

He didn't believe that he would lose to the 'naive' Rossindi!


the next day,

"This is the second victim,"

In one cabin, the noble captain, the gentle navigator, and the bald boatswain stood in a triangle, and on the floor between them lay a sailor.

Whether it was the cloudy pupils, the coagulated pool of blood, the pale skin, or the flies flying around his eyeballs, they all proved that it was a corpse.

"Jule is a good man,"

The gentle navigator squatted down, waved away the flies, and closed the eyelids for the sailor himself.

"Although he is just the son of a down-and-out small businessman, he didn't dare to go back because he lost all his family property, so he can only do some clerical work on this ship, but—"

The gentle navigator stood up, his tone unknowingly three points heavier.

"He's a nice guy."


"My condolences, Monsieur Daphrance."

The noble captain with a moustache took off his tall round hat and put it on his chest.

Daphrans is exactly the name of the gentle navigator.

It's just that the sailors on the ship usually call him 'Mr. Navigator', but he forgot his real name over time.

"Just one person died,"

The bald sailor on the other side had an indifferent expression on his face. To him, dead people were commonplace.

"Alek, I don't expect you to know what 'emotion' is, but the situation we are facing now is—"

The gentle navigator covered the dead sailor's face with a white cloth, stood up, and looked serious.

"This is the second 'silent murder incident'. There is a murderer lurking on this ship that we don't know about!"

"Dika, Yule, who is next?"

The gentle navigator stretched out his finger,

"It's you?"

Yet turned to himself,

"it's me?"

Finally, his eyes were on the noble captain,

"Even Sir Crahorn was the murderer's target?"

The cabin suddenly fell silent, only the sound of the waves outside rising and falling,

The faces of the three 'big men' who controlled the first boat were all as cold as iron. With wandering eyes, I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Monsieur Dafranc, Jules will leave it to you."

In the end, it was the noble captain who broke the silence.

He walked around the corpse on the ground with a silver staff in his hand, and was the first to push the door and leave.

"I will ask my people to step up patrols, and you should also pay attention to your own safety."


After the noble captain left, the gentle navigator's calm eyes fell on the bald bosun, which made the bosun frown before he realized it.

"You suspect it's me?"

"It's not funny at all, Yule is such a waste, I can twist his head off with one hand!"

Facing the boatswain who strode away angrily, the corners of the navigator's lips twitched just now when he was 'hiding' grief and anger in a calm face.

Of course it wasn't the two of you who did it,

No one would have thought that the murderer was actually the boy in sunglasses doing odd jobs on the boat.

And the one who ordered him was himself—

The gentle navigator tilted his head and glanced at the sailor on the ground whose face was covered by a white cloth.

Good man Yule, use your life to help me achieve the goal of the Daphransi family.

To have a small country house near Angvale is just what a gentleman should be.

Read The Duke's Passion