MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 59 Old Father's Test

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"My God..."

"The whole city, no! Even the sea was—"

Whether it is the capital of seven waters, or the giant tsunami that requires the people of the entire capital of seven waters to take refuge, the so-called "Yaqua Ragna", the **** of water, has only room to bow down in front of the admiral. The entire turbulent sea turned into flying icebergs, adding a million points of shock to the appearance of the visitors.

At least Nami and Chopper covered their mouths with their hands in surprise, and even Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji all looked serious.

"General Kuzan!"

Sicilian Brigadier General Espagu, the mayor who has been protecting the capital of seven waters, first stepped forward to give a military salute, then turned his head to look at Lu Qi and the other three cp9 agents who were facing the enemy, and the shocked Luffy and others.


Facing the Admiral, Lu Qi had no intention of fighting at all.

They are just cp9, not cp0. What's more, even in cp0, there are very few who dare to confront the highest combat power of the navy.


Using Shave to rush to the unconscious Bruno, Lu Qi picked up his partner and fled at high speed without looking back, even using the 'razor' technique! And Kaku, who was already scarred, and Kalifa, who was pulling with Nami, naturally had no desire to continue fighting, and also kept using shaved to escape quickly.

"Oh, they escaped."

The Admiral Aokiji, who scratched his hair, spoke lazily. Anyway, the only person present was the Commodore Sicilian who knew him very well. This junior is considered to be from Kuzan, and the mayor of the capital of seven waters, Espagu, is a smart man who doesn't talk nonsense, so the only thing left is:

"Well, how should I put it... Monkey d. Luffy."

Turning to look at Luffy, Aokiji directly called out Luffy's full name.

Others may not know the identity of Lu Fei, but how could Aokiji not know?

Luffy and others went in and out of the naval base, and the captured pirates were exchanged for bounties not once or twice, and even exposed the conspiracy of Crocodile, one of the "Seven Wuhai", and drove the sand crocodile out of him lair. Such a rising star, if the high-level navy doesn't know about it, it will be called a ghost.

"If you join the navy, you should be able to start directly as a lieutenant, right?"

This is not to say that the navy is "nepotism", but with Luffy's strength, it would be insulting to let him start as a third-class soldier!

You must know that in the original timeline, the world government recruited a large number of soldiers and directly promoted two generals. Before Fujitora and Green Bull, they were civilians who were not even considered navy.

"Although being a bounty hunter is not bad, but—"

Aokiji stretched out his index finger, pointing at Robin whose expression was tense and whose body couldn't help shaking since he appeared.

"Nicole Robin is a woman who was offered a bounty of 79 million Berries when she was 8 years old. She is known as the 'O'Hara Devil'. Well, because I discovered it, you don't have a bounty this time... "


Luffy stood in front of Robin with an angry look on his face.

"Robin is my friend, if you want to arrest her, I'll beat you up!"


"Oh, you're the grandson of Lieutenant-General Garp, and I'm the Admiral of the Navy. Is there a mistake in punching me for a bounty?"

"It was you who made the mistake!"

With a serious face, Luffy faced the Admiral without fear.

"I don't know what crime an 8-year-old kid can commit to get a reward of 79 million Berry. The Robin I know is definitely not a criminal!"

"Do you think so?"

There is no expression on his face, but in the perception of Rossi who is eating melons and watching dramas, Aokiji is in a good mood.

"But you know that as long as this woman is taken in by someone, she will use it by any means. After being betrayed, she will run away and survive by relying on this way of playing around with the wind. So far, all the organizations that have a relationship with her..."

After finishing speaking, Aokiji took a step forward, although his expression was still lazy, but the domineering aura of the general level rose, mixed with the wind and snow howling the entire sky and sea, it was even more frightening and frightening.

"All perish!"

"Only this woman survived, and you were just chosen by her..."

"shut up!"

"The past was the past, and the present is the present!"

Aokiji, who was interrupted by Luffy's anger again, was not annoyed, but just sighed strangely:

"So you're all so familiar...?"

"Enough, Admiral."

Zoro, holding two knives, came up and stood side by side with Luffy and Robin.

"If Nicole Robin committed any crime, those of us who live with each other will not be unaware. Now please leave, immediately!"

"Crimes, if you want to list them, anyone can count them. I don't think Miss Robin is a criminal."

Lighting a cigarette, Sanji, who was once a prince at any rate, knows very well about those in power playing with the law.

"Mr. General, don't you believe in the concept of 'I am justice'?"

"That's right, whoever doubts will give evidence!"

Nami, who was carrying a huge axe, also stepped forward. Although she was strictly counted as the second generation of the sea with a "genious and red" root, she didn't need to think at all when she had to choose between the navy and her partners.

"I don't think Miss Robin is a criminal either, Mr. General, if you insist on arresting Miss Robin, please give us an irrefutable reason!"

"And me~~"

Chopper, who maintained a burly figure, also bravely faced the terrifying man in front of him,

"I don't know any laws, but I don't allow others to bully Sister Robin!"


Seeing that Luffy and others were standing next to him angrily, Robin, who had been trembling since Aokiji appeared, felt a warm current spread from his heart. He clenched his fist vigorously, then let go, and the whole person calmed down inexplicably.

That's right, I already have a real partner, even if I die because of it, I am satisfied.

"Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper,"

"I'm not going to leave alone again, so this time, let's—"

Live and die together!

Seeing that even Robin put on a fighting stance, and appeared to be playing the 'villain' Aokiji's expression remained calm, but a gleam of relief flashed in his eyes.

The relationship between Aokiji and Robin began with the "O'Hara incident" more than ten years ago. Although in Robin's eyes, Aokiji is the murderer who destroyed her hometown and killed her first friend: the giant lieutenant general Sauro; but in Aokiji's eyes, Robin is the little girl entrusted to him by his friend , it is simply a role like a 'daughter'.

That's right!

In fact, Aokiji has been secretly protecting Robin, otherwise, can an 8-year-old girl escape from the CP organization many times? Always able to save the day? And the pirates and underground forces who use her will soon be found by the navy to kill them, and they will know who it is without asking.

In the original timeline, the Straw Hats, who had just returned from the empty island, immediately encountered Aokiji on the deserted island. There was no fate, but an old father immediately came all the way to investigate his daughter after he sensed it. Just life.

Now, it's the same.

"I advise you to give up this woman, it's for your own good."

Although the heart is full of "old father's comfort", but the seemingly cold Aokiji grabs it casually, and condenses the whistling ice crystals into a long knife.

"Ice Saber!"

"Otherwise, I will arrest you for obstructing the navy's official duties, Luffy, you don't want to meet Grandpa in prison, do you?"

? !

"Stop rambling, I won't let you take Robin away!"

As Luffy launched a charge, the war in the capital of seven waters and the Carrera company headquarters that had just ended a battle ignited again, and even the wind and snow had to avoid this area.


Luffy and Sanji's knowledge and knowledge have already been introduced. Even if the others haven't fully grasped the color of knowledge, their biological instincts still let them know that the admiral in front of them is an unprecedentedly powerful enemy. So there is no need to talk about any rules, shoulder to shoulder!

Just when Aokiji, who had transformed into an ice skate, and Luffy and others were fighting ping-pong-pong, Rossi, who was paying attention to the battlefield, couldn't help but want to yawn.

Release the water... no, this is already releasing the sea.

Although Luffy was able to scare away cp9's Foz Fu, Zoro was able to tie with Lu Qi, and his strength is not bad, but the strength is based on the comparison.

Compared with the two-color domineering Aokiji, whose fruit ability is developed to the point where it can easily freeze the sea, Luffy and the others are still too tender.

It wasn't killed by a single move, it was just that Aokiji was playing with them.


A few minutes later,


For Luffy and others in the battle, just a few minutes seemed like years. The opponent is too strong! Everyone was covered with thick ice crystals. If it wasn't for Rossi's guidance, they had strengthened a lot of their physique with the Life Return·Eating Edition, and they would have been unable to bear it for a long time.

"You guys are very good."

Although it is water, it can last for a few minutes, which is enough for Aokiji to take a look at Luffy and the others, and the more he looks at it, the more he likes it.

"Give up this woman and join the Navy. I can start you straight up as a lieutenant—"

"Shut up!"

"A navy that abandoned its partners? Not even pirates!"

Faced with Luffy's scolding, Aokiji's face remained unchanged, but he was thinking in his heart:

How to end is appropriate.

He hadn't planned to do anything to Luffy and the others. After all, Garp was his old boss and someone Aokiji respected very much. Besides, since Luffy went to sea, he has been catching bounty criminals, and everything he has done is clear.

The work efficiency is higher than that of the navy, and the Marshals of the Warring States Period joked that the bounty hunter team led by Luffy is the "17th Branch of the Navy". Aokiji came here this time just to test whether Luffy and the others really accepted Robin. — To put it simply, the old father pays attention to his son-in-law.

Just when Aokiji was thinking of a reason to leave, Luffy, who was already out of breath, suddenly changed his temperament.

? !


"What's the point of bullying the juniors? Come and play with me."

A finger landed on Aokiji's shoulder from behind. It wasn't even an attack for Aokiji, but the most important thing was—

Render the sky as black as ink, and cover the sea as red as blood! The familiar black and red aura came overwhelmingly from behind, making Qingzhi feel cold all over, and at the same time turned around almost subconsciously, and waved one hand at the same time. The water molecules in the surrounding air instantly solidified, shaped, and covered the top-notch armed domineering, like a phoenix spreading its wings, the whole body is crystal clear, and the minions are invincible!

"Ice Cube Storm Pheasant's Mouth!"
