MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 42 Get what you want

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Barrett's whole body is not good. He is domineering and armed, and he is a "devil form" that claims to be able to resist any devil fruit ability. However, let's not say that Yin Mu has no resistance in front of his ability. After the other party found out that Barrett was specialized in arming, he didn't even bother to look at her.

Even if he was 'time-suspended', Barrett's body was still terrifyingly strong, and Yin Mu didn't want to waste time on him, which made Barrett not even count as a sandbag.

"Damn, so strong..."

"Ahem, ahem, it's lucky that you didn't die."

As for the Aokiji and Red Dog who became the 'sandbag' suspended by Yinmu time this time, one of their necks was almost severed, and the other was almost cut in half. ——This is still the case when Luffy and Blackbeard restrain Yinmu.

"Fufufu, you are indeed an admiral."

Dover, the young man in a suit who dragged the two to the back, moved his fingers together, and opened his mouth casually while sewing the two together.

"Vitality is tenacity, presumably this small injury will not affect the next battle, right?"

Akainu and Aokiji, who had been quickly healed by the young Dover from another world, moved their necks and bodies, and couldn't help but glance at the middle-aged Dover who was fighting a five-old star on the other side. Why is there such a big gap between people?


The middle-aged Dover, who was distracted by the eyes of the two, wanted to say a few harsh words, but without the skin of "Tianlong Ren", he would not dare to fight hard with the red dog Aokiji, so he could only use his anger Vent on the long-bearded Wulaoxing who was fighting him.

"Excellent medical method,"

Qingzhi, who touched his neck, put down his palm. When Yinmu cut his neck with a finger just now, besides trying desperately to resist with armed domineering, he started to prepare his last words. The wound was stitched up perfectly, and the serious injury instantly turned into a skin trauma.

And there is nothing wrong with Dover in the other world: Whether it is this world or his world, the strong are notoriously rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

Just like the white beard on the top of the war, he was first hit by the filial son's sword, then his chest was blasted with a big hole, and half of his head was missing. A total of 267 stab wounds, 152 bullets, 40 Six rounds of shells... You can still fight to the death like this, which shows how long the blood bar of the strong is.

After being healed by Dover, Akakenu and Aokiji immediately rushed to Yinmu again!

"You stalkers..."

After repeating this several times, even the invincible Yinmu was troubled.

If it was one-on-one, these so-called top powerhouses in the sea would be ants that could be killed with a backhand in front of her.

Even if it was a siege, Yin Mu, who had the ability of 'time pause', could easily kill them. But with the presence of 'Qiao Yin Boyin' and the dark fruit ability user, under the interference of these two guys who can move in her time pause, Yin Mu can only seriously injure other people at most, and cannot kill in seconds.

And as long as it doesn't die on the spot, Dover in the suit can sew people back together, it's simply...

The majestic king of the world was actually dragged into a tug of war?

"Get out of here!!"


Yin Mu, who hadn't been in such a mess for hundreds of years, burst out domineering: Shock! shock! shock! shock! shock! shock! shock! shock!

The dark lightning that is wilder and more violent than thunder and thunder, and the azure blue domineering that is more powerful than tsunami and landslides. Wherever they go, space is torn apart, continents collapse, and even time becomes chaotic. The chaotic scenes of slowing down, stagnation, and jumping alternately caused many strong players to retreat.

"The fruit ability of time is really terrifying..."

The only one who didn't retreat was Barrett with his arms in front of him, his face serious.

If it was just an ordinary time-type devil fruit, there would be no threat at all in front of domineering powerhouses like them. But Yin Mu's ability can ignore domineering defense... Speaking of which, this characteristic is the same as that straw hat kid, and they are all unreasonable devil fruits with the name of "God".

Even if the ability of the fruit is extremely perverted, for the powerhouses present, it will not make them helpless—the really powerful ones are:


While everyone else was flying back, Yin Mu, who was already angry, appeared in front of Barrett and punched him.

"Well done!"

For Barrett, the most fearful thing is head-to-head encounters. He had never been afraid of anyone except at the hands of Roger when he was young, never!

boom! !

Two fists, one big and one small, blasted together, turned into a domineering light that shot outwards in circles, smashing the earth and tearing everything apart! However, soon, the azure blue light suppressed Barrett's jet-black arrogance, and the azure azure arrogance presented waves of shocks, submerging Barrett like a tsunami.

"Fly for me—"

In front of Yin Mu who shot with all his strength, even Barrett, who has been practicing domineering for decades, instantly turned into a black light and flew out backwards! The earth was torn into a long canyon like a swordfish across the sea! Straight across the ruins of Marie Gioia, it soared to the edge of the Red Earth Continent, and disappeared into everyone's eyes with a trail of white air waves.

"Hiss, what a terrifying arrogance."

The middle-aged Dover, who was entangled with the five old stars in the outer battlefield, took a breath, and realized clearly for the first time: after he achieved "immortality" by relying on the fruit of the operation, and then obtained the control of the king, he could The plan to overthrow Yoom's rule and become the king of the ridiculous and ignorant.

Even if he got the control of the king of heaven, Yin Mu can kill him with one punch!


Seeing that Barrett, who had always been a 'meat shield', was thrown somewhere by Yin Mu's punch, a group of strong men looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although they are usually known as blood cows, they fight for days and nights at every turn. But in front of Yin Mu, who dares to say that he is invincible and invincible? Everyone has become a delicate and weak girl, but they dare not be punched by Yin Mu.

"A bunch of trash!"

At this time, it is still necessary for Dover in a suit to stand up.

"Think clearly, this is your world, here are your partners and your family."

"Even if I fail, I will only die. Are you retreating here because you want to watch your relatives and partners hanged to death by the Tianlong people?!"

"You don't need to say, brother Ming from another world."

Luffy, covered in white flames, took a step forward, and the 'Nica' form that was supposed to laugh wildly couldn't even laugh.

His Nika fruit can even juggle Kaido, using the dragon-shaped Kaido as a jumping rope. But in the face of Yinmu's devil fruit, which also has the name of "Moon God", it is just barely protecting itself.

woo woo woo woo,

At this moment, a gust of wind howled up.

The violent wind fell on the ruins of the battlefield, turning into Monkey D. Dragon in a green robe, and a group of tall, short, fat and thin figures.

"Straw hat boy~~"

"Is that the commander-in-chief's son?"

"So strong and domineering, as expected of the commander's son—"

These people are undoubtedly the leader of the revolution, the 'Human Demon King' Ambrio Yinwankov, and the other four legion commanders, as well as:

"Dad?" x2

The first dad came to Luffy. Although his dad was in a 'missing' state since he was a child, Luffy still saw his dad's photo. Garp showed it to him secretly, and told him not to tell others. life experience.

And the second daddy was Joelle Bonney, who was dealing with a cp0 agent on the periphery of the battlefield, playing soy sauce.

What made her burst into tears and shouted was Bartholomew Big Bear who was running towards her with various wires, machinery, and blood stains exposed under the tattered clothes.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dad, it's me, Bonnie."

However, facing Bonnie who was hugging him, the half-human, half-mechanical bear just stopped in his tracks with a blank expression, as if his mission had been completed. In fact, the reason why Da Xiong, who was rescued by the revolutionary army, came to this battlefield is that he sensed that Bonnie was in danger.

Now that the task is complete, he naturally stops his actions.

"Vegapunk, restore my father to normal! Please~~"

When Bonnie hugged the big bear and cried bitterly, on the other side:

"Dragon, just in time."

Duoffei in the suit, who was shaken away by Yin Mu's punch, retreated tens of meters before stopping.

"This is Yin Mu, the 'god' of the Tianlong people. Kill her, and the goal of your revolutionary army will be achieved!"


"You are the rumored 'Doflamingo' from another world."

The intelligence system of the Revolutionary Army is also not weak, not to mention that Vegapunk and Long are still good friends, so Long knows the information about the young Dover, but he did not expect... that Dover, who does all kinds of evil and runs various black industries Brother Ming, in another world is actually such a top powerhouse.

"it is good,"

As this alien Dover said, as long as this 'Yim' is killed, the rule of the Tianlong people can be overthrown, and the purpose of the revolutionary army will be achieved.

"Hmph, it's up to you?"

Even if there is one more enemy, Yin Mu is still not afraid.

Except for the dragon, she doesn't pay attention to anyone else in the revolutionary army: If that Bartholomew Bear is still normal, he can barely be regarded as an opponent—? !


A pirate ship leaps onto the red earth continent. On the dragon-shaped head of the ship, a red-haired, one-armed, scar-faced man jumps off. He wears a white shirt that is only half-buttoned, and wears a long black cloak with the logo printed on it. Patterned brown cropped trousers, wearing flip-flops under his feet, with a chic and unrestrained appearance.

"Such a grand banquet, why didn't you notify me?"


Amidst Luffy's surprised voice, the middle-aged man nicknamed 'Red Hair' smiled and waved to Luffy, then turned to look at Yinmu.

"Master Yin Mu, your failure is doomed."

"Give me some face and admit defeat."


"Hahahaha, and us!"

Amidst the heroic long laughter, a gray-haired, tall, broad-chested, muscular old man in a navy white suit leaped onto the Red Earth Continent.

Monkey D. Cap!

"I didn't expect it to develop to this point..."

And next to Garp, of course, is his lifelong good friend, with a grey-haired afro, a long beard on his chin tied into a twist, and also wearing a white navy suit and cropped trousers.


Yin Mu glanced at the three guys, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, Lord Yinmu."

Garp scratched his hair, looking embarrassed.

"Since you are going to attack my unfilial son and careless grandson, I, a grandfather, can't stand by and watch."

It is obviously your son and grandson who are rebellious!

"very good,"

At this situation, Yin Mu laughed back angrily.

"All the rebellion jumps out, right?"

"Then let me finish you all at once! But before that—"

Facing the three generations of Meng Qi's family, even Yin Mu did not dare to take it lightly. After all, unlike others, the three must work together as a father and son in battle. so:

Stretching out a tender white finger, Yin Mu drew a circle to the side.

buzz buzz,

As her fingers flicked in the air, a dark circle appeared, shrinking the hole of the Dover sunglasses in the suit!

"The opposite of this space-time rift is another world."

In the slight trembling of the young Dover in the suit, Yin Mu raised his chin proudly:

"That's right, it's your world!"

"Yim of that world threw your troubles to me, now, you come to me, get out of there!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Mu stepped forward and left this 'space-time crack'.


In the next second, a figure brushed past her.

"Hey, no!"

'Blackbeard' Titch's expression changed. You must know that the powerhouses here are all made up of Dover from another world. If he runs away...there will be three red-haired, Bucky, and the Four Kings of the Sea. He is related to the Straw Hat Boy, the grandfather of the naval hero, and the father of the commander of the Revolutionary Army.

They are all from that Luffy, what can I use to fight him? !

"very good,"

As soon as Dover in the suit rushed to the front of the space-time rift, he raised his hand, and the silk thread passed through the darkness to the opposite world, where he quickly formed a "shadow knight". After checking the surrounding environment first, he instinctively sensed the existence of his ability creation, that is to say, there is his own world!

"Fufufuhahaha, my family, Rosie, wait for me—"

"I'll be right back!"


Seeing the ecstatic Dover in the suit step into the dark space-time rift, Luo on the other side of the battlefield pressed his spotted hat to cover his face.

"Captain, won't you follow?"

Facing the white bear Beipo who quietly touched the opening next to him, Luo shook his head.


The "self" in that world has his own life, and Luo also has a group of deeply bonded crew members.

And Mr. Rosindi of that world, I wish you well.

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes