MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 1 Dover's Bizarre Adventure

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"here is···?"

The ground was knee-deep in snow and ice, and the air was filled with howling cold winds that blew like knives.

But this is not an extremely cold wilderness, but inside a building: at least from the perspective of Dover who pushed his red sunglasses, it is surrounded by rock buildings covered in thick ice crystals, and there are huge iron chains hanging from the ceiling , was also condensed by the cold ice and was covered with icicles.

This scene made Dover, who had just been transferred here by Yin Mu's space ability, think deeply.

I seem to have heard of it there?


"There are people outside the prison,"

"Get me out! No, you don't need to save me, just take off your feather coat...?!"

As Dover turned his head to look in the direction of the noise: Behind a dark cell door that was also covered with icicles, there were a group of prisoners wearing black and white striped prison uniforms covered in ice crystals, excited by his appearance, But after seeing Dover's face clearly, the excitement turned into fear.

"Tian Yasha?"

"Isn't this guy locked up on the sixth floor?"

"Could it be a jailbreak? It doesn't matter, JOKER! Let us out—"

boom! !

As Dover raised his hand and pressed, the invisible domineering blasted the prisoners who rushed to the prison door away. And Dover, who was wearing a suit and tie and a pink feather coat, had already walked to the prison door, looking down at the prisoners who were paralyzed to the ground by his arrogance.

"Who gave you the courage to call me a clown?"

? ? ?

"'s not,"

The prisoner who just yelled the name 'JOKER' had blood on his face, and when he looked up, the blood had been frozen into ice slag.

"Isn't the clown your nickname? Your Excellency Amayasha Doflamingo..."

clown? Tianyasha?

Dover frowned. What kind of nickname is this? It smells like an oligarch in the underground world. My Don Quixote family is going to become the king of the world.

"Dover? Dover?! It's really you~~ woo woo woo~~~"

In the prison on the other side, a skinny prisoner rushed to the door of the prison. After seeing Dover, he cried with snot and tears.

"Tore... Pole?"

It's no wonder that Dover hesitated a bit, it's really:

"you lost weight."

Seeing the prison uniform and shackles on Torrebol, Dover finally realized where it was.

Advance the city!

Moreover, it is the 'extremely cold hell' that advances to the 5th floor below Chenghai.


With a wave of five fingers, the huge and solid alloy cage next to it was torn apart under the dark silk thread. As Dover spread out his palm, a silk thread quickly gathered in the palm to form a key, and he released the sea tower stone shackles on Torrebol's wrist, and Dover patted him on the shoulder.

"To be tortured like this is to make you suffer."

"Ah? No hard work, no hard work..."

Torrepol shook his head with a blank face. Although the environment here is a little bit worse, it can't be said to be torture, right?

"Dover, how did you escape from prison?"

Facing Torrebol's question, Dover frowned.

"Why should I escape from prison?"

"What happened to the war in the Holy Land—"

Holy land, what holy land?

Dover sighed while Torrebol stood still with a dazed expression on his face.

"I'm the one who painted the lake,"

"Since you have all been captured and taken to the city of advancement, it seems that the family has failed."


"But it doesn't matter, wait until we go out to regroup our troops and crush Mary Joya again!"


Torrepol with a blank face followed Dover, letting the other party lead him through many prisons condensed with ice, and began to wonder if he had hallucinations because he was too desperate for reality.

While thinking this way, Torrebol looked up at the 'Dover' in front of him, and the more he looked, the more something was wrong:

His hair has obviously grown a lot, and he is wearing a suit that he hasn't worn for many years. His figure is as tall and straight as a it really an illusion?



With a wave of Dover's five fingers, another prison was torn apart, and the tall and thin Diamanti also came out with a look of surprise.


The domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge spread out, and Dover Howe, who sensed the aura of the three familiar family cadres on this floor, began to save people without stopping. Even the breath is so weak.

"Hey! Let us out too!"

"Damn it, the Don Quixote family has escaped from prison!"

"Guard, guard! Magellan you diarrhea man—"

Soon, Torrebol, Diamanti, and Pica were rescued by Dover. Facing the other prisoners who were clamoring, Dover didn't even look at them, but spread his domineering arrogance—? !

This breath is...

"Oh, you actually escaped from prison?"

"It seems that Magellan is very good at doing things."

Just when Dover doubted his life because he sensed a breath, several indifferent voices sounded.


In the snowstorm, three mysterious men in white suits and masks walked towards the four of Dover. Their powerful aura made Torrebol and the others feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Dover, be careful—?"

Dover raised his eyebrows after waving his hand to make the three of Torrepol who stood in front of him retreat.

"There are three CP0s in the area, what is there to be careful about?"


"Ha, it seems that we have been underestimated."

The leading CP0 agent captain smiled coldly and tore off his suit.

boom! !

In the next second, a huge amount of arrogance erupted from him, blasting a huge hole in the surrounding wind and snow abruptly, and his figure quickly rose high, turning into a half-human half-tiger shape. At the same time, black flames burned on his body, wrapping around his shoulders like streamers.

"Brother Doflaming, you are no longer a Celestial Dragon!"

"Did you end it yourself, or did we send you on your way?"

"Animation... Animal Awakened?"

The skinny Torrebol was so scared that his nose flowed out. CP0 are all proficient in the six styles, two-color domineering powerhouses, plus the awakening of animal fruits, today I am afraid-

"Just right,"

Facing the three CP0 killers, Dover pushed the sunglasses and went directly past Torrepol and the others.

"I'm also full of anger."


advance city,

Four floors underground, scorching hell

"Damn, is it still a step too late?"

Wearing a black overcoat with a pair of small bat wings on his back, the tall Magellan squatted down and stroked the necks of the soldiers guarding the advance city leading to the fifth floor with his fingers: Although the corpses were still warm, the CP0 Speed, this time is enough for them to kill the target a dozen times.

"Deputy Magellan, we..."


Standing up, Magellan strode toward the passage.

"Impere Prison is my place, even CP0 can't do whatever they want here!"

"No, Imper prison should be mine..."

Ok? !

When Magellan turned his head suddenly, Hannibal, who was following behind him, held the position of Director, his expression froze.

"Ahem, I'm just talking."

It is obvious that I am already the director, but I still have to listen to Magellan, so uncomfortable~~

Although he complained in his heart, Hannibal also understood that the real master of the advancing city was Magellan.

Because of the big incident that happened two years ago, Hannibal became the director, and Magellan was demoted to the deputy director, but such things as strength will not change because of the rank: the strongest man in Advance City is still Magellan.

Tread Tread,

"Quick! Quick!"

A group of masters who advanced the city rushed into the fifth floor: because of the extreme cold here, there were no surveillance phone bugs, so when Magellan led people into this prison, he found that there were traces of battle everywhere: the collapsed prison , broken chains, huge pits, and:

" is it possible?"

The awakened CP0 captain of the animal system who was held in the air by Dover was shocked, and the other two CP0 agents were trampled under his feet.

"Did Yoom send the three of you to die?"

Casually throwing aside the CP0 captain, who suffered tons of damage in a short period of time and couldn't even carry the animal 'sit-ups', Dover turned his head to look at Entrance to the fourth floor.


"... Doflamingo?"

This situation made Magellan frown.

Two months ago, the Don Quixote family was defeated by the "Five Emperors" Nika Luffy. In order to protect Doflamingo, Magellan deliberately imprisoned him to the depths of the sixth floor to prevent him from being killed by the killers of the World Government. .

This is not to say that Magellan has any friendship with the Don Quixote family, but because Doflamingo has the weakness of the World Government in his hands. But the scene in front of him made Magellan wonder whether he was hallucinating in an instant.

"How did you escape from the sixth floor, and—"

And easily kill the killer of the world government?

"Fufufu, it seems that I made a mistake."

Abandoning the CP0 captain, Dover clenched his fists and faced Magellan:

"Magellan, grit your teeth."



With a flash of pink light, he galloped towards the strongest man in the city with fists of black lightning!

winter! !

During the splash of venom, Magellan felt as if he was hit head-on by a giant Neptune, and flew out with a gust of wind and snow, his chest was numb, without any consciousness. It wasn't until his back slammed into the wall of the advancing city fiercely, creating a huge crater, that he slowly slid down.

"Cough...cough cough,"

Magellan, who was half kneeling on the ground, lowered his head and took a look. The black coat made of special materials on his chest was torn, exposing the muscles of the fleshy lake below.

Looking up with difficulty, he saw Dover who was casually shaking his palms with his usual expression.

"Overlord's color didn't you get poisoned?"

Although facing Dover's attack just now, Magellan had already covered his whole body with a layer of venom, but he couldn't hurt Dover who was attacking from the air. But Magellan's breath is also highly poisonous, especially since he subconsciously spit out the 'poison cloud' just now, theoretically speaking, the man in front of him should be poisoned.

"Just rely on this bit of poison."

Dover put his hands in his pockets indifferently,

"Our family has done corresponding drug resistance training."

? !

How do we not know?

Amidst the bewildered faces of Torrebol, Diamanti, and Pika who were "looking at the gods", Dover made a ten-finger hook.

"my body?"

"Damn, what's going on—"

Following Magellan into this level, everyone in the city of Propulsion drew out their weapons one after another, with the barrels of their guns against their temples and their long knives around their necks, as if they were about to commit suicide collectively.


"Don't get excited, Magellan."

Using the parasitic line to control the advancing city cadres including Director Hannibal and Warden Domino, Dover pushed the red sunglasses.

"Take me to the sixth floor, if I'm not wrong..."


sixth floor,

There is no sun here, and there are prison cells made of Hailou stone everywhere.

Although Straw Hat Luffy and Blackbeard Titch made a big fuss two years ago and released a large number of vicious prisoners, but in the past two years, a large number of new criminals have been captured.

"Fufufu, Magellan,"

In a single room on the sixth floor, a man wearing a black and white prison uniform, with hands and feet bound by Hailou stone chains, a blond cropped head, and red sunglasses heard the opening of the elevator and the sound of footsteps, and put down his hands. newspaper.

"Did you come to deliver me fake newspapers again?"

"To be honest, you guys are becoming less and less able to make up: the straw hat that ran away in my hands two months ago, and now Kaido is overthrown—?!"


"Who are you?!"

Tian Yecha, who threw away the newspaper, stood up suddenly, rattled Hailoushi's chains, and stared at the man outside the cell.

Pink feather coat, black suit trousers, blond mid-length hair combed back, red sunglasses... exactly the same as Doflamingo many years ago!


Dover outside the cage nodded,

"I'm no longer in my own world."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes