MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 56 The Power of Guardians

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With one blow, the entire city of seven waters is as bright as day!

Both the sea and the sky were dyed with a cold light, the tumbling sea and layers of dark clouds were vividly visible, and Fuzi Fu, who was targeted by Luffy, was instantly overwhelmed by the light of thunder and lightning.

An island-sized capital of seven waters suddenly trembled, and the courtyard in front of the headquarters of the Carrera Company and the mayor's office of the city was blown out of a huge pit without any resistance.

The rocky floor was instantly melted, and the earth was wiped out with ashes. If Luffy hadn't deliberately concentrated the power of this move in one place, the thunder and lightning that erupted would be enough to turn half of the capital of Seven Waters into ruins.

After one blow, Luffy landed next to the huge pit, his whole body was shining with lightning and looked like a god.

And poor Foz Fu has fallen deeply into the huge pit!

Fruit ability and domineering, there is no such thing as strong or weak, it all depends on their own development and training. Caribou's nature-type, which was knocked down by someone with a punch, is just the most **** 'swamp fruit' after all, and Luffy's thunder fruit, even if it is not the first attack in the nature-type, it is still in the top three.


How can it be? !

As Luffy blasted Foz Fau into the bottom of the city with one move, the battlefield that was still tense just now suddenly fell silent. Brigadier General Sicily, Lu Qi, Kaku... Although they are not Luffy's targets, everyone feels as if countless electric currents are rushing through their bodies, and they can't help shivering, almost suspecting that there is something wrong with their eyes .

After all, Sicily is a domineering and skilled commodore. He belongs to the kind of person who has reached his strength but has not been promoted. He should have touched the threshold of lieutenant general.

But it is precisely because of this powerful cp9 agent wearing a cat face mask that he is so embarrassed.

In the end, he was bombarded by that bounty hunter? !

And the other Lu Qi, Kaku and others who also wore masks and robes to participate in the masquerade ball were even more horrified than words.

Although they didn't like this airy Foz Foz, this former cp9 genius was not just a blown out, and his strength was definitely above them. It was even rumored that he would be transferred to cp0 after completing this task. That institution is known as the "Shield of Heavenly Dragon People", and those who can enter it can be called "masters" in the entire sea.

"Is this the power of the natural devil fruit?"

The leader, Rob Lucci, directly covered the bull-head mask, and there was no need to hide it now.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Asbagu."

As the mask was taken off, other people also revealed their true colors: Kaku, who is also the foreman of the shipwright, Bruno, the owner of the "Brown Cow House" bar, and Kalifa, the clerical administrator in charge of handling paperwork in the city hall .

"Originally, we just wanted to get the design drawing of 'Pluto' from you, but it seems that this task is very difficult to achieve."


He let out a long breath, and Luffy, with jumping lightning in his breath, looked at Nicole Robin standing behind the four cp9 agents.


"Now, can you tell us why?"


"Let me tell you!"

Just when the shocked Robin wriggled his lips and wanted to say something, he was blasted out of the black pit by Luffy, and a figure flew out of it.

"After this cunning woman was recognized by us, she didn't directly choose to escape like before."

Foz Fow, who was covered in scorched black, opened the corner of his mouth, revealing his white fangs, and his body began to swell.

"Because she has you guys!"


Bones proliferated, muscles squirmed, and in the blink of an eye, Foz Fow, who was scorched by Luffy's attack, transformed into a tall half-human, half-beast. From a slender figure to a burly and thick one, two huge canine teeth are exposed outside the mouth like daggers, looking particularly ferocious and terrifying.

Department of Animals · Cat Cat Fruit · Ancient Species · Saber-toothed Tiger Form

"Ha, what a touching 'friendship'. In exchange for your safety, she is even willing to cooperate with us—?!"


Just when Foz Fowler, who hadn't finished his transformation yet, laughed at Robin's innocence, a lightning flashed, and a fist with lightning was already reflected in his child's hole. Even this cp9 agent who is proficient in six styles and two-color domineering did not react.


The tall and burly half-human half-saber-toothed tiger flew backwards, carrying a puff of smoke, crashed into the building behind him and disappeared.

"I'll just say it,"

Blowing the noisy guy away with one punch, Luffy raised his head to look at Robin behind the four cp9 agents.

"So that's what happened, you were threatened - I'm mad, Robin!"


Facing the serious Luffy, Robin lowered his eyes.

"Sorry, Captain Luffy."

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

Hearing Luffy's question, Robin was taken aback again.

"I...was wrong because I shouldn't...betray you..."


Taking a step forward, Luffy pointed angrily at the opposite building where he blasted a big hole, and inside was the strongest CP9 agent.

"Your fault is that you don't believe in our strength, we are not weak enough to require you to sacrifice yourself to protect!"

After speaking, Luffy held out his hand to Robin.

"come back-"



However, as an animal department, it is obviously not so easy to be killed. The building on the opposite side that had a **** hole smashed into it suddenly exploded, as if being bombarded by more than a dozen heavy cannons at the same time, the structure that was originally built according to the strength of the fortress collapsed on the spot! A tall figure with a murderous aura swooped out.


Although he was tall, Foz Fu pulled out a turning light in the air, which showed how fast he was! At the same time, where the light went, the earth and rocks all over the sky disappeared without a sound, as if a smooth and clean trajectory was wiped out.

This move is the fusion technique of 'shaving' and 'lanjiao' in the six styles.

"Iron Block Tooth Flash!"

At the same time, two long fangs pierced the air like big sharp knives, soaring to Luffy with layers of white air waves.

Before the teeth arrived, the irresistible and violent force caused the ground within a radius of 30 meters to crack layer by layer. The shock wave set off a huge wave visible to the naked eye. The violent air fluctuations rolled and crushed like a heavy hammer, enough to make the body of a creature within tens of meters feel as if it was run over by a battleship. The bones shattered and died violently!

This move is an attack in which the "iron block" and "finger gun" are fused into the fruit ability in the sixth style. The power is so terrifying that ordinary 200 million pirates don't even know how to die.


The earth trembles!

Foz Fow, who flew out, hit Luffy at a terrifying high speed, and the extremely compressed energy storm instantly spread around the two of them on the spot. The shovels spread violently in all directions, and the fortress where everyone was located, which was able to resist the bombardment of artillery fire, burst and collapsed like biscuits.

"Hello, big cat."

However, at the center of this collision, a young voice filled with anger sounded.

"I'm talking to my partner, you guys don't bother me!"

? ? ?

After the smoke and dust cleared, he used his devil fruit ability to transform into a half-human, half-sabre-toothed tiger and attack with fangs. Foz Foz maintained a charge and thrust, but was shocked to find that he couldn't move?

Because his proud pair of super long fangs are tightly held by two hands!

This is not the most important thing: the most important thing is that the opponent's hand has a metallic luster. Under the conflict with his domineering, tiny black cracks exploded out of thin air.

"Armed color..."


This discovery surprised Foz Fos three times a day. Don't look at him alive and well, in fact, after being hit by the opponent's "Kirin" before, not only the outside is scorched and the inside is tender, but even the internal organs have been severely impacted. The belief that 'the opponent is only relying on the fruit ability' supports the battle.

but now:

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Luffy grabbed the fangs and forcibly stopped the tall half-human, half-saber-toothed tiger with an unbelievable expression on his face.

This guy in front of him is so young, his fruit ability has been developed to such an extent that he can't bear it, and he even has such an accomplished domineering... Compared to him, what is his 'genius'?

It can only be said that the gap between a genius and a genius is as huge as that between a genius and a mortal.

"Get out!"

Luffy, who was repeatedly stopped by the opponent, was already angry, grabbing the fangs of the enemy in front of him with both hands, twisting his waist suddenly and exerting force. Forcibly lifted the burly half-human half-beast more than 3 meters high, and then slammed it in the lightning all over his body.


Foz Foz, who was so surprised that he was numb, crashed into the building of the capital of seven waters next to him with a level-flying meteor, and still did not stop his castration. From the position where he flew upside down, he could only see the wreckage of buildings soaring to the sky accompanied by the roar of a tsunami from near to far. In the capital of seven waters, an ugly scar that deeply tore the city was shoveled straight out, spreading for thousands of years. The castration stopped at a distance of one meter.

If it weren't for the tsunami 'Yaqua Ragna', most of the people in the entire city had gone to evacuate, tens of thousands of casualties would have occurred in just this one blow!

"Robin, I haven't heard you yet!"

Luffy, who threw the enemy away, looked at Robin again, and stretched out his hand.

"Are you leaving, or are you coming back?"

Facing Luffy's question again, Robin, who has always been intellectually elegant, couldn't help the tears in his eyes, and raised a hand to cover his face.

"So that's the case, Miss Robin, really, do you think we are children?"

Although it looks like she has just left the category of a child, the huge battle ax that Nami carries on her shoulders can make ninety-nine percent of adults dare not speak up, and even want to kneel down and beg for mercy;

"I can't wait to fight against the strong."

Sauron biting the words of Hedao in his mouth, and holding the 'Yukizou' and 'Zannamaru' in both hands, had a fighting spirit on his face. Luffy's series of attacks and defenses just now made his blood boil;

"CP agents of the world government? Sorry, we are bounty hunters receiving rewards from the navy."

Sanji lit a cigarette, took a step forward with his mouth in his mouth. Although he didn't have a battle suit, his own strength is not weak, and he has also learned several six-style skills from Rossi;

"Yes... yes, Sister Robin! I don't understand the truth, but I hope you can stay on the boat because..."

Chopper enters human form, becoming a tall and burly reindeer man. Although it is not a group of illiterates on board, most of them have no interest in reading, and only Robin communicates with him.

Facing the companions who sincerely invited her to return, Robin, who had been holding back, finally couldn't hold back, and tears kept falling. Although she didn't have the elegance and intelligence of the past, she finally cried and shouted from the bottom of her heart:

"I want to travel with you!"

"Pursue dreams together, experience life together, and be happy together..."

Robin, crying so much, recalled his past, from an ignorant little girl to a "demon" wanted by the world, used to intrigue, conspiracy and betrayal, and finally saw it in these companions. The sun is like looking up at heaven in hell.

If possible, Robin would never want to be in the underground society, relying on betrayal and assassination, dagger poison, and fruit abilities to protect himself.

But she used to have no choice, but now facing the invitation of her partner, Robin burst into tears.

"I... want to be a good person."

Read The Duke's Passion